Front Yard Garden

i built an ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD in the sims

building 4 blue suburbans on just one lot lol

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This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.

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You’ve all got this long running joke that I  only build blue suburban houses in The Sims. And I’m not going to deny that, okay, I  do build a lot of things that are blue. I still firmly believe it’s because so many  of the items in this game have blue swatches.

There’s not really that much  that matches in The Sims 4,   but pretty much everything  is going to come in blue. Especially when I’m trying to do  base game builds because the blue   color is like the most inoffensive  of the base game set of swatches.

I’m telling you all of this just to set us up for   today’s build because today we are  going to fully commit to the bit. We are not just building one blue suburban,  I’m going to build four all on one lot. The idea is to build an entire  neighborhood of blue suburbans.

This is going to be a long one so I’m just  going to dive straight into the speed build. We’re building this on the  50 x 50 lot in Willow Creek. I was trying to think what the most  appropriate place for a blue suburban  

Neighborhood would be and this just felt  right, so we’re on the biggest lot in   Willow Creek, it’s up next to where  the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family lives. The main focal point of this build is  the street so that’s where I started.

I just put a big giant slab of concrete  down in the middle of the building and   then I tried to figure out where  I could fit four houses around it. I wanted to have two on each side and  then maybe like a park space or some  

Sort of neighborhood community  space at the end of the road. I had a long wish list and you would think  that a 50 x 50 lot would be big enough,   but if anything this was made maybe  a little bit on the small side.

All of the houses are relatively small too,  they’re about three or four bedrooms each,   but every single house has its  own garage and its own backyard. I was trying to channel like, ultimate suburbia  and I felt like a garage was a necessity for that.

Especially because we have this big  street so like everybody has a driveway,   they’ve got cars parked on the  road and in their driveway. And it was kind of fun to decorate too  because they all have their own garage,   but I tried to furnish them all very differently.

Like they’re all blue on the outside  and primarily blue on the inside,   but like different kinds of  blue and different styles. I’m pretending that somebody who  loves the beach lives in one of   the houses so they have a lot of  like light colors, light blues,  

Someone else is like a librarian so they’ve  got a lot of dark wood and dark blues. And then I tried to decorate each garage  differently as well so like one of them   has a gym in it, one of them has laundry in it,  somebody else has an art studio in their garage.

And this whole thing is being built to become  a residential rental with the new rent pack. So if you wanted to you could play  here and live in just one of these   houses and then have neighbors in  every single one of the other ones.

I like the idea of living here and maybe having  like your Sims family live nearby as well. So you could have like Grandma live down  the road in the same house, street as you. This is the kind of thing that I have  been daydreaming about since we first  

Got The Sims 4, dare I say since I used  to play The Sims 3 when I was a kid. I love the idea of making fake little  neighborhoods and building multiple   houses on one lot so like, this rent  pack has completely changed my life. It is all I want to build with now.

I know I keep making these like big giant  rental builds, but I just, I have so many ideas. We did a few weeks ago a big horse neighborhood. That one kind of started out as a  meme too because I kept calling it  

My horse apartments and the idea of a  horse apartment is like, really silly. And then this one of course is just  embracing the blue suburban thing. But the horse ones were a little  bit different because that was   three houses and a shared barn,  kind of on like a windy dirt road.

This one is like a more formal suburban  street instead, so it’s been kind of fun   to envision how differently these  houses would be laid out and stuff. So right now as you can see we’ve built the   shells of two of the houses and  we’re working on the third one.

I was trying to make them all  slightly different variants of like,   classic shapes that I like to build. So the first one in the front left  corner is like the Simsie blue suburban,   like the standard shape that I do  for like a starter home for example.

One of them is more of a craftsman style,   one’s got more of like a Dutch  colonial thing going on with it. Two of them have detached garages and the  other two have garages that are attached. I was really just trying to vary the layouts and  

The shapes the best that I could  to make them look more different. It’s hard when you’re building four houses  right next to each other that all have the   same color scheme so I was really trying  to do my best to give them some variety.

If you want to go back and watch me build  the entire thing from start to finish not   sped up and with nothing cut out, I actually  did livestream this over on my Twitch channel. It took us many, many days. This was  a multi-day sort of project as you can  

Imagine because it is four houses so  it wasn’t like, an easy one to finish. Twitch building streams are really fun  because you can be there and give like,  live feedback to what we’re working on as  we’re still doing it, because you could  

Always comment and be like oh Kayla,  you should have tried this, you know,   in the YouTube video, but it’s just too  late at that point kind of for this build   at least because I already finished  it, I already put it on the gallery.

But in Twitch chat you could tell me that  suggestion live and then I can be like oh my god,   you’re so right, why didn’t I think  of that? And then we can update it. And of course it’s easier to have  like longer form content because I  

Can’t very well post like a 12 hour long  speed build here on YouTube, can I? No. No, that’s just too much. My husband Dan edits my videos and my  friend Hope does the closed captions   and they’re probably both like no.  No, you don’t need to do that Kayla.

12 is too much, I’ll admit it,   so that’s why I speed them up and  then cut out some unimportant things. In this video I’m showing you the  furnishing of two of the houses   so we build the exteriors of all of  them and then I furnish half of them  

In this video and at the end I’ll  show you a tour of the other two. When I first sped it up, it was like two  and a half hours long and that was too much. That was like, two hours too much I would  say so I tried to trim it a little bit.

But back to the live footage for a second:  at this point we are working on the shell   of the fourth and final house which I  think is probably my least favorite. It’s also the biggest. The other three are  more classic build styles that all follow,  

With this one I was trying to go  for more realistic modern house. And not like modern-modern house,  but like modern as in built in 2023. Like the kind of McMansion-y, probably too  many roofs, weird shape, but looks nice,   expensive, probably really fancy new build,  that’s what I was doing with this one.

It also has a screened in porch on  the back which I really enjoyed. I live in Florida unfortunately and screened in   porches are really common here,  they’re like all over the place. Every house that I have ever  lived in has a screen in porch.

Sometimes they put full-on like screen  cages over like, your whole back patio,   especially if the house has a pool. If you don’t believe me, you can Google  it, look up like Florida pool screen,   you’ll be horrified if you haven’t  ever seen one of these before.

It’s like a mesh texture  stretched over a metal frame. They do it to keep like bugs  and little critters out,   but also to keep like leaves out of  your pool I guess if you have a pool. I would never do like a full-on  giant pool screen for my Sims,  

But it’s nice to have a little  screened in porch at least. They have these windows that came in  the greenhouse kit and and they’ve   got a glass swatch, but also a  screen swatch so I use those.

I’m sorry if I sound silly explaining the screen  thing so much by the way because I know that most   of you probably know about this, but when I  stream this stuff and I talk about screens,   half the chat is like why do you  have a glass box around your pool?

And it’s not, it’s not glass, it’s  just mesh so I’m given some much   needed context I think because not everybody  lives in places that have screens like this. Now, back to the road for a second also, I really  struggled with what I wanted to do in the road.

I wasn’t sure how formal it should be. There  were a few things that I knew I wanted to have,   things like the fire hydrants from debug, I wanted  to have some trees kind of lining the street. I wanted to have street lights,  

And I decided on having some kind of fancy  street lights that have flowers in them. I don’t know if realistically you would  find this in a neighborhood like this,   those lamps look kind of  like what you would see in,   I don’t know, like a public area,  like outside of a museum or something.

At least to me, I have never seen fancy plants  hanging from the street lights in just like a   regular neighborhood, but this is a beautiful  fancy neighborhood and I can do whatever I   want because it’s The Sims, so I used the  pretty yellow flowers hanging from them.

I just struggled a lot with where to put them. We initially talked about having them  be like, even across the whole street,   we tried staggering them and having them like  every other spot to more evenly light it. It took me a while to figure  out where to put them,  

This is one of those times where  I was maybe overthinking it. Like it’s just a street light, but  I was really putting way too much   thought into where it should  go and how it should look. If you haven’t already caught on,  I feel very strongly about my blue  

Suburban neighborhood and I wanted it to  be perfect, so I was doing what I could. While I was streaming this, we kept making jokes  about how this neighborhood is definitely an HOA. So we’d be like oh, you know the  HOA would certainly not allow this.

Or like oh, the HOA is forcing them to do this. Especially with like the wall  paint and all that sort of stuff. The HOA in this neighborhood requires  that everything be blue, it’s a rule,   it’s in the bylaws, you can’t change  it, if you do, they’ll fine you.

If you’re not familiar with an HOA,  this is the just absolute dumbest thing. It’s going to shock you if you’re from  somewhere else that doesn’t have these. An HOA is a homeowners association and a  lot of times in neighborhoods like this  

Where like all the houses were built  all at once, they might form an HOA. And you have to pay like a monthly,  maybe quarterly fee to the HOA,   and then they can tell you  what to do with your property. They can say oh, that’s not an  approved paint color or like,  

Try to fine you if you don’t bring  your trash cans in fast enough. They might have like required different types of  plants and you can’t landscape outside of like,   that list of plants, you know, stuff like that. People say the good thing about HOAs is they like,  

Keep up the property value because it forces  your neighbors to like, upkeep their homes. Sometimes HOAs also do like relatively useful  things, like I lived in a townhouse for a long   time and a townhouse makes more sense for an  HOA because you don’t own like, the exterior  

Of the building, it’s you know, you have just  the inside and you share walls with everybody. And in that townhouse people paid HOA fees and  the townhouse association would pay for like,   landscaping companies to mow the  grass in between the buildings   because like nobody owned that grass, you know?

So like HOA fees might cover stuff like that, but  generally HOAs have a really negative association. They kind of have like bully vibes  a little bit because there will be   sometimes like mean neighbors that  run the HOA that just walk around   the neighborhood looking for things  to try and yell at people about.

One time in my townhouse they sent  out letters to every person in the   entire neighborhood telling them to stop  letting their kids play on the sidewalks. Here’s what I don’t understand:  we don’t have yards. Like we live in a very small townhouse  community, people don’t have outdoor space,  

And you’re sending out letters saying oh, the  kids aren’t allowed to play on the sidewalks. Where do they play? The street? Like that’s not  — this is a busy road, I don’t — oh my god. So that’s the kind of thing that I associate HOAs  with, just like ridiculous letters and regulations  

And rules so they kind of get made fun of a lot  and complained about a lot for stuff like that. And also HOAs in general have a very racist  history, they were like originally made   so that they could exclude people from  being able to buy in a certain community.

So all of that to say: HOAs are bad,   however I think that this neighborhood  100% without a doubt would have one. I don’t know too much about what it’s like where  you’re from, but where I’m from in Florida,  

Oh my god, it’s nearly impossible to find a house  that isn’t in an HOA, like they are everywhere. And especially in a new development like this  because they built all of these houses together,   like probably one guy built all of them and they  would absolutely have formed an HOA at that point.

But anyway, we’re working on decorating the  outside and putting in some windows now finally. On this house I was thinking about  trying to do some yellow shutters,   I was kind of trying to decide if it would be  nice to have some accent colors that weren’t blue.

Initially I was thinking yes, that would be  cool, and then I realized no, that’s not in the   spirit of the blue suburban neighborhood and  the HOA would never approve yellow shutters. So I did end up switching them back.

I get it, some people liked the yellow  shutters in my stream, I liked them too,   but I think that the yellow shutters are  good for a different occasion, you know? Like today is for the blue suburban, we don’t  need to have yellow, like that’s just not right,  

But this house that we’re doing the windows  on, this sort of like craftsman style house,   this is the one that becomes the beach-inspired  house which sounds kind of funny when I say it   out loud because this is not a beach house and  it’s not a beach, this neighborhood is like so,  

So suburban, but I liked the idea of the person  who lives here being obsessed with the beach. So they’ve got like beach photos on their wall,  they’ve got like beachy color schemes, it’s very   live laugh love and like coastline-inspired  on the inside which we’ll get to in a minute.

It’s also clearly very small, these  houses aren’t really that big. Looking at the top down overview I’m  like wow, this place is kind of little,   but I did manage to fit at least three  bedrooms in every single one of the houses,  

Plus they all have the garage space and the garage  is a great like flex space to have access to. I was kind of describing earlier how I  tried to put different skill-building   items in each of them, but it is really  useful to have those fake garages.

I need to make more of an effort to include  them in my builds that I’m actually playing   in because I just so often have all  these random items that I want to have. Like you want to have all  these skill-building things,  

The kids want like science tables, sometimes  there’s just not space for that in your house. The garage is perfect for that, cupcake  machine, just throw it in the garage. Normally I just end up putting it in the front  yard and I learned my lesson with that recently.

I, like many of you, often have my Sims  children do a lot of school projects. I don’t really even have them do their homework,  I pretty much only have them do school projects   because builds skill and they get the bonus  extra credit so they can get an A still anyway.

But I like to play in small houses  so I don’t usually have enough wide   open space in the house to put the project down. What I probably should do is  like, move the coffee table, okay? But what I do instead is just put it  outside and have them work on it outside.

Regardless of the weather, I just have  the kids go outside and do projects. That’s all fun and games and fine,   however in my 100 baby challenge,  I killed one of my Sims that way. Never in my life, I’m being  honest with you right now,  

Never before this have I ever had a Sim  accidentally die from a lightning strike. I’ll tell you, I have intentionally  killed Sims with lightning more than   once and I’ve pretended that  it was an accident, it wasn’t. I have never before this had a  Sim actually accidentally die  

From lightning because you have to  get struck twice for them to die. My Sims get struck by lightning fairly  often, it’s not like that uncommon,   but I’ve never had them get struck twice in a row. Cut to my 100 baby challenge, I have like  a little back porch and I was just sticking  

All the school projects out there on the porch,  and I had the Sim working on it before school. In that challenge, once you get an A in school,   you can age the Sim up so that  kid had one day left of school,  

They were going to get an A that day, I was like  last minute trying to get some extra credit. They were a teen, this close  to moving out of my household. Of course it was storming  like really bad outside and   I still had them out there working on the project.

They got struck by lightning, here  I was sitting there like oh my god,   my Sim just got struck by lightning. And in my immediate panic, I didn’t act  quick enough and almost instantly they   got struck again for a second time and then died.

All because I had them just working  on school projects in the back patio. Yes, it was my fault, I probably should have like   brought them inside when it was  storming, I know, okay, I get it. But lesson learned, now in that challenge I’ve  got an entire school project room, it’s only  

Got school projects in it and it’s inside so  I’m not going to have that happen to me again. And if you also are like me and you just  force your Sims to skill build like that,   maybe put a roof over their  head, you know? Just an idea,  

Garages in this case are a  perfect opportunity to do that. There is plenty of room for these sorts of   things in there and then no one  will get struck by lightning. I actually did have another kind of scary  lightning incident recently in my game.

This I blame the infants and  how glitchy they are for,   but you know how your Sims when they’re taking  care of infants, they often will like pick them   up and put them down and pick them up and put  them down just non-stop, it’s very annoying.

Well, I was trying to get my legacy  challenge Sim to feed her baby,   I wanted her to bring it and like feed the baby. She was being very difficult and for for  some reason she brought the baby outside   and went and stood out there holding  the baby to like, try and feed it.

And here I was kind of panicking because it  was storming really bad outside and I was like,   go inside, put the kid to sleep!  Like really struggling to get her   to go back upstairs and put  the kid down in the crib.

Well, she finally goes back in, she walks  up the stairs, she gets into the nursery,   she puts the kid down, and then she gets  struck by lightning inside the house. I think it’s because she technically got  struck by lightning when she was outside,  

Like the interaction queued then, but the  game wouldn’t allow her to be struck with   a baby in her arms so it waited until she  put the baby down and then struck her,   but at that point she was inside the house.

She didn’t die or anything and the kid was  fine, but it did really scare me because the   sound of lightning in The Sims is really  loud, and like genuinely kind of scary. And she was inside! Like the lightning  bolt just came through the ceiling.

Anyway, um, I’m giving a lot of reasons why you   should probably keep your  Sims inside during storms. I have learned my lesson  and hopefully you have too. And at this point of the video we  are finally almost done putting   all of the windows down on all of the houses.

You can see I’ve gone to great lengths to have  all different windows on all the different   houses and also paint them differently, they  all have a different kind of blue wallpaper. This one has a lot of Cats and Dogs  siding, I used the Growing Together siding,  

We’ve got base game stuff, I used  all different kinds and textures. I also have all different roofs on  all four of these, I was really,   really trying to have them be obviously different,   I didn’t want to have like four carbon copies  of the same house all next to each other.

They might all be blue, but  they’re different blue, okay? They are unique, individual blue suburbans. Also I just saw my cat out of the corner of my  eye, that was Sunny, she was on my desk, she has  

Now ditched me, but if you see any like movement  behind me, there’s three cats in here right now. Or maybe just two, I think Snap left. I’ve been a bit distracted so I  didn’t see. Snap was on that chair,   but I don’t see her there anymore.

And speaking of cats, I unfortunately have  some terrible news to share about the kittens. I know many of you, including myself, have  grown very attached to Shrimp’s white whisker. He’s an all black cat and he had  one white whisker on his face,   he was really, really cute  and kind of goofy looking.

I am so, so sad to announce that  Shrimp’s white whisker has fallen out. That’s normal, like whiskers fall out they  regrow and stuff, it was only a matter of   time until his white whisker went away, but it  is officially gone, he is white whisker-less.

He only has black whiskers now. My parents adopted  his brother and Sam also has one white whisker and   Sam’s is still going strong, it hasn’t fallen out  yet, so I’m a little bit jealous, but it’s okay.

I’m so sorry to share such sad news here in this  video today, but I just felt like you should know. I felt like I should be keeping you all up   to date about the comings and  goings of the cat’s whiskers.

I wonder if it’ll grow back, I don’t know,  I mean he obviously still has whiskers,   but like a black one’s probably  going to grow in its place. I get asked a lot how Snap  is doing with the kittens,   if you missed it I recently adopted  two kittens that I found in a sewer.

And I previously had an older cat, she’s 15. So she’s been taking her time getting used  to the babies and like, adjusting to to them,   but over the past few months she’s  been doing like worlds better. I try to post a lot of pictures on  my Instagram story so if you follow  

Me over there you might have  seen some of these, but like,   oftentimes recently all three cats  will be on the bed with me before bed. Which a couple months ago  would have been unfathomable. Snap, she still doesn’t want  the kittens to touch her and  

She gets kind of upset if they  get too close to her sometimes. Other times they can sniff her and  it’s fine so she’s very confusing. I also think that she likes  Shrimp more than she likes Sunny,   but don’t tell Sunny that because it  makes me feel bad for her, but yeah,  

Snap’s been doing very well, she’s uh, kind of  gotten over her grumpiness for the most part,   she has her moments, but she’s accepted them very  well and that’s all that I can ask for because it   can be hard to introduce older cats to  kittens, especially older female cats.

Girls can be a little bit more territorial so   I was expecting this and I’m proud  of her so that’s my little update. But we are finally moving on to actually  start furnishing the houses now. We have spent a very long time just building the  

Exterior and now we’re working  on the first of the Interiors. So this is that beach-inspired house that I keep  talking about, it’s got a lot of light wood,   it’s got a lot of blues obviously, but  also a lot of like, peachy accent colors.

I allowed myself accent colors on the  interiors of houses, but not on the exteriors. Again, the HOA, they don’t care  what happens inside your house,   but they do have approved  paint colors for the exterior. Although I have heard of HOAs  that have like, pet restrictions.

I’ve heard of HOAs that say things like oh,  you aren’t allowed to have like rodents or   like reptile pets, or you can only have like  a certain number of dogs or cats or whatever. I don’t know how they enforce that,  I don’t know how they would know if  

You had a lizard for example, like how  do they know you have a bearded dragon. This is The Sims though so there are no lizards,  you don’t have to worry about that too much. The downstairs of this house is really quite small  so we’ve got a tiny, tiny, tiny kitchen area, a  

Tiny little dining nook, and then by the staircase  I tried to fit in a very small little desk area. In the kitchen I used a lot of  the Home Chef Hustle pack stuff. I really, really like the Home Chef Hustle  pack, it has some of, in my opinion,  

The best kitchen things, it’s just it’s  so good, I’m so glad they made that pack. They’re quite neutral, but they have  some fun color swatches and I think   that they could also pass really  easily in like a more modern house,  

But also in a house like this style that’s  you know, more just contemporary I guess. They’re a very good kitchen  cabinet, I really like them. I’m like always longing for more kitchen sets and   most of the ones that we’ve been  getting recently are all wood.

Like you think about the Cottage  Living one, the Horse Ranch one,   it’s like so wooden and rustic, it’s  nice to have more like this vibe. And then I added in this little beach  painting, it’s like a collage of canvases,  

It’s from the Kids Room stuff pack  believe it or not and I used that in here. That was kind of like the main  inspo for the whole building,   I looked at this rug in the living room and  then that painting and I said okay, beach house.

And I think they kind of work together nicely,   I like the little peachy color  scheme and the beachy colors. You might see me scroll over to the  other builds from time to time when   I’m like adding in things I might have forgotten. Don’t worry, I, at this point of the recording,  

Have already furnished another house,  but I cut it out of the speed build. The house in the front left corner that I  called the most classic Simsie blue suburban,   I cut that out of the speed build footage  because I felt like you’ve already seen me  

Build that a bunch of times, so I tried  to leave in the furnishing of the two   that were the most like unique,  at least I thought in my opinion. And again I will show you a full tour and walk  around everything at the end of the video.

It was kind of fun for me  to go through and like dig   around and look for beachy stuff that I could use. I found this kind of cool like wicker  plant set, I used some of the wicker   furniture from Island Living, there’s  like wicker baskets from Laundry Day,  

And then Island Living has a bunch  of like debug prints of the ocean. There’s like little fish ones and little  dolphin things and they’re kind of small   so I use those in some of the other areas like  next to the bedroom door and stuff like that.

Downstairs there is one extra  bedroom and a huge bathroom,   this house in total has four bedrooms,  they’re all quite small though. This one downstairs belongs to like one of the   older kids and then they have  one big bathroom downstairs. Upstairs there’s the primary bedroom  and then two other kids bedrooms,  

Plus a very teeny tiny bathroom that’s  attached to the primary bedroom. I was really trying to maximize the space in  here so I did my best to fit some stuff in,   but you’ll see the rooms are quite small.

I also had a lot of fun digging for all  kinds of various little decor things,   there’s like fishing lure decorations,  there’s literal fish so I was really   embracing it and putting those things  like everywhere on the interior.

In the first bedroom it kind of has like  a, almost like a cotton candy pink color   scheme because I was trying to  match it to the boat wallpaper. Again, really embracing the  beach theme wherever I can,   but the cute boat wallpaper has like  some yellow and pink accents so I used  

That for one of the kids rooms and  I put some little toys in there. I actually use that boat wallpaper  way more than you think I would,   it seems like the kind of thing that  would not get used, like at all,  

And yet somehow all my Sims, not all, a  lot of my Sims have the boat wallpaper. I’m really want to go for like  the more chaotic wall patterns. When I find something that I think  is like maybe objectively weird,   it makes me want to use it more often.

The other example I would give is like  you know the horrible lime green tile,   that lime green swatch on the base game tile? I don’t even like that, I  don’t like the shade of green,  

The tile is so bright it’s kind of scary,  and yet I use it in a lot of my builds. But it’s fun, it’s fun to have some kind  of ugly wallpaper sometimes and actually   I don’t think this room is ugly, I  think it looks really nice together.

That’s the other fun part about doing a build like  this where there’s so many bedrooms because the   place is absolutely enormous, I got to do a lot  of like funky things with the bedroom decorations. Again, back to like the blue thing, when  you’re using the blue theme as a base,  

It gives you a chance to really dig around and see   what weird stuff we have that is  blue, and how we can make it work. Like this second kids room has another kind  of funky blue wallpaper, it’s got like the  

Hexagons from the University pack, at least  I — is that University or High School Years? I don’t remember. Just whatever, one  of the school packs. One of the school   packs has these little hexagons so  I use that in this kids bedroom.

This one has kind of kind like a  minty color scheme going on with it,   it’s almost like mint Not So Berry vibes. I also have not used this color  combo before so that was kind of   a fun thing to find and now I think  I might try that in another build,  

Maybe in like a bigger bedroom where I have  some more space to decorate a bit more. It’s hard to do like a full decoration  in a room this small because you have   to have walking space still,  so I was trying to make sure  

We could still get around the place  and not put too much decor in here. I am always a big fan of small Sims houses  though, I would take a small bedroom over   a big one any day because I want the Sims to  have like a tight, very decorated, small room.

I think that’s way more fun  than a big empty vast space. We are just about done with this first  house though, I’m going to do the rest   of the little decor in this kids room and  then we have the primary bedroom to furnish. And the primary bedroom is also really small,  

Like almost a little bit too  tight to even fit a double bed in. I’m not selling this, I’m just talking  about how small the house is, and it’s   poorly decorated because there’s not enough  space to decorate, but the primary bedroom is  

Just about the minimum size I would make it  and have it still be safe for a double bed. I did manage to to fit two nightstands on either  side and a dresser in here, and then they have  

That really tiny ensuite bathroom, it’s just  a 2 x 2 square which is a little bit smaller   than I would normally want, but considering we  have four bedrooms in this house, I felt like   we kind of needed to have a second bathroom  because you’ve got so many Sims living here.

When you’ve got five Sims, one toilet, it’s  hard in the morning before school and stuff. I mean same goes in real life, it’s always  better to have more bathrooms if you can   fit them so I thought about putting a  closet there and then I was like no,  

No, you don’t need a closet Kayla,  closets don’t do anything in The Sims 4. What you need is a toilet. I do wish that I  could have managed to fit a toilet upstairs   that was like public access for all of the Sims,  but the floor plan just wasn’t working for it.

But that’s pretty much the whole first house  finished so we’re moving on to the next house now. You can kind of see in the corner off to the  left we’ve got the bright red and blue house. That is the Simsie classic blue  suburban that I was talking about.

I used a lot of red flowers outside and  then a lot of red accents on the inside. My chat was calling it the America  house and that was so not my intention,   I was not trying to do red, white,  and blue, that was so not the vibes.

It is kind of what happened, but that  wasn’t — that wasn’t what I meant, okay. Again, I’ll show you that at the end. What we’re doing right now is the house that  belongs to like the librarian, I pictured maybe  

Like a librarian married a writer and they  live here in this house, big fans of books. And so I put a lot of books everywhere,   there’s a lot of dark wood in here so it’s  very different vibes than the first one. And this one has just again, books, so many books.

I’m warning you now, I did make some slightly  weird choices with the color scheme of this house,   I used a very controversial dining table in  here and people had things to say about it. So hopefully you still like it,  but I will acknowledge that not  

Everybody did when I was doing  the build of this on Twitch. This one I believe has three bedrooms  and an office, but I can’t remember,   so we’ll see as I’m furnishing it. I think there’s an extra  bedroom downstairs though. This house has a couple kind  of weirdly shaped rooms too,  

I struggled a bit with floor plan  because the upstairs is quite small. I managed to fit a little teeny  tiny 3 x 1 bathroom upstairs. Again, not super ideal, but better than not having   a bathroom I would say so I put it up  there just to have a second toilet.

And they have like a weird long  skinny bedroom as well upstairs. There is a bigger bathroom downstairs thankfully  and the office, if necessary, is only 3 x 3   so you probably could make that into a second  bathroom as well, but I’d rather have an office. I’d rather have a desk and stuff.

So in here I used my favorite counters,  the Parenthood counters, in the kitchen. I think this is a good example of how The  Sims puts a blue swatch on everything. These counters come a bunch of  neutral swatches, like there’s  

White and beige and gray and black, and  then it comes in three actual colors. There’s like a minty color with a  really weird orangey brown countertop,   and then there’s two blue swatches. And the mint could almost  pass as blue, I would argue. So it comes in all plain neutrals and then blue.

The Sims puts blue on everything, that’s  why all my builds are blue, okay, I swear. I don’t even like blue that much, I wouldn’t even   say it’s my favorite color. It’s not  even in my top five favorite colors! There’s like a lot of teal and  gray going on in this building.

I was inspired by the leafy swatch  of that rug from the rent pack,   and then I found this really nice like teal  polka dot swatch on those Cottage Living chairs. I’ll tell you now, I ended up swapping  the table to be the Movie Hangout one  

That has like a table runner on  it and that’s what people hated. They hated the table runner, I thought it was kind  of fun and I don’t normally use that item so it  

Was kind of nice to have a chance to, but I get it  if you don’t like it, it’s okay, I’m not offended. I understand, I know that what  I’ve done is controversial, so. So anyway, downstairs we’ve got the tiny,   tiny, tiny office and then we  have a tiny bedroom as well.

In the office I’ve got like one wall of  bookshelves and then one small desk in here. I don’t normally put offices and houses this  small, I usually just try to find a nook somewhere   to put a desk, but I felt like because in my  vision these Sims were like writers, it was nice  

To have a proper office space for them, even if  it’s like kind of maybe a slight waste of space. It’s still nice to have. So the Movie Hangout table in question has  a kind of funky pattern on the table runner.

I went through a couple different options and  tried to pick which one I thought was best. There’s actually a lot of teal minty colors in   this game too so I was trying  to use those in a few places. Like I was saying earlier, this has  been a very interesting exercise  

Because I found a lot of swatches of  things that I kind of forgot about. There actually is a shocking amount of  minty colored swatches on things too. And I always think whenever I see  minty colored swatches on stuff,   it makes me think of Not So Berry.

Not So Berry is a legacy challenge that  I wrote like ages ago in like 2017,   but in it every generation has a different  color theme and the first generation is mint. And mint is kind of a weird color, it’s  like a green-y blue and so whenever I see  

Mint things in the game, I’m like oh my god,  this has been here all along and I forgot? One thing to this day I still  struggle with so much in like   every single build though is rug swatches. I had the hardest time in here probably  underneath the dining table and in the office.

I really didn’t know what I should use and  so I tried a lot of different variations. We always need more rugs, I think that’s probably   my number one request right now  is more rugs and more curtains.

If the base game could get another set of curtains  that are like the nice ones from the newer packs,   like the Desert Luxe kit curtains or  something, we need some more neutrals,   some nice simple stuff that will  fit in a lot of different areas.

I am desperate for it, we’ve been struggling for a  long time and the the rugs situation is very dire. Now that I’ve picked that runner though,  I’ve decided to add some more vibrant   colors in here through like the  wall decor and stuff like that.

And then next to the fireplace I wanted  to have a little set of built-ins. I could only do it on one side  because the fireplace is next to   the door and we need the door, so just  on the left I’ve got some built-ins.

And I ended up using a cabinet  and like some shelves basically. I think it looks really cute, but I’m  warning you it does clip to the outside,   so you’ll see once I start  doing it, it’s kind of bad.

I tried to go through and like hide it a  bit so I was like putting some decorations   on top of it to try and cover it up and you can  still see it from the outside, but that’s okay. It’s because it’s only one and  a half tiles so I put like two  

Tile wide built-ins there which for  some reason I still haven’t done yet. I’m trying, it took me a while  to figure out what I wanted,   but there’s just — it’s so small, the whole  house is so small so it took me a long time.

But in the end, cabinets and then  a shelf on top and some cute decor. I tried to cover the clipping a bit by  putting a chair on the inside and then   like a pergola on the outside and  just hope that you don’t notice. I probably shouldn’t even  be pointing it out because  

That just makes it worse because now you  know, but it’s good to be honest, right? And there is clipping. It’s purely  decorative though and I don’t really   care if like decorative stuff clips too much. It’s obviously a problem when things that need  to be functional are clipping, but this is like  

Fake cabinets, a fake shelf, and just some fake  little stuff on top so it’s really no problem. I do think it looks really nice though  next to the fireplace like this,   I think it’s kind of realistic as well. Saying that, I don’t know much  about fireplaces, I live in Florida.

And if you’re wondering what that  painting above the fireplace is,   that is actually a TV, it’s from the  Modern Luxe kit. It’s like a frame TV. I don’t know if you’ve heard of these  before, but there’s a company called Samsung   that makes TVs that are basically  completely flat against the wall.

They’re like this wide and they  have a frame around them and you   can turn them off and it displays a picture. I don’t know much about them, but  I think that the picture is not   as inefficient as you think it would be, I  think they’re still pretty energy efficient.

I don’t think it’s too much to  display like a single flat image. It’s kind of like how when you turn off  a Kindle it leaves the book cover on. Like a Kindle never has a blank screen, it  leaves like the ads or the book cover on the top.

That’s how I picture those frame TVs work,   but I don’t really know much about it  so don’t ask me questions about it. They’re also really expensive, but they’re kind  of cool so it’s fun that we have one in The Sims.

It’s easy to like fit the frame TV  into gallery walls and it looks a   bit better when you hang up  over a fireplace and stuff. I know that it’s very controversial  to hang up TVs over fireplaces,   but sometimes it’s just the only place  that fits it in the room, so your Sims  

Aren’t going to complain about the TV being too  high, they’ll be fine, so you’ll be fine too. Most of the downstairs, at least the  main living area, is done now though,   we’re just going through and trying to  figure out some last minute decor touches.

I sort of last minute decided to  have these Sims have a cat so I had   to find a place for a litter box and  I put it inside of the office space. And now we’re finally starting  to decorate the bedrooms.

I had some bold ideas for these, I knew I wanted  to use the leaf wallpaper in the primary bedroom. I didn’t have a single clue  what to pair with it though,   and I wanted to have a nice rug, but it was  really hard to figure out what worked the best.

I ended up using a Horse Ranch rug  and a Dream Home Decorator bed,   and I actually think the vibes  in this room are really nice. I think it’s really, really pretty in there. It’s definitely prettier than I thought it  would be it’s kind of a vibrant wallpaper  

So I was nervous that it would be too much,  but I think it came together pretty nicely   and then I put in like dressers and  stuff which helped to separate it. There is an extra desk upstairs too because   I figured both Sims probably  need to have an office space.

Computers are so useful in this game,   so many Sims need it for skill-building  so I try to include a lot of them. There are some very teeny tiny little  dormers in this house and these are   like absolutely perfect for cat trees,  so I put a little cat tree in there.

Literally as we speak, cat on  tree, in my room in real life,   sitting in front of the window so I just, I was  channeling that for the cat of this Sims house. And now you can see a little bit better that tiny,   tiny skinny room that I was  talking to you about earlier.

It’s kind of a weird shape in here,  I only managed to fit one single bed. It’s definitely quite small and  like way, way smaller than normal. I think on a normal day I would probably end  up making this into an en suite bathroom for  

The primary bedroom, but I decided it might be  more fun to try and fit an extra bedroom in here. I really like the idea of this neighborhood  being very lively and like having a lot of   kids that live nearby because then if  you lived here, you’d have a lot of  

Neighbor kids to be friends with, and so  I wanted to have the extra kids bedroom. This one could be like a slightly older  kid, maybe like a teen or something? I put like desks and dressers  and stuff in the dormers.

It’s kind of hard because they’re so small, you  don’t really know what you can fit that easily. It would certainly be nice if you could  actually sit there in the window and have   a desk right there, I don’t know if it  works that well though for your Sims.

I’ve tried it before, it’s kind  of tight. That’s the theme of   this room though, it’s just kind of tight. The wallpaper is also a little bit bright for me,   I don’t know if I love it, but I tried  to tone it down with some accent colors.

We have that like Dream Home Decorator  triangle accent wall behind the bed,   we’ve got some pretty  posters and stuff everywhere. You know, now that I’m staring at this,   I’m really starting to think that I should  have worn a blue shirt for this video.

Huge missed opportunity, I could  have had blue lights behind me. I don’t know what I was thinking,  I just kept my same shirt on. That was not very smart, I’m sorry  everybody for letting you down. Next time. I guess I’ll just have to build a  second blue suburban neighborhood.

We spend the next 12 hours doing it again. Actually saying that, I’m curious to  know if you have any ideas for like,   other big builds that we should try. We’ve done a couple neighborhoods  like this now and a lot of townhouses.

Ever since we got the castle pack I’ve  been kind of inspired by the thought of   doing some sort of like village situation,  like a small set of farmhouses all together. I love the concept of like a castle or like some  sort of you know, primary building and then some  

Small little houses and farms around it, but I  don’t know if I’m doing too many castle builds. I almost posted a castle build yesterday, but  then I asked Dan and he said that it was too   many so I shouldn’t, so I didn’t,  but maybe in a couple days I will.

I kind of want to. This castle pack has changed my life, I  didn’t think it would, but it’s been fun. Dan is my husband by the way,  in case that wasn’t clear. He also streams on Twitch if  you want to go follow him,  

His name is just duckdan on Twitch,  I can link it down below for you. He’s going to be editing this video  and then want to cut that out probably,   but his name is just duckdan on Twitch. And my name is just lilsimsie on Twitch  and you can come by if you want to.

You don’t have to, but you could. We are finally almost done  with the speed build though,   I’m kind of starting to wrap up here and  put some last minute details outside. This house has like a really cute  pergola area with some blue chairs  

Underneath it obviously, it  also has a hot tub back here. I tried to really give them all  very unique individual backyards. I also love the idea of your Sims  maybe like, coming over and hanging   out in the neighbor’s backyard or like,  having a party in one of the backyards.

I just, I have so many visions of how  I would like to play in this house,   and yet, I’m probably never going to play in it. Whenever I do this I make these huge builds with  these great ideas of how I want to play with them,  

But then I only play with like,  two different saves normally. I’ve got one YouTube series and one Twitch series. And when those Sims need a new house,  I’m not going to move them here. I might build a thing like this, but  I’m going to build a whole new one.

I’ll do the whole thing again. I just  like to build, building is the fun part   for me so I like to do it a lot and I  do it, you know, more than I need to. I build a lot more houses than  I actually need to play in.

The last little thing of the speed  build though is just this last garage. This is like the most classic  garage-garage I think. I tried to put in things like the electrical  fuse box, they’ve got some laundry in here  

In the garage, I put some storage in here, they  have like their Christmas decorations, and I also   parked some kids bikes because I love the idea of  the kids riding bikes around in the road out here. Don’t tell my old townhouse that, they’ll be  like no, the kids can’t play outside, and send  

Some mean letter about it, but anyway, we are  officially finally done with the speed build so   what I want to do now is go and pop into the game  and give you a full tour of the finished product.

So I built this here on Oakenstead on  this big 50 x 50 lot in Willow Creek,   and I actually uploaded three  versions of this to the gallery. There’s an unfurnished one because  some people from my chat wanted   it before I had finished it so I  was like I’ll just upload it now.

I’ve got a completely furnished one that’s  classed as a regular residential lot type,   and then I also have a residential rental lot  type because I found out that if you don’t   have the rent pack, you literally cannot  download these residential rental lots.

Normally if you’re missing a lot type from a  pack, it just changes it into a different one,   but with the residential rentals specifically  if you don’t have For Rent, you can’t use it,   which is really annoying so I uploaded it as just  

A plain residential as well just  in case you don’t have the pack. You do need a lot of packs for this build,  like a sickening number of packs, I’m so sorry. It is four houses and I really  went so — I went so far overboard,   but anyway, let me place this really quick.

Nope, let me switch the lot type, turn on move  objects, and now I will place it really quickly. Hopefully it doesn’t crash,  I don’t trust this game. Oh my god, it’s been going  on for a really long time. Okay, we’re fine, we’re fine, we’re  fine. Okay, we’re fine. It did place.

So one of the other weird things is that the  front of the house is actually the side of   these two buildings so I was trying really  hard to have it look good from the side. I don’t know if it does, but I did  think about that when I was doing it.

Here’s kind of a broad general overview  of the whole building, and you watched me   furnish these two houses, this one on the right  corner and this one in the back left corner. Here’s kind of a shot of the street, you can  see I put things like hopscotch out here.

I tried to get some like fuse box type stuff,   we’ve got some cars parked  on the road down this way. In the way back they have  a shared set of mailboxes,   this is how my townhouse was,  we had a mailbox kind of like  

This for everybody’s houses just outside  like at the end of the road somewhere. So I put their mailboxes down  here and then they also have   kind of like a shared little park back this way. They’ve got a community treehouse,  

They’ve got a little grill and picnic table  and then we also have some monkey bars. I just wanted to try and make use of this back   space and I like the idea of  pretending they have a park. I don’t know how realistic it is  to have a treehouse back there,  

But you can’t fit them in the backyards because  it’s too big, so we may as well try, okay? Some other kind of cute things about the  street: I tried to even add in things like   fire hydrants around the place and hopefully  how I’ve ended the road isn’t too weird.

It’s not that uncommon to have  dead ends of streets in real life,   it might make more sense to have  like a cul de sac kind of thing,   but it’s The Sims, round stuff doesn’t  work with the Sims so I just didn’t bother.

And then we had more space  this way to have the park. Okay, but first I’m going to start here in this  house, this one I classed as being number one. This is what I keep calling the blue  suburban to end all blue suburbans,   it’s like the classic shape that I always do.

If I’ve built a starter home, you can  bet it probably is shaped like this,   but this one has that red, white,  and blue color scheme by accident. Uh, they have a small driveway here, they have  things like a football and a trash can and  

When you first walk in their front door, we’ve  got a really small little entryway right here. I put like some keys on the  wall and some cute artwork. Then you enter further in where  they have the dining table,   we’ve got like a food bowl for the  pets, I did not forget a thermostat.

They’ve got a really cute kitchen  with the blue color scheme here. I’ve got like an unfinished  little cleaning closet right here,   and then we have this nice big living room. I really like how the built-ins look and I did  some classic things like this, I used to put  

This paddlewheel boat in every single one of my  builds, it was like my thing, I don’t know why. I always put it usually on  fireplace mantels so I put   that here as like a little nod to my past self.

I like the living room best in here I think,  I feel like it’s really cozy down here. They also have access to the garage  and this garage is like very garage. They have laundry, they have a treadmill, and  then they have this little woodworking table.

They also have a door that leads you  to the backyard from here so you can   access the backyard from this door  or from the sliding door right here. We’ve got a super cute patio with  red chairs and then we have this fun  

Backyard Stuff table runner that kind  of brings the red and blue together. They’ve got some little garden planters,  they also have an extra set of monkey bars,   and because this is open, other Sims  can access this backyard so like,   the other neighbors can get back here technically.

I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad  thing to you, it doesn’t bother me,   I kind of like the idea of the neighbors being  back here, but it might annoy you so just you   know, something to consider, you might want to  close this off if you’re playing in the house.

And then if you come back in, you can go up the  stairs right here we have a small little hallway. I tried to put like a bunch of skill stuff  everywhere so we’ve got a bonsai tree.

They do have a tiny nursery for a baby, we’ve got  one small kids bedroom and they have a closet,   it kind of has a a fun rainbow color scheme going  on in here, I tried to use a lot of funky colors. And then we have that last primary bedroom.

There’s one bathroom upstairs and  then one extra bathroom downstairs,   so in total it’s a two bed, three bed, two — no. Two bath, three bed house,  I almost said bed twice. I really don’t like red, it’s my  least favorite color so I was proud  

Of myself for trying to make it work  in here, but that’s the first house. The second house is this one across the street,   this is that beach house  that we furnished together. Theirs is a bit different because  they have a detached garage,   this one kind of has like craftsman vibes to it.

I really like how I put this bath  basketball hoop on top of the garage,   I will tell you it’s technically too high  up so I don’t think your Sims can use it,   but it looks realistic to me so I put it there. They also have things like water balloons,  

An extra basketball, they’ve got  a car parked in their driveway. They have a little front yard space  where I put some extra planters,   I was trying to do things to make  it look cuter on the gallery and   that included putting this in so they’ve  got a small garden in their front yard.

When you first walk into this house,  there’s a small little front door,   we’ve got on one side a very tiny living room. Lots of fish things going on,  we’ve got fishing gear everywhere. They’ve got a really tiny kitchen too, I  couldn’t clutter this as much because they  

Only have two free counters so your Sims have  to cook here so I couldn’t put anything on it. And they have a small dining table, not  really a lot of living space down here,   but they do have a little tiny  office as well right here. And then you can access the downstairs bedroom,  

It kind of has like teenager  who likes to craft vibes. So they have like a little crafting cart,   they’ve got yarn, some things they’ve  made, stuff like that down here. And then in here we’ve got the biggest  bathroom of the house — uh-oh, oh no,  

It’s just sitting there in  the middle for no reason. Oh, that’s very embarrassing,  okay, well, bathroom. Here’s some of those like  fish pictures I was talking   about and then when you go upstairs  there’s a nice open stair landing. We’ve got the small primary bedroom  and their teeny tiny ensuite bathroom,  

It does have a shower still so that’s lucky. We’ve got the older kids room  with the crafty stuff again,   and then we have that kind of cute  boat themed kids bedroom as well. In their backyard, you go through this back door  

And you can actually has a small patio  with a strangely placed set of towels. And then you come down the stairs, you can get  into their pool, they have these pretty lights   hung over it, they also have some more  garden stuff back here and a telescope.

And then I put a little sandbox in the backyard,  I liked the idea of a sand pit for the kids. If you have Island Living, your Sims can  actually play in and make sandcastles in   any sand terrain paint so if you  have that pack they can use this,  

But I also put this tent just to  have some more toys back here. These don’t work, they are unfortunately debug  decorative sand castle stuff, but it looks nice. And then in their garage, they have  a car and kind of like an art studio.

This is a very crafty family, maybe one of  the adults is a painter and all of their   kids like art and stuff as well, but  they have things like the decor box,   the fuse box, fire alarm stuff, and then  just generally some storage in here.

Back this way, this house is the  second one that we built on camera. This one is probably my favorite exterior,  I really like how the outside looks. They have a super long driveway  to their detached garage. I also put a swing set in the front yard,  it’s probably not the most realistic thing.

That really annoyed a lot of  people in my Twitch chat as well,   but my thought was like sometimes people have  tree swings in their front yard so it’s not   that weird to have a swing set if we pretend  it’s like that, so I put the swings here.

I just wanted to have more stuff, you know? They also have their trash cans right here in the   front and I kind of put a  little fence to block them. And then when you come in the house,  in here we’ve got a little entryway,  

We’ve got the dining table and  the cat’s dining table as well. They’ve got their small kitchen here right  by the front door and then they have a   nice big living room with my favorite  part, this little cute built-in area. Please disregard the fact that the  shelf is visible from the outside,  

I tried to put the grill there so you can’t tell. You can definitely tell, but  just don’t think about it, okay? They have their office downstairs,  the cat has their litter box here. And then we have this kind of cute like  twin kids room with the bunk beds down here.

I don’t know if they can actually get to  this dinosaur, but at least it looks cute,   you know? Sometimes you just gotta  prioritize decoration over function. They have one bathroom room downstairs,  it’s quite small, but it works. And then when you go upstairs,  we’ve got a super tiny bathroom,  

There’s not a lot of bathroom space in here. Your Sims can walk here, don’t worry, I do  these like 3x one bathrooms all the time,   and there is a shower, it’s  like a wet room basically. This is the primary bedroom, I  think my favorite part of the house.

I really like how the colors  work together in here. And then we have that second kids room,  kind of weird shape, but it also works. When you go through their sliding doors  into the backyard, I love this patio space   underneath the pergola, I think that  this table set looks so good together.

They also have a little chess  table, we’ve got a hot tub,   we’ve got some planter boxes, some more  planter boxes, and this is a bird feeder. They even have windchimes, I tried to use  a bunch of things like that around here.

And then in their garage they have like  laundry, storage, and bikes down here. And if you go back across the  street to their neighbor’s house,   this is the one that I did not  show you here in the video.

They’ve got a really small driveway so I put the  marbles stuff down here and like a soccer ball. They also have some bikes parked outside. When you walk up to their front porch,   they’ve got this kind of cute flower lined  pathway and a little rocking chair outside.

And I pictured that this Sim was like maybe  a scientist and it’s the biggest family home. So we’ve got a lot of kids stuff in here. You walk straight into the dining  room and then to the right we have   a really big living room set up  and a nice galley style kitchen.

They also have a little playroom  sort of gated off for the babies. My chat kept calling it baby jail, that was not  my intention, but it does kind of look like that. It’s meant to like, safe for them,  you know? Um, but maybe it’s weird,  

I don’t know, but I made this little baby section. I wasn’t sure if the color scheme worked in here,   it’s like kind of blue and yellow and  beige, but hopefully not in a bad way. They’ve got a nice big bathroom downstairs  and then down at the end of this hall,  

I pictured this being kind of like a guest room  maybe, and there’s a bathroom down here as well. Maybe like grandma comes and  stays and she stays in there. And then in the garage it’s kind of like  a lab space, so they have a bunch of the  

Like microscope stuff, we got this science lab  stuff, and like some various utility type things. I never put this in my builds,   it’s so hard to fit it so I was pretty  proud to have it be fit in here.

Um, down here you can also access their  screened in porch — what is that? Did the swatch change on its own? Oh, I’m horrified, that’s not supposed to be that. Well anyway, they’ve got a grill and a table and  like a ceiling fan on their screened in porch.

They also have a huge pool with some pretty lights  over it and I used these grilled cheese chairs. I’ve never used that, but I thought  it kind of worked down here. They’ve got like a monkey bars set, a telescope,  we’ve got some more planter boxes, and they have  

Another one of those tents back here, I don’t know  why I use so many of them, but it kind of works. If you go back inside and up the stairs,  we’ve got a nice long skinny hallway. There’s like a little desk  in this nook right here.

I pictured this one as being kind of a teens room,   and this rug is from Movie Hangout,  I always forget about this item. I tried to use that as the main inspiration  for the whole room’s color theme. And I kind of liked it, it’s a nice teens room.

We also have this kind of  cute cloud-themed toddlers   room so I put like cloud stuff everywhere. Cloud rug, cloud lights, there’s  even a cloud wallpaper, cloud shelf. I really embraced the cloud thing. There is one extra bathroom  upstairs so it’s a three bathroom,  

Four bedroom house and then we  have the primary bedroom here. And I decided to add an extra  crib in the primary bedroom   kind of like they’ve built a nursery in there. Maybe they’re pregnant and they’re  expecting a baby, maybe they have an infant.

Often times when I play The Sims, I have like the  grandparents living with me and sometimes I’m kind   of just waiting for them to die so I can move the  baby into their room, which sounds so bad when I  

Say it, but like, maybe that’s what’s happening  here because that’s kind of how I play this game. But that, my friends, is the fully finished  four house blue suburban neighborhood. I know this video is extremely long, I’m  so sorry, but hopefully you enjoyed it.

I’ve done quite a few big builds  like this on YouTube recently so   if you want to watch one of those,  I’ll link one on the end card for you. And if you want to watch me  build this kind of thing live,   I stream every day except Sundays  over on my Twitch channel.

And we do a lot of building over there  so make sure you come check it out. Thank you for watching, have  the best rest of your day,   and I’m going to catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. This might be the longest it’s ever taken  me to record a speed build voiceover.

For some reason, I am just  not doing a good job today. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]


  1. Would love you to build something like this but just 2 BIG mansions in a “gated community”. Rival families complete opposites and having to live in the same 2 home gated community! That would be so fun!

  2. While the history of HOAs is straight up terrible, and some are absolutely bat shit crazy, I will admit that if you find a good one it is awesome. Ours maintains sidewalks, our neighborhood parks, and limits the number of street parked cars in front of a house. None of the garden or paint color crap.

  3. I’m playing with these right now and I love them, I’ve renovated them to fit my sims needs but I love them, however the fact my sims can use the neighbors stuff has really caused drama. My child sim froze and drowned in the neighbors pool bc she went swimming in winter! Gahhh lol but it made for a fun story line for my game haha

  4. The HOA sounds like the AMAs from Brazil (it stands for Associação de Moradores e Amigos, something like Dwellers and Friends Association). Depending on the city, they have these for most neighborhoods or districts.

  5. their hoa would cut off someone’s christmas’s tree lights if it’s not december anymore (based off of true events)

  6. my idea for a big build! a shopping center/street lined with shops, maybe attached, with living quarters on the top floor and the shops on the bottom. maybe some boutiques, a gym, etc. stuff you'd see irl where there are apartments over the stores

  7. I do love the passion an skill you put into building but if you really want to step out of your comfort zone I would love to challenge you for an interior redecorating task 😀 (my sims are no suburbian housewives with cats, kids and cheating husbands 😅):

    But here is my challenge for you:
    – download a large, historical, 150y old library from the gallery (or build one)
    – turn the space into minimum 2 modern rental loft appartments without damaging and preserving as much of the original historical structures as possible while catering to modern, rich sims needs (the historical preservation society is on your heels btw)
    – create an exciting space for sims to live in combining modern and old
    – you may only use 3 blue items of your choice as much as you want without making it boring and repetitive (wallpaper, floors, rugs, furniture, what you want…)

    I'm highly excited to see what you create and how the sims like it if you accept 😀

    Greetings from Germany :o)

  8. waiting for the day we get an “everything-but-blue” suburban where we don’t use any blue swatches


  10. When I was a kid, we moved to a semi-new neighborhood where they had an HOA. Not even five days after we moved in, we got a letter saying that we were being fined for the moss covering the whole roof. My parents and I, being completely dumbfounded by the letter, walked outside to our front yard and looked at the roof. The roof, to no one's surprise, was not covered in moss. There was a bit of moss here and there but it was barely noticeable, even from our front yard. Then there was this family with three-four kids who's dad used to be on the HOA. Keyword: used to. His kids would come to the park and demand my friends, my sister, or me to get off the swings because their dad "owned the neighborhood" and since they were his kids, they thought they owned it too. Their dad would come down to the park from time to time and yell at us for the most absurd things like climbing the trees or playing tag at the park. One time, he yelled at some kids for simply talking about playing a game of freeze tag. Overall, I despise the HOA for many reasons.

  11. They do occassionally grow back the different coloured whisker! My ginger with the void brother grows black whiskers on and off 🙂

  12. In Germany we have the lights with flowers on the mainroad through a small town. It fits and does not look too fancy but more lively.

  13. I've only heard of 1 good story of HOA, where they actively helped the elderly people living in the area that couldn't cut their lawns and shit and would have people do it for them for like 5$ extra with their payment to the HOA or would do weekly check ins with the elderly people just to make sure they're alive and doing ok enough to still be on their own. Was also very nice to single parents or just families who were struggling. If I remember the story right, the head of the HOA came from a very shitty living area were the HOA were utterly useless and would fine you over the dumbest things ever so when she became a head of one, she made it so that wasn't happening.

  14. Props to her for speaking to us for super long and telling us some horrific stories. 😊

  15. Since you did a blue neighborhood, WHAT IF… you did all of Willow Creek blue?? Community lots and all!!

  16. I grew up in New England and had never heard of an HOA until I moved to Ohio in my late 20's. We did have historical societies telling you (if you lived in a historical district ) what you can and can't do to your house to keep it historically accurate, but no HOA's telling you to keep off the lawn.

  17. GODDAMMIT i so wish i had the storage for the rent pack i would love to play on this lot 😭 so cute!!!

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