Front Yard Garden

Realizing My Limitations On The Pond

I hired a professional to do what I couldn’t: find water below the ground to fill our backyard DIY pond. Professional well drillers are here to get it done for us.


  1. As a guy paid to sit in front of a computer and manipulate symbols, gotta say those drillers do an honest days work. Thanks for the perspective.

  2. Just curious: Is a permit required from the local water board to drill a well, or can anyone take whatever water they want from, what I suppose, is an underground aquifer?

  3. Clever stuff lot of work mess but well worth it can’t wait till you fill it 👍👍👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. Seems like we have a lot of problems with aquifers being drained faster than they can refill in this country. Was wondering what the situation is where you are

  5. Is this episode 4 of the pond project? Keep your eye out for the Curly-Leaf Pondweed monster after the drilling slurry intake!!👾😱

  6. Do all those mistakes happened because you yo ass in the way just move . Ask questions as they prevail gosh. Can’t even operate the dang skid steer. Go sit down 🪑

  7. Absolutely brilliant, I always wondered how those wells were sunk. Those guys obviously know what their doing… Btw I can’t believe how established your grass is in 5 weeks, you must be doing something right… well done 🇦🇺

  8. 58 feet is not what I'd call a shallow water table, then again I'm in Florida and if I dig about 4 feet in my back yard the hole fills up with a foot of water.

  9. That dry spell in Ohio sucked! We had 3 acres to seed around a new pond and the rain just kept holding out.🥵🤦🏻‍♂️ Looks amazing great work!

  10. I really enjoyed this Neil! Learning right alongside you, I hope to be able to utilize your videos for reference on future projects around our place.

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