Container Gardening

Save Money On Soil For Your Container Garden | 37 | Wal-Mart Was Sold Out People Are Not Playing


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Hey y’all welcome back to my channel Mississippi Girl life I am T just country Mississippi girl born and raised but now is living in North Carolina this channel is aimed to motivate and inspire you I hope you enjoy hey y’all so I am at Walmart um

It’s been a minute since I have been inside Walmart as for seeing what they got for as the garden stuff um because I’ve been doing a lot of curb side so I am F to go in here and see what they done bought out look like they done bought out some stuff so

Today is February February 20th my last day being 36 years old if it’s God’s will I will be 37 tomorrow February 21st if it’s God’s will so even though I celebrate birthdays and stuff like that it’s still a blessing you know to you know tell another age so yeah so tomorrow February

21st February 21st um I will be 37 so today is the last day last day of the 36 chapter okay so um yeah they got a lot of top saw U black cow and they got mul and everything but y’all know last year I got the Cypress blend Mo and I like

That I got that from Lowe’s I think it was Lowe’s um so yeah I don’t see oh they do got Cypress blend let’s go look I just looked around there they do have a um a Cypress blend um let’s see if I can get a between here yep yep I could

$447 for these bags and I think it’s going to be the cubic foot the two cubic foot let’s see because I know it’s $3 and something at Lowe’s I can’t see how many cubic foot but I think I’m about the same I think they about the same um things say locks in moisture

See I may get it because actually now that I’m thinking about that this is the note float one cuz I’m going to be putting in um as a floor in my Greenhouse in some areas too so I don’t need nothing that’s going to lock in MO moisture for

That okay but I have to figure out play by ear or whatnot they got top saw they Garden saw and all that stuff um black cow is $5.97 for this top store 297 yeah so this got a lot of that stuff out right now Miracle Grow soil and stuff over there

Stuff is all High um I’mma do what I did last year and I am going to get my soil um brought to the house all right y’all so yes they don’t put out more stuff okay let’s see oh they got their grapes out okay they blueberries the strawberry

Plants and they blackberries they are all 6.97 each they don’t want up they have one up they got their um elephant ears 35 42 above okay and this is all the little flowers bugs things right here oh they got they um seed potatoes out try to supply you can get a bigger

Bag for like double double than that cuz that’s five tubers for $3 and something they onions sweet potatoes they got the strawberry seeds asparagus garlic got their garlic bubs I already got onion seeds oh that’s a lot for $3 and something though onion set that’s a lot for those

Okay then of course they got their seeds these like all flowers which I got to stock up on my flowers SE anyway um but I want to find they these is like all the fair mores they’re $144 $1.96 for f i want to find these are fail mores too they’re all

246 they’re American seeds um cuz they 50 cents and I don’t see them this is all fair Mor see Sun I’m definitely have to come back and get this stuff I came in here for one thing they got all this is back to the roots 297 fruits and vegetables all of them is

Back to the root brand I don’t see where they American Seed stay in cuz I don’t see it and I know they should have it what I need is down here I need to get some more seeds starting mixed so that’s what I needed to come in here for was that

Y’all they were playing music so I had to you know not let that be on there but they don’t have I didn’t see no um the seed starting mix I don’t see none of that and I know it was $5 something it’s like somebody that came and bought them

Out so I’m probably going to have to go to somewhere else um can’t find SE star Miss I’m going go down here and see if I can find something down here um I’m on the outside now because M I had told y’all when I did a video for wal mark a couple weeks

Ago I had came and got the seed stared mix it was the Jiffy and I said that was a good price boy it is gone it is gone they started bringing flowers out so they got their daff deals are out when I see daff deals I know but first

Let’s go right here and look at some of these trees we got the fruit trees out Apple that’s a Japanese maple that’s a flowering shade tree or something they got apples all different type of apples the green apple is this one the Golden Delicious red delicious the granite Smith they got their

Plums what’s the prices on these they buing price oh 2974 for they trees they got more down here flowering trees peach trees type of peach trees got they Rosa bushes all different types of Rosa Bush this year if I buy any I’mma buy them l that’s right down my son alley y’all oh

I’mma buy them thornless any of them that I buy this time um the ones I had got with the thorn they just did not I don’t know but next I’m going buy them thornless though but right now I’m looking look at the daffodils ain’t they so pretty they

Pretty yeah that is just so so so so pretty so pretty so yeah no seed starting mix hey y’all so it’s the next day y’all so I didn’t get a chance to um film much yesterday um because I went to I end up going to Lowe’s to get that that seed

Stared mixed or whatnot so I end up going to Lowe’s to get that and I did not film much yesterday so it is like the even time today today is officially February 21st okay your girl turned 37 today yes yes yes yes even though I don’t celebrate I am still thankful and

Grateful to be able to see another year chapter 37 okay so um I am about to show y’all something and this going to be kind of like a continuing Vlog y’all so over the past ever since Sunday cuz today is Wednesday so over the past couple days

I have been making a trip to wington North Carolina which is about an hour away from where I am here in Jacksonville and y’all I came across this amazing deal this this individual the the the the man that I’m getting from is so nice and understanding y’all y’all know I’m extending

The the garden I’m doing my own nursery and and produce business and all that that this year something I’ve been what talking about since 2020 okay so if it’s God’s well everything going good so y’all know buckets is high y’all buckets is H okay let me tell you I was on Facebook Market

I always tell y’all about going on Facebook Market offer up things like that I have told y’all that in the past not recently and to try to find things find deals and stuff like that look y’all I got so many buckets for a125 each y’all I’ve been having to go down there

Bring about 32 at a time every time I had extra change one down there and got me so I would get 32 buckets for $40 $32 for $40 today I’m going back to get the last little bit I was like and he was so

Nice he knew I was coming to get him and I told him I wanted it all of them and I’m going to be getting some bans today y’all so be yes yes yes y’all he’s giving me a good deal on these beans I use them to grow my beans

Y’all I am set when it come to Containers I’m set when it come to Containers y’all let me show you this blessing let me look it’s the small stuff some people that oh them bucket honey do you know what I do with bucket you must ain’t watched my videos from

2020 and 2021 do you not know what kind of food I grow in buckets okay so let me show y’all what I got because I got to get out of here I’m going go get some pizza and we going to hotel we got an hour drive there and an hour drive back

So I can get the rest of our buckets y’all because I’m so ready y’all just don’t understand how excited I am okay I’ve been in here I got it’s a couple things I got to get so I don’t know what’s all going to be left of this Vlog before I end up starting

Another Vlog because this is all day two on the Vlog all that but all thanks and praise to Jehovah God because y’all I’m telling you I’m telling you I couldn’t do it without him and I look at the small things as blessings okay I look at the

Small Things the small things you go through so many trials and obstacles people can try to make things hard for you life makes things hard for you but you keep the faith even if it’s size of a mustard seed no we talk about that keep going be kind and humble stay humble and

Kind and you’ll make it may not be when you think you should but you’ll make it look at this y’all this is what I again a125 a bucket y’all a125 a bucket you see this you see this do you see this oh my goodness and I got

These over here and like I say this what I got and I got to go back and get some more I’mma get the try to get the last little bit today on this trip along with the beans y’all y’all ready for this get all these buckets is going to go out

There and then I got I got I got some space in that Greenhouse right there because that one is full that one is full this is for all the people that’s new to the channel okay me show you show you see I’ve been doing this

All my life but it hit it hit YouTube on in 2020 okay all these I bought and they get expensive cuz they almost $5 now a bucket and they was expensive then and then I got buckets in here I utilize my stimulus money to buy all this so when

Y’all were buying TVs and stuff I was buying buckets and so but now I got all these buckets and they gonna help out with here and everywhere and I’m so excited um for That Let Okay y’all so yesterday when got the rest of the buckets like I was telling y’all but I didn’t film no more I didn’t film no more um but I will say this it was a nice blessing because on this trip to go pick up the buckets and the banss um the guy was

Like take that he didn’t take the money this time he was like uh buy something for the kids and I’m like no you know I got to pay you he’s like no you don’t tell me what to do with my money I’m like what like so he did not even he

Didn’t he gave it to gave me the rest of everything for free y’all so that’s a blessing right there there is still some good people just a few um in this world so now um it was like dark when we got back or whatnot so um it’s early morning the next morning

So this is actually a three 3day little thingy um but it’s the day after the 21st so um thank y’all for the wishes and your thoughts and stuff yesterday um it was so many comments so many comments so I kind of like just hearted y’all and everything like that so thank y’all so

Much um so now it’s early morning it’s like 7 7:56 and I got to run a couple errands so and get them done with get back home the kids is missing the first beginning of they schooling their first beginning classes but that’s all right they can

Watch the recording and do they you know their work what not I need to get this done so I’mma bring y’all with me it’s cold we supposed to be 60ยฐ but like I say it’s before 8:00 so it’s that morning cold so um we’re about to go to

I think Walmart first um um cuz I’m going to go another route since they didn’t have the pellets and I don’t want to go across town to the other one I mean so since they didn’t have the uh seeds started mix the other day I’m

Going to try the pellets and I got to pick up a couple things so I’m just going to bring y’all with me to see what I can pick up I look like it’s in the morning I look sleep not sleepy but it’s not quite woke All right y so I’m back in Walmart let’s go down here see if I can find so they supposed to have like a 72 account of the pellets and that’s what I want the pellets this is huh 36 count for 588 uh-uh they’re supposed to be 70 andless

They done sold out of them too been 7 to count for like $3 and something let me check my see y’all b super gr P 72 count $3.97 and it’s supposed to be in the store it’s the um Burpee the Burpee brand I don’t see it y’all let me we have to go inside and just look for IR 19 I think that’s what I’m going have to do cuz I literally don’t see it out here all right yall so they don’t have they don’t to tell me that

The burpy things is on the back to the roof I said you’re telling me it’s on the back to the roof this roofs this place he kind of look and I don’t know if he Rec recognize me but I certainly recognize him cuz I used to work at this

Walmart like don’t brush me off these burpday pod and you’re telling me they on back to the roots display to push me off no no no no but they didn’t have none so I got to go to this this side over here to pick up a couple things

Okay this is one of the Walmarts here at 8 something in the morning y’all everything is so high y’all oh my goodness so high I remember the when them B right there was like a dollar and something now they almost took $3 they little they $2 and something 30

Something or something like that before you know they going to be $3 y’all it’s just like M okay y’all so leaving Walmart stayed in there longer than what I could but like I was saying the god going to tell me that the burpy pods is on the back to

The root stand okay oh I a got no see Bel back to the root stands I’m like no you ain’t going to do that cuz I know exactly who you is and I know when I worked here you you push people off and all that no no no no I said so you

Telling me and he kind of looked and he like let me go see yeah let’s go do that like I’m a customer now so um that’s what I’m saying in my head like yeah no no no um so they didn’t have it so y’ stuff just so high so high man so hot

It’s crazy I’ll show you what I end up getting and why but right now I headed to Low’s because I need the pure light I need some pure light and I need some of the seed starting mix and y’all will see later why I need PE light um but I do so

Headed to Lowe’s and see if they got it and here I you never checked to see if you left my PE light out did you no that’s son of mine I told him to take it out of the shed and take it into the garage and he

Don’t know if he took it into the garage so I don’t know if my PE light is wet story of my life so let’s let’s go up in here and see oh they still got they stuff covered up come on now n something oh it was

Still cool so they still got their stuff covered up uh I think the garden center door should be open but it don’t look like they open it don’t look like they got the little Garden area open but we shall see um so y’all let’s go ahead and

Go in here let me show see y’all they still got the covering on they stuff so going have to go through here I guess oh NOP they’re opening it right on time right on time somebody opened it let’s go see yeah it’s open okay so he said we got to go

Through this entrance so I don’t know what time they open so you going to to the Garden Center or maybe they doing something different but yeah all right y’all so let’s see what I can find off in here I hope they have what I need so yeah we had to

Come through the other entrance um which is fine fine fine fine but they calling for a early spring y’all and I’m so excited about that early spring all right so here we go now we in business we in some business see I just want the pot just The Jeffy SE start Miss it’s

Like I think like $7 I just want the pods they got all the onions sparus garlic out this is a variety pack but I need to put my onions in the thing M well I don’t have and I know you know what I use my store bought

Garlic can spend it $4 cuz I do got a lot of store bought garlic the flowers now it’s about that time it’s about that time it’s about that time yeah got all these is that a tomato blend rainbow blend oh y’all know y’all know I’m going to get this that’s a rainbow

Blend I know I was going to get that okay funus honey funus yeah yeah I got all these strawberries and figs and sweet potatoes see they got the seed potatoes and I was going to buy them from Tractor Supply but that’s all you get and guess

They a little more expensive at tra prob you get more but I still ain’t so see we got see this the miracle girl Seed St in potty mix and it’s $6.98 but I wanted the PO and these Miracle grows is not open but they got the price on

It so I don’t even know if I can open it and grab a bag out it’s already priced let me go see what they got out here in this area little bird up there they redoing everything it’s not over there See but they do got more kiwis and stuff right here oh look at those [Applause] Roses great blackberries and blueberries Look out these are pretty they pre-planted those are so pretty $5 all right so looks like I can’t find what I need so I’m just going to have to settle for this cuz I need something right now to start some more seed um that’s crazy I bet if I went the Tractor Supply

I probably could find it this is $7 a bag but it was even cheaper I’m not even going to buy that I just have to try to get the tra the supply cuz I know they stuff was cheaper the heat mat but people also are buying this stuff out see this is

72 count seed tray thing but I wanted to pod so yeah you know what y’all So I’m actually probably just going to do something else to save some money cuz I’m I know I need this PE light so they got PE light right here for 5 98 for the per light they got this potting mix but y’all this stuff so expensive I’m just

Going um they got the AMAC R 6.98 is right here but that’s a 8 qu but this stuff so expensive man it’s like oh I know what I’mma do I know what I’mma do I know what I’m going do I’mma get this and I’m going to get one bag of

Peite but I got a fix for that I got a fix for that I know exactly what I’m going to do okay so I’m going to get one bag of per light cuz I got one at home but I got a lot okay I’m probably going to get two bags

And yeah I’m probably going to get um I ain’t getting that I’mma do what I’ve been doing because that’s too expensive I’m going to get two bags up here like and I’ll show yall why all right y’all so now I done left Low’s and I’m at this place because it’s time for

Me to get some dirt delivered so I’m dealing with a different company now so I’m about to go in here get all the gist of that so they can deliver it today cuz if you do it before noon they’ll bring it today so that’s why I needed the PE

Light so I can put it cuz this is just straight soil for like I’m not getting the one that’s got the um the manure and stuff in it I’m getting the the cheapest on so they’re like I think $21 they said per scoop and I’m prob going to get four

Or five scoops and those Scoops are like the tractor bu the not tractor the bulldozer Scoops so yeah that should be a lot of sore cuz I’m going to do a lot of growing F it’s guys well that’s the plan y’all so let me go in here and see

All right y’all so I’m here at uh what is this called Jacksonville M mtion Mo so for those of y’all that’s following me that’s that doing your gardening you’ll save some money by going to get this dirt delivered so about to go around here and show y’all um what the dirt look

Like you can walk back there I’m going to grab um my husband over there he can show you the top St okay so this is what it looks like so like the $26 top soil it has the manure and all this stuff and is ready to go into the pot and then

They have the regular top saw which is 21 hold the the top saw with the with the turkey manure and all that is $26 per scoop but the regular top saw with nothing in it is $21 per scoop so make sure y’all can hear me regular top

Saw $21 per scoop um top saw that has the turkey manure and stuff in it is $26 per scoop okay so she’s going to grab her h husband and we’re going to look at what that saw looks like hello Hi how are you guys doing all

Right trying to look at your regular top saw right over here all right all right sounds good and uh I’ll double check that job for tomorrow and so this is our regular top soil okay um it’s basically just um like scraped right here in North Carolina it’s from North Carolina North

Carolina soil okay um this doesn’t have any like uh extra added minerals or uh anything like that we also carry what’s called top soil blend which is is right over here uh in the far Corner that covers uh this would be like good for like filling your yard to put grass on

Top of M and the top soil blend over here is good for um like flower G like Gardens vegetable gardens raised flower beds because it has the compost and stuff in it it has uh the regular top soil ground up Mulch and minerals uh and turkey

Compost um and we get people that come back every year and and they’ll show us like oh my tomato plants grew 8 ft tall this year and they swear by it um this is probably the good stuff if you’re looking for to do like a garden or

Something like that yeah I was going to get it get the regular and just amend it myself mhm um what some people do if they don’t want to pay like the full price some people will uh mix it yeah they’ll get like a scoop of the regular

And then a scoop of this so they get a full cubic yard but they spread out all the n TR that’s what I’m actually thinking about doing you ran my mind yeah um okay so yeah so definitely um now a scoop is how much uh the tractor

Is right over here one scoop is half of a cubic yard okay um and Sam’s pulling it out you’ll see the size of the of the scoop okay um so the we had the bucket specially made to be exactly when it’s full exactly one half of a yard okay uh

So when you get two scoops like one in one it’ll be a full y okay so y’all this is what the each scoop would be so as you heard what he said you could get one of each if you want so that’s a that’s a lot of dirt yeah it

Is that’s a lot of oh so he’s actually doing it right now so we can actually get to see let me get y’all up close and that’s one scope so he’ll he’ll shake it down uh because the the volume is exactly 1/ half of a yard level and full okay we had a

Smaller uh wider bucket M but we found that with the deeper bucket we get a more accurate measurement every time [Applause] okay and to be honest once you start scooping it uh you’ll start to smell all the compost in there got you’ll know it’s pretty good [Applause]

Okay but we carry everything from top soil sand fil dirt the three different motions black bread and chocolate and then uh three different kinds of decorative rocks and then uh gravel crushing around our ABC I’m trying to make sure they can hear you yeah I got okay y’all so Jacksonville mul and

Mo Jacksonville mul and more for those of y’all that’s in the area and you don’t want to go and buy all that that um soore from the big box stores and stuff because that stuff is expensive now make sure you stop by and just have it’s a $35 delivery fee right in

Jacksonville in Jacksonville so if you in Jacksonville it’s a $35 delivery uh fee so they’ll bring it it’ll be same day if it’s before 12:00 p.m. correct yep same day delivery if you order before 12 if you order before 12:00 p.m. it’s same day delivery you can’t beat

That with a stick y’all get the dirt this way and whichever way you go I am going to personally get some regular top saw and some Blended top soil that way it’ll be you know all mixed the only thing it look like I have to put in

There is like PE light so that’ll probably be like the only thing so all right y’all let me see what I’m let me do my numbers and see what I’mma get is he f is that the scoop there okay y’all here you go right here so this is a good

Example of how much dirt you’ll get for one scoop for $26 cuz that’s the Blended brand it’s a it’s equivalent to 18 bags of Mo you would get at a B Store it’s equivalent to 18 bags of Mo that you’ll get at a box store The Binding bulk is

Definitely the way to go if you need a lot yeah all right y’all so the left there put the order in so they said um they got one order um ahead of me um and then when they come back it was the one he was loading up then when he come back then

They load mine up and then head to come bring it um so they do need you to be at home so you can sign or whatnot so I had a denness appointment today just for a cleaning so um I’m all pretty much you know healed real good up up here from

The other what about 2 weeks ago so I just was going to go back for my cleaning but I’m going to resched that cuz it’s for 2:00 and I know I’m not going to make it all the way down and all the way back up cuz y’all know

That’s an hour drive I’m not going to make it all the way down and all the way back up and all that so what I’m going to do is cancel that so I can make sure I’m home for this delivery um and everything so out of

Walmart got I end up getting like some milk some frozen bags of M uh mixed peppers and stuff so I ain’t got to keep trying to chop up peppers and onions and stuff trying to save myself some time while I got a lot to do so um the guy

Was actually saying that they have somebody that worked there that grow all their own stuff and he said that when he get like jalapenos and stuff from Walmart they just don’t taste it’s like it’s so much better from growing it yourself and it is so I end up getting

Like lactose-free milk frozen peppers and onions um what else did I ended up getting um oh some uh grape value Frosted Flakes um just a little eyes in then stuff like that so I’mma go ahead and end this right here and then I’m going to pick up

Another video once I get home um so that’ll be on the next Vlog or whatnot I’ll pick up um the delivery and all that type of stuff I picked that up there but I got a lot to do so I’mma end this one and then um pick y’all up on

Another one okay so make sure that if you doing this check out your area and get soil delivered to you it’s going to be a lot cheaper I’ve already done this once I did this if y’all been following me I did it not last year year four last

I think and I used another company but a lot of you remember us we got the U-Haul and had them to put in then bought it was just a lot so being able to find a company that actually deliver um is perfect you know so check y’all

Landscaping um um areas if you not here in Jacksonville um if you outside of Jacksonville I’m pretty sure the delivery fee going to be a little bit more but since I’m in Jacksonville and they’re in Jacksonville it was just $35 delivery fee for me oh so what I ended up getting was

Three three scoops of the Blended and one scoop of the regular okay save myself a little time I liked how the Blended looked um once I saw the regular um because I don’t have the chickens no more to put the maneuver in I don’t want to go buy black cow none of

That so I said let me just go ahead and get the Blended which was $26 a scoop and I got one of the regular top sace that’ll be mixed you know on that so Four Scoops and I paid $1 14338 to be exact $143 38 a lot cheaper

From what I would have paid having to keep going back and forth buying bags of soil okay so I hope this is helpful um check out your Landscaping places okay in your area and get your so that way so I will see y’all in the next one if it’s God’s

Will okay y’all that’s the end of this video I hope y’all was motivated and inspired don’t forget to like comment and subscribe hit the notification Bell so be notified each and every time that I upload a video and I will see y’all in the next one if it’s God’s will y’all be

Safe okay until next time bye


  1. I am so happy you made another video I appreciate you also wanted to say happy birthday one again๐Ÿค—โœจโœจ

  2. Happy birthday, beautiful. Enjoy your day โค . What is the name of the collard plant behind you in the greenhouse? Thank you

  3. ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜ƒ MGL ! Happy Anniversary Of Your Birth ! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’ก to order/purchase soil from landscaping businesses compared to purchasing individual bags of soil from big box stores. Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. PLEASE NOTE: If MGL doesn't acknowledge your birthday wishes it's not that she is ignoring them rather it's because she doesn't celebrate ANY holidays

  5. Iโ€™m happy for you little sis you make me want to step my game up and I got 4 acres of land ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚and Iโ€™m only using maybe a. Quarter of my land

  6. MGL, youโ€™re the age of my babyโคโคโคโคโคโค. I donโ€™t celebrate either, I give thanks to Jehovah that He allowed me to have more days and my loved ones as well

  7. You can just get a bundle of peat moss and perlite to make your seed starting mix! 3 parts peat moss to 1 part perlite and save a lot of money sis!

  8. Happy birthday, MGL. I celebrate with you because I love you and your family. My youngest daughter has a birthday today, the 25th. I have been watching your channel since 2021. I shared your video with my family. We are from Arkansas, and we only grew seeds in the ground. I was taken back by your awesome garden in buckets and the food you were harvesting. Then when you bought chickens for the first time I was there. I prayed for you when people were bullying you on your channel. It was so powerful when your husband came to your defense. I love your family.

  9. You are so right itโ€™s just sad and Iโ€™m into country music too itโ€™s good clean music not talking about whatโ€™s underneath your clothes

  10. GETTING READY TO START MY "GOD'S GRACE" GARDEN โคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโค

  11. Happy belated birthday! My daddyโ€™s birthday is the 23rd. He was the kindest most awesome human I have ever known. He passed away 6 years ago this October. I miss him immensely! You have to be a kindhearted human as well. I wish you all the very best and all the blessings GOD pours out on you! And yes, stay humble. I learned that from my daddy as well. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

  12. Hey! New subscriber. Happy blessed birthday!!๐ŸŽ‚ Thank you for sharing. Blessed be!๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ

  13. Don't celebrate my birthday either but my birthday is february 18th I'm 58๐Ÿ˜Š doing something right girlfriend

  14. Incredible deal on those buckets!!

    I'm going out this weekend to find busted open bags of dirt & cow manure. Many stores sell them for half price! $$$

  15. My first time watching. Iโ€™m from the Sip and Iโ€™m locking you in. Iโ€™m starting my first garden this year. It will be small but I am going to do it.

  16. Me and my Family do the exact same thing when we needed soil for our garden beds. It's cheaper to find the closest landscaping company to you. But the delivery rates near us were insane in Georgia so we gotta go pick it up.

  17. Congratulations and unending blessings upon you and all your endeavors. When our Father says 'YES' nobody can say no…give thanks. Happy belated birthday!!! Trusting you had a awesome day.

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