Vegetable Gardening

Growing Potatoes Without Digging

We’ve tested this no dig potato growing method over multiple seasons and with several different varieties. That list includes Norland, Smart, Red Sangre, Purple Viking, Bellanita, and Caribe so far.

Yields from our three no dig potato beds this year averaged 1.5 lbs per square foot of bed space, which compares well with dug beds and is especially good considering we never lifted a shovel!

A common mistake people make when attempting to grow potatoes under mulch is not using enough mulch. The mulch is responsible for keeping the tubers cool and completely dark so your layer of mulch has to be thick enough to serve these purposes. Insufficient mulch will result in poorer yields and many green potatoes.

Topping the no dig beds with mulch does take a bit more time than hilling the potatoes with soil, but the harvest is so much faster that the total labour time I’ve recorded for our no dig beds is still 30% less than a standard potato bed, and the work is much less physically demanding.

To learn more about how to grow a productive garden with ease, head over to my Free Workshop here:

You can find a detailed comparison of no dig, no till, and double dug potato beds in this full length YouTube video:

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  1. Do you this with sweet potatoes? I found that those guys go super deep and are a big pain to dig out.

  2. This is fine and it works, just one question: where am I to get the vast amount of mulch or straw needed for "hilling"?
    Where I live both cost money.
    Hilling with soil means a lot more work, for sure, but it is free (assuming you own your garden.)

  3. Looks viable for time and labor savings… yield… 🤔 … only wonder if there is SIGNIFICANT changes in nutritional value and quality. (probably not w/first gen)

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