Gardening Trends

Have you ever seen Zucchini growing on the terrace with so many fruits?

Have you ever seen Zucchini growing on the terrace with so many fruits?
This is how I mix the soil to grow vegetables at home

Hope useful for you.
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#Zucchini #growing #terrace


  1. Growing Zucchini on the terrace with so many fruits
    Hope useful for you.

    Thank for your watching and don't forget subscribe my channel ❤

  2. I just started gardening this year …grew lots of squash plants from seeds. The downside is, I have many more male flowers than female, and don't see any bees. I bought bee attracting plants and have been hand pollinating what females I have. I finally got 2 summer squash, but the squirrels stole them. Not giving up though

  3. Great, but I'm sorry how long would it take to wash out those containers before you plant in them? 😬

  4. With all the Sad things going on in the world right now, This sure was refreshing. I'm going to use that recipe for my own Zucchini.

  5. I hope you really don’t have those containers sitting on that beautiful floor.
    If you do you are going to ruin those floors

  6. What did you feed them? Those egg shells take a long time to break down, must have been something else.

  7. Everyone needs to have a small garden the way things are happening in this world.
    What was the food source that you put on top of the soil to help the squash and zucchini grow?

  8. Well gee, some instuction might be in order. What is that? Mulch? How do u keep em short? They d grow allover the place!

  9. Beautiful! The yellow zucchini looks more like a simple yellow squash – akin to the yellow crookneck squash which has a dif flavor than zucchini. Oh so pretty. Thanks for sharing your harvest!

  10. I grew zucchini on my deck this year in a fabric pots filled with potting soil and black cow and I got the biggest beautiful zucchini I have ever seen! I will be doing many more!

  11. Thanks for showing me how much if a failure I am 🥴🥴🥴 No, seriously, this is beautiful and I’m taking note for next year! How do you keep the bugs (borers) away????

  12. this is in south east asia. the wetter and climate is quite different than else where. if you simply try to follow it, you will fail.

  13. 12 days to see the fruit, damn I must be doing something wrong, my plants have been out for months one of the plants puts out that yellow flower but then in a few days it wilts away and no fruit, I water them daily, have given them food, everyday I'm out there with them, and nothing, smdh. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  14. Where did you get those containers have a few zucchini plants in my raised beds never realized how big the leaves would get we don’t really have room for anything else I think next year I might plant them in containers

  15. This is so awesome. I planted summer squash 8/18. It’s growing big but it hasn’t produced any flowers yet and I see small leaves dying so I took the dead pieces off. Is this normal? Hoping to get something from it 😩

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