Gardening Trends

The END of Affiliate Marketing 2024 (Crucial Updates)

In this video I go over crucial updates you MUST know if you’re doing affiliate marketing in 2024

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Affiliate Marketing:

Builderall Training:

Sales Funnels / Marketing:

See you in the next video and thanks for watching!

– Chad Bartlett

*You can assume that I will receive a commission for anything I recommend. Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only and results are not typical. There is no guarantee that youโ€™ll receive the same results or any results at all. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic and your time put in. These videos are based on my own experience and research, please also do your own research and take everything as an opinion. I’m also not a financial advisor.

All right so as you know 2024 is just around the corner and there’s going to be some big changes coming to affiliate marketing some people say it’ll be the end of affiliate marketing I personally don’t think so but what I want to do in this video is talk about those important

Updates talk about those different changes that way you can use these updates to get ahead of all the competition so you’re going to be in a way better place going into the new year again I have some pretty important things I want to share with you that I

Think is going to be huge in 2024 for affiliate marketing so with that being said let’s dive straight into it now real quick if you guys don’t know him already my name is Chad Barlett I’m one of the top Affiliates worldwide for a massive software company and I make

These videos because I already became a millionaire from affiliate marketing and I want to help others achieve the same Freedom that I have so if you’re new to the channel be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any of my future videos okay so as you know the

Traditional way of affiliate marketing is getting traffic online whether that’s through free content you know through short form social media or maybe it’s a YouTube channel maybe it’s paid advert iing and you’re getting all that traffic then from there you’re taking them through your sales process whether that’s sending emails giving them

Bonuses maybe it’s selling them in the DMS maybe it’s hopping on Zoom calls with them that is what affiliate marketing is that is how you successfully do affiliate marketing is building an email list all around a certain Niche and promoting products to them that they’re going to be interested

In right that you’re going to make commissions on so what is the big update in 2024 because exactly what I just said that will never change right it’s always going to be get traffic getting leads and selling those leads that applies to any business it’s always been like that

But now as time goes on there’s just different ways of getting traffic there’s different ways of selling right instead of doing phone calls we can use automated emails and DMS instead of meeting people in person and selling that way right we can use zoom calls so those core principles of getting leads

And selling leads that will never change like I said they’re just going to be a different way to do it and like I said I think one of the main things that’s going to change in 2024 is how how we’re getting traffic okay so the normal way of getting traffic building your email

List is you’re creating content yourself you’re putting out videos on Facebook Tik Tok Instagram YouTube whatever it is that’s how we’re getting traffic and building up our email list so we can recommend and sell them product now what if I told you that you never had to

Create a single piece of content ever again yourself okay so that’s what I think is going to happen over the next year and in fact it’s already starting to happen right now and I’ll show you some examples of that right now so as you can see I have this video pulled up

And I’m going to play this video and I want you to tell me you know either in the comments or in your head if you notice something about this video okay so let’s go and play this video for my friend Rachel right here here’s my new

AI Avatar that I made by uploading one of my already existing YouTube videos I think it turned out great what should I make videos about I think I would love to make more videos about software AI content creation affiliate marketing and all things making money online maybe I

Should make a tutorial on how I made this video what do you think let me me know below okay so what did you notice about that video well as you can see this is Rachel making a video however this is not actually her she did not make this video herself this is actually

Rachel’s AI Avatar that made the video for her she uses software that basically made a digital twin of her that’s able to speak and do hand gestures that looks just like her right and basically she put the script into the software of exactly what she was going to make

Herself say and as you can see a video came out of it okay so think about this guys one of the hardest parts about affiliate marketing is creating content getting yourself to make videos get yourself on camera whether it’s on YouTube or social media right and actually taking the time to create your

Videos with your phone or camera right well now if you actually have a software that can do all of that for you and you just have to basically manage those videos you have to upload the script and basically plan out all your content but you don’t have to make the videos

Yourself you’re going to be able to pump out 2 3 four five even been 10 times more content than you are now right and you can do it in less time so I think using AI avatars and people using basically their digital twins is going to be a huge thing for Content creators

And affiliate marketers in 2024 so it’s definitely something to keep on watch for especially because you know you can kind of tell this is AI generated you know it wasn’t perfect it was pretty damn good if I showed a random person they probably wouldn’t know the

Difference but as I said as time goes on AI is getting smarter and spart every single month and eventually you won’t be able to tell whether this is actually Rachel making the video or if it’s her digital AI twin all right guys so you’re probably wondering how the

Heck did she make this video well she used a software called hey Jen okay so this is basically an AI software that will do this whole entire process for you now keep in mind I’m not affiliated with this company I’m not sponsored by this company or anything like this this

Is just the best software out there that I found to use for this kind of strategy using AI avatars okay all right so this looks like the dashboard here I’m just going to go to free instant Avatar again I’ve never used this software before I’m just doing it with you guys from scratch

So uh looks like there’s an introduction from the CEO uh so create your digital twin in just a few steps so let’s press get started okay so let’s go ahead and go through here and then basically from what I’ve know from people I’ve heard uh what you’re going to be doing is you’re

Going to be submitting um a 2-minute footage basically what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be making a video for this software so they know kind of what our face looks like um they have a picture of us that way their software can generate an AI powered

Video like it did with Rachel right so basically what she did to make this was she sat down she made a video of her talking that way they can recognize your facial patterns and then once you do this one time right you can create hundreds if not thousands of videos from

This one video we’re going to make okay so we’re just kind of trying to tell the software how to learn so it looks like it’s got to be 2 minutes long use a high resolution camera recording well quied environment look directly into the camera pause between each sentence with

Mouth closed use generic gestures and keep hands below your chest okay so sounds pretty easy I’m going to go ahead and press Next Step all right so now I’m just going to go and create this video that they need to actually you know be

Able to make the videos for us um so I’m just going to go and press record with webcam and we can do this real quick so I’m just going to press turn on cam and mic all right so looks like you can choose a topic that you want to talk

About again guys on this video you can talk about literally anything it doesn’t matter they just need to see your voice actually moving your mouth moving so they can make the AI avatars look more realistic okay so I’m going to go ahead and start this hey everyone my name is Chad

Bartlett and I do affiliate marketing I also trade stocks and I have a dog all right I just finished that I’m going to go and press finish recording okay so now we’re just going to check these boxes your face is visible yes you’re looking directly into the camera

Camera yes your vment well lit uh no there are pauses between sentences okay okay so looks like they’re making a consent video so I actually like that they’re doing this because this is going to stop a lot of impersonators from impersonating you know me as a brand or

Yourself so I like that they do this I didn’t even know they do this so we’re going to press go ahead and record a consent I Chad Bartlett hereby declared that I authorized ha Jen to use the footage of me to build a haen avatar and

Use it in my haen account okay so looks like the consent is good I’m going to press submit and now we’re going to wait for our video to upload so we can start using the AI avatars and making all kinds of videos all right so the video

Just finish uploading so let’s go and take a look at it so I’m just going to click on this we’re going to check it out and as we can see this is my new digital Avatar um so we can just kind of see what you can actually do with it so

Now let’s go and press create video so we’re going to do let’s do a portrait version all right so as you can see it takes us to this editor so basically here is where we can just type a script um so I just you know basically said a

Bunch of random things hey guys Chad here in this video I’ll be showing you exactly how to create an AI avatar from complete scratch right so this is what the video so this is what my a avatar will actually say that’s what they’ll say in the video so whatever content

You’re making whether it’s on social media or YouTube right this where You’ actually type the script of what you want your AI Avatar to actually say okay and I’m sure you can add um different stuff in here and play around with the different options on the software but

Let’s go and see what it looks like for now and I’m going to press submit all right I just got done submitting the video it does take like 5 or 10 minutes to actually finish it so just to let you know but anyways let’s go and check it

Out uh the end result of it so I’m going to go ahead and click on this remember I did the format for reals so this would be posted on like Tik Tok or Instagram reals you can also do the other portrait which is more of a Youtube video um so

It’s a lot wider right so let’s go and check out what this looks like hey Chad Bartlett your instant Avatar is ready feel free to create videos with it also click the feedback button to share what you think hope you enjoy okay so as you

Can see from that video I don’t think it really sounded like me so you can play around with the sounds or I could redo the video a couple times so the sound was a little bit off but I think like the movement the hand gestures the way

The mouth moves um it looks really good right again we just have to tweak the sound and I believe you can play with that you can use like different voice settings and you can see which one matches up with you the best but that’s essentially how it work and that’s how

We can get all kinds of content made for us without actually creating the videos yourself so anyways once you actually dive into that software you start using it you get familiar with it you find an AI Avatar a voice setting that matches you perfectly or maybe you’re going to

Do this under another person’s face whatever it is now what You’ be doing from there right is creating a brand around that AI Avatar whether you want to use your own name or you can use you know an avatar name doesn’t really matter but the same concept as affiliate

Marketing has been for the past you know five plus years is putting putting out viral videos on Facebook Instagram or YouTube or Tik Tok right getting them over to a free gift building your email list up and then taking them through your sales process however you’re doing

That whether you’re using a funnel email sequences maybe you’re chatting with leads and you’re selling through the DMS here again this is how I’ve been running my affiliate marketing business for the past 5 years is running a sales system like this but again I think the main

Thing that’s going to change in 2024 that I would keep updated on is how you’re getting traffic whether you want to keep making the videos yourself or maybe you want to add on to what you’re already doing right and also add on another brand another social media profile where you’re using these AI

Avatars to create the content for you so anyways guys that’s what I think it’s going to be big in 2024 for those of you that get good at it it looks like a real person making the videos but it’s actually an AI Avatar you’re able to crank out way more content way faster

Since you don’t have to make the videos yourself which means you can run multiple YouTube channels you can run multiple soci social media accounts right again whether it’s on Tik Tok YouTube whatever it is so anyways guys if you guys want to learn more about how this sales process works examples of

Funnels how to write your emails how to sell through the DMS all the stuff when it comes to actually selling that I didn’t get to cover in this video um like I said I have a free affiliate marketing guide you can download it’ll be the first link in the description

Below once you download it it take you to this and we have the five steps when it comes to affiliate marketing we also have all kinds of niches that you can choose from so you can see we have a list of niches you can do affiliate marketing in specifically in 2024 and

Then we have all the steps as far as how to sell uh different funnel examples how to write your emails all that good stuff inside of this free guide so again if you guys want free access to this guide all you have to do is go to the first

Link in the description below or just head over to this link right here that being said I hope you enjoyed this video if you did let me know if you want to see more videos like this using the AI Avatar using the software as always I

Hope you have a great rest of your day and I will go ahead and see you in my next video with another affiliate marketing lesson


  1. I know nothing about trading /investment and l'm keen on getting started. What are some strategies to get started with?

  2. How do we prevent people from stealing our identity ๐Ÿ˜ข if we are on YouTube they can upload our content to AI software and impersonate us no?

  3. Wonder if YT will be able to store all this new content. I see some channel bans coming if they can detect AI if it becomes bad for the platform.

  4. I have a an email optin form with a free giveaway and a thank you page where the visitors can click to get to a clickbank VSL. What would you choose on facebook ads, Leads or Sales?

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