Vegetable Gardening

DIY Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: Simple Indoor NFT System For Leafy Greens & Herbs

Looking to grow fresh, nutrient-rich vegetables and herbs right in the comfort of your own home year round? Look no further than my DIY hydroponic gardening! With a simple NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system, even beginners can easily grow leafy greens and herbs indoors without the need for soil.

With a little bit of effort and know-how, you can enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own fresh produce year-round, right from your own home. Start your journey towards self-sustainability and a healthier lifestyle with DIY hydroponic vegetable gardening!

If your looking for to be self sufficient, prepping for shtf, looking to expand your green thumb knowledge, let me help you out. I am a prepper and with this simple setup it adds to my prepper pantry week after week.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this information with us. I was wondering how much money does it take to start a system like this?


  3. This is so impressive! My garden lettuce seems to bolt so quickly! I would love a detailed list of the supplies and a how to. Thank you for posting. ❤

  4. Really good explanation. I look forward to more info on your system. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for your video.

    What a great little system!

    Do you have a fish tank aerator in the reservoir? A little bubbler for adding oxygen to the water? It really helps. (Oops! You mentioned that)

    My experience is with the "Flood and Drain" system and a 1000 watt Metal Halide or a 1000 watt High Pressure Sodium bulb. One 1000 watt bulb works for a 4 X 4 flood table that will grow to fill a 6 X 6 space.

    My pride was a six foot Banana plant.

    Back when I started, one 1000 watt bulb and system to run it cost about $30 a month in electricity and by the time the pigs shut me down it was costing $60 or more a month.
    I wasn't just growing veggies eh?
    By then though, I had a 22 light system divided up between locations, a mother room and four satellites that produced 4 to 6 lbs of product every two weeks.
    No wonder the pigs shut me down eh?

    Their boss, the Canadian "Meant to Govern", couldn't stand the competition. Specially when they did the hostile takeover of our billion dollar pot/medicine industry.
    Oh well, there's nothing like being tossed into a Den of Dysfunction where you're surrounded by angry violent men to be rehabilitated to straighten an idiot out. Just another "make work" project for pigs and prison guards.

    Imagine, I thought my pot was a medicine and I wasn't doing anything wrong. Silly me. Proof of idiocy eh?

    Of course, today I only live to see this country destroyed.
    Any country with the likes of me as a citizen obviously deserves the likes of me. You wouldn't want to give me the "Destroy This Country" button, that's for sure.

    Anyway, try 18 hours of light for veggie growth. You'll notice a big difference. I only cut back to 12 hours for blooming.
    Up in Alaska where they have 24 hours of light a day, they grow some of the biggest veggies in the world.

    I've been out of the hydroponic game for so long that I'm not up to standards anymore, but I'm hearing great things about those little lighting systems.
    One thing I do know, the closer the lights to the plants, the more energy they get to grow. BUT! The closest I could get with my large and hot bulbs was two feet and then 18 inches towards the end of the grow with lots of fans to blow the heat away.

    And now I prepare for no power in the future to run such a system so I don't bother building one. My couple of solar panels and the 600 watt wind generator is for running the little freezer and a couple of lights.

    Besides, my PTSD was triggered by just seeing your little system. Talk about being rehabilitated.

    When the SHTF, I'll raid all the abandoned RV's for anything else I want like a little fridge and 12 volt water systems.

    Keep up the great work and good luck.

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