Edible Gardening

Growing Banana plants : from planting to harvest

In this video, we will explore how to grow banana plants and how to care for them.
We will discuss how to grow a banana plant in a pot in regions of the northern hemisphere.
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Hello friends I hope you’re doing well welcome to this new video where we’ll explore banana cultivation step by step we’ll cover aspects like planting pruning maintenance and propagation of your banana plants before we begin don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and click on the notification Bell to stay updated on

My latest videos also give it a thumbs up to encourage me to keep translating videos from my French Channel finally leave a comment letting me know what cultivation guide you’d like to see in the next video or if you have any questions I’ll be happy to respond now

Without further Ado let’s start the video enjoy one presentation contrary to popular belief the banana plant is not classified among fruit trees in reality it is not a tree at all but rather a giant herb considered the largest in the world with fruiting that gives rise to the famous

Bananas it is a herbaceous plant with deciduous or Evergreen foliage depending on the climates belonging to the mus family at maturity its height can range from approx o imately 3.28 to 32.8 1 ft depending on the varieties and climate in the northern hemisphere expecting a regular Harvest of banana clusters is

Not realistic due to lower temperatures only a few varieties such as mua acuminata dwarf Cavendish or mua acuminata Little Prince are capable of fruiting and producing edible bananas in these regions other varieties either will not flower and therefore will not fruit or will produce non-edible fruits due to the presence of

Seeds two soil exposure the banana plant prefers deep light well- drained soils that are rich in Trace elements such as potassium and magnesium in terms of exposure plant varieties intended for outdoor cultivation in a sunny and sheltered position for Less hearty varieties plant them in pots and cultivate them indoors

Or under a veranda don’t hesitate to take them outside during fine weather three planting in open ground the best time to plant a banana tree intended to stay Outdoors year round as in Spring dig a hole approximately three times the volume of the root ball of your plant at

The bottom of this hole place a good layer of draining materials about 3 94 to 5 91 in or 10 to 15 cm such as gravel or clay balls as the banana tree dislikes having its roots in water the ideal fill substrate is a mixture of 25%

Garden soil 25% potting soil 25% manure and 25% coarse sand to improve drainage then backfill taking care to Tamp down well along the way to avoid leaving air pockets in the hole and water thorough to finish settling in pot firstly it’s important to know that you can significantly

Control the growth of a potted banana tree by simply limiting the size of the pot you’ll then need to repot your banana tree into a larger pot every 2 years if you want it to continue growing or simply refresh the top layer of your substrate if you’re not planning to

Repot use the same substrate mix as mentioned earlier for in ground cultivation which consists of 25% garden soil 25% potting soil 25% well decomposed manure like black gold and 25% coarse sand to improve drainage to further enhance drainage place a layer of clay balls or rocks at the bottom of

Your pot if you use a saucer under your pot make sure there’s never stagnant water to prevent root rot four maintenance care air watering spring summer the banana tree grows rapidly and is a heavy drinker in open ground during summer water it every 2 Days in a pot indoors let the top soil

Dry between waterings and don’t hesitate to mist it daily to provide the humidity it needs to thrive watering fall winter indoors in a pot during its vegetative period which extends from late fall to midwinter reduce watering let the soil dry several Cent CM before thoroughly rehydrating

The soil indoors place the pot in a saucer filled with damp clay balls repotting repotting should be done every 2 or 3 years in the same pot or a slightly larger one if you can’t repot simply refresh the top layer with potting soil for green plants five winter protection winter protection action is

Essential even for the most Hardy banana species that cannot tolerate the combination of negative temperatures and humidity it is crucial to protect the roots with a minimum of about 50 cm of mulch at 35 6° fah or 2° celus the leaves die and fall however the protection approach will vary depending

On the regions in mild climates you can simply protect the trunk with multiple layers of burlap and let the leaves or what remains of them protrude in colder regions it needs a real puffer jacket trim the leaves at the top of the false trunk surround it with a wire mesh at a

Minimum height of 19 69 in or 50 cm but leave some space between the material and the trunk fill this space with straw and or well dried leaves your banana tree will then be ready to face severe cold in Spring undress it a bit to allow

New choots to grow wait until the end of spring frosts to undress it complet complely indoors do not place it against a window direct sunlight can burn its leaves six propagating banana plant propagation can be done either by Spring sewing or by Autumn suckers since the seating process

Is lengthy and uncertain the best approach is sucker propagation sucker propagation all banana trees are straightforward to mul multiply this way as whether they die or not after bearing fruit they take the time to produce suckers around the mother plant cut these suckers when they have reached a

Height of around 10 cm use a knife that has been previously disinfected with alcohol separate the suckers and repot immediately in potting soil for green plants or a homemade mix 25% garden soil 25% potting soil 25% decomposed manure like or Brun 25% coarse sand place in warmth and humidity new Roots will soon

Start to appear repot in a larger pot if you intend to keep them indoors keep them warm during the winter if they are destined for the Garden Seven Harvest storage in the northern hemisphere only a few varieties can produce edible fruits this is the case in particular with muza acuminata dwarf Cavendish arua

Acuminata Little Prince the small bananas are harvested at the end of summer as we won’t be harvesting astronomical quantities if we Harvest any it will be easy to consume them quickly never put bananas in the refrigerator as they turn black immediately this video is now concluded

Thank you for watching until the end I hope you enjoyed it if you did please subscribe to the channel to motivate me to continue translating all the videos from my French Channel also don’t forget to give it a thumbs up finally leave a comment to let me know which cultivation

Guide you’d like to see in the next video or if you have any questions I’ll respond with pleasure see you soon for the next video goodbye

1 Comment

  1. Does every banana tree or plants gives fruits only once in its lifetime . Do we have to harvest the existing banana plants to have fruits again in next year

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