Gardening Supplies

Only 4 Days Left To Visit Creekside in 2023

There are only 4 days left to visit Creekside Nursery in 2023, and we have got some amazing deals and Christmas gift ideas! Come see us before we close for the season on Saturday, December 16 at 3 PM.

Let us know you will be attending the Power Planter workshop on Dec 16 from 10 am to 11 am by emailing us at or sign up on Facebook here

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Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Proven Winners
Espoma Organic

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Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company
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⏰ Nursery Hours:
Wednesday-Saturday 9am-3pm through December 16, 2023

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Hey friends welcome to Gardening with Creekside and this  week we are going to do our nursery tour in just   a minute but first we’re going to give you an  update here at production with the new green  

Houses we have had some folks be like how’s the  greenhouse coming well here we are we’re going to   give you an update on how things are doing we got  the greenhouse we got the equipment I mean y’all  

It’s a three- ring circus around here and uh Jerry  and Andrew and Jackson have been working this week   getting some some of the infrastructure in and  then I’ve been busy doing different projects so   we’ve been kind of divided so what we’re going  to do today is like I said we’re going to give  

You an update here at the greenhouse show you um  explain what the fellas have been working on here   and then we’re going to head down to the nursery  because we have got some great specials for you  

Here at the Garden Center um this is of course  for the this is the super Arch Greenhouse it’s   a gutter connected Greenhouse from Atlas green  houses in Georgia that is where we get all of   our Greenhouse structures from they are fantastic  if you’re in the market for a greenhouse whether  

It is um like a small hobby Greenhouse at your  home or if you were in production commercial side   like us then they can take care of you just give  them a call they’ll uh they’ll help you out and  

That’s what they do for us Jerry calls Heath and  he’s like okay this is what I need the greenhouse   to be and then they work it out together but this  super Arch is a what we call that gutter connected  

Greenhouse right so when you go to these massive  production facilities they have gutter connected   because it’s very easy to add other green houses  on now for us because of our the lay of our land   we will not expand these green houses but gutter  connected there’s rain gutters between each one so  

You can connect the green houses next door to each  other now um this has been a whole process if you   are new to the whole process I do have a playlist  for this whole um project so you can check that  

Out I’ll have it linked above and in the video  description but the reason that we’re have built   this greenhouse it is a 90t by 96t so it is a lot  of growing space this one facility is more growing  

Space than all of our current green houses put  together so we are more than doubling our green   growing space here at Creekside Nursery well why  in the world do we need to have new production   green houses well we’re doing it because of you  sweet people you are just amazing customers both  

Here at the local Garden Center where you come  and you travel from all over the country to get   our plants and because of the online store right  so we have launch that online store this fall   with our shrubs and then in the spring we will  be shipping out annuals perennials and shrubs  

All across the country and we have been doing  pre-orders for those annuals and the perennial   and y’all are taking full advantage of that and  you are gobbling them up and which is wonderful  

Because we we are telling you and we tell we have  always done this on our videos this is not a sales   tactic this is one Gardner trying to help out  another Gardener in the fact of if you want these  

New introductions right or if you want a specific  variety um or plant of an annual if you want that   super beina Pink Cashmere which is like the hot  ticket for next year go ahead and pre-order it  

That way you lock in your order you’re guaranteed  to get it we will not ship them to you until it   is appropriate for your growing zone so if you’re  ordering annuals and perennials right now we’re  

Not shipping them to you now we don’t even have  the plants right now we got to grow first y’all um   there’s there’s nothing in the greenhouse there’s  nothing in the greenhouse right I mean you can see  

It’s empty I got nothing to send you nothing but  best wishes of Merry Christmas so just know that   if you’re going on the the website gardening withc  creeks and you’re ordering annuals and   perennials don’t freten my pet it is not going to  ship until it is appropriate for your growing zone  

Cuz we cuz we did a pre-order we did a pre-order  back in October of our liners that’s the rooted   cutting that comes from you know Pleasant View  Gardens or fourstar green hous they’re getting   from their cutting Farms where the mother plant is  and that all that so there’s a certain amount and  

Now there’s a certain amount that is still there  available so every time we try to and that’s why   it’s important for the pre-order is that we’re  able to then reload right if it’s available right  

So for example like the Pink Cashmere we knew  this was going to be a hot ticket item so as it   is selling like crazy here on Garing with Creek  Side we’re ordering more from from Pleasant View  

Gardens so but at some point that Supply is going  to run out uh both from us and from Pleasant View   so we want to to make sure that we have enough  for you and that you get what you want cuz you  

Yeah can you absolutely come on the website in  April and order it yes if it’s still in stock   because there’s going to be a point at some point  in the growing season where we can’t even get more  

Plants so just keep that in mind and that’s why  the pre-order is so important and if you go to um   our website there will be this is the first time  you’re going there it’ll have a popup that will  

Come on gardening Creeks it’ll pop up and  it’ll say hey if you want to Jo our mailing list   with emails or text sign up and you get a coupon  so you can so it and and the thing is with that  

Folks is that it knows you’ve been there right so  if you technology is smart if you’ve been there   and you’ve bought stuff and you signed up it’s not  going to give you another code no no it’s not had  

That happening yes this is a one and done right  so this is so you can’t you can’t try to fake out   the system I’m sorry technology is too smart not  that everybody’s doing that but it has happened  

Just know that when you go for your first time and  you sign up for the very first time you’re going   to get a coupon code for either 15 or 20% off  depending if you’re doing email or texting and  

We’re not spamming you like we are not going to  go out there we’re not going to send you emails   all the time it is annoying I know and most of  the emails that are coming to everyone they’re  

Informational they’re informational for you and it  is the to relate you back to what Jenny is talking   about with the plants and the highlighting  the plants or t you know even like the the   videos themselves where we were giving you some  education so it’s a way for us to communicate that  

In a different way other than just a YouTube  notification right right so which we all know   messes up you know and that’s why we have to keep  asking everybody to resubscribe because they you   know it comes off you know we’re not unsubscribing  you trust me that’s the last thing we want um so  

Just know go to gardening with creeks  but so now let’s get into the need gitt about the   greenhouse obviously Jerry is miked up because  he is the uh technical Guru and so he was the  

One that was up here but basically what it was  last Saturday that the gas company came and they   installed the tank and they hooked up all three  heaters because each Greenhouse there’s three   greenh houses in this gutter connected Greenhouse  um it acts like a one massive one but there are  

Three different houses so each house has its  heater and um we’re walking here to the back   so that you can see that so the gas company comes  out they bring this lovely massive tank that uh  

Fills up this is propane propane it is propane G  it is how much, 1,000 so it is a th000 gallon tank   and it is propane it is not natural gas so they  come out it’s really smart there’s like a sensor  

On it so the gas company actually knows when it’s  starting to run low and they just come on out and   fill it up and top it off for us but you can see  um here on the back side of the greenhouse that  

They look like little mini chimneys those are  from the heaters right so that’s the exhaust   pipes from the heaters so they come out away from  the greenhouse and can um release any whatever it   is that they release I don’t know exhaust yeah  yeah exhaust really technical around here um  

Yeah so the heaters are on the other side so  then got that hooked up so that was step one   step two is electrical and plumbing and you were  trenching this week yes yes we trenched um a good  

Bit got so that available for it to be put in so  so where did you trench hm where did you trench   right there so right where the rough rough soil  is yeah it’s all done so it’s all done so in here  

Is electrical and plumbing Electrical Plumbing  and an internet wire oh yes and an internet wire   because you know got to have good internet so as  you can see right here so this path basically down   where you can see where it’s nice and the soil  is raised up and Disturbed in that same trench  

Is the electrical the plumbing and the internet  wire that all then connects back to the main Hub   because we have our main electrical panel here  we have um the fertigation system are in these   green houses because as of right now we’re just  going to run the fertigation from from there so  

Fertigation is um It’s a combination of fertilizer  and irrigation so because we are growing annuals   and they tend to be quite heavy feeders we need  a way to feed them right most efficiently so the   most efficient effective way to do that quickly  is through a liquid fertilizer so your production  

Green houses have fertigation systems so basically  what it does is it takes a concentrated fertilizer   and mixes it with the water at a ratio that you  determine and then when you’re running your hoses   your wands your whatever kind of irrigation you  have that is fertilizer water going out obviously  

You can turn that off and just run Clear Water um  but yes so the fertigation system is all located   in these two production green houses that will  then connect to the new production Greenhouse M   yes yeah we’re going to have I think two spets in  there for the fertigation which that’ll allow us  

To do all three Bays M um just because the way  we’re going to place them in there so let’s go   down here and at this so I’m thinking I’m thinking  that when you haven’t talked to you about this but  

It’s new to both of us y’all yes it’s new me and  Andrew were down here talking about it uhuh is   that we’re going to bring the water in we have  three we have quite a number of condu underneath  

The sidewalks so we can come down here and notice  the gas is in here yeah so we can run um you know   so see like right here so when before before they  poured the concrete yeah before they poured the  

Concrete Jerry put this is what a 6 in a 6 in  slick PVC pipe um and there’s three or four of   them there’s quite a few of them there’s quite  a few of them that run from the outside and then  

You can see where the hole is in the greenhouse  um so it runs under so we can run like they ran   the gas quite easily through there they’ll run uh  the electrical through there like everything just  

Goes through nice and easy so that way you don’t  have to we’re not digging things up so you can   see right here’s the gas that came through um and  we’ll go up so things as far as electrical because  

There’s a lot of items that need to be hooked up  to electricity so yeah it’s a lot of work a lot of   work and it’s a lot of logistics and trying to  make sure that everybody’s on the right switch  

The right circuit the blah blah blah blah blah  so first and foremost obviously you need lights   right so we’ll have lights in here probably the  same LED lights that we have have in retail mhm   yeah so nice and bright um the you will see the  fans that are hanging these are called circulation  

Fans and you will notice that they’re they’re  spaced out they’re not on the same um pearlin   or the same support and they are facing opposite  directions because they are circulation we want   from these heaters the air to circulate in the  greenhouse and they’re kind of slanted down a  

Little bit you know yeah cuz you can tilt them at  different Ang Les um because we don’t because if   you don’t have the circulation fans you will have  a hot spot and cold spots in the greenhouse and we  

Need that warm air to circulate around really  well heat rises heat rises and so or somebody   told me it’s not heat rises it cold air sinks  either either way it doesn’t matter it still   does that so but back over here though what we  were talking about was that the water so what  

I’m thinking about instead of having a like a pipe  coming out of the ground right here in this corner   sure is that that we’re we’re going to put a one  down in the ground and SP it inside the ground so  

You hook your hose up down here in this corner yes  because the last thing we want just back up the   last thing we want is to have a big pipe sticking  up right here because it’s it’s going to get hit  

I’m telling you it’s going to get hit it’s going  to get broken off in some shape or fashion so I’m   thinking about one right there and then one on the  other side over the far Corner yep so that way you  

You can um you can do that bay this Bay and that  one can also do the concrete sure absolutely cuz   they just get a you know a longer hose or whatever  right right right right so circulation fans then  

The shutters also so you will see on the front  side um up there that silver square right above   the door that is a shutter and so it will when  the um come over here behind right above Jerry’s  

Head these are the um exhaust fans what is that  what they’re called um so there’s three of them   exhaust fans and you can see that there’s a I  don’t know if you can see there’s a plug in there  

That’s got to got to connect to something um so  this is what happens when the greenhouse gets too   warm and so those will automatically cut on from  the thermostat so they kick on and basically they  

Suck out the hot air so as soon as that fan cuts  on that shutter opens at the exact same time it   sucks out the hot air Greenhouse cools down fans  shut off shutters close boom so that is off and  

Then um then of course we have the air pumps so  you will see up there in the corner that little   black circular item up there that is the air pump  and that is what inflates the roof so each three  

Of the houses has those little pumps um because  this is a double layer of polyplastic it does it   for insulation so we Pump It full of air so it’s  nice and tight and just like what those houses  

Um are over there it gives it that nice round so  it insulates it and so those have got to run and   then of course just anything electrical because  we’ve got to put have the potty machine in here  

So that will need electricity so there’s tons and  tons of logistics and figuring out exactly you’re   anticipating your needs what do you need what are  you going to need you got to put that all place  

Like um I think betinas are going to grow well in  here yeah you know Bell super Bells you know all   the really cool area ones I think they’ll do super  well in this area you mean the super and the super  

Bells are going to do super well in here they’re  going to do superly well so this is the super Arch   right super Arch yeah all the supers are with the  this is the super house y’all there we go all and  

Then of course also I forgot too to say that  electrical for the um the walls because you can   see that all the walls that are open um they are  those curtains that roll up and down depending on  

The thermostat and what we have set those Motors  that are um that run those things I think they’re   made in Italy they’re right over here let’s show  the let’s show the people what that looks like  

Yeah so each of the curtains has um a motor on it  and of course they’re they’re up right now um but   we have to hook hook all that up yeah but shout  out to the Italians pre-adjusted there’s another  

One right here right there yep and you you have  little knobs on there where you adjust your height   and your um where it know when it stop but it as  the years go along or even the season sometimes  

You have to readjust you do you do but yeah so  nobody’s plugged in yet so we’ve got it we got to   get this up and running and get everybody charged  in so that’s kind of an update here at production  

Now let’s run down to the retail greenhouse and  share with you all of the great specials that we   have at the nursery for you here we are down at  the Garden Center because we have got some great  

Specials going on until we close right we only  have three more days that the retail portion of   Creek Side Nursery is going to be open we have  no four days sorry Wednesday Thursday Friday and   Saturday our last day is this Saturday December  the 16th if you’re in the area and you want to  

Stop by we would love to see you from 9: to 3:  right and then this Saturday our final day of   the Season we do have that power planner augur  Workshop it is completely free it is from 10:00  

A.m. to 1100 a.m. we have a Facebook event page  that you can go and sign up for it just so we can   kind of have a rough idea of how many people are  going to come but at this event you’re going to be  

Able to uh see touch feel all the things with the  power planner augers we will give them to you and   let you hold them and let you drill some holes so  that way you can get a feel for them we will have  

At this Workshop Jenny’s augur remember we have  partnered with power planter to come up with um   the best augur for me and our environment to drill  some great holes so we have this is a really nice   comparison because you can see this is Jenny’s  augur and then we have the power planner the  

Traditional 5 inch augur now so we’re going to  kind of walk through because I want you to see   the difference um one of course you’re going to  notice the color difference right so Jenny this  

Is the limited edition in pink now if you don’t  like pink no worries you can get it in lime green   the exact augur but in lime green so you can go  to our website and you can order that um but you  

Can notice too the first things off the off the  bat is that Jenny’s auger is taller so these are   propped up exactly at the same like level so you  can see that my augur is taller that way when I  

Am drilling holes it just just that little bit  I don’t know it’s maybe like what six 6 Ines 8   Ines difference that’s less that you have to bend  down and when you’re drilling a ton of holes with  

This 5 in it’s perfect for um Grandes or quart  size containers one gallons it just saves your   back so there is a little bit higher also you’ll  notice that the flighting flighting is what we  

Call the spirals right mine has less and so what  is the purpose of that well it makes it lighter   because this is the whole augar are great steel  americanmade steel and even just having that much  

More flighting on it makes it heavier even though  this is taller this weighs more so it saves your   back and then of course both of them do have that  heavyduty tip we have thick clay soil so this is  

The heavy duty tip part traditional 5in augur  or the non heavyduty augers will end right here   or start right here rather it will not have this  part on there this is what makes a difference in   our clay soil because it basically does like  a pilot hole and allows for the rest of the  

Augur to go in we do have um three of the pink  the limited edition here at the nursery now if   you’re want to order online we got plenty right so  you can go to gardening withc creeks and  

Order either the pink or the green not a problem  but if you’re coming here to the nursery and you   want to take one home with you we have three left  here at the nursery so if you’re interested and  

You want to like I said take it home with you  let us know either call the nursery or you can   do orders at gardening withc creeks and  say hey I’m coming to the workshop or I’m coming  

To the nursery this week I want to go ahead and  prepay for my limited edition auger we will save   it for you and not a problem um but yeah and it’s  really fun because Greg and the power planner team  

Even did a special box for us we had the special  sticker on there so really really fun and like you   you can see we’ve got three of them left right  here for us here at the nursery so power pler  

Workshop December the 16 16th from 10: to 11:  here at the nursery um another fun special that   we had you’ll notice that I am wearing my felco  hat today one it is Christmas nice bright red but  

Also um the felco products so if you are coming  to the nursery and you are going to with every   purchase of a Clipper you get a free hat why not  right it’s Christmas let’s just spread the felco  

Love because y’all know that I do enjoy a good  hat I Garden all the time with Hats because I   just cannot handle having hair in my face when I  Garden so these Falco hats are wonderful they’re  

Bright red you will not get lost in the garden but  with every purchase of a hand pruner here here at   the Garden Center this is a in store special only  I’m going to repeat that one more time this is  

An in store special only that when you buy a hand  pruner you get a hat for free but of course we’ve   got all the different sizes we’ve got the ever  popular F CCO 2 8 6 and 14 so the difference is  

Really in some of these is like the ergonomics of  how you um how it feels in your hand it is not the   power of pruner or that you know one is better  than the other absolutely not um it really is  

About how the the Clippers the handles fit in your  hand and the great thing is when you C I love this   about felco is that you can easily come get it off  and this just slides right out so you can put this  

In your hand and feel it like it you can you can  use before you try basically right so you can see   how it fits in your hand and you can go through  I don’t it doesn’t bother us one bit if you sit  

Here and open up all the different ones to really  feel you know what’s the difference between a 14   and a six and how it feels in your hand get the  one that feels best for you right it’s not what  

I use it’s what feels best for you and then and  then Jerry wants to say something yeah CU I I had   to need a Clipper the other day and Randy carries  the 14 the small one yeah 14 you know and whatever  

I was clipping it was like I had had more strength  yeah just because my hand’s bigger right like I I   cut like right through it like it was yeah it it  was just as strong or but I guess maybe because I  

Could just grab my hand to swallowed those handles  up yeah so it’s not that you know like again one’s   better than the other absolutely not it’s just how  it fits in your hand because we’re all unique and  

We’re made differently and what fits in my hand  is different for Jerry and Jerry’s different than   CCE and so forth and so on and then of course we  have the cleaning products y’all literally before  

We came down here I took my clippers I took my  905s and I gave them a little sharpen actually   first what I did first cuz we were uh Mimi and I  were in the garden yesterday so I took my 981 this  

Is kind of the um the Degreaser like it cleans  like it takes all the gunk off your your pruners   this is a very technical term here so I clean my  pruners first right just spray it on and then I  

Wiped it off really good with a paper towel  then I took my 905 and I sharpened my blade   a little bit cuz you know keep it nice and sharp  and then I came back through and um then I went  

Ahead and greased it up just a little bit with a  990 just on those joints just to make sure that   because it keeps it waterproof and keeps it from  rusting so these are all things that we use on a  

Regular basis to maintain these felc Co because  if we maintain them they literally will last an   entire lifetime and then of course the gloves  um you know that I’m a huge glove person and we   have the gloves that I have traditionally used  right here and then I started using the Fel Co  

And oh my gosh y’all I’m telling you I really do  like them I personally am a size medium because I   can wear small but they’re really snug and I don’t  like that kind of constriction on my hands so I’ll  

Wear a medium but we have them all the way from  small to extra large just throwing that out there   for you right so every inore purchase of a pruner  gets a hat for free and then of course we have the  

Merchandise right so you can go on both here at  the nursery and the website and order these if   you order them quickly we will like you order it  we ship it the exact same day cuz I know that some  

Of you are doing these for Christmas presents and  we are getting them out as soon as like literally   we hear the notification and we’re boxing them up  so just know that we were doing everything on our  

End um to get them out to you ASAP so if you place  an order and you maybe you mess up on that order   uh it’s probably going to be too late to fix it  cuz it’s already out the door like we’re we are  

Johnny on the spot and very efficient so we’ve  got of course course the t-shirts we’ve got the   sweatshirts we’ve got the hats all of those great  things coming to you and then for our people who  

Are in store we have got some great bird houses  um for the rest of the season so this is going   to be if you have that Gardener and you’re like  I don’t know what to get them um the bird houses  

Are wonderful they are beautiful and they are  functional the birds love these These are uh from   a family company Heartwood in Star Mississippi  they are handmade they are made out ofy and Cedar   they are meant to go outside they are meant to  be used um we even have some bat boxes that’s  

What these are like some bat houses so of course  we want to have bats in our yard because they eat   so many mosquitoes so I love these bat houses  and so you can have do those and then of course  

All the beautiful different kind of um decorative  houses that you can either some of them will hang   like this one will hang some of them will go on  a pole right and then some of them like this cute  

Little rent housee like you could hang on a fence  post or you could hang on a tree or the side of a   building so just different ones will attach  differently but they are very functional for  

Like for example let me show you um let’s see  let’s go over here to this one Jerry so this is   a bluebird house I love it because with they are  just so smart in how they design them so there’s  

A little metal switch right here and you can lay  it down and easily get in there and clean out old   nest um so before the season the hatchling season  begins you can go in there and easily clean them  

Out and that they don’t have a door on the front  then they have a brass plate on the back that or   copper plate that you can um clean out but tons  and tons of great gift ideas for the gardener  

In your life now what we’re going to do is we’re  going to head outdoors we’re going to talk about   aquapots cuz we still have have beautiful aquapots  that are buy one get one free now that we are here  

In the retail Greenhouse there’s a lot of things  to talk about of course okay we’ve got some violas   left over y’all it is not too late to be planting  violas if you’re local you can absolutely plant  

Violas I just planted some in The Cottage Garden  yesterday and we are still going to be planting   pansies in the signature Garden it is not too late  I absolutely love these bright cheery faces so  

If you have a container or if you have a little  garden spot that you want to add a pop of color   to that will give you color throughout the entire  winter early spring season pansies and violas are  

Definitely for you um speaking of planting y’all  it is not too late to plant trees and shrubs it   is the perfect time to plant trees and shrubs  of course we just planted the signature garden   with tons of things we still have trees left  to put in the ground and some hydrangeas left  

To put in the ground did a big landscape job we  just yeah Andrew and the crew just did a massive   landscape job just yet yesterday put in a ton of  shrubs and trees and perennials it is absolutely  

Go time we have um a great customer all the way  down from the Wilmington area so for those of   you that are not familiar with North Carolina  that’s literally on the other side of the state  

Near the coast and she has been working with CC  for oh gosh I don’t know a month or so planning   a huge Garden install so she has come up for the  weekend and we’re talking uh shrubs and perennials  

And all sorts of things that she is getting to  put into her yard so it is most definitely very   appropriate for us where we are in the South  Southeast I would say zones seven and warmer   most definitely you can absolutely be planting  and your plants will Thrive when the heat hits  

So anywhere from like you know your your uh Fire  Chiefs to your sprinters to these are the American   pillars if you’re looking for a fast growing tree  to give you privacy that this is a great one um  

So just note shrub wise perennial wise definitely  is a great time to do that and then gifts we have   a great selection a huge selection still of the  unique stone so anywhere from something small if  

You’re traveling through you want to take a hairy  the owl home it will easily fit in your suitcase   or if you are traveling here uh somewhat close I  would say right and you have your car and you want  

To take a Charleston boy or a derby Fox we have  got great great options for you and these make   magnificent Christmas gifts y’all Christmas gifts  birthday gifts Mother’s Day I mean you name it   and if they’re a gardener and they enjoy things um  kind of decorating their garden with you know fun  

Whimsical things and some what we would I would  consider like a decorative Hardscape right I mean   because it is cement um then these are great  options for you whether it is your cute little   bashful Betty so we got the bashful bues this is  kind of like the the popular side right here the  

Geckos the garden geckos are so stinking cute  easily fit in suitcases wrap them up and these   like you can literally pop this in your garden  anywhere like any little small little space you   can tuck it in there it’s a fun little surprise  as you’re walking by and you see this sweet little  

Gecko um looking at you and then bashful bety  some I’m I’m not going to lie sometimes statues   can be a little creepy to me cuz they just have  weird faces Bash Betty I think is a cute little  

Thing and then of course sassy Frog who knew that  a uh a concrete frog could have such personality   but it does now out in the Pines we have got  tons of selection of the different unique stone  

Pieces and when we were ordering I made sure like  I have a bashful Betty in an ancient age and then   like right behind Jerry there’s one in a light  Walnut so we made sure to order various colors  

Of the same product because sometimes people have  certain colors that they stick with and they want   to you know they don’t want to defer from that  so we have lots of different colors for you we  

Still have the um aquapots sale it is buy one get  one free you can absolutely mix and match it does   not matter as far as like colors or designs it is  some of them are going to be different sizes right  

So these two are considered the small aquapots  this is the small vase and the small flat Rim   these are the exact same prices so that is not a  problem this is the large flat Rim right so it’s  

Going to be a little bit more because it’s the  larger if you want to mix a small and a large not   a problem it’s just going to be that you get the  the Lesser value for free right and then of course  

We have the big mama jama right here um that  beautiful cobalt blue with the Quilted pattern   on it that too is an aquapot and so that two is  a buy one get one free so if you want to get you  

Know say this big flat rim and this big flat Rim  you can do that right just the Lesser value is the   one that you will get for free that is in store  only we are not shipping aquapots once again in  

Store only not shipping aquapots but people have  been taking advantage of this and like they are   flying out of here so if you’re interested in the  buy one get one free aquapots this will only be  

Good through December the 16th once we reopen in  the spring it’ll be back to normal pricing and um   yeah so this is a great advantage just remember  keep in mind that specials have a have a a time  

Period because that’s why it’s called a special  right so if you’re interested in the in the aqua   poot buy one get one free come take advantage  of it this week this is the last week you can  

Do it um there are people traveling from all over  there are people traveling from like hours away   to take advantage of this because yes States  yeah because where we are in North Carolina   you know states away and you can take advantage of  this land and sea is still on special for $12.99  

The roses or buy one get one free like the three  gallon roses buy one get one free and any other   specials I think that’s about it just know come  see us December the 16th is the power planner  

Workshop from 10: to 11:00 it is also the last day  that the retail portion of the garden center will   be open you still have videos coming to from us  5 days a week so just because the retail Garden  

Center closes does not mean we stop making videos  in fact winter can be one of the busiest times for   us as far as projects and um like we just saw at  the um production Greenhouse there is tons of work  

Still to be done and then we have got to grow all  of these beautiful babies for you so when you come   see us in February March April May blah blah blah  blah then we have beautiful plants for you so we  

Appreciate all of your love and support thank you  for gardening with Creekside as always we hope you   have found this fun informative and inspirational  we’ll see you in the next video bye friends


  1. Hi Jenny. You made me laugh this morning as I was driving to work when you said: "There's nothing in the greenhouse. It's empty! I've got nothing to send you…nothing but best wishes of Merry Christmas." That should go on a winter t-shirt.😂

  2. Love watching your sweet hardworking family growing and thriving. The only time I wish I didn't live in Canada is the inability to shop with you in person and/or online. Probably best for my budget 😁

  3. Jenny, I didn’t get the 15% coupon with my first order but I think it’s because I joined by email early on. You all did however, immediately send me a 15% off for my next order which I greatly appreciate. I hope you, Jerry, and the crew enjoy your last week in the nursery. I know you all will be very busy getting us all ready for spring!

  4. Wow, that’s some amazing sales! Those Aqua Pots are a gardener’s dream. Love seeing you two each day, we may be relaxing, but you and Jerry and the’Creekside’ family are working hard! 🎄❤️

  5. One of your wonderful employees called me today in response to an email I sent regarding my order. Thank you and her for following up with me, I was so happy to hear her say she was calling from Creekside!

  6. Hi Jenny, can I order rock n grow back in black sedum from you? I think it is so pretty and can’t seem to find it. Love all your wonderful projects. Good luck with them

  7. I just placed my very first order on line for the spring! Thanks for the discount code! I’m excited to see how they will grow here in southern WV.

  8. Bat houses are a good idea. I have lots of bats that love to sleep inside my closed patio umbrellas. I have to take a peek inside before I open them 😮

  9. Will you be putting tables with hardware cloth tops in the new greenhouses to set the trays and pots of plants on? I imagine it would be a backsaving addition but a lot of work to build and install. The new greenhouses are really impressive and so is the landscaping surrounding them.

  10. If it isn’t too much hassle, would Jerry mic himself up more frequently? It was nice to hear him in the first half of the video, but couldn’t hear him talking about the Felcos. Thanks for considering and God’s blessings you guys!

  11. Jenny and Jerry, Merry Christmas from the beautiful state of Colorado! After nearly a year of watching you on my television I finally got on my desktop and "subscribed." But! I thought I had also selected the notification bell , not! So! I just selected to be notified each time you share a video. Blessing to you and yours from me and mine! ~Annette

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