
10 Common New Gardener Mistakes

New gardeners often make mistakes, but it’s easy to learn from experienced gardeners who often make the same gardening mistakes. By recognizing this you can get good gardening advice and helpful gardening information. Gardener Scott looks at ten common mistakes that happen in the garden. They are easy to recognize and easy to fix. (Video #108)

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  1. I am just starting a small scale urban vegetable garden. I am so grateful for this information. I literally thought about the raised bed with excitement. But there is so MUCH MORE to consider. Thanks 😊

  2. Starting off with a 4×8, 14 inch deep bed, tower for lettuces and spinach, and some grow bags. I think that's small! Growing veggies and flowers for the pollinators. Also starting a worm bin and will be putting night crawlers in the raised bed and garden areas. In a little time, I should be saving a lot of money on worm castings!

  3. I laughed so hard watching this video because I made every single mistake in my first year of gardening 😂

  4. Love your channel. Got into gardening this year because I wanted some fresh Italian green beans like I remember from my childhood and you can't find them in Texas. So I made a raised bed, got some seeds from a local Texas seed producer. I have protected the bed from deer, my main, current adversary. Finally got the seeds in the ground. They are starting to sprout and I have plans to add some mulch when they are a bit bigger. I worry about our Texas sun and watering properly, however, right now, it's been raining a lot. Trying to follow your advice and learn from your experience so ……guess we'll see.

  5. I use Miracle Grow ( pink stuff ) when I first start putting plants into the beds. I've already put a slow release 4-6-2 into the soil mix, along with worm castings, peat moss, bone meal, calcium sources, composted manure, and my own home made compost. This year, with toms about 5feet high, I've had to add gypsum water to help small fruits near the upper most areas of the plants to help with BER. I can still get a few BER fruits, but I'm not seeing large amounts and they mostly are soft gray areas near the ends. I have a good harvest in full swing (8/20/21) so I'm satisfied this season. Bob

  6. Thank You Gardener Scott..🤔💚 Get Me Thinking.. Btw That Blue Checkered Shirt Looks Good On You…👔👍

  7. I am an all organic gardener because I had goats that ate off my land. I put only organic mulches and compost. The problem now is that everything grows not just what I eat. Oh well… Atleast I have plenty of free mulch

  8. I have issues with squash bugs!! I moved my ground garden to as far from the first I can. I wrapped the main stems with foil to prevent laying eggs. I also planted them further apart so I can remove eggs easier and find them. I remove excess leaves and once my plants are large enough I plan to inject neem oil in the main stem. I will be spraying soapy water to the leaves to kill the bugs. Is any of this wrong or is there anything else I should be doing? I depend on my harvest for my health. Absolutely love your channel because of the way u teach, speak clearly and don’t rush. Thank you so much for your time!!

  9. I have been pretty good at not making most of these mistakes. I knew my soil was going to be an issue when I started, but I am slowly building it up. This is my third year gardening and I can already see the difference from year one. However it still has a ways to go. Though I can see my production is better than the previous years at this point. Although my garlic was a bit underwhelming but it was better than getting nothing.

    My biggest failure is trying to get strawberries to grow from seed. You won’t find a strawberry plant in any of my gardens yet but I will keep trying.

    My first year I started with Potatoes, Garlic, Oregano, Rosemary, Bunching Onions, a mild pepper plant and my failed strawberries 

    My second year I added in Peanuts, Pineapples, and 2 more varieties of peppers, ohh and failed strawberries

    This year I added in Basil, 2 more new varieties of peppers, Chives, 3 orange trees from seed from the lone orange tree on the property (for insurance). Building an arching trellis for what i plan on adding next year. Ohh and my failed strawberries.

    Next year will be grapes, that is what the trellis is for. Not sure if there is anything else other than more failed strawberries that I want to add.

  10. I think I recognized about 3 out of 10 mistakes I made last year and in my second year. We moved in our home in January last year and I had plenty of time left before spring, to see where the sun shines throughout the day. I keep studying the amount of sun and shade in the garden and will also time throughout the seasons, how much sun a certain area gets. Our back garden was completely paved over, so I started with two borders. But I have come up with a nice garden design plan that I will slowly make into reality next season, starting with the hard landscape and planting around the outer edges. The front garden already had fixed borders filled with gravel. I removed it and planted about half of those borders. This year I expanded the planting, but will first focus on designing a nice landscape. I tried for two seasons to work with the existing front garden border shape, but I came to the conclusion that I don't like it at all. To many squares and weird sharp corners. I will leave the current planting layout for now and will decide in a few years what I like best, until I have learned more about gardening.

  11. Take care of your equipment. I left my tools out over winter in a box and it rusted. I didn't know it would do that. So now I bring all of it indoors and clean it well. I also put a little oil on them to keep them even more protected. I also oil the wooden handles of rakes and the like. I no longer buy everything new. So many things can be bought used or repurposed from your household waste. An old wardrobe fixture is now my bean and pea trellis. I want to spend my money on seeds. 😀

  12. the first thing i learned as a gardener… was you cant have it all.
    I struggled against nature constantly until i finally accepted it.
    You cant grow everything in your area, no matter where you live. dont fight it.
    Ill just not have some of the plants I want… and i have to accept it.

  13. I learned that my family doesn't like swiss chard after I planted a 10 foot row and it grew great. Don't plant things your family doesn't like to eat.

  14. Guilty of much of this Sir. I put my composter at the rear of the yard, away from commonly used areas by neighbours and us, there's a tree line of trees that are almost what youd call mature, the composter is shaded once the trees grow leaves. I lucked out on location w that.

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