Edible Gardening

Life in south Germany – My green wallπŸƒ Edible fruits from it makes it even precious 🌿 πŸ‡

A simple way to bring more life into your Garden and build a Tranquil place for relaxing and enjoying with loved ones. Edible fruits from a green wall makes it even precious. A small story how I made a uncolourful wall into a beautiful sight. In the video I share some important points, which should be considered before creating a green wall.

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Hello I’m prash welcome to my Channel today I’m going to show you this small beautiful garden behind me one of the biggest challenge as I created this Garden was to bring much variety as possible into this small space and still make it look bigger and spacious so

Let’s first of all just walk into the garden and start with this wall which we have this is a small wall which separates our house and the neighbor’s house and the first question was when we just go out of out into the garden do you want what do you want to do with

This small space with this wall which was was just fainted just plain white which was not really interesting we were not quite sure what we were want to do let me show you what we did This is so so beautiful because let me show you Now look at this I have this beautiful grapes which are ripe now and they tasty really really great oh yes that’s so sweet so sweet so the biggest challenge with this wall or with this grape was to find a grape which is resistant to fungal fungal diseases because this is a very tight

Space so if you do not have air flowing through the leaves and the fruits you could easily get fungal diseases and if you have fungal diseases the only thing which can do is to spray so we had to find we didn’t want to spray any kind of

Chemicals we want to have our garden and organic garden so so what we Tred to do was try to find a a kind of grapes which is resistant to these um these fungal diseases and we finally found one this is a very very healthy plant and which

Grows very quickly so that means in in Spring just just early spring early summer before within one month this whole wall is going to be very green so this is a very beautiful site for us you can really enjoy the summer and the spring because it’s immediately gets

Green it’s not anymore gray or or or white it becomes very Lively so when you’re planning something like that these are the questions which you have to just put onto the table and and try to find the proper answers and there are so many good literature actually uh

Which could help you for us the thing which helped us was we love drinking wine so we used to travel a lot to the north uh North Italy uh to the wine region and buy wine there so we found some wineries um and and some um and some garden centers in North

Italy where they specialize in cultivating plants which are resistant to diseases so that you can use them in organic uh agriculture so this helped us a lot we went to to these uh garden centers and talk to them and they they were really good they just told us everything which we needed to

Know and so we bought a lot of plants from them and brought it here it was such a blessing that we did that and we had this opportunity to do that because otherwise we would have never found these kind of grapes which are so healthy and and we do not have to spray

Anything and that means we also have less work in this Garden we just just have to just keep on cleaning the leaves and and keep keep just an eye on it that it is not getting too dense um just bring a little bit air and bring a

Little bit water into the system that it is Flowing so everything is working properly and and that is that is just a very minor work which you have to do um compared to to what you are rewarded with really I mean just this is these are so such a beautiful grapes I will

Show you some more close-up pictures of these grapes as well and then they are so tasty and we have these in abundance this is one plant which is so big and still it Bears such a lot of fruits and they are still tasty actually I could just sit here and

Just without just filming I could just sit here and just PL C of grapes and just eat keep eating the only thing which I have to watch out is the the Wasps because the Wasps are enjoying the grapes as well we have lot of wasp let

Me show you some nice pictures of them as well they enjoy these grapes as well but we have such a lot I don’t have to do anything don’t have to put a net or something like that just to protect my grapes I’m really glad to share this with this

Nature I’m not scared of wasps and I think they are also not scared of me as long as we are not coming too close to each other you know what I mean so we are just just just just good good friends just just come far Away W

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