@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Wandering Jew Plant Care: Growing Tradescantia Zebrina

Wandering Jew is the common name of a few different species: tradescantia zebrina, tradescantia fluminensis, and tradescantia pallida. All varieties of wandering jew plant care are similar, and quite easy.

You can even propagate tradescantia without much trouble at all, it will root in just a few days and you’ll have an endless supply!

SPONSOR: Espoma Organic

Espoma is a 90+ year old company that has been organic from the start. They have an incredibly high-quality line of organic potting soils and fertilizers that are perfect for both your houseplants and edible gardens. Learn more at https://www.espoma.com/.


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→ Full Article: https://www.epicgardening.com/wandering-jew-plant/
→ Buy Birdies Raised Beds: https://shop.epicgardening.com
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→ Podcast: https://apple.co/2nkftuk
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→ Espoma Organic Potting Mix https://amzn.to/2DAZJh2
→ Harvest Apron: https://findaprons.com/products/harvest-apron-designed-in-partnership-with-kevin-espiritu


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