Front Yard Garden

Trees and chatting in Cider River | Cities Skylines

Follow along as I discover the joy in full sandbox mode for the first time in my own project in Cities Skylines One, by creating a fall inspired city along a beautiful river.

Table Mountains by the mapmaker Sidai
Vanilla Boreal Theme by Shake Stylz’s

Cider River Steam workshop:

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HP Pavilion Gaming Desktop Computer 10th Generation Intel Hexa-core i5-10400F Processor 32GB RAM 512GB SSD GeForce RTX 3060 12GB Graphic

#citiesskylines2 #citiesskylines #joybuildscities

Hello happy Friday everybody so sorry we’re St we’re starting late uh let me know if you guys can hear me okay um when does the real show happen yeah Thunder Down Under when does the real show [Laughter] happen let me know if you guys can hear me okay my computer totally crashed on me I was trying to like make my thumbnail because I was running late and my computer crashed and yeah luckily it just needed to be turned back on okay good um I thought since it’s Friday what

Do you guys think about jamming out to little 80s while we plant some trees some 880s tunes you guys are too funny uh let me put some music on here sweet let me know if the music volume is okay I might turn this up a little

Bit jam out to little 80s music okay let’s say hello to everyone in the chat oh my gosh everyone’s here thank you everyone we’ve got no mercy Brad play cities the Thunder from Down Under we got pilot build cities raid Kitty in the house we got uh Mike builds BL

Awesome yay everybody hello happy Friday okay I know I love80s music too turn this up a smitch perfect volumes are okay okay thank you all right well here we are in Willow Willow Bend our little town of Willow Bend and the town’s like pretty complete I think what we need to just do

Is like blend everything out so and I really want to do a nice job detailing along this bike path today so I think we’ll just plant some trees do some detailing chill out have a conversation talk as you can see our bus is still very popular so that’s Great good times good times all right no you’re fine Steve step’s in the house what’s up Stephen funny story I know I told I I think I told Stephen this if I remember correctly is I have a podcast I listen to like that I’m obsessed with that I

Love I’m not going to share the name of the podcast but um and the producer on that podcast his name is Stephen and whenever like they need him for something they’re always like Stephen and it’s just like a running long-term joke that these girls have on their

Podcast so that’s why I always say Steph’s name that way but I am always genuinely excited to um you know see everybody um we’ve got that there maybe we will put like the dedicated bike PA there no melting Allowed no melting allowed yeah with some detailing this

Place will pop this place will pop for sure I mean we already started this section it looks real nice so now we just got to keep going keep on keeping on um so let’s just take kind of a wider view here here and get like our get going get some stuff

Done on this side I’m just going to kind of um feather things out a bit so just kind of create a bit of a tree line here So what’s everyone doing this weekend does anyone have any plans what’s happening how’s everyone’s Friday been I know Brad for you it’s Saturday already right tell us the future did Friday night suck was it good what [Laughter] happened we want to know everything all the things oh I didn’t tell you that Stephen

I thought I did at some point but maybe I didn’t yeah it’s too funny I got to find a clip of it for you so you can hear it’s pretty funny I love it uh yeah also in exciting news as most of you here know because you most of you

Are on the Discord and are looped in um we’re going back to feret on Sunday not me though but we all are and um yeah I am super excited to be back in fairstead but as like a fan watching it cuz pilot uh as you guys can tell from the

Thumbnail built fairstead an airport which it’s much deserving of it’s been a long time coming and I’m so excited about it so that’s going to be really fun and then as you can tell from my thumbnail I built pilot a Central Park which is really fun so yeah it’s going

To be a good time I’m really excited for Sunday hope you guys are too should be a good old collab time you guys know I love a good old collab so so yeah it’s going to be good times I’m not going to go crazy on the trees I mean probably crazy not crazy

And Joy’s definition of going crazy on trees which is like a lot of trees but um let’s get some color in here I’m not doing as thick here as what I mean like we’re giving it some space to breathe a little bit um yeah some of these would be

Nice and then we’ll grab some of our classic few of these couple of these we need some red though we need some some red this could be good oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah cool cool cool cool cool yeah it’s going to be really fun I’m excited for Sunday

Too the limit does not exist yeah yeah and I mean eventually we’ll probably blend this out but we’re just going to stick to what’s close for right now for today so we can get a good amount done okay so on this side I’m tempted to I’m tempted to pull people off of the

Street and maybe do like a should we do I mean why not pedestrian pass for everybody but maybe we do more like this guy what if we did That but I think we need to use a good old Steven trick and actually pay attention cuz I think I would want the lights on the other side I learned this from Steven so depending on what side you pull from then the lights will be on that

Side what do we think about that if we do that here like so yes everyone gets a pedestrian path Tim Hello nice to see you love that path yeah it’s such a great path isn’t it I mean it’s not a zoo path it’s not a zoo path but it is a

Good path it is a good path yeah I think this is going to be nice to do this this is going to work oh no I just did on the wrong way again get it together Joy get it together man I love a good 80s tune just helps put you in a good

Mood can’t not love the80s can’t not love the 8S what’s my favorite path Joy okay so if we’re talking elevated path it would be the zoo path because you get that green Vine that hangs over and it’s so perfect right that’s the one you get the green

Vine or is that the is that this one that you get the green Vine wait a minute let’s see now I forgotten no yeah the zoo path the zoo path you get this like look look at this like so elevated Zoo path is my favorite elevated

Path but I do like I mean the um this the Nature Reserve path that doesn’t have any lights which is like the little rocks and the detail I think this is a favorite of mine I do really like it um but you know it depends on what you’re building what you’re doing you

Know what look you want I just love the fact that we have so many great paths to choose from there’s also there’s a really pretty um path in the workshop but like it stopped working so I don’t know used to always make holes in the ground I don’t know if you

Guys remember that one um biffa used it in um new tand for a little a while that’s where I first saw and it’s like a really nice combination walking path and bike path it looks really sharp but it would always whenever you load into the game it would always um like leave holes

In the ground and something uh Stephen says the support on the elevated nature path are nice too yeah they are they really are y growing up in the8 Good Times all right so I think now yeah I think this is going to work out Nice I think this is going to look good all right now wow look at how many people are waiting for the bus my goodness I mean we have a lot of vehicles maybe we’ll add one more popular spot popping okay so I think here we want something a little bit more

To protect the road but we want something low between the two paths so let’s see what do we want to do maybe we just do the bushes here but maybe there’s something something a little see those are too big but we should probably throw some in there let’s see what we got here Flowers that could be nice But little grasses there are these cute little these trees are adorable and we’ve got o Ferns I kind of like the idea of putting the ferns here I like That We did that and those are a bit big let’s see what else we got here that’s kind of nice this is like very patterned out it’s not very naturey what do we think about that for this side should we also bring in Like These are nice cuz they give some

Good shade they kind of just don’t match with the vibe wonder if we go those are cute oh my gosh I love this song Okay let’s see these are pretty cute though I could do some of these just have a little bit of height you love the colors is it’s a nice mix okay good I’m glad you guys like it yeah that looks nice that looks nice and then here definitely we’re going to

Do I’m going to do some fencing for sure safety first and then maybe we’ll do oh you know what we should do we should grab I know we need this One yeah this is a nice like this nice thin tree works really well and little spaces like this oh no raid are you having a Friday Fridays will do that to you I mean every day I’ll do that to you sorry you’re not having a great

Day yeah I like this I think this looks cute looks nice I think we could maybe do something along here a little bit um yeah I think we can blend this out a little bit more like so and then grab these like so and then toss in a little

Color there we go that’s nice I like it okay let’s just grab a little ride here see what this feels like oh this is nice fly box is in the house oh my gosh everyone’s here I love you guys thank you yeah that looked really nice um

Through there so I think that’s kind of like the pette we’ll go for looks really Nice Henry’s here hello Henry welcome on in we’re jamming out to 80s and planting trees the two best things to do Ever all right let’s get back to our little palette here all right so all right we’re going to do with our ferns man this would be such like a nice thing to have where you live I’m always a fan of stuff like this nice spot to go walk the

Dog take a jog all the things all the things okay we did these little guys did a couple of these also just increases the value of any neighborhood when you have a facility like this for people to use oh the old Geer is here my goodness this is an awesome Friday everyone’s [Laughter]

Here a thanks no mercy yeah you guys leave a like or or else or else you can still stay Henry says man I wish we could bring back the 80s or back the 70s CG says the 70s rock I’m not really a fan of 70s music definitely love some good 8s music

Though but that’s just me that’s just me okay all right now let’s grab our our little tree oh wait it’s in this one isn’t it yeah yeah yeah this one and we’re just GNA yes I don’t have the line tool installed I took it out cuz remember it

Crashed the game that one time and then I totally forgot to actually go get the updated one and put it in would have been really helpful for today but that’s okay we got this we’re all right oh yeah this looks really cute okay now we need our fencing pilet says bring back

Disco disco [Laughter] music No Mercy says or else Jo Joy will will Haun you and drink all your coffee and need all your tacos and there’ll be nothing left for you yeah I mean that’s a fair assessment like the video or I will eat all your

Tacos but then I would come over to have tacos so you know it’s pretty good pretty good deal oh crack myself up okay let’s get all these fill this in on this side nice tree line Here okay do towards the edge Here look at everyone using our bike path though man that is popular super popular everyone’s loving the bike pa okay some rocks I hope you guys are enjoying the tunes today Shake Shake is in the house Brad says he’s not opposed to this music every stream just saying hey I’m

If you guys want more 80s music we could I’m all I’m all for it I love I have fun with the’80s music I just don’t know how it works with um with songs that have like lyrics like like this woman is singing is that annoying on a stream is

It more acceptable on a stream than a video like you guys have to let me know what the um how what you guys think about that how that kind of goes and I mean I could find a bunch of 8s music without um vocals as well there’s a bunch

On um epidemic toic sound so also but I just thought it’d be fun today have some songs okay we need some of these and some Red and then we got to do some of These okay Breakfast Club Vibes yes love The Breakfast Club such I love all those really Like super cheese 80s movies they’re just really fun most of them are completely inappropriate now that’s that’s one thing sometimes you remember movies a certain way and then you watch them back and you’re like oh this is actually uh wouldn’t be appropriate today such is life okay I’m liking this it looks awkward

Cuz but we’ll we’ll figure this out another time but just want to get this all detailed up Today um no where she says I’d be totally fine even with vocals as long as it’s music that isn’t too loud or covering up your voice yeah you guys just have to let me know what the volume Henry says question what in the music now oh um I love Taylor Swift not a

Shocker um I’m a huge but more than Taylor Swift I love L Del re she’s like my favorite it’s always been my vibe um so yeah and I really like I know it’s not like I don’t know if it’s current for today’s music but I really like I’ve always liked Cold Play

And you know that’s always been a favorite but yeah and I’m I’m a huge I’m a huge uh no doubt fan and and then of course Gwen Stefani fan of of course so those are kind of like my so I would say anadel I listen to Adele a lot but only

When I purposely want to be sad cuz that’s just kind of the vibe so yeah so there you go Taylor Adele Lana and Gwen they’re my favorites I could listen to any of their albums anytime never get sick of them it’s kind of kind of my

Vibe um okay and then we have this other Bush this one here but like so far as like Nostalgia music or music that’s not now uh I love I love any all the 80s music it’s my I love it it’s the best it’s just happy happy

Music pilot said says I listen to Adele to be sad about not getting tickets to Adele totally totally like she’s amazing but yeah I mean you have to be prepared to be in a mood if you’re going to listen to an Adele because like even her quote unquote like happy songs

Are like it’s going to make you feel a certain way for sure but sometimes you want that sometimes that’s that’s the beauty about music is sometimes you you really want that music that kind of lets you have that a good cry or just kind of like sit in a feeling for a

Minute you know that’s it’s one of the great things about music is it evokes emotion good or bad okay we need to move this b a bit what about you guys what’s your uh what’s your favorite current band who should I check out who should I listen

To what do you guys like you miss Karen Carpenter I think my mom uh really likes her my dad on the other hand is like my dad’s like the biggest Bob Dylan fan in the world like he has like so much records and memorabilia and like oh my gosh drives my mom

Crazy and like my mom and I always give my dad a hard time cuz we’re like you know your favorite singer can’t really sing he’s just a good poet but he really can’t sing night wish I haven’t heard of the that one I’ll check that out um Seline Dion well of course can’t

Go wrong with Selen Dion can’t go wrong with Seline Dion Oh this is looking good I mean not around it cuz it’s not all Blended out but like right around this area it’s looking nice let’s catch a ride here see what this feels like Oh No Mercy says don’t ask me for

My favorite music we’ll sit here in 3 hours there’s too much good stuff yeah I mean there’s so much good music Shake likes DOA cat why does that not surprise Me yeah she’s great Greg says tell you how old I am Joy my mom’s like [Laughter] her I got that I got that great hey it’s all right listen we’re all at different stages at Life oh thank you thunder yeah the first person does look nice it’s like not too not too much but enough you know like it still feels light even though it’s a lot which I appreciate we’re in a good spot here all right let’s let’s at least come into

Here all right we need to go back to our willow trees Here we go because this is after all Willow Bend so grab I’m just going to lace these randomly and we blend everything In like so um let’s go with some rocks Oops all right and then just a little bit in here nothing crazy and then what we’ll do is we are going to Grab question question question what do I want to do do I want to Do question is oh there are the I do like these bushes we could do I like this song too you could do some bushes along here what would that feel like thanks stepen yeah it’s always good to check the first person to make sure you’re on track it doesn’t feel too

Heavy or too light depending on what you’re going for yeah I’m not mad about this I think this would Work I have to remind myself not to sing because I’m a horrible singer and the last thing I want to do is accidentally like sing on a live stream but I really like these songs oh gosh I’ll probably happen one day okay you saw Tina Turner live FR that’s epic that’s like

Monumental I think um the only thing probably would I saw YouTube or not YouTube YouTube live when I was really young um that was pretty cool trying to think if I saw I had a I had a very um rebellious teenage ER where I went and

Saw Perfect Circle and Tool as much as I could for a minute there that didn’t last very long though but there was there was a time there was a time there was a time for the black mascara and the combat boots and the leather jacket for Sure but like I grew up in the like I grew up in the 90s so like Nirvana was like I think Nirvana Nirvana like died when I was like 14 or something or maybe a little bit older than that but that was like I grew up you know in grunge grunge

Era all right we’re going to do these bushes on this side as well and then we’ll do some of our there’s nothing better than a good oversized flannel though I’ll tell you that that’s I still will rock a nice a nice good flannel can’t beat it

Come join the live stream and talk about music and fashion that’s okay we still need to do we need to do a food a food stream sometime I know we talked about doing that should do that sometime be fun One day we will have a Skyline 6 stream where you all be singing together I agree Stephen we need to like uh make sure there’s no class around shake you too love those bands saw so many times so lucky yeah I mean it was it was a Vibe it was a moment for

Sure I never got to see Nirvana live though um but yeah good Times Tim says I’m so excited to finally wear a shirt I’ve never worn before that’s nice Henry says what about Justin beaver I think because of my age I kind of like I was never into like the pop bands even the ones that were popular when I

Was younger I just never got into the beibs I don’t know he’s clearly very talented um but yeah just never never got into to that or like the the Justin or the you know that stuff I’m just kind of matching the trees that are kind of already here on

The map right here just for this area um so I feel like that just kind of Fits and let’s toss some rocks in Here and some little Overgrowth and let’s also do just some little bushes through here as well there we go coming together look at that I love it starting to make a bit more sense in this town okay right I do think I want to H I don’t think I want to mess along the

Water too much right now because I mean maybe we could do just bring the trees along here for right now but I think like in the future we might want To add a fairy at some point maybe do some things so I think we’ll just kind of maybe we’ll just I don’t ever do this but maybe we’ll do this let’s see Marquee selection we go like this and where do we go where do we go isn’t there a copy Um copy there we go sh don’t tell anybody I didn’t do it this way I know a lot of people do this I’m not opposed to this I just don’t hardly ever do it so don’t tell anybody did it it will be our secret that will be live on YouTube for anyone to

[Laughter] see okay I don’t want to do too much and then um how do I get out of here now I can’t ever remember okay there we go all right and then rocks rocks we could do some bigger rocks in here is that what you mean like put some Boulders through

Here come on flip around the other way there we go and then maybe some little rocks through here and then it’s kind of just a random sprinkling of things and then I think we need to grab some of our willow trees just to pop in here bring that through like so something like

That we enjoy jooy doing it her way could be lyrics for her song yeah okay so now what we need to do is this side looks so nice and colorful we kind of need to bring another um kind of do something similar over here so Let’s bring this down like so um do a little color here at the front um and then um no let’s go back to this yeah bring in some of our other trees Here and we definitely need some orange and red I like it I like it and then um definitely some of these cool all right and then I think what we need is some of these larger trees Just to kind of pull through this area like that now we’re talking look at that yeah that’s nice we need to do something here though this is looking a little this needs to be way More and then we’ll Just get that to Fan out that way and that way something like that and then put a tree or two Here just getting a little mix of stuff in here here we go wow look at that that’s nice I like It I like it and just the constant cars they’re just loving stuff oh look at this I like it all right let me catch up in the chat sorry guys I got totally sucked in planting trees oh thank you Henry yeah you I at least for me I really need detailing to

Like bring something all Together Thunder and Brad are liking the music that’s good Greg says thunder you can write the lyrics to Joy song No Mercy says Skyline 6 in concert skyine 6 on tour Skyline 6 Greatest Hits quick copyright It Off oh my goodness yeah I don’t know maybe someone on the

Skyline 6 can sing we actually haven’t I don’t think we’ve ever talked about that maybe we have a secret secret CER secret sinner a secret singer it’s definitely not me Lamborghini time yeah this looks nice though with the Detailing lots of traffic but what are you going to do is what it is yeah I think this looks nice almost everybody turns here wonder if we should um do a Little like that if that would like improve the Traffic good old little little Biff a Trick I don’t think this is on my 80s playlist anymore this feels poppy to me here we go there we go okay you guys have to let me know we we liking this so far lots of detailing we do need a detail over here with this but I think I’ll wait

Until we kind of go back over there to do stuff yeah I think this is looking nice um I know we have this open field over here but I kind of like the idea of allowing for another like open area over here so I think we’ll just do some trees on the outside Here and kind of let this area in here be like a bit open like so Oh Yeah just planting trees all day long makes a very happy joy very very happy oh yeah let’s do a couple of our little birch trees cuz why not okay and let’s see what else we got in here oh Yeah yeah this is looking really nice okay then we just need a little bit of this make this a bit of a tree line Here very nice very nice and then what we can do is grab um just do a little bit of broken fencing here just a kind of fine the area a bit I think that works Greg I probably if I wasn’t in the career I was in I definitely would 100% no doubt about It it’s kind of in my Blood Yeah I mean with these here I’m I’m not like I’m just stuff randomly always ends up looking good like this so this isn’t I wouldn’t consider this anywhere near like actual landscape design but yeah when I sit down and actually um very intentional about a space I have a lot of fun with

That or we should put our uh weeping willows here yeah there’s so much you can do with Landscaping like I do have I have a I have a yard I do have a yard uh and I have some plans for it that I want to do and I’m I’m

Definitely going to do like some before and after photos for you guys so you can kind of see what it looked like before and like what I ended up doing with it I have some ideas so but I need to make some more money before I do that cuz actual like legit

Landscaping so expensive definitely for the rich people but you can do a lot on your own too but uh it’s a lot lot of it’s even that way it’s a lot of work and money when you go to do that a thanks guys I’m glad you like it I like doing

It it makes me happy makes me very happy I feel like we should put a little something here let’s find something of Larry’s maybe a little dog park or something or other yeah dog park maybe another little Park what else we got oh that’s right we need to do our

Community gardens I keep forgetting keep forgetting those we should definitely do Those um Let’s bring that in okay and let’s see what we got let’s do oh this would be a good place to bring in some Flowers Do not like being close to that fence that’s what we have move it for B badm is that how you say your name welcome to Joy’s stream well she will always butcher your name because she’s horrible at pronouncing names welcome on in Henry says I always wanted

To be an architect that didn’t happen for me but that’s okay I’m good yeah I’m already too far down the line in my career like City skylines is the closest I will ever come to being a landscape [Laughter] architect and I’m I’m okay with that my life took a different

Direction but I do I do love my job Now but yeah there’s it’s there’s some creativity a little bit but mostly it’s just managing mostly I just manage the creativity uh but yeah but life’s funny that way like sometimes you have an idea what you’re going to do do and life just ends up different oh thanks Brad I’m glad you

Like it yeah we’re making progress we’re slowly making this town into something that looks cool I feel like right here though we should definitely do some sort of Park out here maybe but I wonder if we should um I wonder if we should do our we should do our um Community

Gardens um actually maybe right in here is actually a good space for the Community Gardens or do we want them kind of more maybe actually here kind of more near town yeah maybe we do them here Brad that is so nice of you thank you so much everyone give Brad lots of Love thank you so much really appreciate That uh you wanted to play cs1 but stream said no but steam said no oh no so that’s interesting because I was trying to get logged in to play this with you guys today that’s why I was late and like steam was not loving

Me it kept I was trying to like just I sat down and make my thumbnail like 30 minutes before I was going to go live and I’d been messing with it since then I had to reboot my computer no it was not liking me either that’s interesting

Yeah I was wondering if something was up with it cuz I was like uh and then the game crashed and then so then I shut everything down I tried to turn it back on again and then it was like and then my computer crashed and I was like oh no but knock

On wood it’s okay right now so Greg said I was a store oh hi William welcome on in no you didn’t miss the stream I started late cuz my computer crashed so we’re we’re going to be here for a little bit longer so don’t worry um Greg

Says I was a store planner and loved it design the layout Interiors of grocery stores Greg do you know so my um my uncle is still a produce manager he’s been a produce manager his whole entire life my very first job was bagging groceries and then I was a cashier and

Then I became the store Secretary of the grocery store and then I worked my way up to HR I did that for a while I just kind of stayed there and that made a thing of it creature of habit I Guess um okay so let’s look at these so this is the small one and then there’s this oh we got to use this big one and then there’s this size but I think we use all three and make a thing I think maybe we do something out here and put it out here

Cuz it’s like slightly off the main road we got to do some paths in between make it look really nice too all right let’s do it really there’s some internet problems huh well that makes sense I was like why is like I can’t get anything to

Work oh hold on wait a minute hold on guys sorry if that means I got to make sure my job’s website is still working okay it’s still up yeah whenever there’s internet was like oh no like uh web page problems or whatever okay let’s just get some paths in Here many Es okay okay okay okay was trying to clean this up a little bit there we go good deal I don’t know if I love this I don’t think I love this at all I don’t hate it but I don’t know I feel like the placement wrong feel like the placement

Wrong we’ll leave it for right now I think I might do something different next time I feel like it needs a better like dedicated area but uh let’s just leave that for now we can always come back to that let’s um bring some of our bushes along here

That we have on the other side of town that we did that will look really nice these ones bring in a little bit of consistency of landscaping throughout the town we’ll do that yeah I just feel like those Community Gardens I almost want to do

Like a little dirt road and kind of give it its own little dedicated place so we can still put it out here but I think I want to do it a little differently but I don’t think we have time to get into all that today because I’d want to make a thing

Out of it which is good but I am streaming today during my lunch break so I do have to go back to work here very shortly um but we can get a bit more done hope everyone else is like off work ready for a fun Friday all right let’s bring in some of

This and let’s actually bring in some height back here I feel like I do want some of these larger trees back in this area yeah that looks nice and nice big and some of These kind of a bit of a denser area back here in between these houses like definitely if you lived in one of these houses if you like neighbor kids you would meet in here and like build a fort that’ be the funnest who else had tree fors when they were little I

Did not like an official nice one that anyone built but like some neighbor kids we did have like a park that was near us that we would all go to and we like built a makeshift like tree fort I’m surprised none of us broke an arm or something

Uh it’s 10 p.m. here so I could watch stream all night pilot have a wonderful time at work in the skies keeping everyone safe have a wonderful wonderful time we’ll see you on Sunday so excited yeah everyone make sure you go subscribe to Pilot’s channel so you

Don’t miss out on our collab on Sunday all right Willow Bend is looking pretty nice pretty nice all right yep let’s just do a bit more back here let’s bring in the Trees that are already here going of blend this In definitely bring in a little color Though some Red Rocks there we go that’s looking snazzy they allow you just to load in and play streams so uh I have a really cool boss and uh I work from home and she knows that I you know we’ve talked about she knows I stream twice a week and she

Knows my schedule and she’s really cool she’s great with it now if something like really uh if something came up that was like you know I would I would not stream I would you know what I mean so it’s also all dependent on you know what’s going

On with work as well but no she’s cool you know and as long as I get my work done you know she doesn’t mind when I decide to take my lunch break or if I decide to eat at my desk and then stream on my lunch she doesn’t

Mind which is great I know I’m very very lucky to have the boss that I do she is amazing she really is really is um okay let’s grab oh yeah a little bit of This Perfect I love it love it okay all right we didn’t finish this um but we did get a lot done um and unfortunately I do have to get back to work so um I can’t go longer turned down this music a little bit but I hope you guys um

Enjoyed the stream sorry we got a little bit of a late start today um but uh yeah I’m I’m hoping you guys are liking how our little Willow Bend is coming together we’re going to redo these Gardens and figure all that out now next time so probably one more

Episode on this uh little town and then we’ll be able to move on to creating our new one so but yeah I appreciate you all so much we might need another police station we might we’ll we’ll take a we’ll take a little audit of the town next time and

Just make sure we have everything that we need um and just take a look through everything great stream thanks so much a thank you a thanks Brad you guys bring me a lot of Joy I have been looking forward to this all [Laughter] week and I appreciate you guys being

Patient with me and just you guys are awesome I love you guys all right well I hope everyone has an awesome weekend I will see you all on Sunday don’t forget um to come hang out it’s going to be premieres back to back should be lots of

Fun and I hope you all have a joyful day and I’ll catch you next time


  1. Thank you so much for the stream, really loved it 💛

    I think the 80s music was a very nice idea, i really enjoyed it ^-^
    Always very lovely to hang out chatting, with some music and some detailing 🎶🌲

    Much much appreciated 🙌
    Again thank you so much Joy, you are wonderful 💛
    ALL the best ^-^

  2. Sorry I couldn’t catch the stream. Love the music in the background. Great job on the landscaping. 👍🏻

    Edit: As a child of the late 60s-early 70s, I prefer 70s music but 80s works too.

  3. So sad that I missed the stream. I am excited for the premieres on Sunday. Love being back in Fairsted
    Loved the 80's style music.
    Was it the green ped/bike path? I used this one a lot too and would have holes everywhere.
    Beautiful detailing. Love the look of the Nature Reserve path with the little trees and bushes alongside it. It fits the area perfectly. Also the other side with all the grass and trees.
    Maybe you can sneek the Bird and Bee Haven in there somewhere. I think it would fit in with all the trees and bushes. The area behind the framers market looks like a perfect place for it Also some rocks at the riverbank around the little bridge?

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