Backyard Garden

What Existed before the Universe – What’s Happened since the Big Bang

Nothing existed at the outset. After then, the cosmos began to take shape some 13.7 billion years ago. How this came to be or if there was ever a time before time is still a mystery. Yet, physicists have pieced together an approximate timeline of significant events in the cosmos’ existence using telescope data and models of particle physics. From its beginning to its inevitable demise, we examine key points in the evolution of our universe here.
#universe #cosmos #planet


  1. This was good stuff, but you badly overdid it on the background music. When you were talking about Venus, that person singing in the background made it hard to make out what the narrator was saying.

  2. There is no beginning or end, only cycles that go on and on. Its hard to wrap our minds around it but it feels like it makes sense.

  3. 561 to 303.. I bet Stockton rush could build a vehicle that could withstand the pressure at the center of one of those gas giants, just ask him…….

  4. Big bang theory sounds good but once thought about makes no sense.
    It created space and time therefore when did it have the time to initially move and the space to move in.

    They say a singularity is the math telling them that they made a error somewhere.
    Maybe there error is thinking bout ish that dont matter.
    When the universe ends.
    Who cares. How we make equality matter is a better study.
    Cause yall privileged children and lifestyle isnt worth fighting for

  5. It's amazing the amount of experts leaving replies on this AI scripted video pity none of them have the slightest bit of evidence to prove what they claim or education to back up their expertise.

  6. Before the universe. It was a black hole that contains half of all the matter and energy in the universe.
    That black hole was hit by another black hole the same size . Each were moving at the speed of light twords each other.
    So the collided at 2xs the speed of light and exploded into the universe.

  7. Energy cannot be created or destroyed… so it must have existed in some way before expansion took place 🤔.
    Just thinking out loud!!!!

  8. Gee – we got something out of nothing. Funny how that only happened once. ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος

  9. I give all my life to God with everything that i am … I believe in him will all my streanth … I believe with all my existence and my non existence that he is the creator of all things … I am so happy that this video has lead me to think even more about God … 😭

  10. Big Bang – No specific point in space eh? Why not all space. If you're trying to explain how a point source of everything spread to the furthest observable limits even evoking semi magical FTL expansion early on. Would not everyplace simply instantly becoming a super hot fireball where matter was reduced to quarks. Be it an infinite small spec containing everyplace becoming host to an infinitly brief hot fire, cooling until quarks formed , neutrons protons atoms matter across all space

  11. โลกเราเกิดมาจากราว่าlavesที่เย็นตัวลงโดยอาศัยน้ำและอากาศที่เราเรียกว่าเปลือกโลก

  12. Stupid scientists need to ask what was going on before the so called big bang. Lets just remove space from matter and ask: WHY is there still space all around that big blob of never ending infinite matter collecting together as a big blob. Genius is not as GOOD as wisdom and wisdom ONLY comes from God.

  13. this is just a slideshow of relatively arbitrary images, dubbed with a narrator.

  14. In fact… Dark matter, dark energy, the big bang and other inventions are the grossest mistakes of cosmologists. Such elementary mistakes made by these so-called "cosmologists" are not permissible even for middle school students of the most mediocre school. These errors are analyzed in detail on a solid foundation of physical laws (without any scientific delusional fantasies of cosmologists) in the book "Big Bang of Scientific Idiocy", author Pavlovich Konstantin. The book can be downloaded from аmаzon for 10 days for free.

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