
thejungalow: Find yourself (like us!) working from home all of the sudden? Here are a few tip…

Find yourself (like us!) working from home all of the sudden? Here are a few tips hook up your new work from home situation:
1.) situate yourself at a desk or table, preferably near a window. Natural light increase mental alertness and supports regulation of vitamin D, serotonin and melatonin which can help prevent colds and flu 😅😅😅.
2.) noise cancelling headphones can help keep things quiet. Play nature sounds if music is too distracting. 🎧
3.) if you don’t have a comfortable office chair, rotate chairs every couple of hours and make sure to stretch! 🪑
4.) surround your work table with plants. They will make your workplace prettier, help clean the air, add life and bring the good vibes. 🌱
5.) working from home can be intense, make sure to create dedicated “office hours” for yourself so you know when to have some family time or ‘me time.’ ⏰
#jungalow #homeoffice #workfromhome #homeofficeideas #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsplantsplants #workplacewellness #workplacedesign #urbanjungle #bohooffice #homeofficegoals

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