
mhpgardener: Questions & Answers – Playing Tag and Getting Personal

Over the past few months, people have been playing ‘tag” with a list of 30 questions. The questions are supposed to give you some insight into the individual person. For Friday night’s radio show, I’ll be doing a Question & Answer session. So I thought I’d try my hand at answering the 30 questions. This was actually kinda fun.

The 30 Questions:
1. What is your favorite month and why? **Also, what month were you born in?
2. What is your favorite color and why?
3. What was your very first YouTube video about?
4. What was your first YouTube Channel (That your first video was on)?
5. Are you happy about the new YouTube layout? Why or Why Not?
6. What is your favorite device?
7. What camera do you use for your videos?
8. Are you an early sleeper or a late sleeper?
9. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
10. What do you do to help relax you before you go to sleep?
11. What is your real first name?
12. What are your hobbies?
13. What got you inspired to start a YouTube channel (How did you get started on YouTube?)
14. What one tip would you give to a new YouTuber?
15. What is your favorite fruit? **Also, what is your favorite food?
16. What is your favorite drink?
17. Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
18. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
19. What is your worst food?
20. What weird story do you have with your worst food?
21. Do you have any siblings? If so, how many?
22. If there was one law you could change, what would it be?
23. What is one device you wish you had?
24. What do you want for the holidays?
25. What is your favorite store?
26. What do you want to be (or used to want to be) when you grew/grow up?
27. What is your favorite state?
28. What languages do you know?
29. What is your occupation
30. What do you prefer, earphones or headphones? Why?

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