
HOMESTEAD LIVING VIDEO #33 (May 2021)/ Q & A – Favorite Resources, Gardening Tips, Why No Hair?

Here is a fantastic new resource we encourage you to check out:
Little House Story Corner –

Favorite books for children and teens:

Welcome to our channel and thank you for taking the time to watch our vlog. We are a family of 9 living in a 900 sq. ft. off grid home on 20 acres in the Ozarks. We are endeavoring to put in “1000’s of roots” on our land through permaculture design principles.

Please leave any thoughts or questions you may have in the comments below. We would love to connect with you! And be sure to subscribe and share us with others who may be interested in our videos.

Thanks again for watching,
Kip, Carrie, and Children

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Kip Smyth
PO Box 68
Ava, MO 65608

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  1. Great video thanks. Would you consider eliminating the background music? I found it to be distracting. Thanks

  2. Ketchup on Mexican food sounds so wrong😂😂😂
    I love salsa.
    I buy small jars of salsa and eat it cold for lunch , nothing else.
    A jar costs 6 cents, so a cheap meal with only vegetables.
    I buy the mild one though, I couldn’t eat a hot ones, without anything else😅

  3. So many goals for Caleb. So proud of him. Take your time and you will see the fruits of your labor.

  4. I really enjoy your music at the beginning of your videos what's the name of that song and if you don't mind me asking where did your friends movie to the family that lived In the yurt and do they still have a youtube channel

  5. i have alopecia areata! i struggled with it for a long time. it does take time but when it does come back it’s is such a blessing. lost all of mine about a year ago, and it just started growing back. your beautiful just the way you are honey :)) sending prayers!

  6. Loving the bond between mamma and Easter. Always wished my 2 girls would have loved me like that. I got some things wrong before I met Jesus. Please pray for me and my children.

  7. Absolutely agree with your ideas around Christianity. Please, can I chat with you? My email should be on here. If not……pm me please ❤❤

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