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  1. Thinking is hard work ,dude ….i have a friend who only watches one TV channel for all of his news …. he doesn't know crap about anything …..and he's very content ……..CBS ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  2. Trust me Mike, I found Jesus Christ in the midst of the pandemic.. my anxiety, depression, anger and confusions immediately disappeared. I would of lost my sanity if I was still wrestling with the world. The world is not suppose to make sense at this time, wrong will be right and right will be wrong. Stay safe and put your faith in Jesus Christ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ

  3. O the Great Awakening! The age of truth and reality! For some, will shift out of reality, do not participate in the delusion! Be in this world not of it like the Amish come and get their strength from God. Their world is not crazy use their common sense. Some will take themselves I would. Keep grounded harness your energy, frequency it's a two worlds split

  4. Biden is corrupt no question. However, Oโ€™Bumble was a party to it. He knew and he aided. I wonder when someone will look at his finances

  5. Hi Mike. Have no fear. Jesus promised he would return when every human has his name acknowledged from their lips. So much information to dive into. As long as we all understand its all by design by those who want ultimate control. It's also important to remember we are aware this is a prison planet.

  6. did you know billy grates has a PaTeNt with 0 an 6 repete three times, like an olde book says. sory algo remove earlier.

  7. Itโ€™s all controlled chaos to confuse the masses. Itโ€™s easier to roll out another Pysop or Plandemic When the masses are controlled and confused.

  8. The don't eat pork is actually pretty important… these old testament rules seem silly until you read "humans and pigs share 98% DNA" and "pigs can be used for transplants organs to humans". Other creatures you meant to leave alone are mainly high socially evolved (no whales dolphins only fish with scales) etc and no cats dogs or ponies. Jesus when asked did his usual "work it out for yourself" answer and stated "what comes out of a man's mouth more important than what goes in" .. was definately not a yes or no. Just because pork tastes great (apparently like humans) people go with not following the biblical teaching but quite happy to not eat crows (also banned).
    Personally I stick to those rules, no cats dogs or pigs in the menu.:)
    The horrors of pig farming are another thing we don't like to chat about. All the "good to eat" lists of animals are easy to keep in fairly natural environments, chickens, sheep, ducks etc can run free range and lead a close to (if not better) natural life.
    Each to their own though.

  9. WEF AGENDA TO CONTROL the 500 MILLION HUMANS LEFT – After ELIMINATING 7.5 BILLION ๐Ÿ’ฅ people SOON ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ

  10. Brilliant reaction to those people who disrespected you in the circus. Remove yourself whenever possible is great advice.

  11. โค sending love to everyone during this incredible flux! The trickster spirit has been busy trying to distract us! I love the concept of aftermath, new growth usually emerges after the fires rage. Best berries after a burn cycle. โค sending love to beautiful merritt! โค

  12. Hey Mike, How You're Doing Man? I'm Watching This Video On Sunday, 06/18/2023 Early Morning.

    Man, You Look Tired. Have You Found A Solution To Your "Facebook" Situation? if All Else Fails, You May Have To Start A "Go-Fund-Me" As A Last Result.

    Please Be Aware, That When You Deal With "China, You're Also Dealing With Russia & Vice-Versa! i've Name Them "The Siamese Twins" About "5" Years Ago.

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