@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Biofertilizer Experiment: Which Tomato Grew Better? (Part 3)

The results are in! After a few mishaps, the experiment with Earth Alive Soil Activator has come to an end. This was interesting…initially the tomato WITH the inoculant was growing slower, so I was discouraged.

However, after another week or two, it rapidly started to outgrow our control tomato, the one with just potting soil and organic fertilizer.

Here are two possible reasons why this happened:

1. Early on, the microbes rapidly broke down the organic fertilizer, causing too many nutrients to be released into the soil and the plant suffered from nutrient overabundance.

2. The plant was putting out a lot of root growth under the soil, which I couldn’t detect. Then, once the support structures were in place, it was in a better position to make use of all of the bioavailable nutrients in the soil.

Comment below…what do YOU think was the reason?


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→ Earth Alive Soil Activator: http://earthalivect.com/business-units/soil-activator/
→ Epic Soil Starter: https://www.gardenmaker.com/partner-mixes/epic-soil-starter


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