
PLANT THIS Before Planting YOUR Fruit Trees

Are YOU planning to plant some fruit trees this year? Or have you planted some fruit trees already? Let me show you something you REALLY want to plant before planting your fruit trees.


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How to Plant YOUR Orchard (TRIOS):

My Favourite Playlist (Indicators Of…):

My BIGGEST Mistakes made in the Orchard (Playlist) THIS WILL SAVE YOU crazy TIME and MONEY!!!:



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  1. Do you have any adice on selling apples? I started some trees a few years back and am now getting lots of apples. I thought about farmer market but they charge a lot to let me sell.

  2. sir have you ever used anything that moves in a breeze . we use mule tape deer see it moving dont know how big it is but like you said deer crawl under fences

  3. I have been wondering to put up a fedge made with Alder-trees; 1) fast-growing, 2) nitrogen-fixing, 3) among the least palatable trees (i.e not very interesting for wildlife). However, when researching wind-breakers I read that 60-70% coverage is the best, and that too much (i.e a fedge) might cause issues with turbulence and not a very good wind-break. Any experience in that regard?

  4. You can also just make a hedgerow.
    In the Ozarks using osage orange an native mulberries.
    You use saplings bend them other and tye them together. Then when you get a year's groth you wave the new branches together.
    Next year you will have a fence that nothing will be able to penetrate.

  5. 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍇🥝🍒🍑🥭That’s fine good idea as long as those trees that you’re planning next to the fence line are fruit trees also
    Why don’t you tell them to plant something decent like Hawthorne?
    That’s the cure, so nobody has a heart attack
    What kind of trees did you want them to plant something non-edible on the best piece of land of their entire property
    No, the height of the fence not a bunch of Bush
    Constantine wire military grade
    Get that deer tangled up in that stuff then you could come out and see it squirming and being ripped apart bleeding all over the place and what do you get?
    We are making orchards if the deer want to come over, we could have pits for them to fall into with spikes on the floor to plunge through them
    With a bunch of 🐉🐲 dragons ready to eat them if you want to tell him what really works
    🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩 standard poodles. They are the most vicious creatures on the planet, especially when they are in packs.
    They turn into gang members against anything that comes into their territory like dear
    They hide carefully, creeping up on the deer, and especially if baby shows up weights even opens up the gate for the young deer, and shut it right behind them
    Yes, the poodles is a must have😊

  6. One European brush fence idea is to use poles to pile the brush between so it's 2- 3' deep! Again, makes good refuge for birds and wildlife, and vines can grow over.

  7. My deer in orlando are small..they ate allmy young trees😂😂 i bought metal fence roll in home depot and put cages around then…WORKED GREAT ❤❤❤❤ THE TREES ARE BIG NOW

  8. The brush pile doesn't need to be high, basically only up to the "knees" of the deer. The main reason it's effective is deer don't like stepping into any obstacle that could impede their ability to take flight if they sense danger.

  9. In the book Gaia's Garden, Toby Hemenway uses the term "Fedge" as a combo of food + hedge, meaning it's a hedge filled with wild foods on the outside to allow the deer to snack on – as they go down the line they are led away from your property. On the opposite side are your fruit trees, berries etc. that you would prefer not to share with the deer.
    Other options include a motion-detector activated sprinkler along the perimeter to scare deer away, and also from Perma Pastures Farm, Billy's Bone Sauce, an all-natural deer repellent which he has a video on and can be found for sale at their website.

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