Edible Gardening

Eric Toensmeier Edible Forest Garden Workshop (1/3)

Eric Toensmeier walks through the canopy, herbaceous and ground cover layers within the perennial polyculture patch in his Holyoke, MA Edible Forest Garden.
Part 1 of 3

Offered jointly as part of the Fall 2011 F.E.A.S.T. Permaculture Design Course (permaculturefeast.org) and Edible Forest Garden Workshop.

For more information about Eric Toensmeier and his work, visit perennialsolutions.org and apiosinstitute.org

Check us out at www.ourpermatrip.com


  1. Well, that's one of the coolest day trips I've seen. Done some pretty similar site tours over here in Guelph, Ontario. All Sorts Acres and Guelph Center for Urban Organic Farming.

    Thanks for sharing. I'll be subscribing!

  2. Cool! Where abouts in S. Ontario? That's where I am. I am beginning research into edible forest gardening at UofGuelph.

    We need more of this good stuff and also to connect all the folks doing it.

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