Backyard Garden

How To Survive The First 90 Days After SHTF

If a major disaster takes down services and you’re on your own for 90 days, could you do it? In this video, we’ll explain how. Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: – start your preparedness journey:

Additional videos to watch:

3 months is all you need as a prepper:
How to build a 3 weeks food supply:
How to build bug out bags for the family:
1 Year food supply:

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#shtf #prepper #teotwawki


  1. Learn and practice skills now before its to late. If you where not raised with this knowledge is not to late to learn new skills. Never say you can't do it. You either do it or you will not survive. It's that simple. Basic skills don't talk years to learn other skills may take longer for muscle memory.
    Identifing plants for none edible and edible. Those that are not really edible for for but can be used to make medicines. Know your trees and their benefits.
    Also remember, save your resources. Don't over harvest 1 plant. Don't kill trees. They are a resource year round. Somethings can be harvest from they at different times the year. Learn how to gather and hunt wisely. You harvest to much it could destroy a resource for everyone that is depending on it.
    I know it will be temping but resist the urge to doing. Sewing skills weaving skills. Food preperation for long term. The same skills our ancesters used for thousands of years. It won't be easy, but you must.
    I have many skills to survive and i still feel i need to learn more. Im almost 70 years old. Rsised on a farm that did things the old ways and still do. I can be of great help in such a situation but my time on this earth is running out. I just pray you become wise and learn now.

  2. I say head for the hills & go to the armory. Doomsday will be near. We will see the enemy in their true form.

  3. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ repent from sin read his bible learn and follow his ways and you will be saved and he will help you ♡ time is getting shorter

  4. We had a HUGE Windstorm go through my area in 2007. I and my family hd NO preps at that time!
    We nearly ran out of food, and we DID run out of fuel!
    The same Year recently that Texas got hit for several weeks of freakish cold, my little spot in NW Oregon had a five Day Ice event as well. THAT time, I was READY!!!!! Our power was out for five days. Downed trees & Power lines were EVERYWHERE! On Day Two, I had everything in place and up and running.
    We had a Kerosene Heater-OFF GRID HEAT. We had our Solar Setup. OFF GRID Power for Lights, Phone, & Ham Radios. Butne Camp Stove with MANY fuel canisters.
    My wife came home from work that evening to see the living room lit up from the street, a Toasty warm house, and a hot Dinner waiting for er. After dinner, we watched a Movie. During the movie she got out of her chair to take th dishes into the Kitchen. She flipped the light switch and nothing happened. I ad done such a complete job of prepping that she FORGOT THE POWER WAS EVEN OUT!
    At this present time, if something happens and we do lose the grid, I can have EVERYTHING in the house running on the backups in just 90 SECONDS!

  5. As a prepper and a believer, I have come to some conclusions: There is no amount of prepping and buying things that will save you. The Rapture is imminent and soon. What is coming to this earth is not like a depression. It is nothing like anything we have experienced any time in our history. The antichrist is going to take over and create a one world govt, with a one world currency (fed now). You will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast (related to the arm tickets). How many stores are locking up all their products behind doors “because theft is high”. Right now, you are watching the controlled demolition of the US. This is by design to bring in the antichrist for his 7-year reign. The destruction of the animal barns, the land, air and water with the train derailments. Be aware where the derailments are, and how they not only affect the running waterways, the ground water as well. Large population areas, where they can take your land due to it being unsafe. The burning of the chemicals that float all over in the air streams, how much comes back as acid rain… destroying the crop lands, etc. That is just the start, there is an increasing number of earthquakes, tornados, wind storms, and other natural disasters that you as a person are helpless to, as well as can’t control. You can escape it all by believing in Yeshua, by putting your trust and faith in him before the rapture. That way you will be in heaven with the Father while all the devastation here on earth happens.

    No one on earth today since the beginning of time has lived with the restrainer (YHWH) presence, not here. After the rapture the restrainer will be gone and the antichrist will rise and rule the earth. You have seen how things have deteriorated in the last 3 years. It will get worse fast after the rapture. Just as a side note, first comes the antichrist who rules for 7 years. Jesus will not return to earth until the end of the tribulation in 7 years. The new shots coming, the new fed now banking system, AI is all the beast system. The children will be taken in the rapture and no we were not hauled off by aliens for reprograming. There are no aliens, there is only demons. They will get on the TV and the radio etc. and tell you that it couldn’t be the rapture because I am still here… they are lying. There are going to be many that are not ready yet to meet Yeshua. Some that have not been diligent in their faith and their following, their praying unceasingly, repenting from their sins, or just continuing to live in the world instead of the spirit, that will be left behind. There will be many supernatural things happening and you will need the discernment, prayer, to be able to see what is real and what is not. I can’t even begin to fathom what the ones left behind will face. It won’t be good. I don’t even think a movie has ever been made to cover the horrors when Satan takes over this world and YHWH’s presence is gone.

    Understand that no matter what you have done Yeshua (Jesus) died on the cross to take your sins upon him so that you could appear to the Father spotless and go to heaven. You can’t be in the presence of the Father without being spotless. No man can be spotless on their own because we are ALL sinners from birth. Yeshua came to this world to save not convict because he loves his creation (man). It is by grace that you are saved, not by works. When he returns to earth for the second time, it will be for judgement. The rapture is the taking of the ones that have chosen to believe that he came to earth as a man, died on the cross and shed his blood for you. He took your sins upon himself, to be sin for you, so you could come to the Father spotless, then he rose 3 days later. You need to repent and turn from your sinful life, asking for forgiveness. YHWH’s wrath will fall upon this earth after the rapture. If any are still here after the rapture you will need to believe (see above). You will have to be persecuted to prove your love by being killed for your beliefs: The Martyrs.

    You need to make the decision now if you are going to follow Yeshua or not. The “doors to the Ark” are closing and when they are closed, no one else will be able to enter. Noah was laughed at when he was building a huge ship in the middle of the desert when they only had the morning dew to collect their days water from. He kept telling people there is a huge rain storm coming. Kind of like today, people make Yeshua a second thought, they didn’t believe him. After Noah, his 3 boys and their families were sealed into the ark by YHWH, the rains started. The rest were too late. They had many years to make the decision to follow Yeshua and repent but could not let go the world around them and they perished. There are many today that is not making the decision to come out of the world today, and just like in Noah’s day, they will parish as well. You need to believe that Yeshua came to earth as a man, died on the cross for your sins and rose 3 days later. You need to confess your beliefs out loud. You will need to repent and turn from your sinful life. Make sure you are diligently seeking him and reading the Bible plus praying and asking for guidance what is real and what is not. Satan is putting up a lot of deception presently and if you don’t have the discernment you will not be able to tell what is real and what is not.

    YHWH wishes for none of his children to parish. However, those that choose to not wake up are going to. They are lulled into feeling like everything is going to be ok, we are going through another rough patch. As I have said to my family, no matter how deep you stick your head into the sand to avoid seeing all the signs around you, it won’t change what is happening and going to happen. You will be caught off guard and unprepared for what is to come. You will parish for your lack of knowledge.

  6. I remember back when I was a kid everyone saying this very same thing yet everything remained the same as always😂 personally, I think the Maga far right are the ones who are shaking in their shoes and convinced everything is falling apart, because indeed, their world is falling apart because they’re old dinosaurs who can’t handle change. The only thing that’s going to go down is the boomer generation because they really can’t handle what’s happening neither can Christian nationalist types of people who will never ever run this country. separation of church and state is so important.

  7. I suggest adding to the bag a low power e-ink e-readers loaded with maps and books – the maps would be mainly regional – the books filling holes in your survival knowledge – books for identifying and preparing edible plants – guides on how to clean and cook various kinds of animal, especially the ones that are on the easy side to catch when encountered (turtles, frogs, and snakes, …)

  8. I was at this guy's house—and his disaster PLAN, was to use his arsenal to take what he needed from everyone else. Yes, that was his PLAN—rather than use his considerable wealth, to gather and store, his own preps. So, I'm just informing people, that people 'think ahead' this way, rather than logically.

    When I was there, he used a cocked 45, to run someone off his postage stamp suburban property, when he made too much noise. Ran me off, too, physically—but, didn't pull his Glock out of his belt. Violent, selfish folks exist all around us. DO NOT EXPECT CIVILITY, IN A CRISIS—just saying (from personal experience).

  9. The elite are leaving the U.S. Obama is going to Kenya for a year. Drake is leaving also. Watch what the rich are doing in the coming few months. Watch what your bank is doing also. Especially a Friday announcement that they're system will be down for the weekend. It probably won't open up again.

  10. Things to lessen damage to your home if a localized event, especially in winter:
    1) Know where electric/gas/water shutoffs are, and how to use them
    2) Have several gallons of RV antifreeze to pour down drains, toilets, appliance drains, etc. to prevent any sewer lines in your house from freezing.
    3) Have a drainvalve at the lowest point in your freshwater lines to help with draining pipes to prevent bursting/freezing.
    4) Fire extinguishers everywhere.
    5) A plan in place for everything that could cause grief if it freezes. Aquariums, food/liquids in glass bottles, humidifiers, etc

  11. Board up in n out. Hide out. Lay low. Shot through middle holes if necessary from inside. Release the hounds a few days later before exiting and exposure

  12. Something to note, we are being flooded by people from all over the world who have lived like this and worse – it won't just be fellow Americans to face during this situation. Some may be nice, but others may be more willing to use kinetic force or worse to take what you have. Security needs to be a point of preparation now. Good advice about not cooking food to be smelled by others etc also advice I've heard, if the GOV comes up with an aid line etc, it may be wise to go pick up food/water or medicine (if safe enough to do so) even if you don't need it. This is so that others won't notice and pick up on the fact that you may have supplies etc.

  13. missed the super flare taking out the global electricity grids, or a micro nova just ending civilization :/ lol

  14. I really hate how every single US prepper assumes other human being are automatically the enemy. Good God, I'd hate to be in the US if disaster strikes. Where I am we see our neighbors as fellow humans, not rabid dogs. We also don't shoot people for ringing the doorbell. Humans have historically survived in GROUPS, not alone.

  15. 6:17 this happened in South Florida recently when we experienced about a week of non stop rain. Floods everywhere and suddenly some to later many gas stations were left depleted and no Gas Containers driving in sight.

  16. In the beginning of the video you mentioned about a medical emergency devastating your finances. Some viewers of this channel do not give this a priority when in fact it is the most likely event to occur to you. Heck even an ambulance ride would destroy the finances of many. Isn't it strange that a community that prides itself on survival and preparedness vote against their own interests on the one most likely event that would impact their lives. Financial ruin because of medical costs.

  17. Something I wonder about. Bugging out from a large Metro to the country side involves getting on the roads and maybe a 5 hour drive. Does your Vehicle have a Factory Installed Kill Switch as a Anti Theft Device? What's to stop the "Government" from activating it and keeping the masses contained? Trust No One!

  18. I met an old army ranger…. He said (paraphrasing) “when the time comes, having a few heads on pikes at the end of your lane will sent the right message” lol. Im not sure if he was serious…. But he’s not wrong.

  19. I'm good! I just hop in my Cessna 185 and head up to a remote lake with fishing and hunting gear. Let the masses kill each other off.

  20. Good advice. But did I miss the part about investing in lead. What is going to stop your neighbors who are starving from coming thru your front door? How will you protect your wife and kids? Baseball bat? You need a rifle & shot gun at the minimum. Plus ammo. Several hundred rounds. Remember the police are home with their family. And teach your wife to shoot too. If our power grids go out we are in trouble. I wish I had a fireplace. 😢

  21. I know little about prepping but can attest to one of his points. I worked for BP Oil on Tuesday, 9-11 and the first plane hit by 9:45 am. By 6pm our whole city (over 200,000) was bone dry of gas. My point is there was no shortage of gas as they hit the twin towers and not our energy source. Yet the panic was all it took and no gas for a few days… imagine if our gas reserves were really hit?

  22. This guide failed to address the differences in societies and countries.
    As an American, I think the most dangerous country in the first world would be the USA, by far.
    In relation to the entire world, I think being in America during an emergency would be one of the most dangerous countries to be in.

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