Vegetable Gardening

We Started Growing Our Vegetables Vertically & This Is What Happened

Growing vegetables (and fruit) vertically is easier than you think (no building required) and will give you a larger harvest with less disease! We reuse the same items over and over again, so it’s a one time purchase that lasts for years. Join me on a tour of our garden where I show you 5 different plants and vertical growing options as part of the Homesteaders of America’s Grow Your Own Food Tour!

We covered 1/2 the garden in wood chips | One Year Later | Did it IMPROVE the Soil?

Vertical Gardening – How to Build a Teepee Trellis & Save Space

Homesteaders of America How to Grow Your Own Food Series 2020

Listen in to the Pioneering Today Podcast – rated Top 6 Home & Garden Podcasts here

Need help growing a garden and fresh food? Take my FREE Organic Gardening Workshop (includes an entire video on easy DIY cold frames)

Free How Much to Plant Per Person Chart

My Books:

The Family Garden Plan
Hand Made 100+ From Scratch Recipes
The Made-from-Scratch Life


Howdy! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m Melissa from Pioneering Today and a 5th generation homesteader where I’m doing my best to hold onto the old traditions in a modern world and share them with others.

Click any of the below links for FREE resources and training to help you on your homestead!

Homemade Sourdough Starter Series

How to Pressure Can Series

Beginners Home Canning Safety

For raising, cooking and preserving your own food come hang out with on Instagram
and Facebook



  1. Here in North Dakota we have regularly extras wind. How is it in Washington? Would a high tunnel work here?

  2. I started using wide

    strips of fabric from old t-shirts to tie up tomatoes and cucumbers etc. They're soft and stretchy and don't damage the stems at all 🙂

  3. FYI – the length between the tips of your fingers – is your height. So unless you are 4 ft tall that span is longer 🙂

  4. Whenever I try to describe a huge planter, rows, trellises, veggie shade folks just stare. If it doesnt involve rocks gravel mulch concrete pavers sod artificial grass IT DOESNT EXIST GO AWAY
    It's exhausting to be surrounded by nay sayers and saboteurs

  5. Your arm span is exactly how tall you are! I doubt you are only 4 feet tall but I would guess a little over 5 feet. I love your tunnels though. Thanks for the informative video!

  6. Melissa, do you take them down and move them each year or leave them where you set them up?

  7. Melissa, those are all fantastic tips. I recently moved from Eastern Washington to Essex, NY. A small village in Zone 5. This will be my first time growing a garden on the East Coast. Before I moved here, I lived off the grid on Badger Mountain for 4 years. Prior to that, I lived in East Wenatchee out past Pangborn airport. I became a hobby farmer in 2010 with 2.5 acres. I have raised a lot of meat chickens, laying hens, turkeys( Broad breastfed bronzen and Narragansett). Raised hogs twice, had 4 male alpacs for fiber to spin, and 3 goats. It's been a rewarding experience learning about permaculture practices and raising animals! Happy farming to you and yours, and thank you for the great garden tips!

  8. I thought you said pole noodle…… took me a minute to figure out what it was. 😂 Great info, thanks.

  9. Hey Melissa, thank you for all your videos and information. Are the openings to the tunnels North/South or East/West? I'm trying to plan the layout for our garden. Thank you!

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