@California Gardening

California Gardening: Calcium Products – What is calcium and how to use calcium in gardening

In today’s episode we look at calcium and the importance of this nutrient in plant growth. Other than the primary nutrients – Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, plants need secondary nutrients like magnesium, calcium and sulfur for optimum plant growth.

We look at Calcium sources like organic fertilizer, bone meal, garden lime, dolomitic lime, gypsum, seaweed, calcium nitrate as calcium sources for plants and how to apply these calcium products in your home garden. Adding calcium to soil improves the quality and helps plants build good cell walls, leaves and prevent blossom end rot by absorbing these nutrients from the soil.

Calcium deficiency causes leaves to be bubbled or blistered especially in pepper plants. In tomato and pepper plants, calcium deficiency causes blossom end rot.

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