Edible Gardening

Your Garden’s Too Messy!!!

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So it’s that time of week again it’s our usual Friday Night Live and I’m joining you again across Tik Tok and on YouTube so I hope you’re all keeping well I hope life is good with you uh I’ve had a couple of nice little surprises that

Have turned up in the post for me um so a couple of weeks ago there was a a really nice guy on one the comments and he offered some uh low quart plants now low quart something that uh I’ve wanted for a while uh there’s a couple of trees

That I’ve or fruit trees that I’ve wanted for a while uh lot is one of them and uh he brought those in well he he he posted me those and uh uh that that’s a really really special treat so I’m looking forward to getting those potted

Up I’ve got them um I’ve got them just uh sat outside uh my front door at the moment um but hopefully uh some time to pop those up and we’ll have some low courts growing in the next few years so it’ll be it’s a it’s really really exciting and

Um there’s another thing uh some Ali he comes on to live quite a bit he sent me some purple heart throd tomato seeds that’s going to be a nice one to grow as well so uh let’s see who’s coming in Karen how are you doing Ben how are you

Doing mate I’ll have you know my Garden’s been worse Ben um see these are one of these um these are one of these uh comments that I get quite a bit and these are the type of comments that really sort of really bugs me um because some uh I get

This uh I’ve had this a few times and some are from because people don’t understand what I’m doing and uh or they don’t understand the context of what we’re doing um now if you if you’re if everyone who’s in the UK realizes we’ve just gone through a couple of major

Storms uh branches things have been smashed all over the place and my Gardens uh had archers and wrecked my shed doors loads of uh things that we had planted plant pots we had this wooden frame that we had plant pots you know planted on uh something that I

Built for my wife last year that’s been smashed so everything’s all over the place so the garden it’s sodn as anything you know the soil is still squelching when you step on it uh it’s that saturated um so it’s very very muddy it’s very very messy it’s going to take

Me at least a good few months before I can get it sorted uh especially with the amount of time I’ve got at the minute so it’s it’s a lot of work at the minute but when people come on someone left me a comment um on on one of my last videos

You know please please tidy a mess and then the and and then they started off with uh preaching and uh and they were almost using uh yeah I don’t want to get into it what they were doing but but it just really got to me it really bugs me when people talk like

That because we’ve had a few of those I mean I recycle a lot so if I find something um that’s going to be I might not have a use for it today but I’m going to be able to use it in a couple of months time I’ll grab it do you you

Know if I if I find some uh material I’ll grab it I’ll bring it home I’ll store it and I’ll use it when I’m ready so at the moment I’m collecting bricks uh and when uh you guys see the brick project that I’m going to be working on

I’m collecting loads and loads of recycled bricks so I’m bringing those recycled bricks home and uh we’re going to be storing those and going to be turning those into something oh wow someone’s uh making my Tik Tok flashing Buzz uh I’m not sure what happened there

But thank you very much Alan uh so you made my Tik Tok go flashy uh so I appreciate that um but what I’m saying is I’m collecting loads and loads of stuff at a minute and loads of recycled bricks loads of recycled breeze blocks bringing those home so they’re they’re piled up

All over the place and when I get onto my new Greenhouse um yeah it’ll it’ll look quite good but um resources I just collect them until I’m ready to use them so um yeah and I don’t like wasting money in the garden there’s there’s there’s lots of things that you you know

Things that take uh priority when you when it comes to money and my garden isn’t one of the things that I like spending money on because there’s so when you know with with one of the whole things about this YouTube channel is trying to teach people and trying to

Share with people how you can Garden on pretty much zero budget so over the course of the last 10 years apart from a couple of major structural things that I’ve done like uh pay for the plastic on the greenhouse I’d probably spend what uh one of these celebrity gardeners or one

Of these TV gardeners will spend in a season over the last 10 years I haven’t sort of racked up that kind of Bill and I thought I think a lot of people can relate to that you know and a lot of people can you know appreciate

The fact that we work on tight budgets and we build something on a on a on a tight budget and you know enjoy the garden despite spending very little on it and get a lot out of the soil and lot get a lot out of the garden and people miss that message

Sometimes and they come on with oh it’s not a pretty boy Garden I’m not a pretty boy myself so uh yeah I’m not going to turn the garden’s not going to be much prettier you know what I mean does that make sense so it’s just those

Kind of things that just just get on my nerves a little bit um so there’s low quots where I work the squiddles always spoil them before I get a chance I they completely wreck them all uh don’t crop me now Graham ali uh Anita thanks everyone for coming in hope

You’re all keeping well uh who we got over on Tik Tok l F dropped uh made my Tik Tok go wild for a second making it tick ching and Chong uh making some quite nice noises um so I’m a proper skin great exactly that’s exactly what I’m about you know um

Alium I got seed I got my seed potatoes was foolish I didn’t check the the quite small is it okay should I return the the like Ping Pong balls no that’s a good size do you know uh sort of ping pong ball egg size that’s perfect

Size no that’s a really good size for you uh for your for your seed potato I’ll be honest I don’t like planting big potatoes you know if you’ve got a big seed potato i’ tend to cut it in half so you have two seed potatoes

From that same one uh as long as there’s an eye on each one yeah um you you get them to uh you get two plants and they still produce well as long as you feed the plant and you look after the plant they’ll still produce well uh so so um

Smaller seed potatoes are as long as they’re not too small do you know if they if they’re the size of like P’s or something like that then that’s a problem but ping pong ball I think is a good size you know um so I can relate to that e exactly

That’s what I’m on about uh you’re great garden and comper thank you very much saram alikum uh Rob how are you doing Derek hope you’re keeping well sunflower uh anyone else um who’s over there we’ve got soul joining we got people joining and dropping out on Tik Tok that’s fine

Um so let’s see some comments um Rob how are you doing man uh Derek hope you’re keeping well sunflower nothing wrong with recycling I use water bottles to grow veggies see I use water bottles milk uh milk bottles do you know 2 liter milk are they two L 2 liter milk

Bottles are brilliant CU do you know if you cut them in half you’ve got that square base and because they’re Square you can stack a lot more on a seed treay you know together uh and so I like that you know um they take a few bites out of them and

Leave them on the tree before they’re can you net them cuz from the from the way the fruit trees are are they your trees or are they just wild trees cuz if if you could conet them and oh I’m getting messages let’s turn that thing off let’s go silent there we

Go so if you can net them um I remember when uh I was V visiting the Middle East I saw uh you with date part dates they’ve got just a like a sleeve net that just slots over the dates uh over the fresh fruit just as they’re ripening

Um so I’ve got Desiree and and and another first early desire I love Desiree you know that’s my favorite potato to grow you know uh pentland Javelin pent and Javelin are okay but I really like deser that’s the one potato I love more than anything else uh I like

King Edwards King King Edwards the pink and white ones um yeah on the menend uh greme how you feeling and I’m glad it’s not as serious as uh we first thought uh malam what shall I do if my house doesn’t get much sunlight will my seeds

Now Sprout indoors um when you say they don’t so to sprout seeds you don’t need light okay SE um seeds will germinate quite well a lot of them quite comfortably well in the dark it’s once they’ve germinated that you need as much light as you can give

Them um if you’re talking about your house and not your garden inside your house if you haven’t got a sunny window sill um then depending on the plant it might be better to delay your planting um but if you can afford to then investing in in uh some some kind of uh

Grow light will really help um you know the sort of square ones that a lot of that I’ve got or a lot of other gardeners have got they’re quite expensive what you can do nowadays for about 10 or 15 pound is get a a light bulb that’ll fit into to ordinary desk

Lamp or ordinary uh uh existing lamp fitting and just use that to grow your plants uh there’s a quite you can get them on Amazon you can get them on eBay you can get them on uh pretty much they’re really common now uh a lot of

People I think did Ali did you have one of those last year there’s someone who comes into the chat who used one of those bulbs last year and did really well with it yeah so just one of those bulbs you can just fit it into uh um uh an existing light fitting and

Just use that and it just you know gives it that extra little um gives it everything it needs and because they’re LED you know they’re using really low amounts of electricity as well sea thank you very much for coming in hope you’re keeping well um so uh Derek

Even all enjoyed your winter planting video still a bit cold here in Germany minus 5 uh so uh you’re a little bit colder than we are I think we’re a little bit warmer than that the range has potato three bags5 pound uh how big are the bags and

I I haven’t been to the range is there a range in leads I’m very good thank you I’m very good uh so Um Rob cold isn’t the word b is freezing minus is it because I saw you know every now and then you see uh some articles in the in uh I think it’s the express every every every every few months you’ll see an article you know snowstorms are about to

H hit uh and uh really sensationalized so if it’s going to be if it’s really going to be cold like that then it might be something a bit something to watch out for but uh sometimes you get a little the headlines can be a little bit Sensational um guys if you wouldn’t mind

Hitting that like for me as you coming in that would be really good um School trees I could net them but I probably wouldn’t be there in August to enjoy them um okay so it’ll be summer holidays when you get that uh Rangers in hunet by I

Okay okay cheers Bob uh Bob how are you doing how are you feeling um I use LED lights off eBay got guava seeding oh then you’re a man after my own heart when you when you talk about guava seedlings man um I’m thinking of going into uh hibernation

Um the only person uh me being at skip R is the place it has the place to comment is my husband as if if I find stuff he has to build with it see I’m I can’t help going past a Skip and not having a good look

Into it you know do you know whenever I see a skip I have to have a good mooch around in it um just before I came on to live I was out leafleting right and there’s a street that I was leafling on it’s quite a busy street but I’m going

To be heading down there this weekend because I’ve seen loads of Fallen branches do you know they’re blocking the path and all of that so I’m going to just go and grab all those uh um um uh broken branches and all that sort of stuff and stick them in the back of my

Boot and bring them on um it’s going to be wood for my wood burner but it’s going to be um yeah it’s going to be wood for my wood burner but I’m going to be doing a service for everyone else and clearing up the foot path uh coping but not up to much

Um look so Uh Z be growing your landum hope those locost uh yeah the yeah I was just talking about those the first thing I was uh uh talking about on those on the live today was uh those low qus actually I was talking about the Purple Heart throbs that Ali sent me um yeah those

Loots uh yeah I’m really looking forward to to them they they came through as really nice FS so I really appre I really appreciate uh you sending me them them through um so I’m on a mission tomorrow scared me on a a few yeah um Graeme I’m see

When they tell you things like that and scare you uh I’m glad that they’ve got to the bottom of it but scaring you like that it’s it’s a little bit what what’s the word um but I’m glad that you you’re going to be all right and you’re going to be fighting fit

Again uh Mala not a problem at all uh there was an indoor Farm across the road from me after the police let themselves into the house next door 200 empty Plum pots bamboo and nice bin appeared on the road uh see uh have you SE have you seen those um P

Not the fabric containers that I’ve got in my garden so um there was there was a guy advertised on Facebook he bought a house um off the he’ bought a house and it had been raided by the police and I went and I went and brought um probably

About 50 bags full of cocoa qua and those leer clay balls um um loads of bumble canes um some netting um a few of the little bits and Bobs but yeah I just went and helped myself to as much as I could fit in my car

Um I couldn’t manage a second trip I couldn’t find the time to do a second trip but yeah I brought all that home I’m still trying to figure out what I’m going to do with it I’ve still got it stacked in i’ still got some of it

Stacked in certain places um but what I’m thinking is if I separate the Coco qua out from the Le of BS it’s going to take some time probably sift it uh and then I can use those um Coco leer balls leer clay balls to set up an aquaponics

Um they’re doing some work in the building you know that I’ve got my office in and they’re bringing out these big sump tanks um so that some kind of rainwater collection tanks um they’re going to be doing some work over the next few months and when they bring

Those tanks out um one of the one of the Workman said that I could have the have a couple and if I get a couple of those then I’m setting up like a nice big aquaponic section somewhere in my garden because they’re they’re about uh 4 foot

4 foot long about 10 in deep and about a foot and a bit wide so they’re the perfect uh they’re the perfect they’re not they’re not as big as a bathtub um so they’re the perfect sort of size for a nice grow bed if you fill them with

Loads of leer balls I could just use that as the filter for the pond and then use that to grow in I’m I’m already getting excited about it do you know when I’m thinking about it um about eight potatoes in each bag they have Lords Wilco gardening stuff even Caesar

Was going to buy Johnston sungle tomato seeds Johnson’s is amazing is B bat price is amazingly High man it’s amazingly High um eight potatoes in each bag so h see that’s a bit expensive you know cuz you know you could at wil Co you can

Get three and a half about 2 and a half kilo for 3 quid or something like that 12 lights most of them a spider Farmer see I’ve got one uh one one light that’s plenty good enough for me uh I’ve got a large water barrel if interested I’ve

Got water BS um I need to F sort out the gut ring on the shed uh on the greenhouse um and sort the I might be I might be Bob I’ll give you a shout let me let me finish off what I’m doing I might be um I still haven’t finished off the

Guttering on the greenhouse um yeah um got three types of guava from Jurassic plants they’re underwhelming for the price but they’re not dear uh will be wild before I can enjoy see from Jurassic plants I got um what they called um not what they called man

Um Sharon fruit I’ve got a couple of Sharon fruit um and it was one of the first videos that I did on YouTube um was potting up these Sharon fruit trees and the thing about Sharon fruit Roots you know the tree roots is the the roots are actually normally you get roots and

They’re white or they’re sort of gray color or brownie color the roots on fruit trees they’re they’re black um so uh I was really surprised when I saw them and they came through was just like a little tiny twig with with uh a few Str strangly scraggly bits

Of root on them um but now they’ve actually grown into some four years later they’ve actually grown into some nice young spe young young decent trees so um I planted one out last year I need to find another space to plant this other one out um I want some more trees

In the garden I want some more fruit trees but the garden’s just not big enough for them all um so I haven’t had any fruits set yet but the flower petals are edible uh like a slice of that’s interesting 300 massive jars for preserving hatterer uh I’ve seen a lot of drop

Trees just near a main road that’s Le is legality of taking some uh small branches on turn them into wood chips see the smaller branches depends when you say dropped have they been blown over by the wind so if they’re on private land right you should um ask the

Uh you should ask the land owners permission because they’re his trees at the end of the day but if they’re on sort of council land or on public land technically you’re not we’re not allowed to forage for Wood anymore you know you’re not allowed to uh take home

Wood um it’s they passed the law very a long time ago that prohibits Ordinary People from taking um taking trees and branches off the from wherever you find them uh but most like we rang up the council here because there was a a collaps tree and they just said yeah

Clear it take it if you want to um you’ll be doing us a favor but um just be careful um but if you see the Workman or if you see those kind of people often they’ll let you just have a little bit so um if it’s on public land go and

Go and do everyone a favor and clear it up that’s that’s my rule anyway um I’m greenh cring at the moment on Facebook Marketplace Dean lost the plot got some really good green houses on Facebook Marketplace he got he he picked up a couple of really good uh green houses from there

Uh so I know where there’s a good green going fre it’s about 8 by 10 um John how are you doing thank you very much for coming in uh mousehold Heath Garden Center norch 2 and a half uh it’s a bit far for me Derek but that’s the

Sort of price that um Wilco used to have Japanese P Simmons is the on the next list uh yeah so yeah Sharon fuit pimms they’re the ones that I got from uh Jurassic Jurassic uh plants a few years ago one of the earliest videos that I actually did you know um uh

Planting them ones so I got a Japanese one and I got an American variety as well um also found 10 hanging baskets uh just from uh a local restaurant they gave me the Lot see you’re of to this is what I like about you know a lot of gardeners uh and a lot of allotment a lotman teers that everyone’s got that mindset of recycling and turning something that people would be throwing away into something useful again

And we can all go out and well I don’t think we can all do it I couldn’t do it but a lot of people can go out and buy brand new things but that’s I I think if we take something that’s um about to be thrown

Away put it back to some use we’ve saved it from landfill we’ve saved uh our pockets we’re doing good do you know what I mean um all trees were damaged by the wind huge trees that fell uh that fell them for safety it’s outside car park where I work

Um go go and ask them go and ask the car uh you know go and ask them I’m sure they’ll let you take something um but I’d uh yeah if it’s not if it’s on public land i’ I’d help myself um I didn’t know Sharon fruit GR

In England uh I don’t know how successful they’ll be I mean but they are surprisingly hard each plants um and if they grow in some of the colder climates in America and they grow in uh some of the uh colder climates in Asia I think they’ll be all

Right uh no thank you I’m not going live with anyone um you mentioned aquaponics my lot we had a lad who did it and it works out really well his PO loads of lettuce radish and other greens going see if I can get these trayes if I can

If I can get these trays the uh from from from the building honestly they’re about 4 foot long um they’re the perfect growing bed um so if I was going to make you like a small growing bed at the side of a of a old wall or something they’d

Be absolutely perfect and because of the height you can stack them so you know sort of stack them in steps um so one feeds into the other uh I think they’d be really good I think they I think that sort of thing would work really really well

Um every now and then we get a bag of spent compost left near the allotments so they they they just gently so those Growers who have uh used it just come and drop it off I mean huge probably over 100 years old see I’d have them I’d be all over

Them I’d be waiting for uh yeah um see I’ve seen some of the you know some of the aquaponic systems in Australia where they use uh e and floor pumps so they make the pumps quite comp complicated I was just thinking you like a um if anyone’s kept fish and you’ve

Had fish tanks with a sump underneath right ra and and so the sump is generally divided into sections where the water flows over and then under and then over so if you if you design the container in a similar way so the water’s flowing over and under and then

Just fill each section with lequer balls the Su be catching a lot of the debris you can just have it a constant flow through rather than having to have it as um yeah rather than have it as a EB and flow type of system where it

Fills up and then empties out fills up and then empties out and then you can can incorporate that into uh an ornamental Pond or something and then it can just form a waterfall um if I get these containers I’ll get it set up this year and we can have a go

And we’ll watch it watch it working um so what else we got Um Rob I’d be having the compost yeah definitely have that compost um bought EXO exotic fruits last week for the seeds Logan similar to lyi namok May dragon fruit did you manage to save the seeds from drag and fruit dragon food they look absolutely amazing do you know

Um last time I was in Bangladesh there had uh dragon fruit cuz we get dragon fruit here but the flesh is white and over there they had dragon fruit but the flesh was pink it was the sweetest one um like the one over here has been it’s

Like a little bit underwhelming it’s a little bit watery uh but those ones that I had over there was they were absolutely spot on really sweet uh um CCC how are you doing thank you very much for coming in hope you’re keeping well um so who we we’ve got a few people

Watching on Tik Tok hope you’re all good Um you watch me on YouTube so I’m live across YouTube and on Tik Tok at the minute so if you because a lot of people come in and say on Tik Tok and think um how many you know um they come in and say uh who am I talking to um because

They don’t realize I’m across two platforms but yeah uh I hope you’re keeping well um yeah got them in all three colors of go of dragon fruit are wicked what plots just over uh 10 years yeah the white one the white one you get over here uh quite a bit and it

Tastes like water uh Sarah how are you doing thanks very much for coming in hope you keeping well um so you were number 300 when you applied for your allotment and now you’re number 10 see that’s that’s some waiting isn’t it see that’s that’s taking some effort but

How how long have you been on that waiting list did you say four years yeah guys do what grae says hit that like button if you haven’t already hit it uh user how are you doing thanks very much for coming in um it was all taken during lockdown

But now most of them have left so uh got a few empty ones a lot of people got into gardening during lockdown you know a lot a lot of people uh got into gardening um like a lot of YouTubers saw this massive bubble of uh subscribers of views and then some

People have managed to keep it up you know some people uh have kept up with gardening after uh lockdown but a lot of people once they realized they’ve got back to work and they’ve got back to life and everything else they’ve given up gardening again um but

I suppose life gets in the way for a lot of people but it’d be nice to get some of those people back into gardening um I’m good I hope you are too yeah I’m good I’m good I’m I’m uh quite excited actually um and you know I was doing uh

Um a little walk around hair Hills the other day uh well someone called me out because they’ve got this bineyard and um if you if you seen terrorist houses like they have terorist houses back to backs and every four houses they have a binyard and I went out to see this one

Person who lives in in these terrorist houses and um her binyard gets dumped you know people just lit you know fly tip it all the time then the council come out and empty it out um and she’s she’s not in the best of health and one

Of the things that I thought we could you know if we if we could get enough people people would go out and build turn that into a garden for her you know we get some pallets put up a little bit of fencing out of pallets and maybe put

Up a few uh make a few beds and and those people they don’t have Gardens the the uh the hous are really dense you know densely populated be a nice little example of what a bineyard could be useful um I just need some human beings to help there

Um so if anyone’s up for it if anyone ever wants to come come byy leads and help transform a binyard um yeah um have three Barrel style pots goldfish in the bottom minnows in the middle gravel in the bottom uh plants do well pumps from the

Base Ben is that is that uh outside guard outside pond I would if I lived in the UK see no just keep us in your dasas and we’ll get it done inshallah um but I want to if you ever see some of the hous in hair Hills uh Green Space is something really

Limited um so if we could TR find ways of preserving whatever little green space we we have or transforming some of it um That’ll be amazing um Arthur Morgan are is is the is the least I could do man it’s the least I could be doing um there’s so much more

That needs to be doing I’m off I’m I’m in London tomorrow on the big demo um gram waited nine years for his plot um so there’s a there’s a plot next to my mom they dug it prepped it planted covered etc etc and then just left it all go to

Seed so brother have to go uh good New Year and thanks very much for coming in and spending some time with us um we’re live every Friday you keep yourself safe and keep yourself well and inshah we’ll see you again um gra I knew gra would be up for it let’s

Find a couple of people who who would be up for it and we’ll find some resources and we’ll we’ll get on it you know we we’ll really get on it I’m sure you know if we if we’ve got a few YouTubers involved we could we could all turn it

Into like a a a YouTube uh Garden rescue type of thing and everyone could make a video about how they went and helped uh this this poor old lady with a Bard Garden project yeah I think that’ll be a brilliant idea I ring you in a week about being

Able to help but limited already Bob just the support would be amazing you know if we do set a date for it um if we get a few people I mean you know when people just turn up and when there’s a crowd about whether you’re actually being able to do something

Physically or not if there’s a crowd there it just makes things even easier like if I was doing it on my own I’d be bored out my mind but if there’s someone just chatting in my ear while I’m doing it or someone you can have a little joke

With while you’re doing it yeah it just turns it into a bit more of a fun time um because because we did something similar a few years back if you guys know Brian he’s he’s another YouTuber um he’s not in the best of health health so

Me and Dean went down and helped fix up his poly tunnel and fix up you know he was having trouble getting from his house uh to his poly tunnel you know through because the because the ramp that they put in or he he had someone he

Had a builder put a ramp in for him so he can get his wheelchair from his uh back door to his poly tunnel but um it just wasn’t it wasn’t working right so me and Dean went out and we fixed up this ramp made sure he had a smooth run

Straight from back door to his poly tunnel fixed up his poly tunnel planted a load of stuff up for him um yeah yeah it was it was a really cool day um Dean made a video about it I made a video about it so if we can get a few

People and know a few got YouTubers it’ll be Wicked um Um there’s a big place for Community gr for a lot of people the commitment of enement is isn’t see you know um I was trying to get some there’s some uh there’s been some scrap land in gton for for years and years ever since I’ve been

Here in leads for the last 20 years the land’s been scrap last year I started making noise about it you know U about saying look we want this for Community growing we want to turn some of it into allotments we want some of it into a Garden so I’ve been sending firing

Emails off on you know since last year and no one’s ever replied to my email no one’s ever said yes you can no you can’t you you know we we’ll talk to you about it we’ll do something just before Christmas um I hadn’t been B down for a

Few weeks and just before Christmas um I drove down or my wife drove down and she goes do you know that land you were trying to get from the council they’re building on it so they flattened it all and pretty much loads of um empty space that was just abandoned for years and

Years and years it was fly tip toone it was you know um Caravans used to move onto it it was just and I saw that piece of land overgrown like a big jungle um they’re starting to build they’re building on them now so in a already densely populated area they’re just

Taking away those last little bits of Green Space so if um I think it’s Hull that’s done it they’ve done this the the council’s brought in this legislation called right to grow so uh what it does is it allows you to claim unused clil land to for

Food growing projects so if you’re in any areas where um where there’s empty Council land you could potentially claim the land under right to grow different councils are trialing it or thinking about it or playing with it so if you can get a few Community people together

That’s what uh there’s a couple of last bits of land I’ve seen in gton that’s been left abandoned and rather than do it quietly and fire off emails to people I’m going to make some you know serious noise about it this time um Chu AKA Diller tastes like brown

Sugar bit like the Juan of uh have you got Juan fruit um to give to see um is a I’ve never tried Juan fruit um I mean we have a lot of jack fruit but never tried Juan fruit um how Comm plot is open this spring every set every Saturday for free

Educational wellbeing sessions um see Ben do you know like what you’re talking about with the Community Gardens sometimes right people sometimes plant Community Gardens but I’ve seen a few planters that they do around um uh um awward and they do some in Chapel alleron you know some of

These um groups they they plant up stuff but they make a big fuss about when they plant stuff up but people aren’t allowed to just pick from it you know uh and the groups don’t always have the time to go and pick from it now if

People were allowed to pick from it uh or uh local people from the community were shown how to pick from it that would be you know stuff wouldn’t go to waste it’d be used you know what they’re actually planting and growing would actually get eaten um I think there’s a

There’s a bit of a disconnect on that side of things I don’t know if that’s the same way you are Um see hulls Graeme hulls brought that right to grow idea um we donate all Food weekly Charities that cook for theot are wicked um see Ju Just put a simple fence see it’s one side that Rob the binyard it’s got metal fence on this side but for some reason they’ve knocked the wall

Down on that side so people throw stuff over on that side so um metal you know a little simple fenc in there just to raise the height up so people can’t dump stuff as easily and uh it’s got a small wall on two sides so maybe uh a planter

Across both walls a foot foot high a foot a foot and a half wide that’ll give them a little bit of Green Space to play uh grow in and then uh you know people can take the chairs in there and go sit there have some flowers maybe even have

A bit of edge I think if we could do something like that we won’t need loads and loads of stuff either do you know uh maybe maybe three lengths of deckboard would do it three or four lengths of deckboard um yeah I think I think it’d be really

Feasible to do on on a really low budget um so Jan fruit is very smelly off onion smell but the taste is unusual I have to throw away 30 quid for a slice I got 500 G I thought I might be getting a a full fruit but not see you know things like

That over here like same with jack fruit you know if you buy a jack fruit over here you’re paying like1 15 pound a kilo uh and then half of half of that is wasted on the skin and all the other little bits that you can’t eat except

The actual fruit uh so you might get a plate full of fruit for you know 10 quid uh if you okay so I I feel your pain with that you know um Jack fuit is you know it’s the Bangladeshi national fruit so for Rose is something really special

Um see funny funny was only thinking about getting it see um what what’s the what’s that award um rounde um round a something it’s called that manages that um but they do the Harvest the planting and they do all of the displays and stuff that’s brilliant really well done

But it’s the Harvest in that it feels like there’s a bit of a disconnect um because I’ve it’s reap rounded Environmental Protection or something like that reap reap um because I I sent them a couple of messages about getting involved uh a few times and I don’t know what happened to that

Uh Ron how are you doing I hope you’re keeping Well Ron we’re we’re starting up Open Mic season again so we’re going to be getting people up to have chats uh uh so if you ever a fancy coming up again um we um it’ll be good we’ll get we’ll

Get a few people and we’ll get some chats going um so it won’t just be me that you listening to but uh you can hear a few of us talking but it would be good to have you up put on IR on um there’s some sort of

Law that if land is vacant for so many years you you can claim it adverse possession so um it’s not just vacant land it’s um it’s if land is vacant and then you can prove that you’ve been on that land for for uh 10 years so if

You’ve been on some land for 10 years and you’ve been using that land and you can prove that you’ve been using that land then you can claim that land uh via adverse possession it’s called um um a friend in Wales had some cut

Down a ro load of trees on a far end of his sisters proper and we put some fences in uh it wasn’t Happ see um do you know the guy at the bottom of my garden my the guy at the bottom of my garden he when I moved into this house

What he’d done is he’d built Graeme I showed you when you came up um so you know those um um you those concrete panels concrete PST you get and you get those fencing panels um so what he’d done is he’d built a concrete you know fence like that and he uh brought his

Garden extended his garden into mine and taken about two and a half three meters of my garden um so I had two corners and then chunk missing um and then I had to have a massive battle with him to try and get that bit of land

Back um cuz he he was in he was trying to claim it yeah um yeah I’m free as long as it’s not uh snowing in Ohio clev snowing in Ohio Cleveland uh yeah man yeah I’ll give you I’ll give you a shout um I think you message this

Account can’t message anymore like we used to be able to um do you know because you used to be able to message from YouTube account to YouTube account but you they’ve taken that off uh I bought from my local shop a full jack fruit that was uh for £35 grown the

Seeds and they grow very quickly amazing to look at but unfortunately the winter killed them two years ago uh I’ve got some jack fruit trees um the oldest the longest I’ve managed to keep jack fruit alive was about four years so every year

We plant a few and then we grow a few um keep them uh uh alive for a little bit and then uh they disappear again uh well they die um the problem is sometimes it’s not necessarily the cold that kills them it’s the lack of light during winter that’s the thing that

Causes the biggest harm for him so um yeah that’s what that’s one of the um sad things about it um but four or five years I think is the longest I’ve managed to keep a jack fruit live um Becky when I didn’t notice you coming hope you keep

Well Derek uh thanks for coming in and having a chat and sticking around for a bit uh we’ll see you again soon hope everything’s good with you um yeah yeah reap see rounde environment something [Laughter] something uh but yeah they’re the ones who look after it uh because they’re the

Ones who looking after the awkward Market as well um but um what what’s that Incredible Edibles they do quite a bit they do quite a few things as well um see didn’t know YouTube players it’s brought it’s something that they brought in uh a little bit not so long ago um um but

Yeah have a chat with him Bob um see see if you if you if you uh get involved with them because it’ll be good to have uh some saying voices on there as well so oh always is good with you how the seedlings doing uh so some of my

Chilies are actually starting to pop up my oldin have popped up uh I need to get the lights gr turned on so it’s that time of the year where I I start fighting with my wife about having uh about taking over a shoe cupboard again because her shoe cupboard doubles as my

Grow cupboard so every year about this time uh we have this fight about me taking over a shoe cover um she always lets me in the end uh and then uh she gets it back um around May time so for about four or five months to the year I

I I sort of hijack her her shoe cupboard and turn it into my grow cupboard um so she seemed a bit stressed today so I didn’t want to bring up the subject but over the next few days I want to bring it up does that say lemong Genie is that I

Said that right uh how are you doing I hope you’re keeping well uh what will be the first ceilings you plant this yet so um normally I start planting my seedlings in about December and I go with onions and chilies uh I’ve been a little bit late this year and so last

Week I planted my onions and chilies and they’ started to germinate uh but I’ll keep my um Chili’s under grow lights for a good couple of months before I plant them you know before I pop them up and Transplant them and all that sort of

Stuff but um onions I grow on a window sill and and they’ll go into a cold green houses as soon as they’re big enough um broad beans you can plant now carrot some carrot varieties you can plant if you’ve got a warmish greenhouse it might it doesn’t have to be heated

But a warmish greenhouse um what else lettuce you can plant uh yeah uh so there’s quite a few seeds if you go to my YouTube account I just did a video uh about it do you know um do you know why I called uh the video controversial CU there’s loads of people

Posting about um you know you shouldn’t be planting uh seeds in January some people have actually messaged me directly some some people have sent me messages saying uh why am I telling people to plant or why do I tell people to plant seeds in January it’s not the

Time uh Charles dowen says you shouldn’t plant anything before March um so you should so you someone even sent me a message saying uh you’re leading people astray and I’m like what are you talking about I’m leading people astray I’m I’m a garden I’m not I’m not the blood Antichrist

Um have you ever made full m mams with your broad beans I made that with my money and it was lovely I don’t know what that is tell uh tell me what you mean by that because I don’t know I’ve not heard of that it’s an Egyptian dip I’ve you know what

Um Let me let me stick that into Google then I can have a read about that afterwards so you you’ve uh you you’ve told you’ve given me something to go and have a look at in a bit so I’m going to go and have a look at that and uh see

See what I can come up with but I’ve never made it and youve actually introduced me something it’s like hummus made with brown Bean instead of chi okay okay okay see see I saw someone make humus made with with peas and they called it humus it’s like you know humus is the Arabic

Word for chickpea so you can’t make hummus with broad beans oh sorry you can’t made you can’t make hummus with peas because peas are something else they’re not humus humus is chickpeas uh but with tomato and stuff uh it’s so Becky exactly it’s so fun in

In planting in January it is it is a lot of fun because everyone’s everyone’s dying to get something planted you’re you’re itching so why not you know have a bit of fun enjoy it you know enjoy yourselves my allotment was nearly stolen from me uh my allotment changed

Hands from Council to community alotment new lady took the old M man’s plot because he had to uh no they tried to take your alment off yet make p with broadbean no where you’re telling me about new new here today you know I’m going to put that in as

Well uh Turkish cooking are you are you Turkish beans uh onions olive oil tahini onions H see um Z Would a normal lamp work if I do not have grow lights see I talked about this earlier so if you if you a normal lamp you can buy a bulb you know they’re

About 10 15 quid to buy a a grow bulb and it’ll fit into a normal light fitting so buy yourself a bulb and it’ll do exactly what you need uh and they’re LED as well so they work really well but a normal lamp will be better but the um

Uh the grow lights the thing about them is they have a lot the light frequency that they send out is a lot more red and a lot more blue so um you know they they’re they’re a lot better for the plants um so I think I saw indig coming before

I don’t I don’t think I said hello to you I thought I saw your logo but I don’t think I said hello to you um so also the the out boiled egg chopped and don’t forget lemon juice man you get you getting me hungry man you getting me hungry

Um uh early grow is 100% correct makes far stronger early it you get a jump on the season all right some things like Chili’s and especially super Hots you have to if you’re in a climate like mine you have to grow them early if you don’t

Grow them early you’re not going to get a decent Harvest I’ve grown them in March before I’ve sewn them in March and you get a handful of them whereas normally I’m getting baskets full of them the Antichrist God uh so I’m just think I’m trying to lose weight see um

I’m always trying to lose weight um I I don’t I don’t win very often but I’m always trying uh I’m never quite succeeding last year I was doing quite well you know I went to the gym and everything I went to the gym for a solid

Six months um I didn’t lose a lot of weight but I got into a good shape um and then over this winter and once harvest season came I was getting back into my harvesting potatoes and making chips um so uh I was I was making chips

All the time and uh uh I pile the pounds back on so I need to start losing weight again um but hopefully I’m out leafleting regularly so I’m walking like today I did uh how many steps have I done I’ve done about 12,000 dis steps uh I’ve done nearly 14,000 steps

Today so that’s pretty good for me um I’ve got a load of Dawn and giant Redwood season this Ro yet giant Redwood is in the Big Trees is that right you imp plant all year round just depend exactly [Laughter] exactly um I plant garlic in November I

See I like planting my garlic in about October cuz November sometimes the ground freezes and it’s harder to get you se you know you seed in uh so I’m doing 343 formula boiled egg three three breakfast for lunch three boiled eggs for breakfast four boiled eggs for lunch and three for

Dinner is that right you lost five kilos in one week I don’t know if I could eat that many eggs um um so plus if you have the right conditions you can grow that’s exactly what I say Rob so this but there’s some things you can grow without uh equipment there’s some

Things you can grow without uh lights without uh heat mats without any sort of equipment even without window seals you can grow it outside even in Winter um yeah Ben I I completely agree with that see starting off seedlings putting them up getting them up to the right

Size and then once you’re ready then you plant them out yeah yeah I’m with you Liz popped in to say hello hope you’re keeping well uh nasty lady told me I don’t need two small 6×5 and little one triangle if she wanted the small one for flowers and I don’t need two

Plots how did you win in the end uh on some good wait see um cooking I’m I’m in the same boat as you I’m in the same boat as you my brother see um I had to do you know they do these health checks every now and then I had one uh

Last summer and and I’ve come out of that obes category uh but I’m into that slightly you know overweight category but I but I done um uh uh i’ done really well last year so uh 110 kilos last week 105 what’s your target weight um yeah the Redwoods grow uh a

Meter a year I was going to sneak them into some neglected patches of land and for the sake giant redwoods in lond giant redwoods of London then you’ve got it do it do you know if you find some space at the edge of a wood or something like

That or or the edge of a park you have giant um giant uh redwoods of London people will be talking about bend the giant Redwood planter for years uh or just leave it as a mystery who planted these giant red Woods um so I’ve overwintered ay lemon chili

Plant without pring and still have it it leaves under my grow light is doing well so far if only I could keep it save till the end of the month if you’ve done it like that you’re not far away from it you know from time to wake it up um you

Know January February March you’re going to start getting nice weather again so um yeah the they will Yeah Yeah March going to get nice weather again nice sun sun again uh they’ll they’ll do all right you know and they’ll produce better in the second year rather than in the first

Year uh once I’m 80 kilos I’ll take it easy got kids so I need yeah um yeah I’m with you see uh cooking do know um not about 10 years ago I used to be in a wheelchair so um the way I’m moving about as as much as I am now it’s like

Every day is a blessing um how many kgs are you you can you can guess but I’m not um 86 kilos what’s that in Stones 86 kg in storm let’s have a look 86 kg in stone no I’m not I’m not that heavy yeah I’m not that heavy uh a stone less than

That if that’s right 86 kg in stone that’s say 13 and a half Stone no I’m not that heavy uh yeah um z uh J those popo that’s the plant that I was thinking of before you know uh TOS Stones um I don’t think I said hello to

You when you came in hope you’re keeping well uh so I’ve got uh 53 oldold and a pot with some more about to sprout with these will these new seedings C with planet out wait till they’re a bit older wait till they’re a little bit bigger and uh easier to

Handle you know um with with with young trees um depending on the condition uh depending on what competition they’re going to have outside as well um grow them on so they’re a little bit uh what’s the word that I’m looking for so they’re so they’re a little bit

Tougher you know when they’re really tender they can be outco competed by other things in the ground where they can have adverse effects on them really easily so wait for them till they’re a little bit tougher um it’s worth taking the risk especially now being 40 years old

Uh Ben exactly the giant redwoods of London that would be awesome absolutely brilliant um so Rob’s 96 kg I’m proud um but Rob you’ve got the hype for it though man see I haven’t got the hype for it uh there’s there’s been a few people been who popped in and out um so

Different people have popped in and different people popped out but um we’re doing good um right I’m we’re past the 9:00 Mark uh I got chatty and and I didn’t keep an eye on the clock so um I’m going to go and join uh the the kids

Um because we’re because um you know some well I actually turned 42 today today um so I’m going to go and join the kids for for some uh some birthday pizzza I think I used to fight it’s only 4 kg see I was Ben uh not Ben Graeme um

Featherweight man I was I was uh boxing at featherweight um it it was quite nice it was really nice actually because I got home from work um um and uh my wife and uh kids what they’ done is they made this nice meal so roast Lam um roast potatoes that

Dug out the garden um proper proper home style pillow um what else was there and uh the woman from next door she’ made homemade bakwa as well so proper uh proper Bako as well uh yeah not Baka you know she brought in like a big tray of it a

Massive tray of it there’s there’s less than a quarter of that tray left uh I thought it last a little bit but uh it got it got [Laughter] devoured uh thanks everyone for the chat um and we’ll be back next week uh so I’ll see you I’ll see you then until that time

You guys all take care and I’ll see you all then oh that’s not the right button


  1. I'm with you 👍
    My own garden is full of piles of wood, bricks and other useful materials to use. It's a growing garden, not a show garden

  2. My garden is a mess too, it's a working garden, i grow stuff, it's not for show, i use the front garden for that . Front for flowers back for veg ! Ignore the idiots! x Like you say , what with the storms, wind rain for weeks, my garden is sodden , and slippery . I also keep bricks, bits of wood, anything that will hold soil or raise pots off the ground, sticks for holding up climbers . It's a junkyard , but useful junk . Plus i know where everything is . lol

  3. Some people have nothing better to do but be critical! You and a lot of us enjoy your resourcefulness! Ignore them and keep up your quest for education and usefulness!

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