Japanese Garden

Chatting with viewers and stuff

hey guys im here again

TTS Paypal donations here: https://streamlabs.com/danielhimr/tip

For for testing testing testing hello this thing go okay this is my new stream setup see if it’s good why is my phone lagging hello Hello oh thanks Jenkins is the stream lagging or is it just my phone lagging can’t see my computer screen I think it’s my phone lagging maybe the iPhone doesn’t look it’s stupid thing’s buffering keeps buffering on the YouTube thing the YouTube playback so this is my new stream setup hope you like

It put the mic here wow that’s actually pretty good good height for the microphone so I put my phone here and I put this one maybe here I put cardboard because I don’t want to make a mess okay I’m just waiting for it to get demonetized and I can request

Review then we’re ready to go although this is going to make my back hurt sitting like This why does my apartment look so messy so we got all the stacks of water here and then you got all this junk there but I don’t know what to do with the junk because it’s kind of stuff that I use or stuff that I might use use like paints and uh fish

Supplies are you not worried about getting doxed well I’ve already showed all this before you’ve seen all this before it’s just it’s just um that wall with the doors let me check yeah it’s just stuff I’ve shown before you can’t see out of the windows or anything make videos about Thailand show

Rents I already did that I did a cost of living in Thailand back in June and it got like 5K views making videos about Thailand doesn’t work unless you’re like a fresh Channel where your whole life is basically in Thailand you moving to Thailand you’re like a fresh person on

YouTube so unless you’re a brand brand new fresh Channel who makes videos in Thailand about Thailand then I don’t really see how it’s going to work I’ve seen like a bunch of new people like newbie YouTubers start to get views and subs and the whole thing is hey look I moved to

Thailand but my channel started off with me moving to Japan so no one cares about me in Thailand they don’t even care when I’m in Japan so why would they care when I’m in Thailand I don’t think I ever did a video about Thailand that got good views maybe 8K 8K Max has Ty girlfriend started her Channel yet no she’s not going to do YouTube she’s not cut out to do YouTube It’s funny because before she found my channel when we traveled in

Vietnam she was vlogging she bought a selfie stick and a mic but I don’t know what she did with the videos she made all these videos like Vlog style like hey guys we were in Vietnam and she was making these she was making a lot of

Videos I wonder if she deleted them I’m pretty sure she didn’t upload them anywhere I think she would get one comment someone saying she looks weird or something and then she would delete the whole thing probably yeah my viewers don’t care about Thailand unfortunately I mean even

I don’t care about Thailand so if I don’t care then you guys not going to care I guess I made Japan I guess my Japan videos were interesting because I was interested in Japan at the time it was like brand new experience moving to T I don’t know

Where to look without the monitor usually I look at my face I look at my own face on my monitor I don’t know where to look let’s look this way 2017 was exciting for me moving to Japan like properly moving there not just going there for a couple

Months life in Thailand’s not really interesting to me it’s just convenient and cheap but it was it was never really my dream to live in Thailand it just happened I guess why is it always the things you really want you don’t get and the things you don’t really care about

You just kind of end up randomly getting without trying I thought we make some pies Today because I can’t make I’m going to be busy this weekend doing stuff can’t do any YouTube stuff what’s the difference between cell and oh my god did you hear that someone just got Blended in the filter yeah streams demonetized as usual just requested the review they’re requesting the review thing 8

Hours before the stream ends it’s pretty good idea it went great last stream after about 4 hours sell is when you just sell something then resell is be is when you buy something with the objective to sell it for profit I didn’t buy those things that I

Sold to buy and then sell for profit I bought it because I wanted it and I needed it to make videos and stuff they finished their objectives I made the content out of it and then I didn’t need it anymore so I sold it I don’t know why snails keep getting

Sucked up into my filter and then they get caught in the motor and then they get Blended because there’s a little mesh thing and I put a pipe in the hole so things can’t swim into it but they still somehow find a way to get into the filter system and then they get

Blended I don’t really care cuz there’s so many snails in the tank there’s like 50 I need something to get rid of them actually it’s just that sound of them getting blended is kind of annoying why can’t they die quietly I don’t even know if I need the

Filter I’ve all these plants creating oxygen in there I don’t need a filter thing to oxygenate the water there’s lots of rotting snails in the filter I think it’s fine I mean what’s the Worst That Could Happen bunch of rotting snails in there the bacteria will break it down

Then it’ll get recycled and plants will absorb it it’s the cycle of life every time I upload a video or do a stream I feel like I end up having to reply to all these comments correcting them like someone says there’s no way you’ll be able to

Buy a house and then flip it for profit when I never even said I’m going to buy a house to renovate it for profit and then someone says pretty sure you can extend the student visa for 2 years and then I have to say I already extended it this is the max

Why am I always having to correct people what can’t they just listen properly to what I’m saying I never once said I’m going to buy a house to try and flip it for profit the goal of buying the house is to mess around in it and destroy

It as if imagine going to buy a house and fix it up properly and then put it on the market come on you’ve been watching me long enough should know by now I like to destroy things or make a mess what is the working holiday Visa

Advice don’t get a job in a convenience store I hated it just do YouTube first day in Japan how I moved to Japan on the working holiday Visa how how is it so late 3:00 p.m. what have I been doing all day I started this stream a bit late today means I’ve

Only got like 4 hours well I was playing Diablo 4 and then I couldn’t stop playing I started playing it at 1:00 p.m. and I was like I’ll just play one one dungeon 20 minutes and then 2 hours went by felt like it felt like 2 minutes

Diablo 4 is so good I’m experimenting with the Paragon board and I made this Ultra tanky sorcerer build and now I can do tier 50 I can do tier 50 2 no tier 54 dungeons at level 82 private English tutoring yeah when I was on the working holiday Visa everyone

At the guest house kept saying why don’t you teach English they pay 3,000 yen an hour and then I kept saying because I don’t have a degree what school’s going to hire me really I didn’t want to teach English because it’s lame I thought I used to be very snobbish

Because I could speak Japanese and I was like I don’t want to be like all the other loser foreigners who can’t speak Japanese and they have to teach English I was like no I’m going to work in a job that needs my Japanese cuz I’m so good at

It and then I got a job at Lawson and then so many Japanese people got mad at me because my Japanese wasn’t that great had to keep asking them to repeat themselves and then the stupid old Japanese men would get mad at me because I was not understanding what they were

Saying usually happened when they bought cigarettes and I couldn’t understand the cigarette Brand because the cigarette brand is in English so ironically I couldn’t understand them when they spoke in Japanese to say A J to say an English word so it’s not that I didn’t understand the Japanese I didn’t understand the stupid katak English but yeah I feel sorry for the

People have to get they get stuck having to do English teaching cuz every person who has taught English on YouTube who is now a YouTuber they all talk about how much they hated teaching English I don’t know how give me a break man still does it without going

Crazy I think he owns a school and he employees teachers so do you think this is a good camera angle for making a pie or maybe first person views better Jesus look all the wires I got to tidy that up somehow I don’t know how cuz I need all the

Wires Rat’s Nest of wires I talked to my mom she said my uncles and aunties and cousin from Malaysia they’re coming to England as well for the wedding but they’re going to stay for a month but she said they’re going to go traveling around the UK so maybe they

Won’t be around much and I’ll have the house myself it would be a nightmare having my relatives there for a month and they’re in the house all the time I think the uncle and auntie that I like are coming and then the cousin that I barely ever speak to is also

Coming which she kind of weird cuz the cousin is not the son of the uncles and aunties so it’s like uncle and auntie and then also cousin from a different parents who else did she say was coming yeah two aunties one uncle and a cousin one month that’s a long

Holiday am I going to stream and stuff when I’m back home the thing I hated most about being back home was all the people coming over all the time my mom has so many friends and all these guys were coming over to try and woo my mom you don’t know how many English

Men kept coming over all these different ones there’s one who drove a really nice AI Audi TT and he looked us up he said he Googled my mom and then he found out information on the Internet or something I don’t know if you found my subreddit but he looks really rich like

He had a very expensive Ali dressed very nicely I think he what was his job I forgot it was like something in the legal industry some kind of legal job what’s your net worth it’s like 5,000 now I’ve got 20 days to pay my tax 7,400 I currently

Have 4,000 in cash I need another 3,000 that I’ll get from setting stocks and then I could pay the final amount oh I didn’t get I didn’t do the phone call with the tax people I said I don’t want to to do it I said I didn’t say that I said I

Would prefer to do email because I might not be able to remember dates and details accurately on the top of my head during a phone call which I think it’s a pretty good reason so if they ask me things like so when was the exact date that you entered

Japan I don’t remember straight off the top of my head and if I say the wrong date then it seems like I’ve Chang the details of my story or I made up the story and I can’t remember my own story when really I just don’t remember the exact date I entered and left

Japan what plane I took what was the name of the hotel I stay I don’t remember all this stuff it happened 5 years ago so I said I won’t be able to remember I won’t be able to answer the questions accurately if we do a phone call so I’m hoping they’ll think that’s

A good excuse why does your spoon look weird what spoon spoon what do you mean you’re an example of people that one lot treat kit lost it all because they couldn’t manage the amount responsibly well I didn’t think my YouTube channel would completely die in a year

Sorry I thought I’d still be getting like 10K 12K views now last year this time I was getting 15 20K views still sometimes 10K now I get 3K 2K 4K I understand people might think it’s boring now but come on it’s exactly the same as last year I was streaming last

Year and just sitting around doing nothing and talking and whining it’s not like my content massively changed or anything it’s the same content I’ve been doing for years so they found it interesting a couple years ago or a year ago all of a sudden now it’s not interesting so it’s kind of

Weird I think they’re just waiting for me to leave go back home or do something else content was better how was it better is the same I didn’t do anything differently last year last year I was at home doing driving lessons in my bedroom how is that any

Different I did kitchen streams did some cooking Manchester content sucks and it used to get 15K views back then I was still getting 10K views on a live stream so either the algorithm screwed me and just stopped showing my channel to loads of people people just finally got bored

I don’t really know how to make the content good no the problem is no one helps me no one wants to be on camera with me no one wants to like engage with the viewers any girl I meet always like oh don’t feel me don’t talk about me I can’t do this by

Myself I can’t make it you know the only reason why it was interesting before is because people helped me make it interesting by being part of the show now I’m all alone ice tried to help ice just wants to bully me on camera I don’t like Ice’s attitude he’s

Like if you want to stream in career from me then you’ve got to be submissive to me and like suck up to me I don’t want to do that well maybe next year I’ll get up to something but I reckon it doesn’t matter what I do if there’s no secondary or other Side

Characters then it’s pretty dull at this point my girlfriend’s basically like an invisible person do you hate ice now now I don’t hate him but I did kind of lose interest I tried to watch his stream now but it’s I don’t know why it’s boring he’s

Sitting in a car with Joel and that other white guy who’s annoying that Action Man guy he’s so annoying I can’t stand him Joel is boring he just sits there not saying anything most of the time and he’s got a cameraman as well which kind of ruins the vibe I don’t like it

When YouTubers have a cameraman I like it when they hold the camera themselves and they do like either first person view or they do self vlogging when they get a cameraman it looks more professional but then it takes away the magic I think like Isis live streams back in

Japan when he was a onean band doing all himself was so so much better then after he got a cameraman it just feels different and all the Stak stuff and the kick stuff I so I hate all of it I liked it when he was on YouTube it’s just

Different now I don’t like how it’s different and I saw Chris’s video as well he’s got like two Vans of he’s got a cameraman he’s got three video editors he’s got Ian who manages the ch Challengers and stuff and he pled stuff he’s got some woman called Ellen I think

She’s the driver why does he need a drive why does he need so many damn people he’s got more crew members than James May when he does his filming stuff where’s your so where’s your three people editing so ridiculous I don’t need a camera man I got a tripod

Hate how YouTube turned into television yeah I know I go on YouTube front page and my entire feed just looks like Netflix documentaries everyone is trying so hard to make video essays and make like TV documentary quality stuff there are still amateur vloggers but they’re just very small channels you got

To like search seek them out I like that Alisa Chung girl she recently blow up she’s kind of got those amateur Vlog vibes I like the amateur Vlog Vibe channels where it’s just one person doing it out of boredom out of the bedroom yeah Balden bankrupt he’s got

More views than Chris Broad in total and he does it all himself he just has that little Sony camera barely edits the video oh well what you mean I had seex with two men didn’t have sex with any men just cuz I watch the gay stuff doesn’t mean I am

Gay that’s why it’s saying just cuz you have vegetables sometimes you’re a vegan and sometimes you just have to watch whatever it takes to to pop one out you know sometimes women get boring I watch so many women already get a bit bored of it it’s always the same thing

Sometimes you’re not really in the mood to watch a woman I’d say 80% of the time I watch a woman but then like 20% of the time feel like watching something different yeah I like the well like lady boys if they’re cute they look okay but I wouldn’t get with one be

Weird can you give your actual opinion on R Ally versus steam deck yeah I put out like 20 videos saying buy steam deck not RG Ally buy R Ally not steam deck I haven’t tried the steam deck already de I tried the first steam deck I didn’t like it because it doesn’t have

Windows can steam deck do this look I’m streaming right now off the RG Ally actually steam deck can do this I did a test it’s got on the Linux uh software store they’ve got OBS so I guess you can do this but I don’t think you can play

Rainbow 6 on Steam deck because it needs to download battle I or something that anti cheat software and that only works on Windows I think I think I’m not sure yeah it’s got 512 GB I’ve got Rainbow 6 Li of P Diablo 4 and Spider-Man mors Moralis but I’ve

Also got a one tbte USB hard drive just in case I really like the oi allly although I was a bit disappointed today because I filmed some Diablo 4 gameplay in the video footage is all stuttery and I’m not sure why I think the legion go looks better

Because you can take the joysticks the joy off and then just have a tablet if I got it I’ll just take off the controllers and Chuck them away and just use it as like a little tablet but the thing I don’t like about the legion go

Is the speakers are really bad the RG Ally speakers are really good they’re front facing they sound like proper real speakers the best speakers I’ve ever had on the RG Ally but the legion go speakers sound terrible why don’t you do content with your sister she keeps telling me don’t film

Me I met her in Thailand a couple months ago first first thing she says is don’t film us I think she had a bad experience with trolls and Weirdos so don’t blame me if the content’s boring blame the stupid trolls ruining it scaring everyone off it’s sad even if I don’t do anything

Wrong all it takes is like some weirdos on the internet to creep out people and then they don’t want to do YouTube with me how do you know Legion go speakers are bad cuz I watched a video and they compared the speakers and they said it was bad and it sounded

Bad no one’s interested in buying my phone or my mic I got a couple messages they left me on read it’s fine maybe we just keep my phone I can use that one for streaming this one for stream playback and then this one check my messages actually know I quite like the

Flip cuz look I can bend it place it down there it’s like a little map a little lap laptop could play YouTube videos on there yeah that stream I did with my sister she would never do that now she’s scared I keep telling her don’t worry I

Only get like 4K views now all the weirdos have come and gone already there’s not going to be more weirdos unless I go viral again which is not going to happen I think the worst of it is over like the weirdos and the trolls most of them are gone they lost

Interest yeah she was pretty traumatized when that guy visited my house she said she was hiding in the other room prepared to call the police she’s funny I reckon I could have taken him he was like a he was like 5’8 and he looked skinny and

Frail I reckon I could have taken him my mom could have taken him there was nothing to worry about unless he was carrying a knife or something I was so I wasn’t scared I was so pissed off that I wasn’t angry at him I was angry at my mom cuz she let

Him in and it’s just like my mom letting strangers into my bedroom when I was a kid she would have someone come over and then she’d bring them up to my room and they’ll just like stand in the doorway and go this is my son Daniel and then

She’ll say say hello Daniel and I’d be like hello who the hell are you why are you in my bedroom go away my dad used to do it as well there was this there was this kid I knew at school and we were kind of friends we

Would hang out after school and then one day for some reason we got a bit out of control in my other friend’s garden and he punched me in the stomach really hard completely winded me I collapsed to the ground cuz I couldn’t breathe and then

Ever since then I hated him so he kept trying to phone me I mean he he was trying to say sorry but I was so angry and I hated him from that point and then he just came over and knocked the door knocked on the door my dad let him in

And I was just waiting for him to go away so I was more angry that my mom let that guy into the house it was funny though me and Jiro were sitting on the sofa and Jiro was talking to him and I was on my switch

And I would just I was just staring at the switch trying not to make eye contacts cuz I was was so angry my mom said she thought he was my school friend cuz she couldn’t understand what he was saying cuz his his voice was very quiet and he kind of

Mumbled but I could hear what he was saying at the doorstep he was saying that I’m someone from the internet there’s no way my mom’s going to understand that my mom would be like you’re from where from in vaness let’s if she’s going to understand oh I’m the guy from the

Internet I’m a fan of Daniel she wouldn’t have understand a word of that now I wasn’t angry at the fan I was angry at my mom for inviting him into the house she should have just said okay thank you I’ll pass it on to Daniel he

Just came to to give me a card and a box of chocolates she should have just said okay thanks I’ll give it to Daniel and then said have a nice Christmas bye really I bet she misses me though would you recommend Thailand or Cambodia well I’ve never been to

Cambodia so I wouldn’t know I better start making my do d did you see that did you see my skills that look really good bounc the butter right off my knee Sam sulet can grow so fast on YouTube I don’t know are these people YouTube Geniuses I’ve seen a lot of

Channels recently it says started 10 months ago 400,000 subscribers yeah well they got a lot of Subs but they got a third of My Views they do they have 36 million views no they got like 5 million 8 million sub count means nothing you know who else’s Channel died

Recently that I found out Kelly stamps you know that skinny sassy black girl she blew up a couple years ago and she was getting millions of views 200k 300K every upload now I checked it 3 years later she only gets 30k views you see that’s just how it goes on

YouTube you blow up and then roughly four years later the Channel’s dead so I feel less bad about myself now because I keep thinking oh it was all my fault I killed my channel because of drama and lying and being a but no it’s just pretty natural

For 4 years later the channel to be pretty dead no matter who you are so only the top 1% who keep growing and growing and blow up and become massive yeah even PewDiePie’s channel is kind of dead compared to four years ago he used to get 5 million views now he barely

Gets 1 million but is it possible to die and then be reborn bad content I don’t know it’s the same content she was doing years ago I think people just get bored of it I think it’s no one’s fault it’s not the content Creator’s fault it’s not the

Viewer’s fault it is the fault of time time is the one to blame the passing of time you know what I also found out I can actually use the mic on the phone so I don’t even need to plug in a mic to the

Phone so I don’t even need to plug in a mic to the phone in case we go over to the kitchen I could I could switch over the mic okay so first you want to get um selfing flour I think that should be enough I need to make two pies today we’re going

To make a chicken pie and a mixed berry chai pie so so going put some salt In I bought a bag of mixed berries it’s got strawberries blueberries cherries raspberries no we don’t need yeast to make a pie pastry okay next get the butter oh my God why doesn’t that Open half a stick of butter and then you want to cut it in into blocks like This and then put the butter in the flour why don’t you wash your hands because it’s going to be cooked any bacteria that’s on my hand will get cooked and there’s no bacteria on my hand it’s just like very very undang bacteria maybe that’s why I keep getting d

Dihe there’s nothing on my hands that’s going to be bad for you although my girlfriend did have diarrhea last night I had diarrhea this morning but we didn’t eat the same thing she had crab and I had my beef stew that I made before I think I’m like a pastry Master now

I’ve made it so many times I don’t know why I keep getting diarrhea when I eat my own cooking because my beef stew was just potato carrots and onions and beef and that was it so how what am I going to get di from next time I could make that stew

And put it in a pie what the all the jobs you have had my first job I was a paper delivery boy on my bicycle and then I worked in a kitchen washing up and then I worked in an office doing office duties and then I worked in a Japanese convenience store

And then I worked in a petrol station but in total I don’t think I’ve worked more than 3 years in my whole life I worked about one year at the kitchen I did the paper job for about 2 weeks I did the office job for about 5 months convenience store about 3

Months and then the Pet Station about 9 months so it’s like 2 years and a half it’s pretty good my whole life I’ve only ever worked 2.5 years sometimes I feel like I’m lucky I wonder if I’ll ever have to get a job again I think I’d rather literally do anything

But get a job I’ve only got 30 years left until I die so there not that long left and then I’m out of here as the Americans say finished life completed no pension I don’t need a pension I have my dividend stocks and my YouTube backlog of videos making passive

Income and I have my family home why wait 30 years because I don’t want to die I actually enjoy living life sometimes it’s boring sometimes it’s pleasurable like when I eat my pie or I play Diablo 4 or I get an ace kill on Rainbow 6 with only my

Knife I don’t know why you’d want to die Oh my legs hurt okay now we got to put the water oh this cardboard is going to make it so much easier bit worried about the mic it’s wobbling a lot if your mother remarries you really think she’s going to get married again

At 65 or something at that age people don’t care about marriage they just want to find someone to keep them company do stuff with getting married you only do that when you’re young and you want to make a family and you want some guarantees women only want to get married

Because they want to like lock in a future and they feel like if the man doesn’t want to get married then he’s just wasting my time cuz he’s not serious women just want a way to lock in a man or feel like they’ve locked in a man that’s basically the whole point of

It when you’re 60 or it you don’t really care anymore why don’t I have kids because my sperm doesn’t work otherwise I’d have if it actually worked back in October I would have a 3-month-old baby right now if I was a normal guy that would be wild if I had a

Baby do you think anything would be different I just like Chuck the baby in the bedroom and I’d be doing the same thing I’m doing now apart from there’d be like a crying baby why do babies cry so much just give them some food and then they’ll stop

Crying or they need a cuddle or Something why is it so sticky I put too much water again I don’t have more flour to unstick it oh no if I don’t have any more flour how am I going to roll it I’ve only got tempura batter flour would that work okay it’s enough oh my God it’s sticking to the

Cardboard oh there’s no flour left oh there’s some left I have to use a tempura frying flour I put too much water for I think it’s the same it’s just flower isn’t it okay that’s better I just need to put some folds in it okay

And then we put it in the freezer no the fridge for have you seen one of these before it’s better than than cling film because it doesn’t get stuck to the roll it’s like a hair net see easy okay Okay next we make the filling we’ve got chicken breast and peas and maybe some onions would be good Too watch this who knows the Japanese game called kend dama you might know what I’m going to do with this watch ah ah I can’t it won’t go on the end of it yay that’s how you do it Ken Dama smells like Onion okay to make the chicken filling for the pie crap I got water all over the dough area the Onions chop the onions into Chunks like So And then oh my eyes burning oh my God oh I know we’ll have to go into the kitchen in a minute when am I going to Japan uh maybe next year September or July depends how fast I can get the money if I can get the money Faster by hopefully My Views go

Up then maybe I can go in June or July if not then I have to save up for longer here we got frozen chicken breast fresh out of the freezer cut that into I’d say Square shaped chunks oh and I also got some carbonara spaghetti sauce to make the cream the cream

Base actually I might not use all of this there quite a lot of chicken already that seems like a lot of chicken I could save the rest for Okay oh I got this carbonara but Alfredo will I still be paying rent for your girlfriend when you leave hope not you know she actually asked me to pay for the rent when I was in Japan I said no said I can’t afford to pay hotels and the rent oh crap

Should I bring the camera into the kitchen what else I need to do d Is For For oh my God there’s no time to move the camera it’s burning it’s near done um yeah I need to buy a Christmas present as well for my girlfriend soon she got a tree she said she wants to exchange gifts but I have no idea what to get her should get

Her cake from 7-Eleven okay next I need to roll out the dough so busy oh crap Je tastes pretty good maybe a bit more salt don’t get her blueberry cheesecake again that’s what I got her for was it Valentine’s Day didn’t I get her anything last Christmas no I didn’t or for her

Birthday either I get a cake or I make a cake I hate buying presents I never know what to get I think the is done look looks pretty good he now we have to Blind bake the pastry Bottom that’s a bit too much flour are you the best man at your sister’s wedding I don’t know if she’s even doing the best man thing isn’t that like an American thing imagine I’m not the best man but then if I was the best man I’d feel weird about it like I have

Responsibility what does the best man even do okay so we need to roll out this dough a speech I’m not do doing a speech imagine me getting up in front of the whole church what’ I say hello I’m Daniel Sabrina’s sister I mean Sabrina’s brother we are gathered here today to

Celebrate the holy matrimony of my dearly beloved sister who wouldn’t let me live stream today cuz she’s a imagine she lets me live stream the wedding how many viewers do you think I get maybe 100 sauna please can I live stream your wedding roll out the

D I should I should cut this in half otherwise we’ll get a massive piece of d That’s too small man I I think I don’t have enough dough for two pies maybe I just make one best men are the Grooms what yeah the oh yeah her boyfriend

Would choose the best man to be like one of his friends wouldn’t he and then my sister would choose the best woman what are these black bits getting stuck in the door that means I’m the only Lord left the only true Lord my mom’s not really a true

Lord she’s only Lord by name not by Blood I Am Lord by name and blood the one true Lord my name is so stupid lord of the Mana okay put the base in yeah I’ve got Lord cousins but they’re just cousins not actual Family I’ve got an older cousin he’s got two kids now and I got I’ve got another cousin she’s a woman she’s got some kids too the kids must be like 5 years old Now I’ve got seven I think seven cousins one of them also was trying to pass a driving test but they couldn’t do it because they would get anxious he had too much anxiety he could drive but every time he took the test he would get so nervous he

Would do something silly and then fail his mom came to my house and she was like encouraging me and then I passed my test and she said congratulations okay so that’s the pie bottom now we need to cook this for 20 minutes I think and then I’ve got this other

Cousin he’s half French and he’s really athletic he’s really into cycling and sports he’s very different to the other Lords he’s like not a beta I used to be good friends with him when we were kids we used to play video games together and then he became a

Chad okay so that’s how you do the base going to put that in the air fr okay oh my God why is making a pie so much work how old are you I’m 34 I’ll be 35 next march Okay so so we got this one I’ve actually still got some of the pre-made

Dough so I could use that for the lid and then use this one for the berry pip not sure I might have to use some pre-made though this might make one more bottom and one top Life Update um not I’m not leaving for Christmas I’m leaving next April my girlfriend keeps saying let’s

Go do you want to go to Japan for Christmas or let’s go to Taiwan or Hong Kong or some place and I keep saying no because I spent a lot of money to get the visa here why would I leave when I got the Visa you know the school costs $11,000

But then I have to go to immigration every 90 days and then I have to pay $100 every time so I’ve been to immigration about four times each time I had to pay them $100 for the documentation uh service so it’s like $1,500 plus I had to go to school every

Day it was so much work and money to get the visa I’m not just going to leave Thailand for a few weeks I said no I got the Visa means we have to stay in Thailand and then we can go traveling next year she thinks I’m bored in Thailand

And I want to go to Japan I do but everything has to have timing I’ll go to Japan next year when I don’t have a Visa anymore and also I don’t want to leave the country and then reenter and then they question me they’ll be like oh are you really studying

Tai then they’ll try and test Me yeah go to immigration again next week so boring we go to it takes up the whole day by the time we we finished it’s like 5 or 6:00 p.m. we go in the morning go to the school pick up the documents it takes about 40 30 or 40 minutes to drive to

The school then we got to get the documents and then get back in the car drive to immigration it takes like an hour to get to immigration cuz I’m here the school is down and then immigration is like up there so we got drive down

Drive up it’ll take an hour and a half to 2 hours to all the driving then we get there and then we we get a number then we got to sit there waiting for the number to be called it takes like half an hour to an

Hour and then if you’re unlucky and your number is not called by midday they they close everything to go for lunch and then you got to wait 1 hour until 1 p.m. until they reopen everything so I might finish at like 2:00 p.m. no one’s recognized me at

Immigration I got I got recognized twice at Japanese immigration before my girlfriend found out about my channel I used to get really nervous going to immigration CU that’s where all the foreigners are and if I’m going to get recognized by anyone it’ll be by foreigners and the highest concentration of foreigners are at

Immigration so I used to worry all the time but I didn’t get recognized once in Thailand every time we walked past white people I would look away and pretend to scratch my head like like that cuz I was scared there would Rec ize me and then

My cover would be blown but luckily I’m not that famous cuz that would really screw me up if people just recognize me on the street it has happened a few times it happened in Japan this year when I was leaving the hotel this guy

Saw me he said I I know you you’re the alone in my room guy I think people mostly recognize me from elvisly adens videos you want to buy my channel well the channel currently makes about 10K a year and probably in a couple years it’s probably going to make 2K less each year

So in like 5 time this channels only going to be making 4K probably it’s like buying a stock that keeps going down in value if you could short a channel then you’d make money shorting mine I wish you could invest in a YouTube channel I know you can donate but when

You donate you don’t get the money back we’re nearly done I just need to cook the bottom part of the pine and then put in the fitting then put the lid on put it back in then it’s finished finished what about egg wash milk wash goes on sweet

Pie yeah we could do egg wash I bought a special brush for cooking look Special Egg brush what high I’m making chicken cream pie I mean creamy chicken pie then I’m also I might make a second Pie as well mixed berries maybe that’s too many pies yeah I got paintbrush hair in my

Last pie cuz the paintbrush bristle started falling out you’re supposed to talk up the channel H this channel is dead this Channel’s doomed maybe I can get 200 viewers again I got 120 viewers again last Stream So if something actually interesting happens maybe I can get 200

Again but it’s going to be really interesting like kicked out my girlfriend’s yelling at me on the phone I think a little bit longer than it’s done what was special about the last stream I don’t know it’s the same title I used today just hey guys I’m chat

About life and then I got the highest number of viewers I got in the whole year 100 no I had more in Japan had like I had 140 in Japan when I was doing the cycling I don’t know why the other title did so well it’s funny that really boring title

Did so much better than my clickbait titles all the why I hate my wife and my ex-wife is mad at me that kind of stuff I was only getting about 70 viewers maybe the clickbait is overdone now which country’s food is your favorite the UK pot noodle pies fish and chips bacon

Sandwich the UK has the best food is pie British food like chicken pie is like British food isn’t it pie is very European food they don’t have it in Asia I don’t know why Asian people don’t like pies you never see it unless you go to like a special shop they they

Like wet gloopy stuff they don’t like dry flaky puffy stuff oh do you remember the frey bentos pie I got when was that was it in tran I got that Frey bentos pie in a can I couldn’t open it because it didn’t have a ring pole and I

Didn’t have a can opener so I was stabbing the lid with a knife that was funny I think my best content is all the food stuff I know people like the drama and like the relatable vulnerable Story Time stuff but I honestly like the cooking food stuff the

Most that’s what I like doing I don’t know I like food so much I like messing around with it it’s not Bland it’s Savory and wholesome but without all the spiciness and weirdness to gross you out it’s got none of the horribleness of certain cuisines like crab guts and disgusting tentacles and

Spiciness it’s just nice food that’s Pleasant tastes good you can eat it without having to be grossed out or be put into pain for for we have a small problem some of the pie got stuck to the bowl that I put on top of it to hold it Down oh there’s oil in the air fr okay next uh the pie fitting patch up with fresh dough but then it’ll be raw wouldn’t it put the filling in oh that smells so good creamy chickeny oniony oh the onions raw damn it the onion’s still a bit crunchy and

Raw I’m hoping it’s going to finish cooking in the air fryer I hate onions it take such a long time to cook yeah hopefully it will cook inside of the pie the chicken’s really creamy and nice though oh maybe a bit more salt I should have cooked the onions

Until they went Brown and then added the chicken H I think a bit more salt and some black pepper Oh it’s going to be good look at this it’s still hot I can’t I think you can see it from there can’t you a come I want to show you a closeup use a towel these tissues no T chicken pie that looks pretty good maybe I’ll do that for the

Thumbnail y y y y y is that a good angle it’s too low down oh that was good A bit higher that should be good enough oh my God okay now for the lid yeah for For wait I think I’ve done it wrong uh like that no it’s okay I’m sweating And then finally the last strip I don’t think I’ve got enough d to make another pie beautiful cut those edges Off And then what you want to do is take some leftover bits and fill in any gaps around the sides cuz we didn’t really make it perfect crusted and then that’ll fit itself out for okay then get an Egg And then brush it on I never know what to do with the rest of the egg after I finish this because there’s always half of it left can make like a mini omelette it’s kind of grotesque isn’t it I just cooked its mom in the pie and now

I’m brushing its baby fetus on top of it imagine if you did this with humans people would say you’re a monster how come it’s only you’re a monster if you do if you eat humans or you kill humans or you’re anti-human but then it’s okay if you do it to

Animals I don’t get that okay put back in the air fryer look at that perfect Hiie God sweating okay do we make the berry pie the egg isn’t fertilized it’s technically a period why is it disgusting but so tasty at the same time I’ve only got this tiny bit of D left it might be enough to make another bottom and then I’ll use

The I got that what’s it called it’s like Rotty pastry door for now I have um two types of pre-made dough in the freeer I’ve got that puff pastry let me check I’ve got this the problem is the the chicken pie is going to be in the pie tin and I’ve only

Got that metal Bowl I could make it in that one but then it would look ugly or I could take the chicken pie out of the pie can the pie dish did I learn cooking from my mom no my mom didn’t teach me anything I had to look it all up on

YouTube I don’t no my mom’s never made a chicken pie she would has she I don’t know actually sometimes you would buy like a pre-made one and put it in the oven I don’t think she’s made a whole pie from scratch she usually made a lot of

Shepherd’s pie which is not really a pie it’s just mashed potato on top of meat uh lasagna and stews and and fish pie and roast dinners but not pie I don’t know why I like to make pie so much out of all the things you can

Make I definitely think the pie is the most interesting cuz you got the pastry which is fun to make and then you got the filling which could be meat and creamy meat with f vegetables or it could be fruit apple or something else why didn’t she cook Malaysian or

Chinese sometimes she made fried rice and chain she didn’t really make Malay food because she’s not ethnically Malay she would usually make fried rice or like a stir fry or that it’s like pork brazed pork pork in a soup I think it’s called bakut it’s like pork bone broth and then you

Boil vegetables and pork belly in it how’s convenience store food in Thailand they have 7-eleven here but they don’t sell the same bentos like in Japan Japan 7-Eleven have really good uh bentos rice and pork and fried food but they don’t have that here in the

7-eleven here all of the bentos are Pad Thai and padal which is like rice and minced beef with chili it’s all Thai food they don’t have like rice and pork or Ramen or yakisoba which is kind of annoying and they don’t sell fried food they do sell a lot of pork burgers

And beef burgers which I like and they also sell the on Airi with salmon in it and they sell like um cheese toasty things you put in the microwave I usually get a burger and a little cheesecake cupcake thing pudding I’m not really a fan of Malay food

They’ve got some nice things like sat chicken and um they’ve got a lot of curries LAX uh green coconut curry they use a lot of coconut milk and make curries with it I don’t like that and nassie gorang is like fried rice in Mele it’s funny you go to McDonald’s in

Malaysia and they sell a lot of fried chicken like KFC chicken because I don’t know I think they don’t eat a lot of beef the Muslims the Mala are Muslims so they don’t eat pork and the Indians are Hindu so they don’t eat beef so what

They do in m there in Malaysia they just sell chicken cuz everyone eats chicken is there a religion where they don’t eat chicken I don’t know why in India the cow is Holy and sacred but to Muslims the pig is disgusting and not worthy of eating and then in China they just eat

Everything chicken feet chicken beak shark fin dog cat it’s weird why did we decide chicken good cow Bad Pig bad weird and then in Thailand McDonald’s they’ve got a lot of pork burgers they call it a samurai Burger it’s pork patty hey what about this berry

Pie I could be making the berry filling right now yeah let me get the sugar and cook down the berries look at this frozen berry very nice look it’s semi Thor b m for for look I put this much sugar sh the chicken pie is looking good

Is your freezer not cold enough I don’t know I think so what happened before was there’s a little knob at the back of the fridge and the fridge got so stuffed it was accidentally knocked down and then everything in the fridge was not really very cold so I’m

Thinking maybe there’s the same thing in the freezer because things in the freezer are not solid rock hard they’re like slightly soft why I’m holding water bottles that’s the thing about living in Thailand you have to order loads of water that will last us maybe a month or

Two I had to go down to the lobby twice with a trolley I had to load up a trolley and do two two runs back up and down to Lobby to get all the water up here it was so annoying I’m a bit nervous about how

This pastry is going to come out because I used fried chicken crispy flour this is for deep frying tempura and stuff like that but I made a pie dough with it to see how it it looks good in the air fryer right now create some drama with the subreddit uh there’s a little

Drama but it’s not really interesting they’re just they’re just trying to bully my girlfriend to get her to leave me like they did with Ma so what happened with ma was they just bullied her made her feel upset and that got her to leave me the first time

So they’re trying to do the same thing again with my girlfriend now so they’re just like being really horrible to my thae girlfriend cuz she they know she’s going to see it so that has caused us bit of problems but I think it’s okay now my subreddit is boring they just say

Stupid stuff like I don’t know they make fun of my skin and then they make fun of my channel dying oh they make fun of my tax problem it’s not very interesting why does she read it I don’t know I keep telling her to not read it some people just can’t look away

For If you interact with it maybe it gets bigger well I don’t really want it to get bigger I want it to disappear two of them have already been banned but then they just make a new one no one got banned and then the other one got privated for some reason because

They were scared it was going to get banned I don’t mind if they they want to bash me but why they have to bash my girlfriend my family it’s because they know I don’t care anymore so they find other people to bash that are connected to me to try and

Create like a negative impact on me I was hoping it would die I was hoping my channel would become so boring they would just lose interest and then disappear but they don’t they’re still hanging around I think by being boring it got rid of most of the haters and

Trolls but not all of them that was kind of my My Hope was I’d get rid of all the toxic people if I just became very boring and then the nice people would remain which I think kind of worked I think the people who are left now are mostly the nice

People because I don’t really feel like I’m getting loads of hate anymore like I used to yeah I look at my comments and there’s not people just like bashing me and calling me names all the time there’s a few but not like before before it was just so

Toxic what happens if I put egg wash on a berry pie I’m pretty sure those onions have cooked now it’s been in there for how long half an hour did you call the tax people about Japan now I sent them an email saying that I’d prefer not to phone because I

Believe I can give more accurate answers if I do email instead but they didn’t reply yet I don’t know why they want to do a phone call so much I feel like they want to catch me out let’s see if my story adds up I definitely don’t remember specific

Details if they ask me over the phone I would have to check out my records I think the pie should be done it’s getting pretty brown whoa the egg stuck to the cardboard or maybe I can ask them can you tell me what you’re going to ask me

Before we do the phone call this is so stupid they just asked them to tell me what they’re going to ask me and then do the phone call when I can just answer the questions in the email why do they want to do a phone call so

Much oh what’s that thought there a cockroach there’s a little fly There’s a lot of liquid in the berry mixture I feel like I’ve already answered everything I don’t know what else they’re going to ask me so my plan is I predict the stock market is going to Rally next week and then I’ve already sold half my Tesla I

Had a 9% gain or like 8% gain so I sold half of it and I’m waiting for Tesla to go up a bit more before setting the other half and then once I’ve sold that half I should have enough money to pay my final tax bill also I should get my YouTube money

Before the 28th of December December usually I get paid on YouTube on 24th or 5th so I’ve got 1,00 got 1,700 from eoro 1,260 from my Tesla trade I’ve got 1,300 in my bank already I got probably maybe £800 I’ll make this month from YouTube and then that means I need another 2,000

I need to sell the Tesla and maybe I don’t know what else to sell maybe a bit of gold like 500 of gold and then that’ll get me to 7K then I should have enough to pay off my next bill Japan’s economy is going down well unfortunately I think all the

Economies is going to go down next Year all of the G7 countries going to be in official recession by April next Year China is already in recession and the Market’s crashing because they didn’t stimulate their economy like the US did and they didn’t cause massive inflation either so I don’t know which country did the right thing so the US markets look really good now don’t they like they go to all new highs

Because they stimulated loads but then in the process they created massive inflation you look at Chinese the Chinese stock Market is absolute crap that’s what the US market would look like too if it didn’t print the the money and didn’t over stimulate but that’s probably going to happen next

Year I saw a guy on YouTube say this he’s my source he’s old and he has a pro POS British accent so I believe him he says the Japanese economy is going to be complete chaos and be crashing which is good imagine how weak the yen is going

To be when we go to Japan oh my God you think the yen is weak now wait until next year but the scary thing is the US dollar might also be weak next year so maybe I buy some gold booty on like actual physical gold cuz I think gold is

Going to be stronger next year with all these currencies all the Fiat currencies are going to go down the toilet with inflation so gold buy some gold and then imagine how much yen you could get for that gold next year I’ll be rich maybe I’ll buy some gold bars wow look at

This my cherry pie Finning it’s a bit liquidy okay I think it’ll be okay when it cools down it will thicken up a bit it’s just very gloopy and runny cuz it’s hot so I let it cool down and the chicken pie I think that’s ready now I’ll take that out in a

Minute I’m preparing my portfolio for massive recession and hyperinflation and the downfall of civilization whilst everyone’s crying about their life being crap and having no money I’m going to be rich look at my chicken pie beautiful wow that looks really good ow ow my knee I near dropped it fell off the

Table I reckon it will taste nice as long as the pastry was good I don’t want to ruin it now though this is supposed to be for dinner yeah the pastry seems okay it’s a bit salty my girlfriend said put more salt in it now I I put too

Much just want to get a bit of the pastry the fitting is fine the fitting tastes great it’s just a pastry that might let it down seems okay it’s a bit biscuit would be nice if it was a bit more flaky I think it’ll be fine sounds like a biscuit

Yeah it’s not exactly fluffy it’s okay I guess It’s just it’s a bit hard now some parts are a bit more flaky like the thin bits why does it sound crunchy is it not supposed to sound Crunchy maybe it needs more air pockets inside of it or maybe the butter melted some parts of it seem soft like this bit seems quite soft I think it be okay okay I need to get the pie out of the pan I have it for dinner with some Chips now I need to get the metal bit out from the bottom too you need to fold it I folded it loads maybe I didn’t fold it enough at least it smells good oh it’s going to be stuck to the metal thing oh it’s very soft at the

Bottom how do I get the metal bit out it’s very soft and wet I think it’s stuck it smells really good though like a chicken pie I can’t get it off I feel like it’s going to fall apart if I take the metal thing off how am I going to make the next

Pip oh oh it’s moving I think I can get it off oh it’s hot oh slide it slide it got it now I can make the second pie okay for quick before my girlfriend comes home I’ve got half an hour plus one one and a half hours I should be able to make

It chicken pie for dinner and berry pie for this this is very thin I don’t really care about the base too much cuz you can’t see it also I think by now the Butter’s all melted in it which is not good D if I only had a tiny bit more

Dough this is really not enough though look for for oh look at this filling it’s sweet and it’s slightly Tangy from the raspberry I guess m oh should I use the puff pastry or the Roy pastry for the lid can’t believe I made two pies

Today do you put egg wash onto a fruit pie y d n e y u streams what you mean oh your dreams I thought you meant the streams so I don’t want to be a baker I just want to eat pie and sometimes only way to get what

You want is if you make it yourself as if I want to work in a bakery making pie every single day for 9 hours straight get sick and tired of it I went to a bakery a couple of days ago I was in a shopping Center and they

Had an open kitchen and I was looking at the person doing the work it looks so boring it’s dragging out these massive trays for the Quant over and over again put in the oven take it out put the thing on it put put it on the trays imagine doing

That 8 hours a day every day so boring I don’t know why my pastry won’t come out fluffy it always comes out thick and strong well look at this bit listen to how it sounds it tastes good though it’s got some of the chicken sauce on

It when it mixes with the chicken sauce I think it would go soggy and it would be good why is it so salty though it’s a bit salty see did I put too much salt this time and that bit wasn’t salty I think it’s the chicken sauce that’s

Salty I did put on bit too much salt before I put the lid on maybe I think it tastes good it’s just a bit thick oh my God now that tastes like chicken pie I can taste the onions and the cream and the chicken damn that’s good I’m a

Genius I think when I cut a slice and actually eat it all together I think it’s going to taste great oh wow this is the second chicken pie I made this one’s so much better than the first one I might have some peas with it frozen peas and chips with a slice of

Chicken pie very British have I been watching Ice not really what’s been up to I tried to click on it but he’s got that annoying guy with him action man I can’t stand him why does he bring that Action Man along with him he’s doing some kind of car trip

Streight why is everyone stealing my ideas I said I was going to do a car trip across Japan and then Chris does it and then I said I’m going to buy an abandoned house and then Charlotte buys a house and I say I’m going to stream a

C trip and then now I start it don’t you get cramp and HP pain from sitting down so much not when I’m in my chair when I’m sitting on the floor like this my legs hurt because I’m sitting on my foot right now and also my knee hurts from being

Bent Chris broad literally just stole my entire idea for next year and did it now I’ve been talking for months about how I want to rent a car and drive across Japan it’s not been that interesting so far so far he went to a hot spring

Town and then they had to find a famous person they found a picture of a cat in a station and they went to they they went to some ramen restaurant the next video was just them going to ramen restaurants and eating Ramen and then the next one is just another

Fukushima video which was almost the same as this first one it was like in 2011 the biggest tsunami in history hit the shores of Fukushima and he like trying to make this really sentimental emotional heartfelt video about the struggle Fukushima it’s so boring I don’t cares anymore it happened like 12

Years ago get over it let just just demolish the whole place no one wants to live there anymore although I would live there because people don’t want to go back there now because of the tragedy that happened but come on the chances of it happening again are basically 0% at this

Point so it’s probably the safest place in Japan right now imagine the same place getting hit by a tsunami twice in our lifetime that’s just so unlikely Fukushima is boring they still trying to keep that Fukushima power plant under control just demolish the whole thing already

I bet the next video is going to be the best wagu in Sendai and then best sushi one video will be the best wagu then he’ll be trying the spiciest Sushi and then the next one’s going to be the best Yaki sober he going to put out a video every

Day until January that’s a another 25 videos visit old houses in the countryside when you do your trip yeah could do scope out the countryside for nice natur pad I don’t know if I live stream the car trip because I would have to focus on driving I can’t talk at the same time

I’d crash my attention needs to be 100% on not crashing and it would be very boring just watching me drive cuz I won’t be talking I just I can’t talk whilst driving it’s impossible I don’t I don’t know how my girlfriend does it she’s got one hand

Her phone in one hand on the phone talking to people looking at the maps whilst driving I don’t know how she does everything all at the same time so what I would do is I would Vlog little Snippets and then when I find somewhere to park up and sleep for the night then

I would stream in the evening for like 5 hours maybe I’d find somewhere to park at 8:00 p.m. get food and then stream until midnight or 1:00 a.m. I don’t know if I can though the internet might be rubbish okay play number two coming up it’s hot make some Space all oh my God that filling is so good I dropped some on my foot would you lick it off for $100 okay this pie is going to be bad cuz there’s no crust at all the door is too too small it’s going to be a very weird looking pie oh my

God the only thing ruining it are the little seeds from the raspberry I don’t want to bite down cuz the seeds will get stuck in my teeth very sweet and tangy it’s kind of like a fruit tart right now okay I think I’m going to put this on it it’s kind of like

A Mediterranean crep kind of pastry oh it’s tearing so I’m going to cut it into strips where the scissors I want to do the lattice pattern I don’t know if I can do it this time there’s no crust around the Edges Uh oh I don’t think there’s enough of this pastry either U and it’s melting oh my God it’s like mozzarella cheese I can’t do it it’s going to tear and melt I got to put just I got to put it straight on like this no Lce I’m near out of pastry what uh I might have one more in the freezer this is going to be a weird looking pie a damn it I should have put this in before the filling oh I need more filling I shouldn’t have eaten some of it it’s going to be Weird okay I think that I’ll have to do put this in I what about the egg wash don’t you think it’s weird putting egg on top of berries I don’t think it needs egg wash Right Che for see this is how good the cardboard idea was look I think I’ll just go out and this straight in the bin For you see clean and nice voila chicken pie how many hours it took me 2 hours to make two pies I started at 3 it’s nearly 3 hours it’s really hot now might try some of the chicken pie looks pretty good okay I have a tiny slice before

Dinner I think this is going to be good you spend all your money making pies well I think it’s pretty cheap flour is like what $1 what else you need flour and butter that’s it take a slice of pie oh some bits of bacon would have been really good as

Well oh listen to that sound oh some leaks would be good as well chicken leak and bacon pie look at that oh oh the onions are cooked as well the onions are still a little bit crunchy cheap that cooked through that’s good pie M look at that ah drops it that’s good

Pie damn that’s good the hard pastry softens up a lot with the sauce oh oh my God it actually just tastes like a pie like a proper pie from a shop maybe need a bit more gravy it’s a bit dry H maybe a bit more she usually doesn’t eat my pies but

She ate she ate a serving of my last apple pie I dropped it in my trousers cooking with Daniel already stepped up didn’t it we went for making microwave cheeseburgers to our own handmade pie and people say nothing changes what do they know they know nothing Ty people eat rice with

Everything even if you have steak and chips they want rice with it that’s really good I think it’s almost perfect even if you make a stew with potatoes she’ll be like where’s the rice and then I have to explain potatoes are carbs rice are carbs you only need one

Type of carb in the meal why do you want a double carb but then we double carb when we have McDonald’s the bread is carbs and then the chips are carbs yeah Japanese people the same you go to ceria and they’ll order a steak and

Chips and then they have a bowl of rice with it too why why can’t they have one meal without freaking rice the only time they don’t have rice is when it’s noodles oh oh my God guys that was close the cherry pie nidi turned black that was close holy crap look how

Brown it is that NY went black but this looks good too it looks good the pastry puffed up and it filled out the edges pretty well I should have taken it out like 2 minutes sooner yeah it looks good it was looking kind of rubbish because there was no side bits

And I just stuffed in some extra bits and then the top bit looked Way Too Thin pastry is weird I think I learned something new today cuz when you roll it out it looks really thin but it’s not it’s thick that’s why it becomes really solid like my one but the store board

Pre-made though is freakishly thin like paper and I thought this is going to be rubbish this is so thin it’s all sogging and breaking apart and now now look at it it’s puffed up I think it has to be really super thin next time I’ll roll it

Out way thinner it’s just in my mind I feel like it needs to be this thick like a millimeter oh what would go well with it we’ve got RI whipped ripped que ripped Queen what what is wrong with my English recently did anyone notice in my last

Video I said Cherry trimp instead of cherry shrimp I got whipped cream but I want double cream double cream is better whipped cream is just too fluffy and sweet do the pies give you the shits actually is solidifying my poops quite well pushing out some solid logs recently but

When I had my stew last night was not pretty I made beef potato onion and carrot stew just with uh chicken stock and beef stock cubes and then I had diarrhea this morning it came out the way it went in I want to get the fruit pie out it

Looks amazing you can judge which one looks better Woohoo is that the sound of a Super Chat oh wow thanks junkers have you been monetized or stream I haven’t checked or stream it’s kind of a waste of time checking I just check in the first 5 minutes because as soon as it goes yellow I click on request

Review and that will save me some time so if if it takes 20 hours to request a review and get a review then if I start the review process at the beginning of the stream then like 8 hours later after I finish the stream that’s already shaped off 8

Hours but usually what happens I don’t need to wait for a review usually what happens is 2 to 4 hours after I end the stream it just goes green by itself I think it’s because the Bots the Bots are checking the stream and it’s a long

Stream so it takes a while for the bot to process it to check to make sure it is safe for ads and it goes green on its own this pile is good but it’s kind of brown look I got blood on here I want to get some closeups

Okay so we got pie number one pre-made dough looks pretty good and then we got pie number two my handmade dough handmade dough um pre-made though this one’s actually flaky which one do you think looks better so this one’s kind of thick I am rolling it not thin

Enough yeah this one got a bit burnt but I think it’s fine but it’s so it’s so fluffy and Flaky I can feel it already just from tapping it when it cools down becomes a bit more solid it would be good I’m so hot I’m dripping with

Sweat I think next time we have to master the PID we’re nearly there just a bit thinner then it’ll be good this one’s not apple pie it’s mixed berries so it’s got raspberry gooseberries I think cherries oh I forgot the raisins damn it raisins would have been good in this

As well oh it’s hot oh I thought it’ be hot and then cool down but it just it didn’t even cool down it was like the blood of the alien in Aliens just melts through everything imagine it’s like dripping through the floor cuz it’s melting through everything I take a picture of my

Girlfriend today we have two types of pie chicken pie nearly burned black berry pie I made two pies today I’m going to have to move the camera back to the desk to do the rest of the stream hope I got some good footage for a video what should I call it neat tries

To escape poverty by becoming a pie master fter will we get more RG Ally videos I’ve kind of run out of ideas what about why I hate the RG Ally again not a single person on Facebook messaged me today am I pricing it too high is what

$400 too much to ask for my flip phone I might have to lower the price it is nice having many phones look I can monitor my stream on this phone and then I can check my messages on this phone the flip 6 is coming out next here isn’t

It uh maybe I just keep this as my main phone and then this is my streaming video phone and then the iPhone is just I don’t know backup phone why do I have three phones but I would like to get rid of the wireless mics cuz I think this mic is good

Enough but no one’s messaging me about it either only one of my shrimp has eggs from what I’ve seen the others don’t how does shrimp mate I wonder cuz they got that that exoskeleton so how do they get on top of each other and where does the Willie

Go that’s Chrome do not open Chrome that’s where I want you no what how do shrimp mate what mating occurs with the male at a right angle to the female transferring a sperm for to a specialized receptacle on the female’s abdomen wow so romantic at a right angle so that’s they

And then they just deposit a spermatophore into a Receptacle spor what is that a protein capsule containing a mass of spera what they just have a little capsule where all the sperm is they don’t see M boring that’s so weird uh some insects plant the sperm for on a leaf and then the female finds it and

Just puts it in a bum or something insects are weird have you heard of that fly he only has one sperm when he shoots his load when he nuts he only nuts out one sperm but it’s really long it’s actually longer than the fly I think if you unravel it it’s like longer

Than how big the fly is I don’t know what flight that is but instead of shooting out thousands it shoots out one sperm and it’s got like 100% hit rate disgusting what happens to the sperm after it enters the egg I always thought that this the head of the sperm is what

Becomes our head and the tail is like where the tailbone of the spine is my entire forehead is drenched and sweat oh that was a busy day of cooking Gordon Ramsey would be proud took me 2 hours to make two pies actually it took me 3 hours why don’t you get your sperm

Checked what thought it’s obvious I can’t have kids been trying for a year now no Daniel junior is running around maybe I’m doing it wrong did your shrimp eggs hatch yet no I think it would take at least a month that’s how long it took last time I

Remember when I bought the shrimp they were had eggs on them but it wasn’t until a month later or more I started to see the tiny little baby shrimp walking around so it’s probably going to take another month they’re all Gathering up on one leaf w they’re having some kind of shrimp party

There’s seven or eight all on one leaf your cherry shrimp all died how the water must have been really bad I don’t even change my water it evaporates and I just top up more water is your hair thinning or graying it’s not thinning but I do notice the color getting lighter it’s

Like getting lighter brown color in the sunlight and I have a lot of white hairs on the back of my head you know this camera I put this camera behind my head and I looked at my computer screen which in front of me and I was plucking the

White hairs out I plucked out about 12 and there were more but I got tired there’s Low’s all around the back around here but I’ve got to dig for them got lift up the hair and like comb through it to find them it’s quite a few and also my pubes they’re all going

Very light brown with some of them actually just being white my pubes are going gray faster than my head hair is you should siphon it out I haven’t siphoned it out for months and it’s been fine I saw a video he said you don’t have to clean your tank if you’ve got

The right plants and the Right cleaning shrimp and snails then it should look after itself when the water evaporates nitrates and toxins don’t EV yeah I know but I’ll add in more water and they will dilute it again and then the bacteria in the tank will denitrify the ammonia and then the

Plants will process it you’re actually supposed to cycle the tank for a couple months before adding fish so the bacteria can get started or you can buy a bottle of bacteria to add to the tank to boost it to speed up the process I didn’t realize the bacteria are so

Important they get sick you put them into completely clean sterile water they get sick really quickly and then they start pooping all this ammonia spikes and they will die my girlfriend we went to the market together and she bought six little little fish and we put it into the tank

And we put water in and then she dumped in a load of food they ate it all pooed and they all died within about 12 or 10 hours I didn’t realize that would happen to be honest but I know now I met an american guy didn’t pay his taxes for 20

Years but can he go back to his home country now I bet suspenders doesn’t are you talking about suspenders I bet suspenders hasn’t paid his tax that’s why he’s always in Japan or Thailand I want to try the I don’t really feel like I need to try it I think I know

What it’s going to taste like I really want to move back up to my desk do you think I would have gotten away with it if I just didn’t pay the tax and never gone back to the UK no I don’t think I’m going to go

Bal if I was going to go bold I would have started already most people who are bold they start very early like mid 20s look at Connor C dog VA he’s only 25 or something he’s already going bold and that German guy I knew at the guest

House he was like 20 and he was going bold my dad was going bold in his 20s I’m mid-30s I’m still not bold so I don’t think I will go bold my uncles didn’t go bold actually my UK uncles are all bold but my Malaysian uncles all have

Hair so I think I got my mom’s jeans but my mom’s side has a lot of cancer so if I have my mom’s genes I’m probably also going to get cancer can you hear that car someone’s racing racing towards an early grave oh my God so tired this pie is going to last

Me one two 3 days I think I have it for lunch as well I have I have a slice for dinner with chips I make some chips as well and then some fruit berry pie can you make orange pie no one makes orange pie do they or banana pie I know there’s bread

Pudding that looks weird though why is no one messaging me to buy my stuff bit worried now might have to lower the price do I ever use Tinder no I’m a loving loyal boyfriend and I’m banned on Tinder and my pie is leaking through the bottom what why is all this red juice

Coming out the bottom no i’ never never used Tinder here so I don’t know if I would actually be good at it I think before I got banned I did mess around with the global passport thing and I changed my I changed my location to Thailand I match some guy it

Looked like a girl but he had a snake Emoji in his profile so I guess he was a lady boy I kept matching lady boys and old women I showed my Tha girlfriend your video she thought you were Tha yeah people think I’m tired even at

The train station I get women coming up to me asking for directions I don’t know I did ask J hero once do I look English and she was like no you just look like anyone else here in Japan I don’t think I look very Japanese I don’t have that look Japanese

Men are like very pale and they have very flat face and they got a lot of moles and they got very fine hair I’ve got more lustrous hair I really look Japanese I’ve got more of a Southeast Asian look and they got very fine

Hair I don’t know why cuz I got 40% Han Chinese and the Japanese are basically just Han Chinese aren’t they the Han Chinese are very pale and they got very slender noses they got very black hair but I’ve got 8% Southeast Asian jeans which seems to override the Han

Chinese I get annoyed when I get comments people asking me where I’m from when I’ve got a very obvious British accent how can you not know where I’m from when you hear me speak it’s like the looks override the accent but then if you heard my voice

Without seeing my face you would just automatically assume I’m from England but then if I was black no one would question whether I’m English or not they’ just be like oh he’s black black for English I mean black British why is it when you’re Asian No One Believes or wants to think you’re

British if you’re black it’s like you can be from anywhere unless you say you’re if it was a black person they said they’re Chinese or Japanese be weird wouldn’t it but they do exist there’s half Japanese half black people on YouTube who grew up in Japan and they think they’re

Japanese I guess it is like the same thing so many shrimp on one leaf it’s weird what how they doing very weird I want to get a little crab I might go to the fish market next week and see if they’ve got a freshwater aquatic

Crab a lot of crab they need a dry surface as well cuz they’re semi Aquatic and semi terrarian or whatever the word is I need a fully aquatic crab cuz I don’t have a land although they could climb up onto a leaf but I’m scared they’ll climb out and jump out the

Tank crap are pretty vicious they tear stuff up with their claws do you think they’ll eat my shrimp have you seen that thing called the pistol shrimp it has a claw and it can snap close the claw so quickly it creates a pocket of air that

Causes an air bubble to shoot out from the claw at speeds of 100 mph and it knocks stuff out and then eats them it’s so funny there insects and creatures that have evolved to have projectile weapons like there’s ants that shoot out acid and there’s some

Fish that can spit out water and shoot down insects everything in the natural world is just trying to evolve weapons it’s like a weapons arms race weapons and defense it never changes does it you got the dinosaurs they just evolved for hundreds of millions of

Years to try and kill and each eat each other better before they got wiped out and that’s basically what we’re doing too just with nukes first it was nukes and then the world decided to ban nukes and say we have nukes but we’re not allowed to use them so now they’re developing Hypersonic

Missiles which are basically Unstoppable cuz they travel the speed of sound it’s funny isn’t it it’s not allowed to use nukes but it’s okay to use like a massive cruise missile wait until they get the orbital platform space laser that can strike anywhere on the earth and it

Can’t be destroyed cuz it’s in space that’s when things get juicy the orbital part false laser platform maybe that’s what Elon Musk is building maybe that’s what he’s going to do he’s secretly contracted by the US government to make an orbital Tesla pulse rail gun that can hit any Target on the

Ground from space and uses nuclear fision energy so you don’t need ammunition or to recharge it by sending stuff up just recharges from the Sun or something that’ll be insane the massive blue beam coming down from space it strikes this pinpoint area that’s what’s going to happen I bet

You anything we’re going to have that in the next 50 years I can’t wait until we get rail guns lasers pulse rifles imagine like hover tanks with massive rail gun shoots out laser beam a Hope on life see that that would be so cool I’d be like oh my God this is

What sci-fi movies used to be about I want to see the Hammerhead tank from the towel in Warhammer for K come into real life that’s the coolest looking tank Ever I can’t wait to play D I blame Elon Musk got me hooked on Diablo again thought I was finished with that game it’s so fun just trying to figure out how can I do more more difficult nightmare tier dungeons whilst tweaking my build and Paragon board and and my

Gear there’s so many things to tweak you’ve got your gear you’ve got the gear stats you’ve got the aspects and then now you got the vampiric powers got five vampiric powers to choose from I mean to allocate and then you got the skill tree and then you got the freaking Paragon

Boards where you can make custom you can choose like custom glyphs and stuff to fit your build there’s so much to customize on it it’s insane are you still together with your girlfriend yep unfort I mean fortunately we’re still together how’s the channel doing not very good this is December High CPM month

Doesn’t get much better than this and yet I’ve only made $600 this month well we’re only 7 Days in I just got to keep putting out stuff I got $600 on this channel and then 340 on the second channel so I got total of $940 and then next month in January it’s

Probably going to be 40% less cuz that’s usually what happens so I probably make like $400 in January main channel can you believe this channel used to make like $2,000 a month so Annoying cuz I see people like Charlotte make a video get 170k views and I know she’s getting like $10 CPM she made like $1,500 off that one video alone if only I could get people to watch my damn videos I could make some money I used to get like 40K views and

They would make about $300 so jealous all those big YouTubers they just put out anything they’ll get half a million Chris just goes needs Ramen and gets 600k 600k views in December is probably like $5,000 you know I’m getting really good CPM now I’m getting like $8 for every th000 views

But I’m barely getting any views $88 for 2K views is like $15 maybe 20 if I get 3K so annoying I don’t know what topic to talk about ex-wife again how I’m broke taxes I already made so many videos about tax I can’t do

Anymore it would be nice if I can get 5K views then at least I’ll make $40 yeah I need to get to a new country just by leaving people would get interested again but I can’t leave until April I don’t really want to leave cuz I’m

Pretty comfy here and I got my fish tank and this is the best quality of life I’ve ever had apart from you know back home in England this is the cheapest and the best quality and standards of living I’ve had in my whole life this is the best apartment I’ve lived

In for the cheapest price I don’t really want to go my r rent is about $280 a month no it’s more like $310 a month you’re going to abandon your fish again well I asked it to look after them yeah a place like this in the UK would be like £1,500 a

Month this place is probably nearly triple the size of my Manchester place but my Manchester Place was right bang Center in Manchester that’s why it was expensive and small it was in be Tower one of the it was no it’s actually the biggest apartment building in Manchester with the the architect of the

Building lives on the top floor in the penthouse and it’s worth like5 million or something so this place is quite Central not super Central while it’s also being big and only being a couple hundred a month but Tai people think this place is expensive I can’t believe it’s so cheap

I think foreigners can rent an apartment I nearly rented one myself we went to this other apartment near jck to Jack Park and they showed us around this was all the way back in November last year and then they were going to charge me 20,000 b a month which is double this

Place so it’s like5 $600 a month it was quite a nice place not as big as this place but it was more modern had more modern fittings but they were going to charge me 20,000 buck that is insane for thae prices in tie prices 20,000 a month

Should should get you like a a big Penthouse two-bedroom condo with massive balconies like luxury but they want to charge me 20,000 cuz I’m a foreigner and a tourist I don’t have a work visa or anything and I nearly rented it but then they invited me and my girlfriend to a

Line group and they asked me to post my passport and at the time I was keeping my name a secret so I couldn’t post it and I just came up with an excuse I just said H actually I don’t like this place the real estate women were so angry cuz

They wasted all day showing us around I said let’s just block them I feel bad cuz they do all that for free you know hoping to get a client to make money 20K a month damn $600 a month doesn’t sound like a lot but you would get such a big massive

Place here for that money but I think those are the prices I’d be looking at if I was trying to get an apartment by myself they always try and rip off foreigners I don’t think they they would ever not try to foreigners they just look at foreigners like a massive bag of

Cash it’s like when they look at a foreigner the eyes go cha-ching and the dollar sign pops up you remember I did a live stream the Tuk Tok driver tried to charge me 1,000 but to drive me from he where would they where did he pick me up I think it was Chinatown

Yeah I went from Chinatown to Victory monument and then he said oh I could take you to Jack Jack park for 1,000 but and I was like No And then he said okay 500 but and then I said okay 1,000 but just to do 30 minute ride you must be

Joking on grab you do a 30 minute ride it will cost you like 150 but 1,000 but is such a ripoff but I would have paid that if I was new here because I didn’t have any sense of the money I was just buying 1,500 wagu

Stakes every day cuz I thought 1,000 but was not much I thought it was like $10 it’s actually more like $30 yeah then when I went to CI they cost me they charged me 400 Buck for Ticket they charged my girlfriend 40 buck so 10 times

More and because I look tie sometimes we try and try and get the tie price but they always sus me out they sus me out because I’m either not the one driving and she said a tie man would never let the girl drive the car so that’s how

They know straight away that I’m not tie because I’m not driving the car and then they also say say she says my fashion style doesn’t look like a Tha man cuz Tha men wear they’ll wear like a buttoned collar shirt and baggy hippie looking trousers even going on a

Date they don’t wear like this and then if they try and talk to me they sus out that I’m not tie straight away let very clever the girls here they like to wear very tight fitting tops but then baggy kind of trousers I think to make their bums look bigger and their waist

Smaller it looks quite good though I think the fashion here is pretty good you get to see a lot of skin like the small of the backs the shoulders but they don’t look they still look kind of classy I think the fashion in Japan is really boring Japanese girls were really boring stuff

Like like those really baggy trousers that look like a dress but it’s actually trousers that are really baggy or like a blouse chiro always wore she wore a lot of these blouses with like a collar around it like an 18th century Edwardian what is it called neck thing like that lizard from Jurassic

Park the one that spits goo at that fat man’s face she had a lot blouses with that kind of color which I wasn’t a big fan of now that we’re not together anymore I can openly say I thought it looked kind of silly what is that dinosaur

Called the plot for Jurassic par was so good I likes how the fat guy tried to steal the dinosaur DNA and put it in a whips cream can and then he fell over and this stupid car got stuck in the mud and he gets killed by the lamest

Dinosaur ever like the tiny little Chihuahua dinosaur that spits mud and he’s in his car screaming like a pansy what a loser yeah films suck nowadays the old ’90s movies had great s great acting great story lines as well Jurassic part was such a good story I really like the idea of a

Rich old guy trying to make a theme park and then it goes wrong and then it’s a evil Insider guy wrecks it all all the new Jurassic World movies they suck the stories are rubbish Chris Chris Pratt’s rubbish actor he’s so dull I think Jurassic Park and lost world two of my favorite

Movies oh and fifth element’s really good it’s sad what happened to Bruce Willis I watched a few videos about what happened to him he got some kind of dementia and he quit acting so he couldn’t remember lines it’s kind of sad isn’t it he’s only 68 I

Think is it really that bad getting dementia it doesn’t seem that bad I would love to just forget the whole YouTube thing the one thing making me really miserable nowaday is this stupid YouTube if I can just forget that it ever happened it’d be great and

Forget all the those idiots if I can just forget M that’ be wonderful forget all these stupid idiots who piss me off maybe it’s sad for the family cuz then your loved one forgets who you are but for the person do they even know what’s going on

Do they wake up and they see their daughter and they’re like who are you what if you try and what if you find your daughter attract active and you don’t realize it’s your daughter cuz you got dementia I can still play video games can’t I what if I forget how to play it

You forget so much you can’t function H yeah I guess it is pretty scary I don’t even know what day it is today actually is it Thursday I think it’s Wednesday no it’s Thursday how much did you spend in Netherlands my rent in that rosam apartment was £ 1,200 a month so five

Times nearly six times more than here and they stole my deposit money I gave them two months deposit and they didn’t give me a penny back ,200 is 53,000 but oh my God you could live in a mansion like a semi- detached house with four bedrooms here for that 50,000 but a

Month they said I left a pile of dirty lawn dirty towels on the floor and it stinks duh what you think was lying there for weeks why I thought they were going to go to the apartment the very next day when I told them I left but

They waited for like 2 weeks because it was Christmas holidays when they literally lived just down the street why didn’t you just open the door and I guess they didn’t want to do it over Christmas but I left like a mountain of laundry towels and stuff just dumped it on the

Floor so obviously that was festering bacteria over the weeks and then they said I broke broke the sofa bed broers me and M did it on the sofa bed every night and they said I I burned the inside of the oven she so dumb it’s just grease that got burned

And caked onto the inside of the oven cuz I didn’t clean it and then they ghosted me and then this stupid Middle East family were living above me had like five kids running up and down all day dropping stuff into my garden then they would knock on my door to ask for it

Back so annoying that has to be the worst place I’ve ever lived in expensive horrible neighbors stupid woman knocked my door asked me for money the Beggars go house to house why don’t she get a job wasting all day knocking on people’s doors should have said oh if you suck me

Off I’ll give you some money stupid woman if I’m just going to give you money for nothing why don’t you do something for me like why don’t you come into my humble abode and get naked and then I’ll give you what I think you are worth but she was fat and

Ugly so no thanks although maybe if she offered me like a Boris Johnson for $50 I might be tempted yeah my neighbor got raided the police raided the room above me they were knocking the door down with a battering ram and they knocked to my

Door and they asked me if I had access to the room above I said no that was scary and they took some man and cuffed him put him into the back of a van it turns out they they did like a drug bust in that apartment and just

Down the road they busted they raided another apartment and they found cocaine and guns roster dam is just a hive of scum and villain what can you expects from the former colonial power of of the world all these former European Colonial Powers they all just suck

Now it’s kind of like Karma isn’t it maybe it really does exist they had a massive head start for hundreds of years cuz they had Naval superiority and better weapons and stuff but look at them now all in recession falling apart destroyed from the inside I wouldn’t want to live in any

Former European col colonial power right now they’re all going down the toilet Germany too France Spain went down the toilet a long time ago now Asia is nice and they never had any Empire apart from Japan okay Japan is the nicest and they had an empire for a bit I guess you could

Say maybe I try my pie now oh it’s still hot look at that beautiful pie it’s so hard to get out of this thing o oh look at that who wants to lick it oh my God it’s like mold wine sweet and warm like me this py oh I has to washing

Up mountain of washing up in this sink when are you leaving Thailand in probably in April okay let’s try this pie oh the whole thing’s crumbling looking good uhoh I need a fork I’ve never really been to the smaller European countries like Belgium Austria Switzerland maybe they’re nice I’ve only

Been to the big ones like France Germany I’ve been to Norway Norway is boring oh my god wow that’s pretty good tastes like a pie I give it 8.2 out of 10 the The Filling is slightly overpowering though like very full of flavor very strong it needs something to tone it

Down a bit like some double cream I don’t think it’s too sweet it’s like too Tangy and the slight saltiness in the pastry is a nice contrast yeah it’s pretty good today’s pie is Big Improvement I think this really needs some kind of cream though it’s bit too overpowering 7:00 might go

Soon I don’t think I’ll stream the washing up do save some action for next time are you going to have a longdistance relationship or break up well I said you can come with me to the UK if you can get the money depends if she can get the money or

Not she needs to apply for a Visa so if she comes back with me to the UK then don’t know what we do maybe some travel Vlogs that people love so much is she sad you have to leave yeah she looks really sad but I keep saying don’t worry we knew

It’s going to be like this from the beginning doesn’t mean it’s the end oh my toe is cramping now do you ever get this thing in your foot where hair in my mouth you ever get this thing with your foot where it starts cramping and then the toes involuntarily

Start Spreading and it really hurts if you let it spread and then you’re like trying to get the toe to relax but it’s like trying really hard to spread I don’t know what that is I want to show you the shrimp let me show you the shrimp quickly look at this ah

Can you see them they’re all gathering on one leaf they want to escape no they’re having a party party on the leaf there must be some kind of AE build up on that leaf and they’re all trying to eat it maybe I’ll cook them a slice of carrot

And then we got the little fishy fish hiding in the darkness look half the tank is in darkness cuz the light is too small and those leaves are too big blocking the light that plant is huge now look at that plant it’s grown out of the

Tank so I moved the light to shine on the small plant to let it grow a bit cuz the big plant was hogging all the light and now the Shrimp start crowding over onto the small plant I think cuz it’s light I don’t know I thought they like

Darkness some of the fish are really skinny and small and then some of them are really fat like that one’s probably the biggest no that one there is the biggest above the one that’s light that one over there that one’s the biggest one but there’s like a really skinny one

It looks like it’s about to starve if I put my fingers they might come yeah they think food is coming must be boring just floating in there all day can’t do anything got no arms and legs at least the shrimp can walk around and pick stuff

Up fish can’t do anything got no arms no legs no hands just swim around I guess well I think I’m going to go and play what I got to do washing up and then play Diablo 4 it’s been 4 hours Short stream today I’ll probably stream again on the weekend or Monday

No more pie making I think I’m done with the pies it’s too tiring girlfriend’s coming home in 50 minutes I want to clean up the place and then play some Diablo before she gets back maybe I ask her to buy double cream can you buy double

Cream no it’s hard to get double cream you have to go to the big special Super Market you have to go to the big International Supermarket Ty people don’t eat double cream if you go to the convenience store or like a normal tii Supermarket they didn’t have it they just had whipped cream

And yogurt I want thick double cream I’ll see you next time then bye-bye thanks for watching my pie


  1. People don’t think Asians are British because many Asians learn English from British-accented lessons (just like US-English) and you’re in an Asian country, where migrants from other Asian countries are more common. Esp when you’re with a local girl.

  2. This lolcow is on the internet still?
    I mean fine by me but jeez his YouTube titles are still self pity and complaining about nothing else but how everyone else is the villain and he's the victim.

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