Garden Plans

Evil People Poisoned My Garden, Can’t Plan For Everything.

When evil people want to do bad things they can’t be stopped. They will find a way do things we can not imagine. They lay awake at night plotting. Just imaging if things are this bad now how bad it will get when the world comes tumbling down.
My tiny garden is just for my enjoyment and relaxing. Some food I hoped would be healthy and chemically free. I would like to have the extra food but now it looks like I’ll have to get it some where’s else at a cost higher that my own work.

YouTube Audio Library – Dance of the Fireflies – Nathan Moore

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  1. Easy to LOVE your Landlord, isn't it Mary? But, about that jerk 'upstairs' Neighbor? Not so easy 4 most PEOPLE to LOVE an 'upstairs' Neighbor like this Neighbor, is it Mary?

    JESUS kept saying to "Forgive". What?!? How can you 'forgive' a person that cuts off your ear? Well, it has to be easier to 'forgive' that ear-cutter person than to 'forgive' a garden poisoner person, doesn't it, Mary?

    Did I get that last paragraph backwards? No.

    Hey? Didn't JESUS say "They know NOT what they do"? Yes.

    Ok. Let's go with JESUS' PREMISE……..

    What the heck does it mean when JESUS says "they know not"? It means they have not traveled very far down that ENLIGHTENMENT ROAD. So? So, getting mad at a person who hasn't traveled very much & YOU KNOW is OBVIOUSLY behind you on this ROAD would be futile, wouldn't it? Pretty much.

    THAT sucks. Does it? Aren't you happier knowing that your 'upstairs' Neighbor isn't really mad at you? Not mad at you? Yes, not mad at YOU, Mary.

    NOW what do YOU do? This depends…….

    On what?


    Footnote: "What One Resists…Persists".

  2. Keep a nose open for strong smells. We had a meth cooking house down the street in the small town we used to live in. The smell is horrible, and very toxic chemicals are used in the process. (That house had a sudden "fire emergency" and the VFD took over a half of an hour to respond five blocks.) Could you have the soil tested for ph? That would be the most probable outcome. Stay safe. Keep growing. A cat that eats beans? That made me laugh. Kudos.

  3. Looks to me like hot water; I do that for poison ivy. Be careful…fight evil everywhere. Old crow Medicine Woman

  4. Mary, you are so awesome. Even though your plants were damaged, you started your video introducing your new 21 year old taking charge of fixing and updating your apt. complex. The positive way you talked about him is so refreshing. Comments are always made about how ill-equipped today's younger generation is for life's challenges. I know quite a few young people who are eager to share their talents and are willing to work hard. That doesn't mean that I don't worry about the rest that are unsure about their worth to society. My heart and prayers goes out to those families.
    You could have spent your whole video about the neighbors damaging your veg. garden, but you didn't. Instead you focused more on the positive side of what life gives. Kudos to you and thanks for your wonderful example of how to handle what life gives us.

  5. Mary Greeley News; I wrote a song years ago; “Plant A Liitle Garden In Your Yard.”
    The vandals may not have realized your garden was even there, the pourer may not have even known?
    Yes, I’ve seen the “vengeance is mine says the Lord,” many times, sometimes miraculously. ❤

  6. There is a theory going around, which I personally believe, that only 40% of human population exists. Most humans have died. The other 60% are hybrid creatures or shape shifters. You can't always identify the creatures by how they look. But their bad behavior will give them away 100% of the time. They can't help themselves. Most narcissists are these creatures too and they are everywhere! 😈

  7. Morning Mary. Sorry for your garden getting lost. This is not right.. may God bless you and give you a bundle. Amen

  8. I am so very sorry to hear about your garden. I really do not understand these wicked people. Just wicked.
    Without know WHAT they used, before replanting, dig out that soil and put in fresh, researched, compost. (No compost from people grass clippings-chemicals)
    You certainly have the proper mindset to deal with this situation.

  9. Could it be from the suspicious fires from Canada? Benzene and formaldehyde have been missing a poisonous smoke from the evil ones

  10. 🤬😡 they just better plan on not having one. Because I've a feeling that it won't grow or something will happen to it. I've a feeling though you'll be blessed and it will thrive ❤

  11. I had no potatoes this year in central ontario, Canada, both the annual ones and the many I planted. Pests this year at an all time high, strange brown beetles, and so many grasshopper babies, yikes!

  12. I would totally remove all soil and replace. You don’t know what toxins they used. I would get a piece of
    Sheet meal and several 2×4’s a d make a roof over the garden so anything they pour out will not hit your garden

  13. They will reap what they sow Mary, don't you worry about all that dear one. I heard you say some good humans helped you with your garden. This is a blessing you wouldn't have experienced had this not happened. There's a reason for this. Everything is going to be all right. 💜 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱💚

  14. So sorry Mary. 😢 Please be careful and protect yourself. Don't eat the 🥒! Please be careful. Maybe better to start fresh. Much love.

  15. The thick chemical smoke we had here in Michigan for 6 days, killed my potted vegetables and all my flowers😡

  16. Get a soil sample and send it for a test. Looks like it came from a bottle. Remediate the soil b4 planting. Trashy neighbor poured roundup into a few of my container plants. I put up more cameras.

  17. horrible horrible people in this world…..I shudder to think how many have entered our country illegally…..Jesus come get us!! think of the evil after the rapture!!!!

  18. There are other people reporting the same on You Tube. I think it might be happening all over. It's happening to people in the country who are growing food to feed their families.

  19. It could have been just boiling hot water. It would kill anything it would directly hit and burn the leaves with the splash.

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