Edible Gardening

Grow Light Update – Preview Of New Grow Light for Edible Indoor Gardeners

Grow Light Update – Preview Of New Grow Light for Edible Indoor Gardeners. Join founders Nate and Rob for an update on our Grow Light Project ahead of its release in late-2020

#GrowLightUpdate #PreviewOfNewGrowLight


  1. I'm bummed I missed the live event but as a consumer would only be interested in light itself. But depending on the pricing for the set vs just the light? Could you roll out the stand as an add-on product? What is the IP rating (water/humidity) and light distribution ratings? In regards to the finish of the stand I would go with a copper finish bc that's the more in style and bet you could corner some of the more aesthetic inclined growers. Though I do agree with Janis's comment about blending with the stainless for kitchen appliances. I think for the 3d dye should be either white or black. I would like to see a clear but that's my own personal taste but understand it's a little harder to produce. There is a big boom in indoor aesthethic Green houses mostly ikea cabinets that are having complications finding suitable, cost effective, and safe for their cabinets. Check out Ikea Greehouse Club on Facebook maybe to be more connected with a larger community of reviewers. Excited to see how your product grows!

  2. I really like the stand— wish I knew about this earlier— I could have been a tester for you😀

  3. I’ve used a 3-tier grow light stand/system for more than 25 years made by a Canadian company, Flora light. The metal stand is strong, the 6 trays are SO great. Heavy, dent resistant black plastic that can be washed, re-used so many ways. Protects wood floors, etc. The only issue is I’ve now taken it all apart hoping to substitute LED lights due to high electric costs to run non-LED lights.

  4. I would primarily be interested in just the light, but depending on how effective it proved as a solo unit at inducing stress coloration in succulents and cacti the stand could make for a wonderful display spot — right now I have no way to do that without them going dull again. 🙁

    For aesthetics, my preference would lean toward the shiny metallic for the stand — feels modern and very sleek with the design. Are you guys using PLA filament for your 3d printing? (My assumption would be that an LED would run cool enough for that to not be an issue but I'm not sure if that might be different given the strength of those LEDs.) I would think that options of black and undyed would both be liked, as well as a match to whatever you choose for the stand if you can swing 3 choices. Personally I think I'd go for black if I were planning to use it for display. Other metallic-y looking finishes for either one could also be popular, like perhaps a bronze or copper tone.

    Key questions:
    -You've shown that the LEDs are quite high efficiency, what is the actual power draw looking like?
    -Mentioned above, but is there any noticeable temperature change to the light and casing?
    -Is the design water resistant/waterproof? Would it be a danger if someone mists their plant while it is on?
    -What is the…light map? I don't know the proper term. >_< Information on lux distribution in a grid on where the light falls, ideally at multiple heights.
    -In relation to that one, what area would you consider to be sufficiently covered? The optics look quite impressive, but I'm a bit concerned that I might end up needing to attach a high number of them to cover a comparatively small space.
    -Can they be daisy-chained? (This would be a dealbreaker to not have for people with larger setups, so I sort of assumed it would have the ability to…but it was never mentioned.)
    -Price point?

    …I've just been writing these down as notes as I go, and nbow having gotten to the end it sort of sounds like you're aimed at a different demographic, but I'll leave these here on the off-chance you might find them helpful either now or down the line. If you're still recruiting betas and have interest in seeing how it would do in a more…"shelving full of plants and lights" sort of set-up I'd be interested in helping out. 🙂 I just started diving into growing leafy greens, it'd be interesting to do a growth comparison between this and what I've set up for succulents/cacti.

    It's very admirable to be doing the design process in this way, I hope it's a huge hit for you guys!

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