
Seasonal Affective disorder and Gardening.

I talk a bit about Seasonal Affective Disorder. (SAD).
SAD. ORG. http://www.sad.org.uk/
SAD NHS. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad/
Gardening Despondency Syndrome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJen3Chk9ro
six percent of UK population are believed to suffer from SAD. Seasonal gardening. Food growing. Gardening education. Two-eight percent in higher latitude countries are believed to suffer from SAD and five percent in the US. Gardening in difficult circumstances. Gardening in bad weather. Gardening in Autumn. Gardening in WInter. Gardening in Fall. Gardening in cold climates.Gardening in non ideasl conditions. Gardening in cold weather. I hope people enjoy the video.

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