Front Yard Garden

How I’m fixing my soil pH // Improving my patchy front lawn

Let the front lawn go a bit recently so it’s time to get it back on track!!!
Continuing the work of making amendments from the soil analysis I had done and looking forward to getting it lush and green!
Links to all products I use on my lawn-
Lawn programs-

One of the reasons your lawn might suck is because of issues with the pH let’s have a talk about how you can identify it and fix It get and welcome to a new video with heaps been going on on the back LA with a massive renovation out the back there building my veggie garden things like that I haven’t been paying as much attention to this front lawn and I haven’t really updated much out here for

A while it feels like so I am really kicking into gear with it now to try and tuck it off in Autumn uh make the most of that nice Autumn weather make the most of the heat that’s left over here in southeast Victoria and get it into

Some really good shape now it has recently out here been not growing very well at all especially on this nature strip it is really struggling I’ve been digging out by hand a lot of P palum recently but especially if you just stop here and look at in this area you can

See bits of Kaku there that have got you know area to spread into but there’s also a bit of Pas palum bit of exposed soil so yeah look if I want to have a nice Green Lawn throughout autumn and winter this year like I had last year

When I did the Ry overseed needs a bit of work I haven’t cylinder moded this front lawn for a little while now just been running over it with the rotary M every now and again um I have no idea why but for some reason I had a lawn

Tips mix application in for last week when I was doing my back la renovation Whoever thought that was going to be a good idea so that became a little bit overdue and I did when I was seeing some really good results pre- Christmas I kind of backed off on some of my

Applications so I did do a full soil analysis I got a full soil analysis done in sort of October my main two issues were deficiencies in potassium and sulfur and my pH was a little high so a turbo turbo charged my normal program and then I kind of yeah saw great

Results and like I said dropped a what dropped off on certain things and I’ve had other priorities recently and so yeah here we are but yesterday I got the lawn tips mix applied I’m a little bit low on the spring mix I’ve got sort of one applications worth of product for

The back laor so yeah I applied the winter mix out the front here which has got a little more of that pottassium and phosphorus in it to help strengthen the root system which is um going to be great for this lawn as well as my specialized pottassium product that I

Bought when I got that soil test back when I did my sulfur application in Spring actually might have been start of December in the end late November maybe but at that time I bought extra of that product and so I could have two applications and I actually one stage

Thought it was a waste but now I need to use it again now this lawn has always struggled in I think it’s been just under a year and a half that we’ve lived here and it has struggled the whole time except for when I did that Ry overseed

Clearly the r could thrive in this soil but overall it’s been thin it’s been wispy it’s been struggling and so I have done um a couple of B basic pH test so you can get a pH test kit like this from Bunnings for know like 20 25 bucks my

Full soil analysis I got through Emma at Lawn Care Australia for $100 worth every cent you could easily waste 100 bucks on products on doing the wrong thing to your lawn so to me it’s a pretty good investment so yeah you can do this just

For get a bit of soil put it on the thing the instructions in here are great um so I don’t need to explain all that to you but yeah I uh Keen to get this sulfur out on the so what I’m applying today is sulfate of ammonia and you know

It is a product that you do need to be careful with which I’ll talk about in a second but essentially you want your pH to be around about 6 and 1/2 kind of in that neutral range to make the soil a great condition for it to grow if your

PH is too high you need to apply sulfur or sulfate if it’s too low you need to apply a lime product so here’s what I’m talking about with falling off on those product applications probably not watering this enough as I really should it has kind of Fallen away there’s a

Spot over here where I did a reel on Instagram where I put some sprigs from my scarifier and they’ve kind of taken in there pretty well but they’re still establishing and I haven’t been hand watering this spot enough and yeah anyway so here is that product granula sulfate of ammonia actually can’t

Remember how much it is for the 5 kilo bag but I need about 7 and 1 half or so kilos to go out across the entire front lawn um something that I don’t do with normal granular fertilizers so um the fertilizers I use I need 2 kilo per 100

Squares 180 is these five areas added together so I’ll just put 3.6 kilos into the spreader and go around one at a time doing each section and and getting it nice and even something because this oops bit of paint um because of how this product um can really easily burn your

Lawn and you really do not want to overly it I actually like to measure out per section and straight away as soon as I’ve applied onto that section start watering it in immediately basically and you don’t want to take any chances with watering it in make sure any section

That has had the product applied to it you get water on it and give it a really good amount of water not stupid to the point of runoff and things like that but really really want to make sure it’s not going to burn your lawn especially now

Not too bad if I cause burn to my lawn now because there’s still warmth and good growing weather it would come back before the cooler months but still need to be careful the instructions say to lightly water your lawn beforehand so so we’ll do that and then get into

It helps if the Taps On A She’s that spread of there it was like really blocking up and just not uh Distributing evenly and even then I was like on click click click cuz it was just shooting out a heap right at the start so I actually across all those sections there I’m fairly comfortable

Except for this section in the end how evenly I distributed um all of the product but I am just a bit um yeah bit worried about this one um didn’t appear to be clogged up the spreader but yeah anyway done the best I can um I’ll guess I’ll try give that

Spreader a bit of a clean out but anyway uh anyway definitely is a lot of stuffing around getting those products down but now I can just let these sprinklers run there’s a little corner here and probably up in that back corner up there where I where I will get the hose and

I’ll need to hand water those just to make sure that um those areas definitely go in nicely um yeah in the end the amounts that I wanted it all worked out perfectly for nothing left in the bag so that is good good and I’m sure we’ll get

A nice green up especially from the nitrogen that comes in that sulfate of ammonia product um yeah it’s it’s really that nitrogen you really got to be careful of with burn so yeah I’ve really stood over those hand watered sections giving them as much as I can and yeah

Just hopefully uh no burn would be ideal so I’ve got a scalp and scarifier coming up on the front lawn next week to really clear out the dead stuff and freshen it up for Autumn which I’m really really looking forward twoo and now out in the backyard would you look at that can’t

See anything cuz it’s so washed out one sec getting really really nice beautiful green growth shoot through here some really great patches out on this perimeter maybe that will look a little bit better you can see that really nice Haze of green something I actually always tend to find with the Renault is

There is one particular day you come out and you just go wow that exploded overnight and today was one of of those days really nice um coverage of good green growth and yeah I just don’t think it is ever really going to come up well

I need to get an ND filter Ben told me about that just on the phone this morning actually so also hopefully the music’s been really good in this video and thanks to Ben if it is and if it’s not leave hate comments on his videos

And actually I do want to say for those people that have commented and said that there’s been issues with music and stuff at times and you know just the really nice nature of those comments not saying this is junk but just saying hey mate just so you know it’s a little bit loud

I think it’s mainly for people that watch on TV um not on their phone or computer or whatever but anyway big thank you to those people who nicely and respectfully have left a comment to say hey mate just so you know think there might be you might need to play with the

The sound a little bit so thanks for that but yeah I am going to come out here with my leveling rake just before my lunchtime water so I have just been watering twice per day because from my 5:00 a.m. water and see a bit of pass

Pale in there because from a 500 a.m. water we haven’t been having any issues with drying out um you know until that sort of 12 1:00 water which is awesome so yeah just watering twice a day at the moment and even yesterday 32° and 5:00 a.m. and a midday kept it damp until

Sort of 5:00 p.m. so happy days so thank you for watching that video make sure you sort out that soil PH if you having issues have a look at getting a soil test done I’m going back to painting this fence before I can finally get some palings on this veggie garden it cannot

Wait for that yeah thanks very much for watching the video make sure you hit subscribe if you have enjoyed it you are enjoying the videos and I’ll see you in the next one [Applause] cheers


  1. Yeah Nah. That is the wrong kind of Sulphur for lowering PH. Use Manutec 3 kg granulated as it has no Nitrates and no chance of burning your grass.

  2. Great video, the rear lawn looks like it's coming along nicely. Keen to see the progress on the front as well. Pleased you adjusted the audio, watched this video without touching the volume. 🙂👍

  3. Which sprinkler are you using at the end there? Think that might be a good option for mind

  4. So how well does the Bunnings test work? Does it tell u exactly what your soil is lacking and so what u should apply?

  5. Hey mate, really enjoying your videos. I have had lots of experience with alkaline soils over the years when i was a Golf Course Superintendent. Two of the courses i worked at need acid injection systems attached to the irrigation system to help remedy the issues. In my time i found that any granular products i applied really only had a impact on the top inch or two of the surface of the soil. With most or the roots at least a meter deep it really wasn't effective. The only way i could get them past the surface was a reno time through deep core aeration and getting the products down the holes. If you keep at it over the years you will get there. Even a number of cores each year helps accelerate the process dramatically. Dont put all your eggs in the sulphur based products basket. Organics are great, and the acid released from the slow break down in the soil of these refined products does do the trick as well. Use the fine products, not the pellets. If you want to get really deep in your soil, you could also slowly spend some time "drilling" the soil. Use a long timber bit on your driver and start smashing some holes deep into the profile. Mix your organica with some dry clean sand and get it down the holes. You will be suprised how quickly that area will turn around. The effect will also last for years.

    Hope your front yard reno comes back nicely.

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