Edible Gardening

Raising Backyard Chickens // Beginners Guide

On the fence about getting backyard chickens? In this beginners guide will walk you through the ways to get baby chicks or pullets, when to get your chickens, chicken supplies, chicken feed, and general chicken care from birth through adulthood. I’ll also cover chicken coop designs and supplies and how to set up a chicken coop and chicken run.

Tour of My Last Chicken Coop: https://youtu.be/XEDziwHUyJ0

1. Cardboard Box
2. Heat Lamp Bulb: https://amzn.to/45LqqLR
Heat Lamp Unit: https://amzn.to/3CdXjU9
Heat Plate: https://amzn.to/42liVsq
3. Pine Shavings: https://amzn.to/45NTId8
4. Feeder& Waterer: https://amzn.to/3qp5lXw
5. Chick Vitamins & Electrolytes: https://amzn.to/42CbDkd
6. Chicken grit (if no access to dirt) : https://amzn.to/42pz7c1
7. Chicken Coop Water Dispenser: https://amzn.to/3WPKnxd
8. Food Bowls: https://amzn.to/3MMXV8c

Starter Food – first 8 weeks
Grower Food- 9 – 18 weeks
Layer Food- 19 weeks and on

What Chickens Shouldn’t Eat (I’m sure this isn’t COMPLETE, but covers most common)
– Avocado pit and peel
– Chocolate or candy
– Citrus
– Green potato skins
– Dry, uncooked beans, pasta, rice
– Junk food
– Moldy or rotten food
– Tomato/nightshade leaves/plants
– Rhubarb


  1. Considering…more content please. ‘Really love the homestead channel! Where’s Emily?? ‘Haven’t seen her since the pickle video. 😄

  2. Great simple video, thanks! I just took over my daughters 12 chickens and also enjoy watching them and caring for them….I thought I was the only one who enjoys just watching them do their thing!! What did you have on the ground inside the coop?

  3. This is perfect timing! I just got my first chicks, they turn 2 weeks on Wednesday. We are almost done with our chicken shed (looks like a mini barn). One thing I haven't been able to find information on is, at what age can I start feeding table scraps to the chicks? Do they need to be adults first? 3 weeks old? 6 weeks old? Etc…

  4. I got my first chickens last year. Buff Orpington. I always wanted chickens, and I absolutely love my ladies. I don’t know why I waited so long❤

  5. I'm sad now, I would love to have a couple of chckens, but I can't because I don't have enough room in my tiny little yard, plus, they would destroy my growing veg.

  6. I had a small farm in the 80’s , I loved my chickens. I yearn to have them again. Predators are a big problem here in rural Ohio.

  7. Thank you! I was so overwhelmed by my own anxiety I kind of decided not to get any chicks. I can only have up to 6 so now with this info I think I can raise them.

  8. Great information on raising chickens. I’m still checking out to see if we can have chickens with our CCR. Hoping we can. My older sister raised chicken. Nothing like natural eggs. Blessings❤️🌺

  9. I currently have 5 hens and 1 rooster…Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Welsummer, Americana, 2 Blue Cuckoo Marans. I have raised these chickens from day old chicks to adult chickens. I thought I was getting 2 Blue Cuckoo Marans hens but one turned out to be a rooster…my neighbors do not mind the crowing in the early morning. I have been raising my own chickens for most of my life off and on when I lived where I could keep them. I get 4 to five eggs every day from my hens. The rooster and I have an understanding but he has completely buffaloed my wife…LOL.

  10. Thank you Brian, when i can i will. P.s. Puppies are nice to sleep with. Havent tried a chicken.

  11. It would be wise for everyone who has the room to be more self sufficient and learn food preserving skills.

  12. I have chickens but I find that not to many people want the fresh eggs .. they tend to have a problem with thinking because they are not processed they are bad.. if they had any clue what them chickens and the eggs go through they would think otherwise but they stay in their bubble and dont want to hear it.. sigh.. getting chickens was the best thing I could have ever done.. I love my girls.. 🐓

  13. Great job! I'm gonna have the wife watch to convince her. EDIT: I call her the wife, she calls me the freeloader. 🙂

  14. This video was so helpful. My husband and I are in our 60's and got our first ever chickens the end of April. We look forward to gathering eggs and feeding them our garden scraps.
    Thank You
    BJ from LA (lower Alabama)

  15. Great intro video to raising backyard chickens.
    Please don't go a week or two between bedding changes.
    They need a clean environment and they poop a lot. I hope you meant every day or two.
    Your birds are darling.

  16. Thank you Brian! I already bought the chicks and they are supposed to be delivered October 10th. I wanted to get them a year ago but my husband said no and oddly enough I listened 😉. Right now, I didn't tell him yet! 🤗❤️

  17. Yes more on chickens. I would like to know what you do with them after they stop laying eggs,

  18. I recently became a crazy chicken lady so I am all for the chicken content lol.

  19. We bought 4 chickens Yesterday. They are about 4-5 months old. They Never had a roosting bar. When they are Out in their Run, they refuse to Go Back to the Coop at night. They Just pile Up in a Corner of the run. Do you have any Suggestion how I could train them? They do Not Take food from the Hand yet.

  20. I watch every video on both channels too. What about chicken viruses? I also saw a video about chicks having “drainage” problems because the “sewer pipe” feathers can get clogged??? Is that really a thing?

  21. You did a great job at laying out the basics. Im almost convinced I should do it. Thx

  22. We are planning on getting chicks next year so this is super helpful. Our HOA finally said we could have chickens!

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