Edible Gardening

Florida Food Forest DIY: Grow Your Own Tropical Edible Garden Paradise

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ visits Food Forest DIY in South Florida to share with you the easiest perennial vegetables and fruit trees you can grow in South Florida to have food growing year-round on your property so you can eat from your land instead of buying food at the grocery store.

In this episode, you will learn about many of the vegetables and fruits that can easily grow in Florida even through the heat of the summer. You will learn about heat-loving plants that love the tropical weather in South Florida.

You will get a tour of Food Forest DIY and learn how they grow a food forest in part of their yard, so they can eat the food they grew on their property.

You will learn about John’s favorite perennial vegetables and other crops that you can easily grow in Florida that do not attract pests like northern crops can.

You will get a tour of the on-site plant nursery where many food forest vegetables and fruit trees are being grown that you can purchase to grow your food forest.

Finally, John will interview Jen, a self-educated food forest enthusiast that started a business to help you grow your food forest in South Florida.

Jump to the Following Parts of this Episode
00:00 Episode Starts
00:57 Grow a Food Forest with Little Work in South Florida
02:10 You Can Have a Small Food Forest or a Large One
03:34 Plant Staple Crops in Your Food Forest
05:25 Concentrate Your Greens to Get Lots of Protein
06:20 Pigeon Peas for Food and Improve Soil
06:48 Grow Vegetables in South Florida
08:08 Grow Chaya Tree for Abundant Leafy Greens to Eat
09:15 Grow this Shrub to Have Delicious Nutty Leafy Greens
10:45 Grow a WILD Food Forest vs more Manicured Food Forest
12:13 Grow Roselle and False Roselle For Edible Leaves and Flowers
12:50 This should be a staple Crop in Florida
13:22 Grow the Everglades tomato in South Florida
14:09 Yellow Everglades Tomato!
14:40 Tropical Yams for Tuber, and Planting Tip
15:30 Pernnial Tree Kale – Chomolla
16:33 Perennial Green Tree Collards
17:14 Plant Nursery Tour
18:48 Moringa Tree
19:05 Cranberry Hibiscus
19:30 Sisson Spinach protected from Bunnies
19:56 Mother Plants for Propogation with Cuttings
20:15 Gyura Procumbens ake Longevity Spinach
20:18 Jagged Leaf Gynura
20:30 African Blue Basil & Perennial Kale
20:40 Egyptian Spinach
20:55 Grow a Salad Tree to have an abundance of leaves like lettuce to eat
21:54 Growing Sweet Potatoes in Subtropics
22:48 Mulberry Tree Grown for its Edible Leaves
23:43 Interview with Jen from Food Forest DIY
23:58 Why are you excited about food forests instead of raised beds?
24:40 Why did you start a company to help people create food forests?
25:14 How much does it cost to put in a food forest?
26:00 What areas do you serve
26:10 How soon can someone eat from their food forest?
27:00 What fruit trees produce the most fruit in South Florida?
27:38 What starch tuber crops yield the most food in South Florida?
28:10 What are the best Perennial Leafy Greens to Grow in South Florida
28:47 How much maintenance does a homeowner need to do for a food forest?
29:58 What is the question that you are asked the most about food forests?
31:22 How can someone contact you?

Referenced & Related Episodes
Watch Fruitful Trees for More Videos about Fruit Trees in Florida

Learn more about Josh and Uncommon Vegetables & Fruits (Chomolla)

Bele Tree aka Salad Tree

More Perrenial Vegetables You Can Grow in South Florida

Best Nursery to Buy Perennial Vegetables in South Florida

H.E.A.R.T. Village Shows How You Can Grow in Sand

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Buy My Ebook with Garden Fresh Recipes for Better Health

Learn more about Food Forest DIY at https://foodforestdiy.com/


  1. Jump to the Following Parts of this Episode

    00:57 Grow a Food Forest with Little Work in South Florida

    02:10 You Can Have a Small Food Forest or a Large One

    03:34 Plant Staple Crops in Your Food Forest

    05:25 Concentrate Your Greens to Get Lots of Protein

    06:20 Pigeon Peas for Food and Improve Soil

    06:48 Grow Vegetables in South Florida

    08:08 Grow Chaya Tree for Abundant Leafy Greens to Eat

    09:15 Grow this Shrub to Have Delicious Nutty Leafy Greens

    10:45 Grow a WILD Food Forest vs more Manicured Food Forest

    12:13 Grow Roselle and False Roselle For Edible Leaves and Flowers

    12:50 This should be a staple Crop in Florida

    13:22 Grow the Everglades tomato in South Florida

    14:09 Yellow Everglades Tomato!

    14:40 Tropical Yams for Tuber, and Planting Tip

    15:30 Pernnial Tree Kale – Chomolla

    16:33 Perennial Green Tree Collards

    17:14 Plant Nursery Tour

    18:48 Moringa Tree

    19:05 Cranberry Hibiscus

    19:30 Sisson Spinach protected from Bunnies

    19:56 Mother Plants for Propogation with Cuttings

    20:15 Gyura Procumbens ake Longevity Spinach

    20:18 Jagged Leaf Gynura

    20:30 African Blue Basil & Perennial Kale

    20:40 Egyptian Spinach

    20:55 Grow a Salad Tree to have an abundance of leaves like lettuce to eat

    21:54 Growing Sweet Potatoes in Subtropics

    22:48 Mulberry Tree Grown for its Edible Leaves

    23:43 Interview with Jen from Food Forest DIY

    23:58 Why are you excited about food forests instead of raised beds?

    24:40 Why did you start a company to help people create food forests?

    25:14 How much does it cost to put in a food forest?

    26:00 What areas do you serve

    26:10 How soon can someone eat from their food forest?

    27:00 What fruit trees produce the most fruit in South Florida?

    27:38 What starch tuber crops yield the most food in South Florida?

    28:10 What are the best Perennial Leafy Greens to Grow in South Florida

    28:47 How much maintenance does a homeowner need to do for a food forest?

    29:58 What is the question that you are asked the most about food forests?

    31:22 How can someone contact you?

  2. Will you ever makes videos in cold climates like masschustts about Perenial edibles and fruits. I have cold hardy versions of thoes tropical plants I have Chinese yam and cold hardy mulberries. I have Perenial sea kale in cold in my cold climate. Cold climate places still got some cool things would recommend to go and see places up north for some spice to your content.

  3. love this for Florida. Cant understand what the salad tree is called i want to find this>


  5. Dear John, watching your channel is just what I needed! (I watched your video from 2 years ago – "How to Have A Successful Garden in the Desert or Anywhere". Lately I have been watching homesteading videos where people are growing amazing gardens in areas of the country where there is moisture. It was starting to depress me! I live in zone 8a, the high desert of New Mexico – and I'm so thankful for your content – – – it restores my hope and motivation to garden that success is indeed possible even in this harsh climate. Keep up the great work! I really love your content.

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