Edible Gardening

Solomon’s Seal Shoots Are Edible: Kitchen Gardening with Kimberly

Web Chef Kimberly Turner from http://CookingWithKimberly.com shares with you that Solomon’s Seal Shoots are, in fact, edible & delicious! #solomonsseal #edibleplants #selfsufficiency

Apologies – the internet issues around here are incredible. I was disconnected numerous times during this video. I do hope you get something out of it! As you may be frustrated – you have no idea how frustrated I was in filming this for you. If I didn’t get it done today, there would be no video, as the shoots are finished sprouting. Time was of the essence.

* Subscribe to #cookingwithkimberly – http://cookingwithkimberly.com #webchefkimberly #cooking


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