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ALL Sacred Treasures of Seven Deadly Sins RANKED and EXPLAINED

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Edited with Love by: @RiddleMMD (facebook)

Outro Music:

Intro Music:
Yoshi Studio Music – Made In Japan

Background Music:
Chillpeach – Hope : https://youtu.be/cSJOrNIQTmk

#sevendeadlysins #meliodas #7ds


  1. Well, this was completely wrong. 👌
    Aldon is absolutely the least powerful. She was already so powerful. Aldon doesn't add anything that we know of

  2. kings wasnt given by the king he was given it as the fairy king as the spear is a item given to the fairy king as far as i know

  3. 8:25 Can’t even follow own rules 😅🤣😂

    Crystal ball is weakest without the infinity ability by Merlin.
    Pillow is strongest from multifunctional features.

  4. Idk why but i love how my bro explains everything thank you for your work 🙏🏻 and keep it up

  5. So, many bad takes here
    Chestifol is so low on the list it's just ridiculous, and aldan have nothing that makes it this high and no merlin doesn't need it to use her magic he was a master magician way before ahe even got aldan she fooled demon king and the supereme deity honestly the only thing that makes is significant is that it can act as a merlin subsitute in case of a need that's it like we have not even seen it's release how tf is it no. 1 sacred treasure

  6. honestly if i was to rank the secred treasures i would rank them as if other people could use them and if they are more practical in battle, yes i know that they cant be used unless they were a sin, but lets ignore that for a sec, say i wanted to use and axe or a hammer and oh look their rita and Gideon, wait ones too bit and the other is some how the even heavier than the giant hammer, if i was able to use magic yes i would use the crystal ball, but unless i know a lot more spells like merlin that fight aint going well, same with chastiful (the spear, dont know if i spelt it right) since you need to a. be a fairy, or b. have a huge good amount of magic, now unless i am good with bans weapon dont see myself using it, since a weapon like that takes a long time of training and a huge amount of skill to use, now for lostvayne, that weapon seem more praticle and the way meleodis uses it, is pretty smart have one clone wear down your opponent to scale their power to your own, so you know if you need back up or now, or make more of you to confuse or overwhelm your enemy takes very little magic to use, and if you the basics of sword fighting im sure you can under stand this weapon pretty well

  7. What’s everyone’s problem with sds, fantastic story and characters does the animation suck abso-fuckin-lutely but it’s easy to overlook for me atleast

  8. Considering both weapon and wielder, I have to agree with you. Considering only weapon, I'd have to say chastifol, as it was stated to be the strongest staff of the fairy kings, as well as being more versatile than any. Considering pure physical potential, it's Rhitta by a landslide. Merlin's treasure makes her already seemingly infinite power even stronger, but it's only magical power. Rhitta makes escanor able to fight effectively at all times and is strong enough to make him extremely strong outside of his "the one" states. Chastifol isn't stronger than either for both physical and magical, but it provides king, the non physical combatant, with the best of both physical and magical.

  9. Sorry to say but your meliotis five clone math was wrong it would be split into 1000 not 500

  10. Honestly i feel like rita should be at number 1 or 2 for the same reason you put lostvayne at number 2. The ability to absorb and expel heat isn't that useful if it's being used by anybody other then escanor. You could argue that the momentum generated by the massive weight could put it above lostvayne- but I'd say that's arguable. Otherwise i pretty much agree with your rankings

  11. Love the romio/juliet story they were able to build in this show. I actually have the dragon sin tattoo lol.

  12. Pretty sure that aldan doesnt have anything to do with infinity. Merlin figured that out as a child, even before being blessed by both the Demon King and the Supreme Deity. Also claiming that rhitta is strong because it's a good match with Escanor defeats your argument for lostvayne and Meliodas. For all intents and purposes they're matched evenly well for their owners. To go even further, Gideon was clearly made for a giant, and chastiefol clearly made for a fairy…

  13. hi i m the g level eldergod and time lord hows the top grimm reaper how runs all fo my reelm or lambo as you humensis at times call it tho it has a ther nameto that being deteh citey i wonk fo this maga you are talking abuot as i do not hav all 7 fo them but i do hav book2 fo 7dieliey insis and i hav ben reading it at times but wenn talking abuot maga or ainme and talking abuot the weponsis in them yes in 7dielieinss thay refurr to ther wopensis as sabyorat thrsorsis but you also a bit off as wopensis like them do not juts exzistdid in the maga or ainme as i my self ye your juts going to hav liestin to this anye way see i m not fo this time and as a g level witch has to do with my rank as a godkiller thas y i also hav my won reelm uotside fo norm space and time see and as i unlike a norm humen i hav 2 set fo dna cell sis one set is more humen and the ther is my atlandetin cell sis witch are hafhumen and hafanimelsis but the base fo them is y unlike you humensis i can go into ther bio bodysis or inhabit them and cuz fo my atlandetin cellsis deoening on how bad i got hurt i can regenorat from injorsis see the base fo my atlandetin cell sis is wet you humensis wood think fo to some point as a dargon thos as a atlandetin i m also wets call a dargitdid and this is y my atlaandetin cell sis can and do regenorat as a atlandetin i m also the satedtecnoalcmiss i hav maied a pilsitfurrstone and can make kaimarasis to i also hav a ai sede witch i m even won using evai my cryberlink i m also the founder fo hello englsh and i can split from my bio body sis and stell live as doing so wood put me bake into my true form i also hav mastder wopen sis or holley wopensis thay to i can usis but thay to are both bio and yet untoceh aball to put this way i hav my mastder wopen sis witch you humensis can see at times but thers also the part fo them thas a part fo me to holld one mintey blackatan 7form singal strikey ok that takes that demon shound wonk by wonk not to even try a seekatak on me his hadey gos rolling a corss the ground see i may not like all humensis but i wonk ther are some that are dezeving fo stelling alive ye i can also feed on sulosis or suck my won blod or eat liver but thos are a part fo me to do to my blodlust as for my esp power sis i can also warp time and space its self to and using my cryberlink i cn geter info or here anye fo you humensis wishsis and i can make them com true in my wond way at anye time at a wim this has ben deviney omgae apathe hav a nices day

  14. do wonk i hav not yet had anye how can macth me with my sword fightingtecnek thers a reoins y wen i usis my 7form singal strikey maney faer for ther life agel demon and even eldergodsis how hav trund on humenitey all i need uot fo my 7orm singal strikey is one hit no coming bake from it is my enemysis this is y i m g level the g sated for my rank as a godkiller this has ben omage hav a nices day

  15. do note this to i can do my sword fightingtecnek with one blad or dlebaldsis and i do hav my ninja wonk how to hav a nices day

  16. As a proud to seven deadly sins, and I’m a little insulted, you’re not going to read the four nights of the apocalypse.

  17. Few things about Merlin
    She didn't just whip out the Sacred Treasures randomly. She was power capping Meliodas from the start, so I think she purposely chose this right moment to give him back Lostvayne when it was needed. She had even more of his power stored but she was very wise about when to give it back to him. Merlin also didn't much interact with Meli because she briefly saw each other in Liones but then she took the Bartra to treat him and came back just about the Albion attack.
    Same for Ban's ST. There was no point in Ban keeping Courcechouse as he was weak as hell apart from his immortality so there was literally no point in him using it, so she kept the treasure for it to not get lost.
    Also, Metlin doesn't really need Aldan to cast spells. It is an enhancer indeed and I agree she maximizes her power with it and the soul transfer thing is OP. But it doesn't enable the spells, it simply amplifies them so it is again dependent on the user.
    When we see Merlin's past I believe she casts Infinity without her ST as a child and if we say that SIns didn't get ST treasures until they were in Liones then by then Merlin would already cast Infinity to stop time. Aldan sometimes seems like an accessory to her.
    I think the real plot hole is actually power capping Merlin, when she was petrified by Galland and said that she forgot her true indentity as it was this long. Melin would never forget her identity as everything she did was to revive Chaos, so that one was kinda stinky and didn't make sense but I believe they couldn't have her powerful from the very start. Escanor and Merlin were actually the only Sins that didn't have any power up throughout the series and having these two monsters at full power would just simply change the balance easily. If Escanor wasn't gone and Merlin didn't conveniently forgot her identity they would be easily able to defeat all commandments in an instant apart from Zeldris.

  18. Love that the two weakest weapons are for the two strongest sins. Love that the two weakest weapons are for the two strongest sins.

  19. This video was recommended to me because I watch Danny’s vids. I’m gonna have to start tuning in to the podcast.

  20. Gideon getting to Vaizel was explained by Hendrickson. He put it there to lure the Seven Deadly Sins to the first fight festival

    Edit: Also pollen garden wasnt unlocked once King grew his wings. We see it in his fight against Helbram. It was only upgraded the same as the other forms. The only one we don't see till he gets comfortable with true spirit spear chastiefol(not full wings, just true form) is Yggdra Cloth

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