Gardening Trends

Inside TPIE 2024, Part 2: A Must-See Haven for Plant Lovers

We’re back at TPIE 2024 for our 2nd and final day. Join us as we take you on a travel garden vlog to the 2024 Tropical Plant International Expo, the largest trade show in the gardening industry! We get a sneak peek into what’s next in gardening trends, gardening products, and horticultural innovations.

*Part I of our visit to TPIE 2024:

*Please subscribe* for more content on rare plants, plant shows, and all things gardening:

This plant show walkthrough video will condense an entire day at TPIE 2024 into only an hour, so sit back and tour the plant lover’s paradise with us!

This incredible plant show TPIE 2024 is an exclusive insider’s look at what’s in store for the future of gardening. New gardening gadgets, plant introductions, products and so much more can be found at this annual event. The amount of rare plants that we see at this year’s show is absolutely incredible! Added bonus: we were able to see some of our old friends as well as make many new ones on the trip to Fort Lauderdale.

Grass Roots Garden Center
111 Holly Meadows Drive
Graniteville, SC 29829
(803) 392-7016



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#tpie2024 #rareplants #gardenvlog

Thank you man good morning how you doing good doing great what’s up guys day two here at tpie 2024 got my buddy cam back there somewhere oh she disappeared she’s back we got a lot to see today this will probably be our final day at tpie they

Will be open for a few hours tomorrow but we make some good time and I don’t get sidetracked by too many plants I think we can cover the whole floor today so put your shoes on let’s go get to walking All right Cameron do you remember where we left off I think it was down this way somewhere golly look at all the plants I’m excited buddy I two all right nope can’t we can’t do it cam we can’t do it we got to stay on schedule I thought I lost you

Buddy um I think it was this yeah it was this AIS cuz we got stuck on the um Pitch plants yesterday oh I want to go in there K can we go in there cam can we go in there cam Costa Farms we know these guys really well that’s a cool little setup

Ain’t it can these are cool pots water whip not seen these yet so evidently all these little Planters have a wick that goes down into the reservoir feeds them a pretty painted lady filad engine torum it’s like a is that a jacine yeah Jaclyn Alasia cam what’s this dude go

Go I pronounce I think people just call him do doy yeah I see why cuz that’s a really hard name to pronounce that’s a neat little po system though got some pretty plants too look at the variegation on the pink princess yeah that was really pretty got nice

Variegation to it ZZ and then um well I can’t always forget the name of this one just Gio again what else we got in here buddy another Stanley added sonyi this is cool what’s this one zanthos I like how long the leaf is on that hey cam did you see

This this is a called a Baltic blue poos I’m not familiar with that yeah that really we don’t have that do we what do we need I think we need that I like that a lot here’s a nice green shield schematic glotus like that that’s that thing we

Were just looking at we need I like that I like how it just has like the one finestra in the leaf that’s beautiful Silver Dragon agly anema that uh what they call Raven I think yeah Raven ezy plant got the real dark leaves some uh is this is this

Doty see the tag got flipped around yeah kind of accidentally RI that tag off O type is a that’s a hoya right yeah I don’t know here grab it we’ll see what the tag is what’s it say there bud oh that’s a lipstick plant I didn’t know they grew

Like that I either thought that was a hoya it’s cool some skin dapsis poos all kind of nice hanging baskets C look at the size of these hanging baskets dude monsters awesome if you have any questions for free to let me know so it’s uh actually I know

You’re coming that way but it actually starts this way and I want to redo quickly we did it backwards yeah so this is kind of like the life of a plane you know you crab soil then you grab your cutting you know they propagate right

Over there makes it way to a bench then to the design of a pot and go cam you went backwards I was a little impatient oh man cam I can’t remember did we put I don’t know if I film this giant tie yesterday I know cam put it in an

Instagram re but look at the size of the leaf on this tie man is absolutely ginormous where to bro so we covered I guess all of this now yeah so now we jump over to this and go down it the C these guys have some really

Cool stuff so I think they changed the name this used to be City Trends I thought or Urban Jungle they had a couple different names but now it looks like it’s live Trends this is kind of some more of the stuff I’d love to see in our retail

Center I like all the little trinky is that a word what trinkets trinkets yeah neat little Planters though a lot of seasonal stuff Easter they just do a really good job of uh you know their pot design Cam look at the little birds I don’t and cam today is going to make the

Bestest Instagram reel of all of tpe 2024 we’ll see oh you got this buddy well you got a lot of good stuff to work with that’s for sure this place is just incredible the amount of plants and plant related stuff here it’s it’s nuts oh I really like this this is a

Neat idea you got that glass inside the wood there growing it uh not h ionically but just aquaculture very cool what you found over here buddy anything neat little Jack oh yeah a little jackn I saw one over there at Costa Farms too is that a capria or isia um

Always it’s okay we’re we don’t they’re stuff set up too nice I don’t want to knock anything over yeah they had one um over there we were just looking at and another piece of wood I like this cam this we could do this maybe even out in the jungle it’s

So simple it’s just 2×4 and lights and I like this too and plant sitting on top of it and hanging from it simple but looks nice cam look there your little pineapple you grow your own food at home man that’s cool cam got stuck talking to that dude

Over there so I’m going to get while the’re getting’s good cuz um got some cool looking plants but just kind of the same old stuff so we’re going to run off and ditch C that’s a nice looking Center display right there isn’t it man got a million plants in that

Thing we’ve got some Juvenile eper primum patum alows and the jungle Greenhouse but I love how once they get big cam check this out look at all the finestra on that the one we got in the green Green House hopefully when it gets a little bit bigger we’ll start doing

Doing a lot more of this just look at the size of this leaf that is gorgeous hey how you doing ma’am good can I answer any questions for you yes what is going to be the hot plant for 2024 what’s going to be the musthave everybody’s got to have

It and don’t worry you’re just on film so you know no pressure thanks so much so you just need to just come up with the right answer and you’ll be fine I’ll do my best what you think I love this guy that’s the aalis I love

What is this one now I don’t know this one aalis aalis a p o b a l l i s but you’re taxing my spelling skills um but I love the underside I love the buing oh yeah that purple oh that is really nice now what

What species is that cuz I really don’t I don’t know it is a one of own is it okay that’s cool or any of those others yeah that’s gorgeous I think you might be on to something cuz that is really unusual that’s pretty and you don’t see a lot of it

Around no you don’t I’ve never seen it before I’m sorry say that again what is this one that’s hamina oh and that variety is Selby Selby yeah and they’re really really pretty and then of course the giant totem the epiom that you were yeah yeah we’ve got one at home but ours

Isn’t near that big it yeah and this guy here which one of this is Alasia no uh macara it is an MA macara okay so you were right yesterday C I apologize let me get sure let me get my shadow out of it thank you ma’am and of course we came

With zero business cards of course you did we showed up yesterday I was like damn it we forgot all the business cards yeah yeah we can do email well thank you for your time I’m going to kind of film a little bit and sniff around appreciate you yeah shoot us an email thank

You all right let’s move on oh excels the gardens this is so a few years ago I bought the entire Booth this is what uh pretty much filled up your jungle Greenhouse right here and I’m not allowed to buy entire booths I’m not really allowed to buy

Anything on this trip because the last time that I did buy three booths we came back with like uh way too many way too many plants so I’m on restriction cam we don’t have this antherium right here dude big red bird he’s cool I like him and then here’s

Some more of the uh Mosaic Kia we were looking at yesterday that that lady might be on to something man maybe the mosica is going to be you know one of the more solid after plants I mean how could you not love it with that really

Cool it’s almost like you can see the cells in the plant yeah so neat is that a Jose nice big Jose there these are a little bit more water like water loving so they can be water I can’t remember I’ve seen this plant before but I can’t remember what it is

Metanil Medill so the one you have out there in the jungle Greenhouse the one called light bulbs you know has the little white flowers same uh same species just a different one that’s beautiful this one’s look coffee cups cam I hope so oh look at this nice is this

Sabrina yeah I love the stem on those Zinaas yeah these guys have a lot of different alasas Imperial Red got the nice red stems there that’s Metallica I’m pretty sure I got one of those at home Regal Shields very popular one oh wow C check this out another I think it’s metanil yeah metanil different variety over here though that’s

Beautiful and here’s a nice Stingray another little zabina tiny dancer alakia New Guinea gold I’m not familiar with that one he got kind of a cool looking stem and a goldish tint to the leaf that’s really nice there Silver Dragon some beautiful canas and then what is this dude right

Here this is filad melanon Black Gold not familiar with that one got him trained up on a moss pole there that’s beautiful here check it out here’s the uh taka the uh bat flower mine’s still alive the greenhouse it is I can’t remember if we got the black I think I

Have the white one look at that flower though man that is so cool looking it’s wicked there’s a neat little alteran Thea I’ve never seen little dwarf Ruby flake like that dude PE marks variated some more uh Bonia macada gloriosum macau’s finale we just got a bunch of these in at the nursery

Not too long ago as well as the uh prints of orange pretty billies quarterline kiwi got some great looking stuff here man oh there’s that lipstick Palm that I saw last year cam you see how that red Kane on that Isn’t that cool really cool you get it probably not hey before

We go what is that Fus we don’t have that one yeah we moonshine yeah we’ve had that one before we yeah it’s really pretty bunch of rattlesnake plants some more caline big old ring of fire this looks like some kind of Ginger yep golden brush Ginger that’s pretty cam here’s your a cool

Cactus variegated too what’s the name of him can you pull that tag my ask came do it so I don’t get stuck oh that’s a Euphoria white ghost nice big pretty Australian tree fern I love those things and some cins peline big old monstera it’s like if

You’re one of the big Growers down here you got to have a big tie or a big elbow or something in your display and this is not bird of paradise I forget the name of it this is The Lobster Claw plant the Name Escapes me right off the bat big old

Stingray and then a big defin bakia I think this is Mary Alice cuz we bought one about the same size but look at the giant leaves on this thing it’s a big old Leaf ain’t it buddy we checked them out yesterday bling Masters hey cam we need Koozies for

Later hey check it out they got cool rulers too I do need a ruler look it tells me how far apart to plant my plants oh now don’t I need it you’re going to lose it uh I better get two I do want one though let’s go over

Here and check out Grant’s Farm Nursery bromad agave and mangave I’ve been doing okay with those mangave in my yard cam yeah they’ve made it through the winter so far although I don’t know it’s gotten crazy cold while we’ve been down here but golly look at the size of some of

These Brads man jeez Louise they are huge wow look at the flower Spike on this prad y’all that is the prettiest purple on that orange stem that I’ve ever seen kind my BR actual blead wall behind the little calar Cal why am I calling this a calendar what is wrong with me behind

This desk what the hell cam you’re going to be jealous but I have this no you don’t I do do you mom brought it back from Florida for me she bought it at the uh the flea market a it cool I forget what she called it

Something to do with candy like uh Jelly Bean B or something let’s see what kind of mangave we got here this one is Mission to Mars wonder if it tells us the Zone on the back um yeah zone eight maybe got it kind of in parentheses really 9 through

10 these are some of the things we planted on the driveway and uh only one of the only things that the deer haven’t messed with so this mangave hybrids might be something we can slowly kind of introduce into our yard long as it doesn’t get too crazy crazy cold they

Should do all right look at that one’s beautiful look at the pink spots on that guy so cool this is a pretty cool display here Mr Big all the Spanish moth and uh this is kind of the idea I had for the jungle wall out there by the waterfall y’all I

Think that would look cool cam this is what I was kind of thinking we would put out there on the wall you know mixed in with some living plants and stuff I think that looks awesome cam I think this is what we need to do when we get back just some more

Mixed succulent containers they just look so cool and they’re so easy to take care of of too here there some more Cactus buddy yeah those aren’t no not not scratching your Cactus itch today that one might yeah he would definitely to go that D’s Mean some ginormous trees over here probably had to bring them in with a forklift golly look at the size of that dude down there jeez pretty sure that’s that Bismark one that I really want wish would grow back home it’s got a beautiful silver foliage look got frosts on it all right let’s

Move on we got a lot to see here’s your a bunch of baby plants Cameron pepper Romos baby croin all kinds of stuff here’s your a whole box of HOAs lots of carnivorous stuff Venus flly trap little baby picture plants lots of little terrarium type

Stuff man they did a good job on this display right here that looks amazing actually I like that cim look at that I didn’t want to mess up your instagramming but look at this dude right here oh that isol he’s yellow and white and green never seen him

Before we have Doma don’t we we do yeah yeah I thought so nice terracotta Part Parts can’t talk today terracotta pots uh oh Cam Florida Cactus and Cactus I cannot I can’t say in one word today let try that again Florida Cactus Incorporated every word that comes out is just messed

Up so many plants so little time that dude’s gnarly isn’t he he’ll hurt you most of stuff on this table will hurt you here’s some stick plants one of my favorite very easy to grow PL time to today’s presentation at there kind of cool looking display right here the

Trees with little shelves coming out we can do something like this in the jungle Camp every everything I see I’m like hey we could do like this is the jungle Camp she just says yeah yeah we can cam we don’t have a strawberry shake yet why is

That I don’t have money I don’t either I’m broke but I do need a strawberry shake I don’t know something about it just like this new Leaf it’s pretty and all but I don’t know I guess it’s just not bright enough for me or something I just haven’t picked one up yet for

Whatever reason fa get it Billy yeah we don’t have one of those oh Cam look the variegated ji we need that need it not want but need look at the colors on that thing good how are you it’s beautiful though the booth looks great man y’all did a good job but

You know you sound like you know your rare plants well a little bit a little bit all right so let me find it Qui that one on top nope down below this one yeah this one right here the flame right here yeah oh is that what they’re calling it yeah Flame

The oh no ji yeah 3500 okay I figured it was going to be up there yes beautiful mhm thank you 3500 can we get it cam please please I’ve been good I haven’t bought not nothing this would be the one that I would want to come home with yeah she’s

Gorgeous maybe for Christmas next year yeah next year are five maybe five Christmases from now when the prices come down get it for you I love you to get look at the chandelier Cameron that is good there’s a wall of Brads looks awesome and I was just show

Cameron right up there they got a chandelier of airplants booth looks amazing nice beautiful dark brelia down here orange yellow all different colors you can take care of us yeah yeah absolutely they got some good looking stuff a nice looking Booth thank you appreciate that thank you guys cool yeah we we’ll

Check out the channel what’s that we’re going to check out the channel okay yeah do that yeah thank you all right see you guys turns into a b once you’re done riding with it you pop it in a pot and it’ll turn into a basil plant

It’s got seeds in there I guess so oh that’s pretty nifty don’t open it yet You’ be planting basil out here in the carpet here’s our friends from EA Janeiro we’ve ordered a lot and bought stuff from them in the past got a lot of different um an ethereums Big

Time hey how you doing Ma’ yeah I think I met I think I might have met you at TPA last year yeah I was here yeah or when we were in Tampa yeah yeah what you got new this year we yeah which one is this one it’s Flor okay M that’s a baby one and that’s the

Mot plant cam what you think about that big girl I love it I thought you would cam loves these nice strap Lea antheriums that’s gorgeous yeah you check also the website you will see we have more than 55 different species of HOAs right now in our collection yeah

Hoers are getting big now let me ask you this if I may so what do you think is going to be the it plant for 20124 is it going to be a type of ethereum you think it’s going to be a hoya monstera what’s what’s your take on it varigated Anum

Variegated antheriums we haven’t had that got that answer yet yeah that I have seen a couple on YouTube and a couple other social media channels yeah because people are asking a lot for um barged allocations right now right but I think what’s coming vated antheriums there you go so that’s

Eaa’s guess for the it plant of 2024 yeah tons of hybrids man the hybridization world of ethereums has gone crazy yeah we’re doing lot with Bessie to get the reddish color on the Lea and the luxurians for the kind of bubbling right cor yeah corrugated type Leaf you’ve got some beautiful stuff as

Always now what is this guy here I haven’t seen him is this is some type of lipstick plant that’s in the columnia just Naran basically that’s a columnia that’s cool you can’t imagine this plant’s going to make that be flower yeah yeah it’s huge so Cam and I were just looking EA

Janeiro they offer tours down in the actual country of Ecuador and uh so if you haven’t done so yet please hit that subscribe button so that we might be able to afford to go to eador one day and go on these Eco tours man cuz that would be the trip of a

Lifetime those are awesome man i’ never seen like topiary tanas that is really really cool up check that that out in a second but right now we’re going to go in where the they have a lot of the rare stuff so this is the exhibitor Showcase

This is where they will bring in plants or judging any new plants or new products so let’s go check them out organic fertilizer capsules okay neat idea this guy has he won already or is that just I don’t think he’s one pretty um verad though favorite new product so this one already

Won Innovative watering Checker from Japan that’s cool grab one how’s it work explain it to us Cameron um w we just walked up so we either one of us know how the thing works but shove that down in the soil and then enjoy Everet plant car with Susy your

First moisture meter with PF value for your home suitable for almost any kind of plants and soil okay trouble plant watering sometimes too wet so it just turns to color when it’s too wet huh I think I’ll just stick these in my finger hey there’s our friends from uh

Soul soils that we did a video on we got to check on those plants when we get back to and see how they did in that that mix they all look good do they awesome well there you go you heard it from the source that we we planted some

Stuff in this soil not too long ago and cam says there doing good prob drops some kind of additive for water propagation I guess let’s see I would assume this has probably got some growth hormone in it root growth accelerator that’s interesting that might not be bad to carry Cameron Mighty plant instant

Compost tea this is kind of a neat little deal modular plant support so you just kind of interlock these together as a not a moss pole but just a support pole and then the aerial Roots can grow up between those holes that’s pretty sweet there I like

That I like the color of that wood too here’s our friends with mify with the bendable Moss poles that was a need invention they work really well they actually stopped by Grassroots probably about a year ago we carry their products there at the store a little 28 in clip on adjustable

Light gen Z plants don’t know what that’s all about now what is a pink princess marble I’ve never seen a pink princess memorable it’s kind of like I feel like a little more splotchy variegation you reckon also I feel like it has like tense of brown in it

Yeah huh okay for the ghost this guy don’t know what he is let’s see if we can put the tag around hey is this the one she showed us a while ago I always M that name up h l something like that got a white wizard there and a beautiful Orchid some kind

Of plant wrap some more pots H2O bowls and here’s from uh Proven Winners their Leaf joy we carry some of those at the store as well but they’ve just done this little Deco ring you stick your vial obviously it has your roots in it down through the Deco ring pretty

Cool Hoya message prints this is not a bad idea now I’ve never seen these before repotting Maps that’s pretty cool Apartments like me like you so you don’t make a ginormous mess that’s pretty neat man it’s simple but uh it’s a great idea actually yeah I’d like to get some of

This for the store here is uh somebody trying to get votes for new foliage plant this is Fus Lata Bush form so much more shorter inter node growth on that beautiful beautiful tree there oh goodness here’s clam’s uh I just called you clam we we can I think we should have

Slept in a little bit I think we’re still like jetl tired or something cuz none of the words that come out of our mouth are correct today I mean that’s your new name for the n new name that’s your new name clam golly what is wrong

With us I I got to just say I hate this yeah I’m not I hate it don’t like it at all I’m not having the jeweled plants at my Nursery so if you guys want these go somewhere no hate though yeah yeah no that was kind of harsh sorry about that

But but I just don’t like it I mean all they did was dip the plant in some glitter like come on come on Ryan this is your favorite probably that you’ve seen so far yeah I want to order you a bunch of bonsai cam loves it when I buy

Lots of lots of bonsai at one time actually I don’t mind bonai I was actually referring to the Cowboy boobs oh I didn’t get it I’m sorry I’m tired so here’s a new one that i’ me and nor cam has seen this is filad herum bagata almost looks like a posos doesn’t

It EP primum EP primum Arium lemon Top O that’s gorgeous man is really pretty I like that guy I still think that I like the the elbow version of it better that’s pretty though nonetheless here’s an AG anaa that’s nice that’s almost red that’s like the reddest I’ve ever seen

Of course these Leaf shined up too but nonetheless that looks awesome here’s a little EP primum patum albow this is the uh small well the juvenile form of that big one we saw over there with the variegation or penetrations in it and this dude I don’t know what he is picaria sanguina

Vagata really pretty foliage plant lots of Reds it’s almost burgundy on the underside of that leaf here’s your a cuddly Cactus Cameron serious juru cuddley like him no spines at all that’s my kind of cactus there I like it here’s an agly nemon agly nemon Legacy

It’s all right not my favorite but cool looking plant uh-oh Cam’s done found something she likes oh no way that’s an aloe yeah solar flare now will that fit in my backpack I think we that’s pretty cool I like him we we need one put him on the list of

Must have must have and here’s a variegated money tree for my friends over over at uh aoid green houses man look at the leaf size on that dude we’ve got some small ones of these we’ve been propagating are they doing okay they rooting I think they are yeah Sweet

Success beautiful plant though pretty rare a lot of folks are looking for this one right now huh and even a new Monera called creme brulee so you know little little more yell than our elbows not a ton different though let’s see p the monstero white monster a unique specimen featuring

Vibrant splashes a bright green white gation and M its predominantly white foliage and faint green venation I don’t know man that’s I would call that a tie wouldn’t you it might be referring to this it’s different but not a tremendous amount of difference there’s so many moner down

They’re kind of getting hard to keep up with I do like this here’s an EP primum patum yellow flame so we just have the albow with the white variegation but this one has a all goldish yellow variegation might have to put him on the need list too buddy and then a monster

Caramel marble again from aoid greenhous they have the rarest stuff man so envious to those guys they have the cool stuff we’re going to make it over there and see their display in here in just a minute look at the size of this dude alocasia Black Velvet pink very though

That is cool look at this guy Cam that is so pretty yeah and here is the white monster now that is different I’ll give it to them and again our buddies at aoid green houses so that’s definitely different Cameron pretty much just add everything down this whole whole aisle

On the the need list cuz I do need SL want that guy that’s cool o and look at this cadium so this is cadium fairy tale princess so they trying to get a patent well it does have a patent number I was going to say patent pending but look at the

Veining in the and the curled up kind of scallop leaves that is gorgeous man I really like that camp all right let’s make our way down the center over here actually let’s go down this way check this out here’s one from Sun parasol this is

The double pink blush so is this a dipl andinia or mandava oh mandav I see it right there that’s nice I’m not seeing a double that’s really pretty and I saw everybody was taking pictures of this guy so another one from Sun Sun parasol this is fired up orange and I guess this

Also say this one’s a dipladenia I always get mandelas and dipladenia is confused but that is really really pretty look how bright that thing is man I don’t know this plant this is opon I got two of them here not familiar with that one but it is pretty and it

Says bright up January with these beautiful aan B that’s kind of an unusual idea right there got all these little rare plants and a like a hanging cocoa basket even a jacn I like it though cuz that ain’t theum that we have in that cocoa basket

Is he doing good yeah that’s kind of a neat just unusual kind of idea here’s a beautiful filia op and this one’s called anura ala not quite seen that color before like just hopefully the camera does it justice but got that really light pastel kind of purple in the middle oo I

Haven’t seen this AIA before look at the Leaf color on that guy it’s almost Chrome in the center in the typical flowers that’s beautiful I like that guy Rio fendron we’ve seen him Cam’s favorite barade chefa I say that jokingly cuz we we have kind of a love

Haate relationship with very cha what’s this dude I don’t know um let’s see this is chafera mat he’s got a neat neat Leaf to him it almost looks like a kind of like an elongated Oak Leaf yeah that is really that’s a neat looking foliage plant philad indran summer Glory that’s pretty

It is kind of nice Underside color to the leaf look at that new Leaf there that’s really pretty bronze almost summer Glory that’s another one never heard of and old philad strawberry shake that we were looking at not too long ago here’s a um M I can’t talk again you

Guys mangave like we were looking at a little bit earlier let’s see if this one is going to be Hardy in our area yeah this one should be Hardy it’s on 8 to 10 called lavender lady cam I really like these mangave man they’re cool they’re about the only thing the deer haven’t

Eaten in my yard this one’s called Thunderbird it’s either got a flower Spike or just new Leaf new growth coming out of the center I really like these I want to get some more of them yeah just got to find the ones that are going to

Be Hardy in our area this one’s called catch a wave kind of gnarled up funky looking leaves I like him here’s one called Tooth Fairy kind of a smaller one pretty wicked little spines on him and then a night owl mangave real dark color colored Leaf there this one I have

Planted at the nursery and it’s made it two Winters so far this is called bad hair day mangave this is an unusual color so this is it’s going to be um y manavella look at that purple cam I like that never seen the mandella with that

Kind of color boy that would sell good we got to try to find this to have at the nursery these are great summertime yeah it’s beautiful another mandella from Sun parasol ever seen that color there’s so much new stuff this year golly guys they don’t play around at

Tpie man I got me some traditional chicken black beans yellow rice cam you got what did you say Korean Korean tacos tacos we’re about to do work and get back in there what do you want to do spin the wheel spin the wheel she she wants to

She’s been eyeballing it I knew she had I knew she had had to do it little trip to the Bahamas a plant sticker hey that’s close to a trip pick out a couple that’s close yeah great for decorating your laptop and stuff so pick out a couple of those put on your

Forehead Mr Robert hey Mr R&D how are you dude so guys this is Robert and we were just talking about my red moon filad this is the gentleman who now it says the patent is it finalized patent so he has the patent on that red moon

Philad indin and so he’s also the uh proprietor of R&D nurseries who we get a good many of our plants from we’re going to walk through his booth in a minute and check it out but it already looks amazing but hey while I got you standing right here Roberts I’ve been asking

Everybody what do you think is going to be the hot plant for 2024 there’s no wrong answer we’re just asking everybody just trying to see what it’s going to be whether it’s going to be ethereum a monstera the red moon philad dendri I actually did on my YouTube um a community page

Put a little post and asked what’s going to be the hot plant and everybody’s love that red moon that I got from you so much so they saying that’s going to be it it may be right but I don’t know you got any other ideas of what’s going to

Be it there’s a lot of plants out there there are a lot of plants out there I mean just look how many you got man golly but I think um you know we’ve heard so far we’ve heard variegated ethereum uh mint Monera it could be the red moon I don’t know

What do you think just shoot it’s hard for me to decide yeah it really is uh and the monsteras I mean I think people know about the majority of those they do let’s say red Mir cuz you got the patent on let’s do I like it

Awes these are a couple of our new I couldn’t bring them all they all weren’t ready to show these are some more of our new patent pending items reading so this is called Green Dreams Green dreams filad d and it’s a hybrid um or is it

Just a a sport or how did how you come up with this H it’s um Ring of Fire gold okay and this is uh key lime philad drian oh I haven’t seen this yet now who does all you you guys doing the hybridizing inhouse or yeah we do we do

The breeding we also have our own lab overseas sweet that’s really cool I’ve never seen this before and then of course there’s my baby right there mine I’m telling you dude the growth rate on that thing in been tremendous Cam’s found her favorite filad dine down here golden crocodiles everything looks really good

A lot of PR of orange they’ve done a really neat job so Robert was telling me you know about the breeding program how they’re hybridizing all these new filad indons and getting new patents on it I think that’s just incredible just super interesting stuff but they’re Booth

Always kicks ass every year they go above and beyond I mean just look at the amount of work they had to go into bringing in these actual or you know they’re fake but giant trees man looks unreal their cool little aquarium displays along the side there little

Seating area they do a lot of work going into their Booth hey cam I dare you to get a chicken fer oh that is unique not seen that yet oh they even got and orange with the really light veining in it too it’s cool look at this

Guy he’s all funky that is really cool purples lots of different orchids future varieties well look at the long lip on that flower dark dark red almost uh looks purple so dark oh these guys must be the one that put that um phenopsis in the show y there it is that Anor

Ala and here’s our friends with Proven Winners we took a look at the their Booth last year and we also bring a lot of the stuff in for our garden center as well let’s see what they got new this year Cameron which one the fern what is he say living lace

Deana he got a nice color to him doesn’t it it’s like a silvery green yeah he’s really pretty there’s all the leaf Joy H2O bowls where you just grow in water there new Bonia hey how’s it going buddy how are you guys doing doing great Bonia crisscross haven’t seen this one yet

Nice Rex Bonia so check this out guys this is a new dakia this is cheetah similar to the crocodile but uh got these white spots on the leaf beautiful new introduction from proven winners here on the dakia they got a lot of other stuff too coming

Out this year not plant variety wise but just some new uh aquatic Planters new container sizes new ordering procedures they even have the tons beautiful beautiful plants and I love how they have theirs set up like they have it in different rooms in your house like this is for interior these

Plants you know can handle some more shade The Atrium collection plants that give you know a good bit more lightwear ever that may be in your house so they really do a good job of making it easy on the customer to figure out which plant for which room here’s the work

Life collection for desk and tabletops did a good job of just uh kind of setting up this mock little work area looks great and then the spa scene collection for humid bathroom so all these plants will like a or appreciate a good bit more humidity what’s this dude

Look at at this one came Prisma color gold Filan c c salom salum something anyway I like that like that plate there’s another one right here really sh Tru is beautiful so you can order this as yes that’s how it comes as a unit just like that isn’t that beautiful fa drift wood

Yeah look at the flower Spike coming on that dude Beau we do really well with the uh with the shells yeah yeah the the sea Orchards and the shells are a big H Larry I got some neat stuff little lizards phas for days man this place has

Got it going on what you got over here buddy oh what’s up crystals crystals cuz everybody’s doing crystals rocks with plants now like all the plant nerds are becoming Rock nerds in combination and here’s our friends the aor green houses they always have like the most

Rare stuff it looks like they’ve done a little filming over there right now so I’m not going to interrupt them oh yeah a red me now cam if you want Hoya these are your people yeah yeah yeah they do um so they got a YouTube

Channel as well and I see them do a lot with HOAs I’m not going to walk in there just yet cuz they were doing some kind of filming up in there too so I don’t want to interrupt them so we’ll just kind of skirt along the outside this ho

Year is actually blooming check that out they are the authority on Hoya man Hoya really aren’t my thing cam likes them but I’m getting into them I’ll say I didn’t like them initially getting into plants but I don’t know what it is about them I mean just they’re they’re

Beautiful plants they just just don’t intrigue me but I think I’m going to have to learn to like them because they are uh they’re definitely going to be a popular plant already are but I think the popularity is just going to grow here’s a lot of nice skin dapsis Moonlight variegated

Jade iated SK dapsis Rubicon I like that one and here’s a SK dapsis Jade satin variegated look at that beautiful Leaf down here here’s some of the baby variegated Money Trees like we saw the big one they had in the exhibition over there some of the baby ones for sale

What is this guy I don’t know we’re going to have to go find see if we can find a tag on him kind of looks like a ve ey anther ve ey but it isn’t we have to go around the other side I think they’re done with their little

Filming thing that they were doing now nice en theum Bo look at the size of the leaf on that dude right there then let’s see what we got right here alasan Saran variator never seen this one look at that beautiful Leaf almost got like a zabina pattern to the stem

Golly look at all the variegated stuff just like the whole entire Booth everything’s got some kind of crazy variegation to it man this is super overwhelming right now some fried de variegated Alasia Yucatan Princess not seen that one before and some nice filad B vator that one’s almost a half moon

Right there and uh this EP primum gigantium variegated they got so much stuff that I’ve not seen before it’s crazy oh here’s the monstera deliciosa mint so here’s a baby one look at that coloration on these leaves man I need one of these Monera mints in my life and

I don’t have one yet and it’s driving me crazy variegated zabina golly they’ve just got so much Co stuff Alasia poly variegated there’s another one Yucatan Peninsula some nice big fried decks Dragon Jade variegated Alia winti ey variegated he’s very unusual definitely haven’t I never heard of alakia winti ey much less the

Variegated version more Dragon Jade very here’s a red Congo varade this one’s another one on my my wish list has like pretty much everything in their entire Booth is I mean this place I mean look at this place it is just Insanity C you need to add to the list

I’ve been adding um like there’s I found like 50 plants we got to have what you have oh yeah I always forget his name and then there’s I like that better whatever that is I don’t know it name either but look at the cool leaf pattern on the sky right

Here just look at this freaking wall back here Jesus there’s so much I’m not even going to start going through what each one of most a lot of them I don’t know what they are in the first place but look at the variegation on this wall jeez

Dude is that an ethereum right there is it okay yes yes yes yes that’s Anum so check it out guys you’re Paula’s sister right I’m Paula’s sister I’m M yeah Paul’s here oh I see her over there she just like she’s coming now so but you are

Like the Hoya yes I do Hoya yes how are you doing good good to see here yeah good to see you looks amazing as usual these guys kill it every single year thank you so much I me it’s just amazing and like I’m a plant nerd like I know

Plant’s pretty good but that’s why I came and got you cuz there’s stuff that I’ve never seen before and I need to know yes and I want to just do like a quick bit because this right here this kind of this this structure here my dad um this is leftover Greenhouse parts and

My dad also has like a a car shop right next to the greenhouse and then he spray painted this with like all the the car the car spray that they so you’re recycling recycling recycl use I love it yeah see this is all coming from the the

Tables that’s amazing I love it we trying to recycle everything we can at our at our at our Greenhouse so that’s that’s respectable but you’re the Hoya Guru right so I got to ask you and I got a question for you too so we’re going around and asking everybody what is

Going to be the it plant for 2024 a lot of people have said ho isn’t so I’m glad ran really you think so well I don’t know a lot of folks have said that but is there a hoya in particular that you think that’s going to be the one that

Everybody’s going to want for 2024 um I don’t know if there’s a hoya in particular but I feel like there’s a hoya that I really love and like like to sell a lot but I don’t know it’s I don’t really you guys got don’t you have a

Couple patterns or some some Cult of art you introduced maybe some maybe maybe maybe but I really love this one oh that is gorgeous yeah so which one is this one this is the CFT yeah super splash splash this is I got from overseas but uh I’m I’m separating them so they can

Be the Super splashy and Allin one so gotcha that’s beautiful I don’t really have something that’s like I like all of them yeah they’re awesome so camon wherever she’s at would be here she works at the nursery with me and I was just telling folks you know like Hoya

Aren’t my they just don’t do it for me yeah no it’s okay don’t worry about it but I’m going to have to start really getting into it I know for a lot of people the Hoya like who are and love HOAs it’s the flower that gets yeah as

Soon as it you’re like oh I get it now there’s a smell it’s beautiful and they’re all completely different and and I do respect the fact of how they sometimes you know get sun stressed and you’ll get a little pinkish they start changing colors and so all right Paula

It’s your turn oh gosh what’s going to be what’s going to be the plant the what’s going to be the plant that everybody want so for sure I would say for a green houses it is the money tree variegated so it’s right behind you

Right over we yeah we took a look at the babies that you have and then also saw that giant I know we won first second and third place nice job dude so I’m pretty sure the first place was the C Marvel ver the we saw that one a big

One the second one was the monster the monetta white monster I need that one by the way I know I know I saw your video of you doing the Driftwood oh yeah of like CU you got inspired that meant a lot and then I remember your par right Y

Larry lar yeah Larry Larry the Parr Larry you got your first shout outar you I’m honor to be the first one and then the third plant was the money but it was huge that was huge I think we’re going to do this size yeah yeah the everything looks great as as always you

Guys do amazing oh and my dad is focusing a lot on the plant wall yes oh so there is something on the plant wall that I know what it is okay oh I’ll try all right you you can do it this guy love I think this is a with an H helloa

Helloa I can’t ever say it either I want to say hello yeah I think that’s what it is I think you got it let me ask my dad he’s right over here all right he’s not going to answer no he’s he’s he’s busy but if anything I’ll

Could message it to you and then we’ll put it right down here I think you’re right we just don’t know how to say it yeah yeah right here here’s the here’s the name golly man aoid green houses their Booth it’s really it’s a hard one to leave and

They’re so nice and Paula and Melody they’re just such good people and they have the most rare beautiful plants but we got to keep on moving cuz we’ve only got a few more hours before they close so we got to get our uh get our feet

Moving and see the rest of the show what you got there cam I have a squa and a basket squa and a ball K kid that time about that time that guy some kind of Ginger baby why you always trying to jump up in my shop anytime I’m down here like

Filming Here Comes Here Comes C oh look at me look what I’m doing do you have anything to say for yourself no ma’am I’m sorry what I do you’re following me you’re following me oh Cam check this dude out I have no well I was trying to but I skipped over

It so you get some a thanks you’re so sweet sharing your plants with me it’s like a shrimp plant got to be in a shrimp plant family but that dude’s ginormous big heliconia that’s what that plant was earlier I was trying to tell you guys The Lobster Claw plant it’s

Heliconia look at that orium jeez macaria glorm right glor W this a pretty neat display and there’s another Taca the bat bat flower that it is that’s the biggest Jose I’ve ever seen I can’t hey how you doing your booth looks awesome is this this your place it it looks wonderful so

What is this one right here is this no the second person that yeah clear dendrum clearid dendrum oh that’s what we have it’s light bulbs clearid dendrum yeah that is beautiful that how many plants is that in there quite a few quite a couple of and is this a Jose big

One a monster your booth looks really amazing man did a good job look at all the color down here let me get up in here this is this is just wow jeez man I have no idea what the majority of these tropical plants are oh yeah some kind of datura

Or uh Devil’s trumpet $7 a piece plant nerds power up up all right we’re all red bulled up now ready to hit the last couple of rows which one is this one Stella Stella oh is it like the the shape of the leaves I don’t really know the variegation looks

Different you see how it’s like more electrified looking kind of sort of hi so what’s the difference in the Stella and the White Fusion oh the difference is this okay let me bring you one F okay okay here’s the Fusion W and here’s theill okay so this one is more wher and

This one is different yeah you definitely now you got them side by side you definitely can see the the difference they those are beautiful cool well thanks for showing us the difference cuz I was like this kind of looks like small they look similar but when they are big

They nice awesome thank you so much now you know cam now I know hey the more you know the more you grow damn straight here’s a wood carving dude I saw him here last year he’s got some really unique stuff all built out of I guess it’s all out of Driftwood big

Lion hello sir hello ma’am sorry you better not put that YouTube he called you sir you no that’s going on the YouTube video cuz everybody thinks I’m your dad and everybody’s making fun of me the whole the whole time it’s a father daughter moment right sir you be

Quiet well here we go see soon as I start filming something look who pulls out their phone you’ve been I’m I’m g walk ahead of you I’m out of here day I’m out I’m out of here we’re just going to go ahead of her she keeps jumping in

All my shots some nice mixed foliage containers what is this place here this is Flora design oh we get this is yeah this is where we get all of our um carnivorous plants from yeah cool howy how you doing good how are you doing great thank you we get all

Of our carnivorous stuff from y’all we love you then yeah we love you guys too so much love in the room it’s just love I just feel the whole place is just full of love full of love I got lost which way are we which where I’ll follow you

That’s a different looking uh Venus fly trap and Ki Ru I think I’ve heard of this one he’s got that real dark throat team right there that’s Beautiful D I can buy you a couple Flats of uh cias again if you want please this is one of the purchases I made few years ago bought just I don’t know how many flats of kathas and we had Calas for days and days and days not

Only did he buy uh Flats of a bunch of cus he bought a whole lot of bugs that I’m still growing two or three years later so if you want you know I can get you some more yeah I think um I wouldn’t mind I do I’m always

Attracted to the plug trays cuz you you know you don’t pay that much for per plant and it’s like you feel like you’re getting such a good deal yeah just you know grow them for 3 years yeah you just have to grow them for a couple years that’s

All we’re going to need you guys’ help with this video cuz I mean camera just talking about it’s like there’s so many plants we don’t know what they are and hopefully we haven’t told you guys anything wrong before I say the name I really try to know what I’m talking

About but uh drop it in the comments below if you know what this guy is I don’t see a tag on him anywhere that’s one thing that I do wish they would do better at the show is having you know especially some of the more rare stuff with tags on it so

You don’t cuz you’ve seen how busy some of the booths are kind of hard to get some people’s attention to find out what that plan is hey ma’am what what plan is this right here that’s a syoni red arrow s gonium red arrow yeah that’s neat how

You trained it up on the trellis a little bit yeah I’m going to be honest with you um it took 3 years for that to gr it really I can imagine yeah they’re not the fastest Growers that’s beautiful though couldn’t figure out what it is I wouldn’t have guessed in gonium all

Right while Cam’s handling business to come into this this a nice little Greenhouse that they’ve set up in here I forget the name of the company already but they got a lot of really good looking material I think I’m going to get a green don’t you just get this one this

Is actually a really nice size one that’s what you would have it so full that so damn quick I build these monster green houses and I think oh man we got room forever whenever we first built the greenhouse at Grassroots I was like walking in there and I was like oh we’re

Never going to this now I’m like please my PL to get it out of here we need room well the plants keep growing and you keep and you keep buying plants my plants hug there’s Garcia’s Nursery and Landscaping and look at the size of that

Palm tree look at the gold color on that thing let’s see this’s got a n No Tag just a business card pretty color on that bark I don’t know Palms uh that well at all it’s a cool looking little booth B it’s like it’s own little jungle in here see cam this

Place is Coconuts it’s kidding about that time isn’t it oh here we go y yeah I’m filming coconuts so look at you I’m not filming I’m taking a picture only I didn’t get it get it just do it again it act happy I don’t know how

That look at the size of that freaking trunk on that oh that is so cool looking Larry Larry it’s a Larry did you you know that my spirit animal is an ostrich why cuz you stick your head in the dirt if you get scared it’s when I get mad oh

Yeah my feet hurt I did youo here’s a cool little company ecos slider got these neat little poly green houses little small hobby houses I’ve never seen one with a a hoop Design This is really it’s a neat little deal here the power on the end sliding

Doors Center vent this is all you Cam I know it’s strong too this could hold pretty good snow load hang you some hanging baskets sit out here eat your breakfast yeah I think you should buy it then they have a more traditional A-frame style right there those are really cool though I like

Those that’s kind of cool some a little seed starter pretty nifty that’s a neat design and a neat idea little seed starting bed same company to build the greenhouse hey y’all hey we know you guys awesome we did a video on your soils not to yeah on

YouTube not too long how are you I’m John John I’m Ryan it says David but it lies okay that that’s my first thanks for clarifying it’s a great product and I love how you know chunky the soil is drains really well it’s great for Bonsai Cactus succulent house Orchid

All right well good to see you guys yeah thanks for stopp by take care bye and their food stunk it smell like arm pills cam look at the size of this the Macar that’s okay go ahead jump on it in there that thing’s huge man look cam there’s wiie Willy fresh

Pants a Wily cool I don’t think we’re going down the right aisle this is the last aisle and we haven’t gone down that one yet right no we have because that connected down there next to your food are you sure yeah I’m pretty sure this is uh

We’ll find out in a second but all reup cycled material which is right up our alley so here is uh the representation of Cameron’s eyeballs when she shows up hung over at the nursery now you were saying this one’s injected right infused in infused course you know the blue is

Beautiful but it doesn’t really happen a lot naturally out in nature but that is absolutely gorgeous and then this phenopsis down here look how gorgeous this guy is they’ve got him kind of trained down just to stem there a little bit absolutely gorgeous plants in this booth here this is Trillium

Floral yeah your booth looks great so you’re here with elevates yeah you got to check those out corner right there that guy too that oh yeah look at that red on that guy all of them just look really really healthy and the colors don’t even look

Real in them you know they’re so bright look how white this one is C that’s kind of unusual usually you just see a lot of the bright colors but never seen like a a true white excuse me what what filad dine is this one right here plut Pluto

Yeah so it’s like an unvaried Caramel Marble carbel Marble or ring of fire or yeah got a ring of fire right there this is Pluto that’s nice in its own self I know the variegated stuff’s like you know all the rage but that’s beautiful dark Fage like that yeah it’s nice

Everything looks great man or something you know yeah sweet thanks for your time everything looks good stop by appreciate it I think that’s the literal MTH man right there I met him last year pretty cool dude have we come to the end well guys I think we did it we just covered this

Entire uh conference center it’s ginormous but I think we made it and it only took us what I don’t know like two days yeah just two days our feet are killing us but appreciate you guys hanging out with us and walking around with us it’s been an amazing experience

Here at tpie 2024 can’t wait to get back next year so I appreciate you guys watching and we’ll see you on the next video and don’t forget the more you know the more you grow youall have a great one see you at home


  1. Ryan, I was not there in person, but I am completely fascinated and overwhelmed with you and Kameron! Thank you so much for taking us with you on this adventure!

  2. I live close to Excelsa Gardens and shop there often. Love Bullis Broms as well looks like fun touring in South Fla.

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