
Forgive me. I think my earthworm choice was a mistake. Help me come up with a way to safely remove them, and remove castings from moss. Moss is very damaged.

Other biota include a glechoma cutting, two isopods, springtails, and some unidentified teeny worms plus other as-yet unidentified or unobserved life. I added the earthworms (2 exactly) about 3 weeks ago, and they’ve deposited many casting mounds, much to the detriment of my moss which is experiencing severe die back. Entire ecosystem is about 4 months old.

Would love any advice for restoring more balance favoring the moss especially. I really enjoy the texture and color of the moss so it’s the priority. I adore my roly pollies too, so they’re my next priority to preserve. Thanks for any insight!

by vespertine_earth


  1. Actias_Loonie

    I’m getting the same thing. I thought earthworms are great for soil, right? Forgot how much castings they make.

  2. Droidaphone

    If you’re already considering reworking the entire terrarium to remove the earthworm, why not try putting a small dish or something in it for moss to grow in that the worm can’t tunnel through?

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