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Elon Musk just declared this after Starship’s first launch debut “EXPLOSION”

#spacex The first test launch of SpaceX’s Starship rocket ends in a midair explosion.

SpaceX’s Starship, the most powerful rocket ever built, took off from a launch pad in South Texas at 9:33 a.m. ET Thursday but exploded midair before stage separation.
Thursday’s launch marked the vehicle’s historic first test flight. “As if the flight test was not exciting enough, Starship experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly before stage separation,” SpaceX tweeted.
The massive Super Heavy rocket booster, which houses 33 engines, lifted off and sent a massive boom across the coastal landscape as it fired to life. The Starship spacecraft, riding atop the booster, soared out over the Gulf of Mexico.

About 2½ minutes after takeoff, the Super Heavy rocket booster was scheduled to expend most of its fuel and separate from the Starship spacecraft, leaving the booster to be discarded in the ocean. The Starship was meant to use its own engines, blazing for more than six minutes, to propel itself to nearly orbital speeds.
The flight reached its highest point 24.2 miles (39 kilometers) above the ground, and the explosion occurred about four minutes after liftoff, according to SpaceX.
“The vehicle experienced multiple engines out during the flight test, lost altitude, and began to tumble,” according to an update from SpaceX. “The flight termination system was commanded on both the booster and ship.”
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  1. NASA is planning to hit meteorite with something to alter its path. If we keep laughing rockets, Will that alter the earth’s path, not now, but 10000 years after? Just a question.
    (Systematic errors are integrated and increase iexponentially)

  2. Un grand respect à Monsieur Elon Musk et à toute l'équipe Space x vous avez osés et montrés à toute l'humanité que vous êtes les meilleurs merci merci merci 🇸🇳🇸🇳🇸🇳🚀🚀🚀🍾🍾🍾🙋🙋🙋

  3. During the ignition and liftoff of NASA’s Space Launch System rocket, the “Ignition Overpressure Protection and Sound Suppression water deluge system” at Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Pad 39B releases approximately 450,000 gallons of water across the mobile launcher, the flame deflector, and the flame trench. During the launch of the Super Heavy rocket, how much water was flowing onto its launch pad?

  4. As engine exhaust gasses exceed the speed of sound, they collide with the ambient air producing shockwaves with noise levels approaching 200 db. This energy can be reflected back to the launch vehicle by both the launch pad and the concrete ground surface. What was the acoustic energy levels on the vehicle during liftoff? What were the maximum limits of acoustic energy for this vehicle? During ignition and lift-off, did this extreme acoustic environment (power of two Saturn V’s) damage any of the vehicle components?

  5. Space X’s heavy launch vehicle and its Raptor engines are promising breakthroughs, however; several engines failed during the first stage ascent. An outside source stated that it appear: E1, E6, and E7 had failed at launch. E18 failed violently at T+30; E19 failed at T+46; E22 failed at T+60; E23 failed at T+94; at T+122 flames were visible at the thrust section; and at T+130 the rocket started spinning.

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