Vegetable Gardening

Preparing soil for vegie success

Tino is down at The Patch looking at the great soil that’s the result of years of compost and manures making it friable and delicious to vegetable crops. The quality of your soil reflects directly of the quality of your vegetables, so if you’re starting a new patch, try Tino’s simple steps to success.

You’ll need (based on 1 x 2m vegie patch):
– Agricultural lime
– 5 handfuls of gypsum
– ½ bucket of charcoal
– 2 x 25 litre bags of cow manure
– 2 x 25 litre bags of poultry manure
– 1 x barrow of compost (substitute mushroom compost if you don’t have your own)
– 3 handfuls of blood and bone
– 3 handfuls or worm castings
– A selection of vegetables. Tino used 6 seedlings of kohlrabi and 6 seedlings of perpetual spinach.

– Mark out a 1m x 2m patch somewhere in the sun where you want to grow vegetables.
– Apply agricultural lime as per instructions on bag then wait a few weeks.
– Turn the soil over using a spade to about 30cm deep (more if your soil is very heavy).
– Remove any rocks and roots.
– Spread gypsum, charcoal, manures, compost, blood and bone and worm castings evenly across the plot, then fork over thoroughly and mix well.
– Water thoroughly and let sit for a few weeks if possible before planting.
– Plant vegetable seedlings and water well.

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  1. Good luck with Logie Awards!
    Specially Thanks Tino Carnevale – good,warm and professional presenter!

  2. thats a LOT of single use plastic from all those bags of compost and manure, have you thought of doing a video on a waste free garden? no plastic waste etc? nice videos though, just found you guys and you're giving me loads of ideas.

  3. That heavy labour is enough to deter or exclude a lot of people. Try 'no dig' methods and avoid turning the soil

  4. Cheers for this vid, mate. Can I ask, what kinds of shops sell the ingredients in this recipe? Hello from America

  5. 🎊🎊🎊 wannabe farmer 😃👨‍🌾😃 you deserve more Subscribers 🎊🎊🎊

  6. Hi Tino, I laid down a patch, following your instructions, but it does not receive much sunlight during the day and it is the only spot in my small garden where there is enough room to grow veggies. Since planting a week ago, a variety of autumnal vegetables and then watering them in, the soil has not dried, it is saturated and doesn't seem to be draining. I haven't seen any growth so far, a week, but am not sure if the water logging will discourage the seeds from germinating. Thank you for your video, Nick.

  7. Winner of a video, I have been researching "best soil for organic gardening" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Paylezobath Celebrated Process – (search on google )?

    It is a smashing exclusive guide for learning organic gardening secrets to boost your produce minus the headache. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my m8 got excellent results with it.

  8. Just wonderful, I've been looking for "best organic matter for garden" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Paylezobath Celebrated Process – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )?
    It is a good one of a kind product for learning organic gardening secrets to boost your produce minus the hard work. Ive heard some great things about it and my neighbour got cool results with it.

  9. I’ve been driving around for months now Tino & I still haven’t found any cow manure on the side of the road 🙂

  10. A lot of inaccuracies in this video (pretty common for Gardening Australia, unfortunately).

    Mushroom compost is the second-most expensive compost next to certified organic.

    Lime AND gypsum? No. Only add ammendments if your soil is deficient. Too much calcium can actually ruin your soil if you have enough calcium already.

    All that digging will only loosen soil temporarily, and make compaction worse in the long term (even cause "capping") leaving you in a perpetual cycle of having to dig and fork your soil. This is all remediated by all the organic matter, but why not avoid all the sore backs and just dump the compost on the soil and let the worms do the work? The only time you should be digging garden soil is if you have to remove something (like old tree roots).

  11. You should try some NEUTROG Giganic, is brilliant for the vegies, herbs and my favorite, Rhubarb.

  12. Hi from the UK. On your Permablitz video where comments are not permitted, there are cement wall planters with hex fronts. Never seen them before. Do they have a name? Never seen them before and I have the perfect use for them in my garden. Thanks from Dartmoor Permaculture.

  13. Wtf. You destroyed the structure of the soil by turning the soil which will take YEARS to get back.

    Then you randomly added gypsum and lime without explaining that these should only be added in very specific soil situations otherwise they're going to cause more harm than good.

    These are all long out dated methods. Add organic matter on top and it will pay you by 10 fold. Work with nature, not against it.

  14. Thank you for sharing this. I am new to growing vegetables and I have always been a tad shy at starting because I didn't know the amounts of each things to help it come together right – so thank you!

  15. $50??? Bull. This show is good for basics but the less you spend the more cost effective it is.And isn't that really the point behind better quality and health??

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