@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: The BEST Way to Grow an Avocado Tree

In this video I’m going to show you how to grow an avocado tree from seed and grafted tree.
I’ll cover…
How to Grow an Avocado Tree From Seed: 00:17
The Bad News: 00:58
Choose the Right Avocado Variety: 01:45
Avocado Harvest Times: 02:16
Best Climate/Temperature to Grow Avocados: 02:51
Best Time to Plant An Avocado Tree: 03:28
Best Location to Plant an Avocado Tree: 04:10
How to Plant an Avocado Tree: 05:11
Mulching An Avocado Tree: 06:08
How to Water an Avocado Tree: 06:38
How to Fertilize an Avocado Tree: 07:02
Do You Need 2 Avocado Trees for Pollination? 07:17
Type A Avocados vs Type B Avocados: 07:37
Why Are My Avocados Falling Off the Tree? 08:13
Avocado Pests and Diseases: 08:35

ESPOMA AVOCADO FERTILIZER: https://amzn.to/45Dxyte
HOW TO MAKE A GOPHER BASKET: https://youtu.be/KatouGB2xuU?si=4Z5Wz8WPod6x3KDM

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  1. I am growing an avocado tree from seed for the first time. It is about 12" tall now. It is just hanging out in my garden for looks.

  2. Good job! Very informing and easy to understand. You are a great teacher, Brian! We got our fist avocado on our tree this year. 😊 Everything you said was true to what happened to our tree. We are in Central Florida 9B. First 2 years after planting our tree, it bloomed, set tiny fruits, but they all fell off.😮Now we know that’s normal. 😉 This year we got 4 Avocados from it! 😃 Thanks for all the reliable info! 💚 🥑

  3. I have an avocado tree on the side of my house grown from seed. It has produced five avocados and Was twenty four feet tall. The avocados tasted great. But it got hit by frost last year and now's only 6 feet tall. It is a beautiful shade tree if nothing else. Thanks for all your videos I learned so much. Oh I am in north Florida.

  4. I grew up in Santa Monica, very tropical climate. My mother always grew an avocado tree at each house we lived. Most of the time they were Hass. They were wonderful trees and gave us, and the neighbors, an endless supply of great avocados. Now I am in 8b, so no hope for a tree here. Now I have to buy them, not the same flavor as fresh off the tree.

  5. Any timeline on the ancient olive trees? There's some cold-hardy varieties I just learned about but I don't know if they taste good.

  6. I planted one from seed three years ago, it almost died from root rot, as i have no experience growing, watering, etc. I saved it, and it's now in a huge pot, about six feet tall, and looks gorgeous! It's sprouting new leaves constantly. I hope it will have fruit in the next few years! 🤗 If I don't end up killing it somehow. 🥺😥

  7. I wish I could grow avocados. Been eating them from when I was a kid well before the craze started.

  8. My gardener says the droppings from the avocado should be left under the tree. Is that correct? Is that the natural mulch they need? We put Christmas lights on our trees & set a timer. Never had frost damage. Other neighbors have lost their trees to frost. We did have heat damage to our "Holiday" avocado. I only saved it by misting it hourly when temps were well above 100F.

  9. The reason why avocado fruit from seed don't taste well is because the pollination requires two plants. So the fruit has the genetics of the two plants and it won't taste the same as the original where the seed came from. That is why you have to graft from a known tree that produces good tasting fruit. It is not like other plants like tomatoes that can self pollinate and produce fruit with the same genetics as the original seed.

  10. I live in zone 6B and last fall I started an avocado pit indoors under my grow lights. It doubled in size and foliage this summer but before I even hit Midsummer it seems to have just Frozen in it's growth. As soon as fall temperatures start arriving again, about the time that I would transition it back to inside anyways, I will check it's root situation.

  11. Question if you are using a seed say from a fruit from a farmers market how long will it take it to dry to were you can stick the tooth picks in it I plan to have it grow in the house do to extrem temps here in TX thanks.

  12. I was one of those folks who grew avacados from seed. Once my seed had roots I moved it to a small pot, then a larger one and finally into the ground. This hearty plant grew as tall as our roof line, but no fruit even after 5 yrs. So i decided enough and cut it down to the ground. It proceeded to grow back with a vigor! I cut it back again with the same results. Now I just keep it trimmed as an ornamental and buy my avacados from Costco.😄

  13. My cold-hardy avocados were just starting to produce fruit when we had snowpocolypse in Houson in 2021. I got a Super Haas and we got hit again with 20° temps again. 😢

  14. toothpicks never worked for me! We peel the pit and wrap in a wet paper towel. Then put it that in a small plastic bag wait for it to split and grow a root and the plant it. This as always worked for us. We just use them as house plants because we live in zone 5.

  15. Would it be possible to grow an avacado tree in a warmed greenhouse in zone 7?
    My sister grows lemons, pineapple and an orange in hers, so i am curious about the avacado.

  16. Thousands of avocado varieties around the world – originally from Central and South America – eventually distributed worldwide via the Spanish (and other) empires. The most-popular types are commercially grown for their regional affinity.

    Biggest issue for grower – know your Type-A and Type-B cultivars. Avocados are transgenders. Type A varieties will open as FEMALE in the morning of the first day, and MALE in the afternoon of the second day. Type B varieties will open as FEMALE on the afternoon of the first day and MALE in the morning of the second day. Knowing which cultivars you have – and offsetting Type A and B cultivars has greater cado pollination and production all season long.

    Type A – Bernecker, Carmen Hass, Choquette/Pepe, Dupuis, Fantastic/Pryor, Florida Hass, Gem, Hall, Hass, Holiday, Improved Pollack, Joey, Jose Antonio, Lamb Hass, Lora, Lula, Mexicola Grande, Pinkerton, Reed, Russell, Simmons, Wurtz/Little Cado

    Type B – Bacon, Brooks Late, Day, Fuerte, Jim Bacon, Kahaluu, Kampong, Kona Sharwil Hass, Malama, Mexicola, Miguel, Monroe, Nishikawa, O-la-la/Super Hass, Oro Negro, Pollack, Poncho, San Miguel, Sir Prize Hass, Stewart Hass, Taylor Hass, Winter Mexican, Zutano

    3 shapes (pear, oval, round) and 2 skins (thick, thin) depict the span of cados.

    Pear-shaped – thin skin – Bacon, Bernecker, Brogden, Day, Dupuis, Fuerte, Holiday, Jim Bacon, Kahaluu, Lara, Lula, Malama, Mexicola, Mexicola Grande, Miguel, Monroe, Nishikawa, Pinkerton, Poncho, Wortz/Little Cado, and Zutano

    Oval-shaped – thin skin – Fantastic/Pryor, Improved Pollack, Joey, Kampong, Pollack, Russell, San Miguel, Simmons, Thompson Red, and Winter Mexican

    Oval-shaped – thick pebbled (Hass) skin – Carmen Hass, Florida Hass, Gem, Gwen, Hass, Kona Sharwil Hass, Lamb Hass, O-la-la/Super Hass, Oro Negro, Sir Prize Hass, Stewart Hass, and Taylor Hass

    Round-shaped – thick skin – Reed and Ronnie

    Round-shaped – thin skin – Brooks Late, Choquette/Pepe, Hall, Kampong, and Marcus

  17. Just seen … there are some avocado trees in San Jose, CA area that are 60-70 feet tall !!!, producing like crazy. Squirrels bite and eat, or cut off and drop onto lawn, onto house roof or concrete/wood patio (cannon boom !!). People set up tarpaulins catching the cados from hitting the roof and patio deck !

  18. Had my first Florida cannon ball cados (couple years back). Instant love (juicy, sweet) from all of the earlier (juicy, oily) CA Bacon, Fuerta, Wurtz, Zutano I love. Now only getting Hass and imported Mexican or Central/South American varieties. Safeway (CA) brought in a box of Florida cados and I almost bought up the whole box – and tell them to ORDER MORE !!! Gave the (Choquette, Hall, Marcus ?) seeds to friends to plant at their houses … and a lady growing in East Bay San Fran inside concrete patio of her deli restaurant. Been 4-5 years – and this plant is now 5-6 feet tall – growing like a weed. Expect to see results in the near future. If you can get any Florida cannon ball cados in CA, do so. The trees are big, the fruit is big. Tired of only having Hass types to buy. Give me back the sweet, juicy, thin skin cados !

  19. Reeds are thick skinned, rounds, and said to be hard to peel, and size of seed to meat is not quite equal. Hopefully, you keep the tree well watered so that you get large fruits.

  20. I currently have an avocado tree growing under one of my crepe myrtle trees. I didn’t plant it so I’m assuming a squirrel brought the seed in. I wouldn’t have even known what it was except a plant app told me. I’ve left it there and let it grow since spring of 2023. I’m in zone 8a tho so I know it won’t survive the winter unless I dig it up and pot it to bring inside for the winter. It’s currently about a foot and a half tall lol.

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