Gardening Supplies

Mid-Summer Maintenance in the Shade Garden | Gardening with Creekside

It is time to do some mid-summer maintenance in the shade garden that welcomes our customers & guests to the nursery. Join me as I walk you through how I keep this space looking fabulous in the summer heat & humidity of NC.

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Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Hoselink Promo Code CREEKSIDE for $10 off your purchase
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Black Gold
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)

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Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company
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⏰ Nursery Hours:
Wednesday-Saturday 9am-3pm until late fall

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. I love how Brenna (my granddaughters name too wink😊) hangs out with you and guards you. We lost our “big girl” a few months ago (Rescue dog in Italian mastiff family)and miss her terribly. Have fun shopping! You look great with or without makeup btw….

  2. Totally dealing with way my baby trees this year trying to take over down here in Alabama!

  3. I hope you will not need to cut out videos to develope the New Gardens at Creekside!! No make— Now worry you look great. It's the
    Inter beauty coming out! I miss my dear husband, seeing you to together remindes me of us working together!! A wonderful day you I hope!!

  4. I nearly collapsed when we drove away from college after dropping my first son off. Fortunately, I bounced back after a couple of days. My thoughts are with you:). As for the lovely bed, it may be very helpful to see the difference in sun plants there. I didn’t even know what some of my plants were supposed to look like in sun, before watching You Tube, since my garden is part sun at most. Though my plants may be different in more shade, I still love them.

  5. Hi Jenny!! Love your videos!! I have shade garden as well and i was impatiently waiting for you to get to the back of the garden! There is an evergreen conifer. Would you mind telling me the name? Looks like is doing great in shade.

  6. I love this video showcasing your shade garden. The plant variety is eye catching. I am in 7b Maryland, in partial shade to shade, and cannot for the life of me grow New Guinea impatiens anywhere, nor the Pegasus begonia. Heuchera don’t like my yard except in pots. Should I fertilize in midsummer?

  7. Yes, cleaning up spent leaves, stems and blooms does wonders for rejuvenating plants.
    Having held several plants until I cleaned up their new bed, they needed a severe "haircut." My Hummelo betony already bloomed and I'd cut off the dead blooms a couple weeks ago. Before plopping it into the ground, I thought I'd clean it up some more. Oh my gosh! You'd never know it looked bedraggled a moment earlier. It's all bright green fresh foliage now and surrounded with Land & Sea it really pops. Same with my nepeta. I thought it was dead, but not one to give up so easily, I cut it back. Already, hours later, I could see green.
    The other evening, a couple neighborhood ladies walked by with their dogs as I was elbow deep in planting. One said, "I hope you get time for fun so you aren't working all the time."
    I exclaimed, "I AM having fun!" To FINALLY get these plants in the really poor soil (I hadn't seen a single worm all the while I was digging out quackgrass roots, but found 3 total eventually). Once I get the mulch down that will be icing on the cake. Then I can sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labors…and plan what I'll add next year. I have plenty of holes to fill.

  8. I never knew gardening could be so therapeutic. It's my escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

  9. Jenny you mentioned that you had lot's of saplings this year in NC so have I in SC. Pine poplar maple and crepe myrtle. Their everywhere in my yard. Everytime I think I have them all I find a load more. Your flower bed looks so much happier. Stay cool and hydrated as possible see you in the next one 🤗

  10. Yes. Yes, I must have pulled a thousand tree seedlings of polular, and this other one that I don't know it's name. But I'm determined not to have a tree grow up in the middle of my flower bed.

  11. If you want your kids to settle near home send them to a nearby school.
    If you live on the east coast and send your kids to college in Hawaii , do you think they will march right back when they graduate to the east coast? Lol
    People who go to college in Washington DC end up in Virginia etc

  12. Love garden bed maintenance, especially in the shade! We had quite a few small trees growing in NH too. I have been pulling them out of my garden beds and stretching into my neighbor’s yard to pull those too.

  13. We also have had hundreds of not thousands of oak and maple baby trees this year as well. I have never seen so many acorns on the ground. Is God telling us something?

  14. Yes, bumper crop of acorns this year!! Lots of squirrel holes and hundreds of little trees. I’ve spent several hours pulling them and they’re still coming up!!

  15. Love how Brenna stays right with you. My husband's dog, does the same thing with me in the garden! Hmm, maybe he's really mine! Love all the mix of shade plants.

  16. Jenny you are SO beautiful and your make up looks stunning in this video. You deserve this compliment! I love your voice, it is very soothing and I have learned a lot from your channel and have incorporated some plants in my shade garden from watching Gardening with Creekside! God bless from upstate NY (Saratoga County)

  17. I subscribed a while ago, and I "like" a video after I watch it. Not only does it help me keep track of which videos I've watched, it's a tangible ($) way to show appreciation for the content you work so hard to provide, and it costs me nothing but a second of my time.

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