
Titanopsis Hugo-Schlecteri Kliprand Seedlings!

I was not expecting these to germinate so fast but I had to share! I sowed them Saturday night! This is the first type of mesemb I’ve ever started to grow from seed 🥳 I’m newer to this sub and got bit by some sort of horticulture bug a couple years ago and then decided to take botany at my community college. Fast forward to a few months ago when I discovered Steve Hammer and then found this sub! I cannot express enough gratitude to this sub for how helpful everyone is. I will be posting updates periodically. Seeds are from Mesa Garden and I used Steve Hammer’s substrate mix and topped it with some gravel. Wish me luck! ☺️💚

by SomewhereOnKamino

1 Comment

  1. KiwiFella07

    Good luck! Titanopsis are a treat to grow, much faster than plants like lithops. I did fail with my first attempt at T. primosii but after that things have worked out.

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