@Alberta Urban Garden

Alberta Urban Garden: The Amazing Potato — Planting in Potato Bags and Making Compost in the Alberta Urban Garden

Potatoes have a rich and wonderful history! They have literally shaped humanity! With out cold spring delaying things in the garden you can get going on planting them to get a jump on the season.

There are two ways you can plant potatoes. The first which is by far the most common is to take potatoes with eyes on them and plant them in the soil. The least common is to harvest the true potato seeds from the foliage and start them from seed! I will be doing both this year!

I am trying a little trial with the purple potatoes. One I will plant in potting soil and the other I am going to plant in some potting soil but continue to add mulch and coffee grounds all summer long. I am interested to see which one works the best!

Some of my favorite childhood memories are of gardening with my parents and brothers. This channel is about low cost organic urban gardening in zone 3. I am by no means an expert gardener however I love to share my experiments and journey garden year round. Please feel free to join the conversation and if you think you might like this channel subscribe. Have a great day!

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