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Why Are Liberals More Depressed Than Conservatives? – Destiny | Modern Wisdom 618

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Destiny is a streamer and a YouTuber.

The clash between left and right has reached unprecedented levels and the divide continues to widen. With increasing confusion and despair among young people, blurred identity lines, and individuals grappling to find their place, mental health is in tatters, but for some reason it’s much worse for liberals than conservatives.

Expect to learn Destiny’s thoughts on his debate with Milo Yiannopoulos, his best tips to beat someone in a debate, why the landscape of political back-biting has changed, why liberals are so much more unhappy than conservatives, the societal implications of women out-earning men, what mistakes young people when judging what will make them happy, whether AI will take my job and much more…

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#destiny #mentalhealth #liberal

00:00 Intro
02:50 Destiny’s Debate with Milo Yiannopoulos
13:03 Why Are Groups Falling In On Themselves?
19:43 Are Liberals Less Happy Than Conservatives?
30:17 The Problem with Too Much Freedom
39:30 How to Overcome Difficulty without Meaning
44:30 The Future of the Progressive Left
52:08 Will the Trad Movement Succeed?
1:06:00 What Young People Misunderstand About Happiness
1:13:20 The Gap Between Opinions & Actions
1:23:35 How Worried Should Creators Be About ChatGPT?
1:38:55 What’s Next for Destiny?
1:39:32 Where to Find Destiny

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  1. Hello you legends. Access all episodes 10 hours earlier than YouTube by Subscribing on Spotify – Here’s the timestamps:
    00:00 Intro
    02:50 Destiny’s Debate with Milo Yiannopoulos
    13:03 Why Are Groups Falling In On Themselves?
    19:43 Are Liberals Less Happy Than Conservatives?
    30:17 The Problem with Too Much Freedom
    39:30 How to Overcome Difficulty without Meaning
    44:30 The Future of the Progressive Left
    52:08 Will the Trad Movement Succeed?
    1:06:00 What Young People Misunderstand About Happiness
    1:13:20 The Gap Between Opinions & Actions
    1:23:35 How Worried Should Creators Be About ChatGPT?
    1:38:55 What’s Next for Destiny?
    1:39:32 Where to Find Destiny

  2. No surprise the dude with blue hair cares so much about "identity." (code for egocentric consciousness.) Believe it or not people can have opinions without grafting it to their spirit with everything they do and say.

  3. Knowing A.I. exists online will turn people away from it as a reliable source which aids trad media. They want A.I. to seductively disperse populism online and stamp it out.

  4. He is still woke , trying to deliver the clown world under a guise , watch your six brothers things are getting sneaky, a full blown woke in disguise , i dump people who try this sh$t on me, woke are deleting them selves doesn’t that say everything

  5. Unless… more info/data comes out about how bad birth control is for female health and women begins to reject using it. 53:24

  6. Chris was so confused about the vacuum comment. "is that an euphemism?" hahahaha😂😂
    I like this Destiny guy, he's very interesting

  7. I bet the book he couldn't think of was "The Upside of Stress" by Kelly McGonigal

  8. Conservatives build and maintain things, liberals destroy them. It’s that simple.

  9. This man does by destiny and I’m supposed to take him seriously enough to listen?

  10. It's dumb when the argument is omg they debate college students….

    ….weak point when it's your ideology that is being taught in university.

  11. hearing a cuckuld talk about how he destroyed ppl online is beyond hilarious

  12. Funny thing about people saying Destiny talks too fast, I usually watch my videos on 1.25x speed but I listen to Destiny on regular speed 😂

  13. Anyone else find this boring? This convo inflates the influence that progressives have and doesn’t focus on how entitled and self defeating the Trump movement is.

    Everything is rigged, nothing is real, the populist right is a truly post modern movement.

  14. I agree with 90% of what Destiny is saying, he's definitely very reasonable and intelligent, but cannot take a dating advice from a cuck. You can try to explain it away or rationalize it, it just doesn't do it for me. Also you guys like to talk about these relationship studies – what predicts success in a romantic relationship etc. Don't forget the sample of the study. Most of these western women are living in huge metropolitan cities. They have very different relationship than women in some rural town or Eastern Europe. Same goes for women ''kicking ass'' studies. It's not like they have a choice fellas. They do well because they trynna survive and achieve some status. Apart from being busy bot for a corporation climbing career ladder, there is not a lot of other things young people who live in the big cities like LA or New York do. Taking this lifestyle as an example of where women are heading in a society is a bit rich I think. It's not that many of them have a choice whether to be a high achiever or choose some more laid back career and find a husband who earns more than you. I would really like to see these western studies on modern relationships, because I have a strong sense that major cities skew it for women.

  15. Great podcast Chris. Keep bringing on left leaning public figures I think the majority of us appreciate the nuance and the dialogue.

  16. I'm a Lib, fan of destiny despite not agreeing on any of his takes on Biden and I disagree on his stance regarding people focusing more on hate between DeSantis and Trump. I think its a prominent discussion for sure, but it had to be because they are going head to head first. Biden in incumbent and unlikely to change.

    Being surrounded by right leaning people I can say their biggest beef is with the economy, inflation being issue 1. Biden also shoots his own foot when he mentions Maga at all because Maga is the right. The DeSantis people are still previously Maga people. It's populism. Him acknowledging the Neo cons being gone it's because populism has taken over the party. I was an Obama guy and the dems have not been the same since 2012.

    That being said tho Destiny is right about alot. I'm only part way through this but I am familiar with his stances. My only real criticism of him is the legal vs moral principles. He's is not wrong for showcasing the legal aspect, but if we focus on legal angles rather than moral angles then we look for what we can get away with as opposed to what we should do as the right thing. The fractionalization I believe stems from this divide as all the factions are arguing about what is moral because we have no unified culture in the present.

  17. 58:49 I would think that childcare is a very feminine thing, especially with babies. Most women will say that seeing your partner take good care of your baby is incredibly attractive.

  18. I’ll be honest it’s really hard to respect someone and take anything they say after hearing… “well I personally think Biden is doing a good job as president”

  19. Biden is milk toast… yeah he’s senile but Christ sake there’s never been a more divisive president… he’s literally demonized half the population and labeled them white supremacist domestic terrorist for Christ sake

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