Gardening Supplies

Allotment Gardening In May 2023, Allotment Update For May 2023, Allotment Gardening

Allotment Gardening In May 2023, Allotment Update For May 2023, Allotment Gardening

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  1. Hi Ian, well timed video for me this one. Can I ask you how long do we need to keep covering our potatoes. Mine have started sprouting and I’ve covered them a couple of times but if I have to cover ever time I see a green shoot my plots gonna look like the pyramids!!! It’s already looking like a mole hill. My onions are doing well and I’ve even managed to get my parsnips to germinate which is quite an achievement according to one of the guys there! Beetroot going in soon and peas put in yesterday. Hopefully still there and not taken the mice or rabbits. Thanks Deb

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