Gardening Trends

TIPS How to Grow Tomatoes Peppers Cucumbers Container Gardening, Raised Bed EASY Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden Tips, Trellis Tomatoes & Cucumbers, Easy No Bend Gardening Elevated, This is for Container gardening, raised bed garden, growing tomatoes, growing squash, growing zucchini, growing cucumbers and simply saying this can be a must know for growing any vegetable garden. Protecting plants like peppers with a shower curtain. Make sure you know the soils you are using are good, if you have issues growing, it may be the soil, not your weather or set up.

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated link to the company:

and here is another affiliated link as they all sell fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from: Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an affiliated link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Watch This Before You Make Compost to See What Can be Used to Turned into Garden Soil Container


  1. Robbie!!!!!! I started putting together the trellis with 1/2" tubing… GAME CHANGER. Thanks so much for this. 💚💚💚💚

  2. So many great ideas! I’ve watched twice, but I’m going to have to watch again. Thank you for sharing all of your awesome ideas with us! We’re just getting started here in northern Illinois. The weather has finally warmed up! Thank you again! ❤️

  3. Robbie, thanks to you, I have beautiful yellow squash plants with small squash on them. One plant has 6 on it. My tomato plants, pepper plants, collards, and cucumber plants are all thriving. My watermelon, cantaloupe, and gourd plants all look real good too. Thank you so much for helping us! I have that horrible clay ground and had given up gardening, but then I found your channel. I can't say thank you enough! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! ❤😊❤😊❤😊

  4. Something is eating the leaves to my green pepper! It's in a container on my condo balcony 4 floor up! What can it be? Leaves lookike Robbie's in this video. I check but see nothing

  5. 😊❤️👍
    Heading out to my garden now— a lot of it inspired by you, Robbie!
    Watching from Japan🌸

  6. Gary pilarchek, the rusted gardner just did an awesome video on a diy snail catcher… im looking forwars to trying it! Litterally just need 2 terracotta pots!

  7. I always enjoy your videos, and learn so much!
    Has anyone on this thread ever lost tomatoes to "wilt?"
    This happens every year, and I'm about to lose number 4 ti the wilt. Thank goodness that I got a cutting from my Midnight Snack tomato before it died from the wilt, and it was full of tomatoes, but I picked them anyway. I only brought 2 tomato plants this year, because you can't buy seeds for those. Like Robbie always says, that's why you should always grow "backup plants." Maybe it's the humidity, and heat?? I would love to know if anyone else has this problem every year. I've battled cut worms, and army worms all spring, only to start losing some now because of the wilt.😥

  8. Lots of great tips and tricks, Robbie!👍On my first planting of melons, I transplant them when they are fairly large. Knowing you, you will have an excellent melon year once it starts to warm up.😃💕

  9. Thank you Robbie for all the ideas and variations. I used tubing over a wood structure my husband built and as soon as the weather clears up I'll fix it up sturdier and add tulle to stop the moths laying their eggs. Also going to try a different variation on my repurposed blue boxes. Thanks for posting

  10. I'm so glad that you told people about the leaves shading and protecting the fruit. A lot of people do not understand this. You are a wise women when it comes to gardening.I like your ideas.

  11. I'm trying to figure out what's going on with the middle trellis arch in your totes with three arches. What is holding it in place? Did you make another holster out of half inch irrigation pipe in the middle to slip stakes into?
    Some of the middle arches look like they're on the outside of the tote or is it s shadow?
    One of the things making it hard to plan a trellis for cantaloupes snd watermelons is that I've never grown these things and don't know how the tendrils need to be taken care of.

  12. So you are using those containers for composting material? You cut the bottoms out or do you just put holes in them? Do you add water? Trying to find your video on that your garden Looking really good

  13. My garden was going along great and then the grasshoppers invaded!! I can't believe what they did overnight! I had my tulle on the tubs, but I didn't tuck the edges under and a couple got in and I think called their friends! Oh I am so mad!!

  14. Hello Robbie and Gary. We had a 30F eve & our air's still polluted from the Canadian fires blowing our way. I've either grown plants from seed or purchased some locally….the rare ones get shipped next week. So grateful for this video because I'll be needing to layer in order to plant everything. I've decided the food pantry will have to be alright with mostly cherry tomatoes this year. Our season's just going to be way too short with overcast & rainy days. Thus far, the Farmer's Almanac says we'll forego the 100+ temps this year. I pray so as our water table & farmland has suffered far too long.
    I know you don't use fabric grow bags & this will be my 1st try. I've an 8' one that I'd like to use in front of my carport. Are you able to compost in place w/pitchers like in the plastic totes?? Oh, and am I supposed to tear holes in them?? I'm oblivious, experienced gardeners appreciated. ~ Covah

  15. Thank you for tips!! I am in GA. I have been watching your videos that pops up and I like how you grow things!
    I would like to use my kitchen scraps which is safer than chemicals…
    And in containers!
    My patio gets mostly scorching afternoon sun. And gets Very very hot during summer… of course right now in the afternoon!
    1. How to make "shade"?
    2. How/when do you water containers?
    3. I also came across "self wicking tubs/containers" to grow. Loos like A lot of homesteads grow that way. What is your opinion regarding that method?
    4. Do you think I can put organic matters like kitchen scraps and leaves into "self wicking containers"?

    Thank you!!!
    I would like to start as soon as possible!!

  16. I love the videos done by you and your husband! Your videos bring life and possibilities to all types of gardening potential. Thanks so much for all that you do to encourage us all to eat what you grow!

  17. This video came just in time cause I'm getting all my seedlings in my containers. I must confess that I already plant two tomato plants in a tote due to the lack of space… I will see how they will go. I've put a lot of kitchen scraps for them … This year I'm having 15 tomato plants. I really like tomatoes 🤗 If they don't make it I still have volunteers from a tote that I squeezed a cherry tomato that are growing😊
    My first five peppers had black spots on leaves but they are growing. I still have six rezerva peppers that are perfectly growing.
    Yesterday I've planted my cucumbers and my zucchinis! This year I'm going to grow exactly what I eat most. Last summer I didn't have any flower but this year I just couldn't resist the beauty of the colourful flowers! I see bees love them. And some small birds are coming to my balconies….when my cat, Barbie isn't around…sometimes when I see birds or bees in my balconies, I take her inside and leave them alone to do what the want 🙏 I love watching them in my balconies 😊 I think I'll try to make a bird feeder for them. 😃
    Thank you so much Robbie for the informative video again!!! Every morning that I wake up I see what video have you made and make myself a cup of coffee and enjoying it!!! Its always so good hearing you and watching you 💗💗💗 thank you so much Robbie 💞🌟🌻

  18. Robbie, is there some reason why you do not use diatomaceous earth to stop the pill bugs from eating your little sprouts?

  19. I’ve been wanting some irrigation tubing but don’t have the extra money. So on Monday I was driving through the neighborhood to groom my first dog of the day and I spotted some irrigation tubing in the trash curbside. It’s about 45’! Brand new!

  20. It’s weird! I’m by magic mountain and it’s been foggy here, and we haven’t had rain. But even then it’s not foggy here normally!

  21. You did go over a LOT of stuff quickly. Wow. I will save to watch again. I'm wondering about the big totes you used. I need to eat only organic food and no chemical input whatsoever, so I worry about the effects of plastic leaching into my food from the plastic totes. Did you use food grade totes or just regular discount store totes? Thanks. Now I've gotta watch that pitcher video to see how you did that, too!

  22. With the world seemingly having a nervous breakdown, causing all the hate, chaos, division, anger, violence that now surrounds us, it’s a rare treat when we meet someone who’s full of joy, encouragement, and who simply loves all things great and small!
    Bless you Ms Robbie & thanks for all the tips & ideas to help us enjoy God’s creation even more!!

  23. Hi Bobbie, You have a lot of Sorrel. What do you do with it? My husband, growing up in France, told me that you must not eat a lot of Sorrel as it will affect our blood, I know that it thins our blood. Nicole from Menlo Park CA

  24. After watching your bad soil video I decided I had to fight fire with fire so I fertilized with …. miracle grow.. lo and behold my 1" bee balm that three months old grew an inch overnight. Wow! Those babies really are troopers living in apparently contaminated soil store bought compost/potting soil!! They have been surviving on compost tea.

  25. Hi, Robbie! How far do I fill totes for spinach, lettuce, and kale? I think I may have filled too full with soil? Also, any advice on getting rid of rats? My neighbor has them and they keep burrowing on my property. Also, that's why I'm having to use the totes 😢 I'm scared to do a tote with compost as I'm terrified of attracting them. Thank you 😊

  26. I’m not eating anything out of a plastic storage container..… particularly one that’s been sitting in the hot sun leaching chemicals 😅 thanks anyway

  27. I love you and your channel so much. How many cucumbers did you have in that one tote? Can you do at least two?

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