Gardening Supplies

I discovered an efficient method to quickly propagate avocado trees

I discovered an efficient method to quickly propagate avocado trees

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the vine is an evergreen shrub, characterized by whorls – tassels and elongated growth. It is a climbing plant and usually climbs rocks or tree trunks. The tendrils grow on the stalks and are believed to be degenerate inflorescences. The leaves are large, symmetrical, heart-shaped, and the inflorescences grow diagonally on them. They can be lobulated or lobular with 3-5 lobes and separate nerves. The shape, size and color of the leaves depend on the variety.
Before planting the grapes, fertilization must be carried out, the specific dosage is to use organic fertilizer 1 or Nutrifert 4-3-4 in the hole before planting.
Apply a solution with 40 grams of fertilizer and 10 liters of water to evenly water the vine after a few months of planting in the ground.
After a few months, the trenches were dug, watered and fertilized for the grapes weighing around 50kg/ha. It should be noted that every time fertilizer is spread, it is necessary to fill the trench with earth in order to level it.
Before cutting branches for lianas, use NPK fertilizer at a dose of 100kg/ha, in addition, spray fertilizer for leaves, usually using buffalo manure.
During the fruiting period, NPK fertilization should be continued at a dose of 100kg/ha, and additional foliar fertilizers should be sprayed.
When the grapes are big with the size of a little finger, at this time apply NPK fertilizer with specific amount of 150kg/ha, spray more foliar fertilizer better than KNO3.
Once the harvest is over, at this time, soil plowing, application of HG01 organic fertilizer and NPK fertilization is fully implemented to guarantee sufficient nutrients in the soil for the next harvest to supply the vineyards.

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