Gardening Supplies

Our favourite philodendron! Holiday collab | Plant with Roos and friends

I hope you like our favourite Philo for this end of the year party!
The creators are linked below:
🪴Ebuka @plantboyng
🌿Irene @leafing.around @leafing.around
🌵Jake @jaketheplantguy @jaketheplantguy
🌱Derek @thechocolatebotanist @TheChocolateBotanist
🪴Claire @thejunglehaven @TheJungleHaven
🌿Kristin @sweetlifeflora @sweetlifeflora
🌵Samuel @umbotaniconoapartamento @UMBOTANICONOAPARTAMENTO
🌱Scott @scottgrowsanavocadotree @ScottGrowsanAvocadoTree
🪴 Kamili @plantblerd @plantblerd
🌿Fern @_wildfern @wildfern
🌵Sean @onlyplants
🌱Darryl @houseplantjournal @HousePlantJournal
🪴Joan @plantsintropicalspaces @plantsintropicalspaces3319
🌿Jan @sydneyplantguy @sydneyplantguy
🌵Roos @plantwithroos 😅❤️

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I asked all my International planty Friends to share their filad dendrin favorites with you for this end of the year party let’s go hey everyone welcome back to my Channel or if you’re new my name is Rose my pronouns are she or her and today I asked a bunch of my planty

Creator friends to share our favorite fendron with you so you’re not just going to see my face you’re actually going to see about 20 other people from all over the world all different ages gender skin colors share their favorite plants and why and so grateful that they

All decided to join so I will share their channels on the screen their Instagram account their YouTube channel and if they have it their Tik Tok over here I’ve also linked their handle up here and in the description below I’ve linked all of their channels as well I

Highly recommend checking them out of course my plans you will see all the way at the end of this video give this video a like while you’re here it really helps and let me pass it over to my friends hi my name is a a plant content creator at

Plant enthusiast based here in Lagos Nigeria so so I grew plants both indoors as you can see and I also grw the bul of my plants Outdoors here in Lagos Nigeria I’m so excited to be part of this collaboration I feel like it’s long overdue that we get to showcase our

African and Nigerian Guardians as well I dare say I’m not really a philad dendrum person but I have a few my collection that I actually really love and I want to show you two of them get ready to be building away because they are huge they

Are huge okay let’s begin the first one is this big mama here my fendron glory yome oh my goodness look at the size of those leaves look at the size of those hardship leaves she can barely even fit into my phone screen so why I love her obviously is because she’s beautiful and

Easy and iconic one thing I’ve also learned with these guys is that they absolutely flourish during the rainy season here they grew exponentially during the rainy season in Nigeria and that’s because they love to be kept con constantly moist these guys love to be watered very regularly and they also do

Not like highl or hot temperatur so during the rainy season here the weather is cooler we have a rainy season that lasts for about 7 months I pretty much have this C dumped underneath the rain and she is kept constantly moist I have not allowed her dry out in like a while

And she is just absolutely grin she has given me a new leaf and there’s another another sheet that’s already been activated so she is clearly GRE like crazy so yeah my philon glorious S I love this beep okay let’s move over to the next one the next one is just as

Iconic it will blow your mind guys my philad dendron painted lady oh my goodness she looks so beautiful and amazing I love this plant because I made a lot of money from this plant so when I first got her in Nigeria they weren’t very common they’re still not as common

But you can still find them more more regularly so I quickly went to work propagating and these guys propagate so rapidly and so easily I went to work propagating and and I sold a lot so apart from her being very easy and very rewarding she has also made me a good

Chunk of money so of course what’s not to love about her I find that a lot of people who grew this in the west that is not as highly variegated and I just want to advise that if you want to get this beautiful Vivid V variegation you need

To give this plant some that direct sunlight like it needs like some direct sunlight for the variegation to really actually just pop out and be this striking and you know that’s where she gets the name painted lady from so some direct mild sunlight will honestly just

Take sis to the next level and of course bright light these guys can also take full sun I’ve had some that I grew in like full intense on but obviously they’re not going to look their best the variegation is going to be bit um Sun FedEd and whatnot but if you want

Variegation that’s just going to pop then give sis some direct sunlight and that is pretty much it I hope you liked those two plans that I showed you and thank you so much for having me involved in this collaboration Rose you can follow any of my socials if

You want to see more of my content and more of my planed children bye hi everyone my name is Irene of the channel leing around and today I’m going to walk you through my garden pinpointing out some filad dendrons so first up with this is the filad cherene

I generally love leaves they are like longish or like roundish and cute so this one is one of my favorite and it grows really quick too next up actually I’ll just invite you now to come through my garden so every plant that I have is outside outdoor oh by the way my garden

I am based in quala lour in Malaysia so I have the privilege of keeping all my tropical plants outdoor as we come inside the garden you are greeted by okay a ref tree but this one is really spectacular it used to be a filad dendra

On God but now it’s a toil sprum I don’t know why they keep changing their names and another plan I really like to highlight to you not quite a Phil also but it actually in Asia filad dender don’t originate in Asia so we don’t have them but what we do have are

Rafas so this is a RAF rodora either a mega Sperma or for a mini Fara there are like cousins of monsteras they have these beautiful fenestrations and here I like to show you what they look like in the wild so this needs something to creep up here I

Put it against some wooden planks but in the wall you will see them most probably climbing up trees and while we’re here I like you to take a peep at cim jwe a very beautiful tree also not a fendron sorry Rose ah this one is a painful

Reminder because I paid for it at the peak of its price it’s now fallen to I don’t know it has fallen the the price has fallen like 95% or more so this plan I can’t say it brings me joy um okay here’s a fendum that I could talk to you

About uh on this tree here I’ve mounted the filad dendrum patri it’s grown up quite nicely hugging the tree and I have great Ambitions for it to to grow and climb up up high up there and but if you take a peep closer into this pot so it’s

A bit of a strange way how I’ve done it CU I didn’t want it to start at a bottom that would just take too long so I started Midway and here I’ve got this beautiful cute little filad dendrum gret gret they are heart-shaped little leaves and they remain very tiny but

They’re also very slow grower I had it for years so um yeah hasn’t very done much it’s still alive though so I’m grateful the reason my hands are waving around cuz there are mosquitoes here and um can I just say I grew this pagonia from one Lea and I’m so proud it’s now

Turned into a bunch of pagonas and what else oh I have some seriously bigsize McDonald here Tada so they will grow better if they have more light the problem with my garden is it’s rather Shady so everything grows rather slowly so I hope you’ve enjoyed my tour see

You hey my name is Jake and I like to grow plants and post them on the internet I’m from Southern California and you can find me on Instagram at Jake the plant guy so Rose wants to hear about some of our favorite fil dendrons well this is going to be a bit difficult

For me because fil dendrons are some of my favorite plants I love growing them from small to huge and as you can see here I’ve got quite a few but I’ll try and pick out a few so to start one of my all-time favorites is the fil dendrin

Mikans this is really the plant that got me into house plants I just saw it and I just fell in love with it I loved the velvety leaves the amber color and I was inspired when I first saw it on a MOS pole on Craig Milan’s Instagram and it

Just blew me away so I had to make a few Moss Poes of myself and it’s really what started the whole Moss pole stuff for me it’s a solid easy house plant that’s great for beginners especially if you want to grow one of your first plants up

A moss pole so next up I’ve got to go with the filad dendrin splendid this plant I just love the green veins in the center of the leaves um this is a hybrid of the Milano Chum crossed with the varicosum you get the beautiful traits of the Milano and

Varicosum without all of the drama and difficulty growing this thing is a lot easier to grow I recommend it if you want a large leaf fil gine to grow up a moss pole and here’s a few clips of mine that I grew up a moss pole for about 6

Months that I started earlier this year so let me pick one that’s not on a moss Pole now I think I got to go between the jungle boogie and the ring of fire I love them both but I think I’m going to go with the jungle boogie I just like

The dark green leaves and the simple jungle Vibes it gives you the ring of fire is really cool so I love it too and they’re very similar just ones you know got that beautiful orange variegation and the other just got that green jungle Vibes and honorable mentions for the

Filad dendrin blizzard this thing is a beauty I started it when it was a very small 4 in and now it’s kind of sized up quite a bit so I really you know can’t wait to see this thing maybe get to the size of my Jungle Boogie one day

So hope you liked some of those filad dendrons this was really fun and maybe I’ll do more of this YouTube stuff one day so see you hey everybody it’s me Derek the chocolate Bist and I am here to show a couple of my favorite I’m not

Looking at the camera a couple of my favorite philad dendrons now I love all of my filad dendrons because God knows when you say you love one more than the others the others go ahead and just die because they’re so jealous that you you pick one or the other we’re going to see

If I can get this without knocking a bunch of stuff over this beautiful silver sword filad dendron I got this from plant plant proper maybe 3 years ago and she is looking gorgeous the humidity could definitely stand to be a little better where she is so she could

Have more leaves but she is definitely a sword I would like to have in a battle now I have lusted after one of these bad boys since I seen somebody else have it on the plants to Grandma car Trees black boy plant enjoy and it’s a strawberry

Shake fil D Dr and got this from gunter’s Greenhouse you see this beautiful variegation I just got this within the last month and it was this size and I love strawberries I love the plants and all of this all of this variegation is giving me life that’s great knock over everything Derek is

This baby here now this I have had her for maybe like 2 three years I got it for from for from got it from for a garden sakes in Durham off of 751 and it was mislabeled as like filad dendrin Panda or something like that and you see

How happy she is I have cut this one down pretty much to the pot multiple times propagated those propagates giv them away and it just keeps coming back and I just I love the climbing nature of this one I love the wildness of it and it’s it’s just like me or Survivor

We not going to give up we’re not going to stop we going to work hard on Destiny’s Child bars I’m just now realizing I never named that last plant filad D erub bessin I want to thank Rose for having me um as part of this collaborative effort I’m so honored um

Thank her for seeing me thank you for seeing me Rose and I appreciate you all yall have a good one hello my name is Claire my YouTube channel is the jungle Haven and I have brought three filad dendrin to show you today three of my current favorites my favorites do change

Quite a lot but these are the ones that I am set on for today and starting with the smallest one this is a philad andran penti lum and this is one that I had wanted for a really long time and I finally got a cutting of for my birthday

Recently I got it as a cutting on Epsy and the thing I really love about this one is that there’s almost something quite anamy about it there’s a there’s a rigidness to its growth and kind of like I don’t know the combination of that and the liness and the ruffness just gives

Me antherium Vibes and I really like that I think it’s very unusual and I’m currently just growing it in uh a semih hydro mix this is soil ninjas lus Aon equivalent and it seems very happy so far it’s giving me some lovely growth which is very exciting

And then moving up in size I’ve got in fact let’s do that one last I’ve got my filad dendrin Splendid which I swear to God knew was going to be on camera today and his stter is having a little bit of a tantrum so let’s not show you that

Leaf let’s let’s show you this lovely Leaf um in fact that’s not her best Leaf there we go um but this is one that I got as a one leaf cutting got quite a small one leaf cutting about a year and a half ago and I just feel really really

Really really proud of this plant she’s giving me beautiful growth although that leaf is obviously on its way out it’s not the end of the world we are just coming into winter here in the UK so some changes in plants is kind of normal it’s not what I like but it is pretty

Normal um but on the whole I’m really really happy with how she’s growing for me and she is getting ready to give me a big New Leaf on top there as well so I’m super excited about that uh and then finally this is my another very big one but this

Is a filad dendrin Dean McDow and this is another filad dendrin that was on my wish list for a really long time before I got it and I got this one literally bang on a year ago I got it just before just after I lie just after Christmas

Last year and it had two leaves at the time and it has honestly been the fastest growing and easiest philadel I’ve ever owned it literally doesn’t give me any grief I water it every couple of weeks it doesn’t get the most light it’s just a really beautiful one

That gives me constant new growth and is just making me making me very happy and pushing me out of shot um but yeah so if I had to pick those are currently currently my top three hi everyone I’m Kristen topping from Sweet Life flora and thank you so

Much Rose for inviting us to this International collaboration of plant people and our three favorite filad dendrons mine are not going to come as any surprise because you’ve seen them all hello hype so first let’s start off with the yo FBI the yo FBI was one that I got pre

Pandemic and I was absolutely in love with its leaves now there are other similar plants that have similar leaves but this one is the coolest of them all in my opinion so my plants are smaller than a lot of plants you’re going to see I’m sure but I have a cutting problem I

Love cutting plants I love propagating so this UI has probably been propagated six or seven times already and this is my lamii now my Lami ey is one of my favorites because of the color so when new leaves pop out they are a bright salmon pink and then they slowly harden

Off into being green it’s just gorgeous and last but not least is my filad dendrin Bai now you have probably seen this billai before that’s the mother plant now I took a two Leaf top cutting from that mother plant and It produced this beast

In 8 months so my B TI is going to be something that I am so so so proud of so this is the baby to to my mother filad dendrin bellai and I just love the contrast between the dark green leaves and the orange pedals those are my three favorite filad

Dendrons have an amazing holiday and I can’t wait to do another one of these collaborations again hi everyone my name is Samuel gonalves and I’m a Brazilian botanist from YouTube channel and Instagram profile I’m very happy about Rose invitation to show you three of my favorite philodendron come with me first of all

My favorite one philodendron subat native from Colombia and Ecuador why I love this philen because his leaves has this reddish face on the back look at this stunning for me the leaves are kind of heartshaped or Arrow shaped form what do you think about it and all

The leaves becames upward all the leaves searching for the Sun as most from the genus is a very climbing phod dendrum at first point of view it seems like an animal ate these leaves all these leaves this is the spectacular philodendron UPI a possible hybrid between philodendron pedatum and philodendron

Bolum described recently by Thomas cro in fact and I’m not happy to say this this is the most expensive philad andrum from my collection but I love the shape of the leaves look at this stunning a long long time ago this was considered the Holy Grail of all the plants

Philodendron spiritus STI this species is native just from Brazil actually from two or three states in Brazil but specifically from espir Sant what means this species is spiritus STI fromus s it has very elongated leaves they are beautiful with these two loes very very long too I love this plant in fact he

Supports a little bit of sun sun from the morning or even from the afternoon some people say this is a slow growing plant but I disagree in my apartment in my cultivation this is a very fast growing Philo dendrum and I love this epithetic plant native from my country

Brazil in fact was very difficult to me choose three of my favorite filad andrum if you want to see more subscribe in my YouTube channel and my Instagram profile good day everyone my name is Scott and I’m from the YouTube channel Scott grow and avocado tree and today

I’m here to talk about my favorite varieties of filad engine because Rose has invited me here to talk about my favorite varieties of filad engines and not avocado trees talk about avocado avoc Tre I’m here today to talk about one of my favorite varieties of fendron

And that is filad endrin hetera or the heart leaf filad endrin I love these plants I think they’re super easy they look great and they come in so many different varieties let’s take a look at some of my favorites we’ll start with the basic if you can call them that

Filad dendrin heartleaf these are the standards and they’re just great Growers I’ve had this one for a number of years it is uh very easily as tall as I am and uh that is with quite aggressive pruning at this point I like to prune these fairly heavily so that they continually

Put out new Runners i’ like to give them really aggressive ones as well I can prune them fairly high up so that they Bush out more towards the top but they’re just great foliage plants look at those Runners gorgeous the next one which as you can see very similar

Growing style to the standard philad and heartleaf they are the same species after all uh this is the philad dendrin Brazil given its name because of the variegation on the leaves it looks kind of like the Brazilian flag I guess but as you can see beautiful foliage we get

This kind of lime green taking up a lot of some of the leaves beautiful variegation and uh yeah just a stunning grower and then I absolutely cannot miss my personal favorite of the heartley filet engine varieties this is a philad endrin mikans the leaves are just this gorgeous velvety dark green reminiscent

Of a filad engin gloriosum little smaller uh and again similar to the other ones loves to Trail this one is a little younger it hasn’t had time to Bush out very much up here but they’re just fantastic Growers I mean look at the aerial Roots this one’s trying to

Put out I love all these heartly fidan varieties they’re not fussy so long as you let them dry out and they’re in well- draining soil they prefer high humidities but they’re not fuss and they’re just great Growers super easy to prop gate and they’re good as trailing

Plants or as climbers I’ve got this one here on a moss pole it’s only been on for a couple of months and it’s already starting to establish itself and climb up independently which is just fantastic Rose thank you so much for having me my name is Scott and I’m from the YouTube

Channel Scot grow and avocado tree thank you so much for having me hey everybody I’m camil the Creator behind plant blur on Instagram here on YouTube Pinterest Tic Tac all the platforms I’m also the author of happy plants happy you and I’m thrilled to be here to share some of my favorite filad

Dendrin first up is my mighty sword I love filad dendrin because you can get the big girls and I’m very much into big plant energy these days and this is my philad dendrin hastatum I’m going to butcher that but it’s a silver sword I’m going to have to bring you up for a

Closer look cuz you can’t possibly get all of it here look at how gorgeous this plant is the leaves are so huge and silvery it’s just one of my favorites and next up is my filad dendrin paint princess this is one of my all-time favorite plants in my entire collection

Like it’s always on the top 10 list and she does not disappoint it continuously puts out amazing variegated leaves I’ve had this plant now for about 5 years I mean look at this top Leaf it’s gor gorgeous it’s practically all black and contrary to what one might assume it’s

Really a super easy plant I don’t have any additional humidity my ceilings are too high and she’s completely acclimated to regular indoor dry New York heat and it lives under a grow light and is just my fave and I know I said I love filad dendrons because of the big plants I’m

In my big plant energy phase but I’m going to give up a little love for the very humble underrated mikin of all the trailing plans I think this is the most beautiful with its velvety leaves and it’s so easy to grow and it’ss a little bit more light than um I originally knew

This is my second go round because I killed my first but so far so good she’s growing beautifully the leaves are gorgeous and of course if you let it Trail up they’ll get bigger so that is the next uh thing on the agenda for this

One I’m going to give her a poll and see how beautiful and gorgeous those leaves will go those are my favorite filad dendrin of 2023 today today hey guys I’m Fern from Wild Fern here on YouTube and I grow tropical plants in Canada philad dendrin is actually my favorite genus so

Thank you so much Rose for inviting me to be part of this collab unfortunately I did lose um two of my favorite large filad engine earlier this year to thrips but I’m taking this as an opportunity to practice Gra itude and recognize some of the other wonderful filad engin that I

Have in my collection first of all I have to show you my beautiful neon or lemon lime heartleaf filad dendrin look at how big she is she is just trailing like crazy I can’t even fit her in the frame I actually have a wall of a variety of different types of trailing

Filad engine in my bedroom and I bought this one just to kind of break up the darker shades of green just to add a nice Pop I wasn’t really a fan of it but I figured it would it would add to the the vision as a whole little did I know

This would become my favorite plant on the wall and it has also been the one that has grown the most as well so it truly brings me so much joy one of my favorite things about this plant is how the new growth comes in this um pinky

Orange color it is just so so pretty I love her and look at just how dense and how Lush she is how could you not be obsessed next we have my filad in GL gloriosum and I’m including this one because she’s made such a great comeback for me this year she honestly looked

Like crap and now she looks incredible so I’m just so proud of how far she’s come and you can’t beat the dark velvety look of the gloriosum it’s just so so beautiful and this is a philad dendrin that is really okay with lower light which I so appreciate because I live on

Vancouver Island and it’s very rainy and gloomy here to be honest I’m not usually a fan of crawlers but this is one that I will probably always keep in my collection look how gorgeous she is oh my goodness and last but not least I have to talk about my filad andrin torum

Because it’s different than anything else in my collection not only filad andrin but it’s different from pretty much every plant that I grow so it just really adds something I don’t know fun and quirky to my space the reason I got it was because I loved how creepy and

Weird the new leaves looked when they come in when they’re unfurling and look at that we have one looking all sorts of weird right now I cannot emphasize enough how easy this filad andran is to grow as well I just have mine growing up a bamboo steak which I so appreciate

Because it gives me a break from all of the Moss poles and yeah she just looks amazing and makes me so happy so yeah fendron torum that’s it for me I hope that you enjoyed my plans thank you so much again to Rose for putting this

Together and I can’t wait to watch and see everyone else’s picks happy holidays hey guys it’s Sean from only plants and I’m filming from Indonesia thank you so much Rose for including me in this collaboration my first filad dendrin is this filad dendrin McDow it’s actually in water propagation right now and it’s

Put out its first leaf look at how huge this first Leaf is I’m going to show you on the screen of what the plant looked like before I cut it up it was actually grounded and it was doing extremely well but at the same time it was blocking all

The other plants below it so it’s basically hoarding the space so I’m propagating it I don’t know what I’m going to do with all these cting but they’re all doing well so this is an easy fendron they size up really fast and it’s got this beautiful pillow like

Texture on the leaves and it’s hard shaped of course all right for the next fendron you’re going to have to look all the way back here this is the fendron bur marks fantasy and this used to be very rare and a bit sought after at some

Point but I think the supply caught up with demand really fast this is a very fast growing filad dendron it’s beautiful it’s got thick leaves they stay small so for those of you with smaller living space this is perfect and they do need something to climb onto and

It’s got beautiful texture I just love the elegant shape it’s just got this Timeless quality to it also it’s very thick Leaf so it doesn’t feel like it’s going to break anytime it feels really sturdy and my final one is actually this right here this is the philad pariso

Verde and the reason I like this plant is because it’s got interesting marking and for me the care is super easy they’re super easy to propagate and you do need to give it bright light and kind of a warm climate for it to give you the best variegation possible and they have

Different shapes look at them some of them have longer shapes some of them look like a dragon even in low light this plant did not revert on me so I’ve got many of them all all around the garden they’re just so fos free and they

Provide a pop of color and also if you look very closely around the edge of the leaves there’s this pink rim around it that’s really beautiful these used to be quite difficult to find and expensive but because they’re so fast growing nobody wants them anymore nobody talks

About them anymore but this is actually really really cool easy and I want to add one more the feren Jose buo that’s actually just as easy and the variegation is very stable all right that’s my top three for now and I’m looking forward to see what everybody

Come up with message from Rose are you still joining the phillow collab video oh yes yes you know I don’t have that many fil dendrons but the few that I do have I have some interesting tielabs videos to share so yeah I’ll join hey everyone it’s Daryl from house PL

Journal and here are my favorite filad dendrons so just off to the side of this large window which is southeast facing this is a filodendron spiritus sancti and today’s pretty dark and cloudy so the Light reading is not going to be really representative of what it is on a clear day you’re barely

Photosynthesizing today now when I first got this plant it was just about three leaves and they were all very small about kind of like this size just about four or 5 in long and I’ve got a timelapse video of that happening which was pretty exciting but with each successive Leaf

You can see that they’ve gotten quite a lot bigger here is the latest Leaf now which is definitely over a foot in length and I have another T Out video capturing one of those larger leaves unfurling as well now over on this side of the room I have

A set of floating shelves and at the bottom shelf here I have a nice uh bar grow light under which here sits a filodendron torum and this is the latest Leaf which is really nice and big when I first got the plant the first few leaves

Were even smaller than these ones and in fact when I opened the box they were actually uh kind of fading a bit yellow and I was just hoping that well you know put them in the Ikea cabinet and hope that they you know can keep growing new

Leaves and so luckily they did and uh you know I think with such a really interesting Leaf shape uh it also makes for a very interesting timelapse video and it’s definitely one of my more popular time-lapse videos as you can see here and last but not least in my

Basement yes this is big monstera but over here I’m sort of isolating this filodendron 69 686 um because I discovered that it caught some thrips so uh you know I treated it and I’m just kind of keeping it away from my other plants and keeping it under

Observation and um you know if I ever notice a thrip here or there then I will try and just take it off with some masking tape and here’s the timelapse video I did of the filad dendron 69 686 so those are the only filad dendrons I have right now but uh they still

Produce some interesting timelapse videos so I hope you enjoyed them hello everybody and thanks ruse for inviting me to your favorite filodendron collaboration my name is Jun I live in Leos I’m a plant and gardening content writer for my website plant in tropical where I writ about enlightening Living Spaces with tropical

Plants and so I’m quite excited to be sharing with you my favorite philodendrons uh generally I like filad dendrons because they are easy plants for beginners and um they’re very good for styling indoor spaces they grow very well in water um but my favorite fendron actually growing out in the garden so my

Number one favorite fendon is the philodendron rongo and um I like this plant because it was was given to me by a friend I made two years ago when I helped her start her plant collection it came with just two leaves but um see how it’s grown

Now I like it non Vining growth habit and I just like How Majestic it looks in this space here my second favorite filodendron is a Vining one the fendron Florida I just love the interesting Leaf shape and I can hardly wait to see it go up this

Wall and here is my third favorite filodendron this is the filodendron prince of orange I like the pop of color it adds to the space uh it grows outdoors in the garden I I just like the very colorful leaves and that’s it thanks for watching and happy gardening everyone bye hey

Everybody I’m Yan AKA Sydney plant guy and R asked me to show you three of my favorite filad dendrin but how could I possibly choose I love growing large plants on Moss PS and filad dendrin is definitely my favorite genus specifically I really really like my velvet filad dendrin so it’s really hard

To narrow it down to only three of them so I felt like I’m just going to cheat a little bit and show you three filad dendrin while standing in front of my wall full of even more filad dendrin all right first one I want to

Show you is my Milano km which is this one over here I just moved house and it suffered a little bit but it has finally given me real really nice large elongated leaves the reason why I love this PL because it is a reminder that consistency is key this plant took about

Four years to grow to this size if I compare that to my big glorious right next to it over here for example that sized up in less than half the time so it’s just a good reminder that growing plants is a marathon not a Sprint and the longer it takes the more rewarding

Are the end results all righty next up we’re sticking with the Velvet filad dendrin but we’re going slightly smaller this is my filad dendrin El choco red and look at this backside over here super super beautiful and red with really nice Vining and a velvet texture

So what’s not to love what makes this plant special to me is that this plant used to be so so so expensive in Australia like ridiculous but I I stayed passion and waited it out even though it was on my wish list for the longest time

I really wanted to get my velvet filad denrin collection complete but my patience was rewarded and I was able to get this pretty cheap and I was even able to propagate it multiple times already and share lots of cuttings with my friends who also had this pled on

Their wish list for the longest time all righty and lastly I want to switch it up a little bit from The Velvet fos and show you this beautiful fendron ring of fire I love this variegation and unfortunately there’s no brand new Leaf uh unfurling at the moment but you can

See the next one coming in over here when they come in they’re really nice and red now the reason why I wanted to show you this plant is because this is a plant that is often grown as like a bushy triling plant kind of basically it’s usually not growing on the Moss P

Or I haven’t seen many people growing it on the Moss pole and you don’t need to give this plant a moss pole but it’s a great example on how you can use Moss poles to create a nice display for your plants I wouldn’t give this plant a moss

Pole this plant would have leaves 360° and you can see with these super super long leaves this would take up a lot of space imagine having the same amount of leaves on the other side of the pole my apartment would just not be big enough to have a plant that spreads

That much so the Moss pole while giving it a vertical extension of the pot so more room for roots also helps keeping all of the leaves on one side I put this Moss pole towards the wall and all leaves will just start facing towards the light and the MOs po prevents any

Leaves from going backwards if you want to learn more about how I grow large filad dendrin on Moss pulse in an indoor setting feel free to subscribe to my channel it’s Sydney plant guy on YouTube Instagram as well as Tik Tok thank you Ry for having me and over to the next

Person and the next person is me and I think my pics might be different from what you’re expecting like I’m holding up this beautiful plant but this is actually not one of my pics I just wanted to have it in frame and same with this and same with this one in the

Background I wanted to be here because it’s beautiful but it’s not actually one of my pics because that would be too predictable my first pick is actually currently at my brother-in-law so I headed over there to show you this is it my filodendron plow Mani this is the

Latest Leaf hold on it’s too big I can’t handle it it’s a crawler by the way and it actually has a flower right here so that’s kind of nice I love this one so much because the leaves have this cool pattern on them this one you can see is

Well this is the newest one so it’s extra big and pillowy with a pink heart in the center here here and also pink backs of the leaves and then the beautiful ruffled petal I love the heart shape I love that it gets this big it’s a very unexpected one I got this from

Someone and I didn’t really have it on my wish list but I’m very happy that I do own it now by the way it’s very dark in my shot that’s not because it’s evening it’s actually super gloomy outside it’s been raining but this is the day before I’m posting this video

And this is the only time I can actually record with the builders having their coffee break downstairs so excuse the not so good lighting my second pick is one of my newer ones and although the ilani is very very special that is not the one I’m picking I’m picking the

Radiatum verata which is this one it currently only has two leaves but it is rooting successfully after traveling with me back to the Netherlands I never knew about this plant I would have never picked it up myself but that’s what I love about the plant Community you can

Be inspired by others and that is also why this video is so fun for me seeing other people’s plants and so I thought I would would show you this weirdo maybe you’ve also never heard of it radium vagata which apparently can get quite big but for now it’s just a two nodes

Two leaves plant for me there’s no signs of growth yet but I really like the funky shape of the leaf and the variegation pattern as well it’s yellow variegation which you know I love and then my last pick oh it’s actually almost too dark to properly show you

I’ve picked philad dendrin gigas because I feel like it deserves more love than gets online and this is actually even thriving I need to extend the Moss pole which I’m going to do right after filming this but I love what the leaves look like I don’t know if you can see

With this light but it’s very velvet actually the darkness does come across very nice if you love melanoon but you are struggling to grow it like I am then this one is a very good alternative I’ve had it in a little bit darker light situation and it’s actually looking very

Pink at the back as well look at those veins there’s a new Leaf coming so I think this will be quite happy with the Moss pole extension that I already have here ready to go I’ve struggled a lot with this plant it had thrips over here

And all the older leaves have died off but then it got used to the Moss pole and also I got rid of the thrips so it started to look a lot nicer here we go I changed the light a little bit that’s better I just had this in the shower so

That’s why the leaves are wet can you see the Velvet of it ah it’s so beautiful I really hope that with the extended musle I might grow this in my bathroom in my new bathroom so that the leaves can get nice and big you can

Actually if you go back a little bit on this video you can see it in Yan’s video in the background as well he’s grown this quite big I’m hoping to get there one day I’m very curious to hear if this is the pics that you expected from me I

Thought they were quite unexpected and then I guess that’s it for this video If you enjoyed it and you haven’t yet please give the video a thumbs up you can subscribe to me below and you you can also check out all the other channels a big thank you to them for

Participating in this and sending me their videos I really really enjoy making collaboration videos and I’m planning actually to do a few more in the coming year not just one at the end of the year a big thank you to you of course for always being here and writing

These lovely comments and watching my videos and to all my patrons and YouTube members for the continued support it means a lot to me there will be another video before the end of the year a planty one on Wednesday like you’re used to and hopefully also a few renovation

Ones on the weekends if I can get them done in time so see you there take care of yourselves give a big hug to all your loved ones and if you are celebrating holidays enjoy them as well thank you and bye


  1. I hope you liked this collab – I'm planning to make a few this upcoming year. PS Please give the video a thumbs up! It really helps. Thanks!

  2. I stopped in my tracks to watch this. Several of my favorite plant folks, and some new. This was a brilliant and fun video.

  3. Thanks so much Roos. It must have been quite an adventure with all the different time zones and plant friends to organise and then to edit! I am so happy to discover some new plant people through you!

  4. Oh so many of my fav channels here!:D Special Greetings to Jan and Claire! <3 and to your Roos ofc for giving us such a treat!

  5. Loved this video,some of my favorite YouTubers all in one place ( screen) ❤
    Thank you Roos for organizing this! Loved seeing inspiring ,talented ppl from all over the globe! 💚💚💚👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Natalie

  6. Late to the party, but thank you soooo much Roos for organising this and asking me to be a part of it! Just sitting down to watch it now 💚

  7. Thx Rose! New sub here..That was fun! I have 2 Philo congo rojo I found in a dumpster, they're doing amazing and taking over my rooms😅

  8. This was great! I loved seeing some of my favorite planty youtubers all in one video and others I have never seen before. Now I've got new people/plants to check out.

  9. Ahhhhh i started this video a couple days ago but couldnt give it my full attention. I've been so looking forward to sitting down to watch it. 🎄🫶

  10. Love the collab! Some expected, some not like the radiatum. 😊 Look forward to more collabs. I feel like this is the only one I saw this year and wonder why. 🤷‍♀️

  11. So much fun ! Love these collabs with so many people. Some of the plants look so much different in their different environments.

  12. This was a great video, so many new channels to subscribe to to! Thanks so much. Amazing plants, wonderful creators, thanks to all who participated 🤗

  13. Thoroughly enjoyed this! I usually stick to outdoor tropicals but this video has totally inspired me to explore indoor plants. There were no egos, no competitiveness, just a straight love of plants… excellent idea and well implemented ❤️

  14. Thank you so much Rose for this great video! I hope you make another video featuring hoya, cactus and succulents. Etc.etc.etc.!!!

  15. this was so much fun to watch. so many of fav. channels . i love philodendron too. thank you for taking us through this collaboration 🪴☘️🍀

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