Edible Gardening

Eating Your Sidewalk: Garden “Foraging” A Garlic Mustard Omlette

Music by @imluvbyrd


  1. Omg it's Alliaria petiolata! That's the first plant that i properly learned the name of in botanics class and it's kinda special to me because of that + omelette is one of my favourite foods to make!! It's super cool to see you combine them in this video, thank you so much 😀

    fun fact: it's from the plant family Brassicaceae which also includes cabbage, wasabi, broccoli and many more!

  2. Czosnaczek which is what is called where i live is amazing ❤ its cabbage family , harvest it before it flowers so its not that bitter . Its amazing fermented like sourkraut with dill flowers , really underrated plant😊

  3. Can you please do a little restaurant review in p-town! I love it there and I've been several times but I'd also love to see what you think and what your favorite places are! ❤❤❤

  4. Wait- you mean Cape Cod P-town? This makes me so happy. I have told so many people about you. Also it’s where Anthony Bourdain learned a few chef-y things:) Can’t wait to see what you do!

  5. Wait I throught u r only suposed to harvest the small plants, because of the cyanide content? How long to u have to cook it and how much can u eat of it?😅❤

  6. If you can grab them young, they are tender and far less bitter! Shaded plants are also sweeter. Just remember when foraging to do a squish and smell test. If you don't smell that oniony-garlic smell, leave it alone!

  7. I can’t help wondering what is happening to the vitamin C when you expose the leaves to heat😮would you could you should you try some younger leaves uncooked to see if they enhance your meal and your health. 🎉❤🎉😊

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