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LIVE Kerfefe Break – Tucker is Bigger than Fox – with Keri Smith

Join us for a LIVE #KerfefeBreak with Keri Smith on Monday, April 24th at 12pm CDT!


  1. I do believe in prayer and I love the suggestion from Tucker and you, to just give it ten minutes and say a prayer for our leaders, our country, parents, children, the future. You're right! What harm could it do? If all it means is that people slow down, take a breath, and think about something other than themselves for a few minutes, it's a very good thing. Keri, look what knowledge you've been able to bring to us due to your 20 years of exposure to woke ideology. Turns out that knowledge has been put to very good use because you bless us with it! What you do now means all those years were not a waste. Awww, hi Tiger, hi Anthony!!

  2. Great talk, Keri! Can you post the link to the first talk, with the young man? Thanks!

  3. Our attic in the 100 year old house we’re renovating was the same. There was a bin of wood chips that was huge for some reason. It’s the master bedroom now. It was the first room we finished. Edit I forgot to mention ours also had a noose hanging from one of the beams. Pretty creepy.

  4. That was a great discussion with Tucker. I've watched his evolution. It happened to me at almost the same age.

  5. I’m all in on the good and evil argument. But I don’t understand the going back to the religions that got us here. Especially when we have channellers like Paul Selig currently walking the earth sharing unquestionable truth directly from source. I guess everyone has their own path back to god.

  6. These political talking heads – on the left and right – are egomaniacs and narcissists. Their god is themselves. 😊

  7. Keri, I like you a lot. Maybe you don't remember, but Tucker was the epitome of evil during the W. Bush administration. Personalities, tv hosts, etc … say things to lure you in, entice you. Don't fall for it. He is not a good person.

  8. They are trying to revive the fascist evangelical movement as under W. Bush. Back then they were the dangerous brain washed ones who would go along with anything the establishment proposed (war, invasions for no good reason, privatize social security, etc …). Even the New York Times during the Trump administration lamented the good old days of evangelical Republicans. This Tucker thing is a precurser to reviving that dangerous movement.

  9. As Laura said they don't see children as you do. They want to hurt God and children are closest to him.

  10. The new dichotomy is not right vs left, nor religious vs secular. It's based-in-reality vs delusional. Its mutual care vs narcissistic navel gazing so severe that it validates "born this way" by transing kids.

  11. Lachlan Murdoch, who fired Tucker Carlson, is EVIL.
    In Australia, those Murdochs, are known for not being good.

  12. Tucker Carlson fired a warning shot across the bows of the MSN. He's always been on the knife edge of acceptability to corporations, (read advertisers) , but he's become too dangerous to them now. Gone. Tucker isn't some fringe looney yelling from the wilderness, in terms of followers/viewers he's bigger than most legacy outlets just by himself.

  13. Keri, the channel, self sufficient me, on youtube, is a really fun garden channel. I live in the city but am an avid gardener and although he is in Australia, and our growing habits are different, he provides a lot of practical and supplimental ways to add to the garden with practical advice. His sense of humor makes it for me. Best of luck in your garden, it will change you forever.

  14. Keri when I listen to your streams after the fact, I still follow the live chat and wish I could chime in and chat with my friends. Yours is a loyal chat and it's due to your way of saying the truth. Keep doing what you do and please do not ever get disheartened. You're one of my must see TV favorites

  15. My friends and I learned to can last year ( both water bath and pressure). It is such a useful skill to learn and fun to do with friends.

  16. $10,000 reporting started with The Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970

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