Container Gardening

Expanding Container Garden | Growing Season Tour | Look How Far That Soil Went


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Hey y’all welcome back to my channel Mississippi Girl life I am T make just country Mississippi girl born and raised but now is living in North Carolina this channel is aimed to motivate and inspire you I hope you enjoy okay y’all so on this day um we was getting well finishing up the

Buckets putting holes in them and stuff like that so because of the video prior to this one um I had some people in the comments um say that you know the soil was too expensive but they didn’t watch the video before so I’m going to explain you

Got to watch my my videos goes into like a series okay so you got to watch the first one the previous one to know what’s going on in the second one okay I’m that’s just the way it is all right so it’s a it’s a life Vlog okay and this

Is what I do so you have to know before you assume okay so I’mma I’mma explain it to you if you go back two videos the last two videos prior to this video you would see um in those videos we went and did the got the soil the guy explained

How the soil I showed you the the the scoop what a scoop of soil is and all that good stuff um and then the next one the video the saw was delivered well in that title I put that spent $140 all right 35 of that was for delivery but I got four

Bulldozers scoops of soil y’all so they had two different types you had the one with the compost in it which was Turkey manure and like clippings and stuff like that was $26 a scoop then you have your regular top s was $21 a scool with nothing in it so I ended up getting

Three of the composted one for $26 each and one scoop of the just plain nothing in it tops off for $21 that’s where I got my 140 from so yes it was a heck of a deal this is not my first time getting soil from Landscaping Aras this is my

First time getting from this particular place so I wanted to just put that out there and explain because you know sometime people don’t get all the information they run with it but you got to understand when you put stuff in the chat that’s not correct and people come

Behind you and look at the comment and take what you say they some people run with it without even verifying for themselves and that’s false information and that will make people go to these stores buy all this soil in the bag and it’s it calls them an arm in a leg and

Then they may be like oh it’s not worth it I’m not going to you cannot do that you have to know so if you are new to the Channel please make sure that you are watching the videos um getting the information before you put certain information in the chat because y’all

Got to understand I do have a lot of people that just do not watch my videos they don’t want to watch it and then they come and they ask me stuff that I just it I mean it be in a title like in the past two or three days I had people

Put stuff in ask me questions that my title gave you the answer to like so that tells me right there you just want to answer and you don’t want to you know you don’t want to research or you don’t want to watch to F you know to get your

Answer or nothing like that and I don’t have time to stop and just answer questions especially when I just put the answers in the video hey y’all so oh my goodness we’ve been doing a lot of work I got my coat on cuz I am chilling now y’all guess

What I need some more dirt so if y’all saw the video before this one um y’all saw the dirt being delivered and everything like that and let me show you what we was able to get done today ooh it’s a yellow intent y’all I’m sorry it’s it’s got gloomy it’s like almost

4:00 in the evening and this thing got chilly and gloomy so now I see like a yellow intent so if you see a yellow tent I am sorry I can’t do nothing about that it’s how the sky is and in the sunset and all that type of stuff but look

Y’all so this is what we was able to do everybody worked today everybody all hands was on Deck today um we had started this um the day that that the that the soil kind got here and we didn’t finish so it rained yesterday and then let’s see so I got the

Soil on the 22nd it rained the 23rd and I think today is the 24th I think let me see Wednesday was the 21st 22nd 2 yeah today the 24th so we was able to come out here at least finish this so um everything the buckets

Got um soil in it um it has holes in the bottom and this is the growing space that’s going to be for this area over here so what I did was um this is going to be grow bag okay and the reason why this is going to

Be grow bags is because these are what my peanuts is going to be and with peanuts once St flour you got to throw this um it’s like Lancaster powder on it that’s what you have to do or you really won’t get no peanut um yel so we started

Filling this up um but I got to get more dirt but because I’m going to be throwing that um powder for my peanuts only cuz it’s for peanuts um I’m putting it over here cuz I wanted to keep it kind of away okay so my peanuts is going

To be here I’m probably going to do two two things of peanuts I’m not sure I may do all grow bag full of peanuts I just may do that so I may get the other grow bags that I have right here and I may get them they going to be too heavy

So um I may bring that half one over here and it be like just a half a grow bag um um but I do got to yeah that’s probably what I do this gr bag will probably go over here and it’ll be two areas for peanuts um and then this area

Going to get tarp down this I had said was going to be for flowers it’s not going to be for flowers it’s going to be for food okay it’s going to be for food I think I’mma do my melons and stuff over here where they could trellis up so

I think cou and melons and stuff like that is going to be in this right here um I’m put some corn in here I can get about three rows with three in each row right there and then going to start tarping this whole area and then once I

Tarp this area cuz I’m out of buckets I’m out of the buckets that I got so once I start tarping this area I don’t know what I’mma do but this a lot of growing this going to be a lot of growing a lot of growing right here um

I’m actually thinking about getting this grow bag putting it over there I’m actually thinking about then it’ll just be the two for the peanuts okay y’all so they actually pulling that over there while they do that this right here I know is going to be for beans um that

Way it can they can trellis up or whatnot going to be for um beans okay so I’mma get some um hardware cloth to top this once I top top that then um I have it to where I can put the poles in it um to

Make the beans go up it to it and then they can hang down so that’s my plan for that so those let me show y’all these tote bans right here is where I’m doing my beans in so these tote bans that I got is what’s going to get

Filled and going to get put in here for beans okay that’s a lot of tarps over there that we use for the soil to drag it back here in here I already started putting my blueberries black berries and stuff like that my berries I do have my little lemon

Bushes um in there and I do have a fig tree that’s in there too so that should help with the birds and stuff eating my my stuff so yeah so we start putting that off up in there and I got to come out here tomorrow and I really got to

Weed everything um let’s go in here so what I did was y’all know I’m big on starting seeds and regular soil but since I didn’t have no soil um that wasn’t heavily composted from the previous growing season I was buying the seed starting stuff but I went on and

Filled this bin up with the soil that I just got and y’all saw the only thing that was added to it was pite because it has turkey manure already in it so this is where I’m going to be starting my season so if you got good soil loose

Soil you can start your seeds and soil I mean it don’t have to be that seed starting mixing see they done moved up and the prices the cheaper on is sold out so look let me do what I always do I was just buying that because I was out of

The soil okay um but yeah I need to come and do a Harvest on my spinach and stuff this greenhouse right here is so warm y’all a little update these heat lamps is doing the job this is a 15 by7 7 by seven greenhouse and I got two heat

Lamps and they are doing the job my tomato plants we got down to like 33 degre my tomato plants stay nice and toasty and fine up in here okay so keep that in mind um I’ll probably starting seeds tomorrow God say the same I got to start all my other seeds or whatnot

Since I got saw that’s what’s been holding me up um is the saw situation so I got some things that’s looking really really good that’s you know doing what it’s got to do my parsley and basil and stuff I always have a hard time with parsley and basil and stuff but I’mma to

Let it do what it do um so yeah everybody looks really really good look see I got a lot of uh peas and stuff I started all these from seeds and they are doing just fine but they going to be ready to be put in the thing I even got my radishes

Right here so yeah um so everything is doing really really good in here okay so that’s how that’s looking okay so right here y’all I need to deweed all this I’m going have my son to weed e tomorrow um but y’all prob y’all will have this

Video before you see the one where he weed th this right here look flowers growing up in there I think that’s some lettuce right there like some uh aruga all these is my strawberries and I’m gonna be taking some of these out and potting them in different areas because this bed is like

Full of strawberries and weeds and stuff like that but these is like three four different seasons of strawberries and they make it through the coal and everything so um because of the weight of these I’mma to leave my trees right here um see how they do let’s see over

Here is my potato beans this is just a big tarp thing that’s got to go in the shed y’all cuz it was covering the soil but um it’s all weeded out right here it’s supposed to be where I put my potatoes in I don’t know if I’m going to

Um keep potatoes in there or e I’m going let Tatiana do all the potatoes or what not you can do potatoes and containers y’all saw me do several times I just don’t know if I’m going to what I’m going do but I’m going to clean

It out tomorrow God say the same um this greenhouse right here it’s just got like over winner and stuff and it’s got B buckets in here um yeah more bucket so um it’s going to be I don’t know what I’mma do for in this greenhouse okay let’s go in so I can

Show y’all cuz y’all can’t see through that screen but I’m thinking cuz I got a green house sorry y’all it’s full of buckets already I don’t know what I’mma do um oh my peas is growing I got beans in here that’s growing like crazy they flowering so I got some um strawberry

Plants in here I got some of my pepper plants in here and I got these buckets that I may take out and um I tell you what I may do I may grow in ground in here um that’s what I may do since I’m looking at the buckets that I could

Possibly use on the outside I may grow some things cuz all I got to do is put a little slit in here and grow stuff in ground um and that may be what I do that literally maybe what I do in here grow INR in the greenhouse

Um I’m thinking that sounds kind of good um I just don’t know yet I don’t know I don’t know if that’s what I’m going to do but I like my container so probably not cuz I can grow in ground outside and I don’t want to mess up my

Flooring so I’m probably just going to eventually get these buckets up out of here and get everything on the outside or whatnot and whatever comes back comes back um that’s what I think I’m going to do um and then make sure I got all the buckets on

The outside and then I can work on what I’m going to be growing actually in here that sounds like a plan cuz the stuff on the outside I can grow in ground um I can grow in ground Brown so yeah I’mma figure it out I

Don’t know exactly what to do in here if y’all got some suggestions give me some suggestions um cuz I really don’t need let’s see I don’t know I’ll figure it out I figure it out it’s going to really go um it’s really going to determine if what I do with that Center

Area if I do that Center area that’s up there that I said going to get if Mo if I do that area then I won’t if I do in ground up here then I won’t need to put buckets over here you get what I’m saying so um I don’t

Know exactly if I’m going to tarp this area right here or if I’m going to um cuz what I can do you know what I know what I’m going to do I should have enough I may just brick this area off a little bit and just grow in ground in

That area that’s probably what I may do um or I may do rolls of potato this may be the potato area if I brick it around that will be good potato area do mounds of potatoes right here not sure but yeah so that’s what I

Got to figure that out but I know this is beans and stuff right here um like I was saying okay let’s go right here to this one let’s see what the progress is in here I already know a lot of my tomatoes and stuff is going to be growing in here

Um I got greens and stuff which I may move the greens to that Greenhouse over there and let that be greens and lettuce um and stuff over there I may do that I may I just may do that okay but right now it’s greens that I need to come and

Harvest but everybody seem like they are doing really good in here uh cabbage and if you see that white stuff is my do Tom Earth food grade do Tom Earth or whatnot on these my tree and everything is doing really good I got to get out here and water but I had cleaned

Up out here and I know my tomatoes um Peppers I’mma to do some peppers in here and stuff like that that do not need to be pollinated will be in here okay so I know that for a fact um a lot of that type of

Stuff oh I got broccoli that I did not take off it’s the divided on me it’s the divided on me look at that I have to get that and I got a a snow Crown cauliflower look ain’t that pretty focus focus focus ain’t that pretty my L didn’t want to focus y’all

That is so pretty so pretty so definitely probably going to just gave me idea probably going to put my greens over there um in that Greenhouse um that way I can use this one for my tomatoes and stuff like that um yeah that’s what I think I’mma do

Um I got a lot of buckets to move from out here though if I do that or I could just is keep my greens over here add some Tomatoes over here that’ll be fine that’ll be fine they keep from having a lot of work to do cuz moving all these

Greens it’s going to be a lot so since they already in here I may just keep the greens in here and then I can always stick tomatoes in here um different areas or whatnot cuz those cabbage and stuff is going to be coming out the brussel sprouts and stuff like that

Going to be coming out so to keep it from being a lot of work that’s probably what I would do and um yeah I’ll figure it out but y’all get the gist of how everything is coming Al right now all right y’all so I am back in inside we are done for

Today everything is coming together perfect um it’ll be next organizer trying to figure out where I’m going to put everything but um and and then I got to get some more sa so hopefully probably Monday I’ll probably be ordering um me some um more so having them to deliver some more soil or

Whatnot um come Monday if if it’s God’s will that’s the plan because I got a lot more stuff that I need to like those bins and stuff like that top stuff off you know all that so yeah this is pretty much a video to motivate you and give

You a update of what how everything is looking hopefully give you some ideas and all this type of stuff to get ready for your spring and summer garden 2024 for y’all so um that is the plan so I hope y’all enjoyed this video um give me some suggestions in the comment if y’all

Got any suggestions on what I was asking about about the layout or whatnot give me those suggestions put them down in the comment section okay I do see y’all comments I normally heart and like I comment here and there but y’all I’m so so so so busy but I do read y’ comments

Okay so yeah so thank y’all so much for watching okay y’all that’s the end of this video I hope y’all was motivated and inspired don’t forget to like comment and subscribe hit the notification Bell so you be notified each and every time that I upload a

Video and I will see y’all in the next one if it’s God’s will y’all be safe okay until next time bye


  1. 👋🏾 MGL those green onions are looking delicious 😅. We are here for the harvest time, clean out buckets,dropping seeds and backyard layouts. Great content 👍🏾

  2. I think you got a great deal! I went to my local nursery and the soil looked terrible and they were charging $40 a scoop!! And I'm sure it's not as good as that east coast soil!

  3. Hi MGL nice set up. I was wondering if people priced soil? I have 9 raise beds, I add leaves to the bottom. IF I did'nt it would take 8 bags to fill at $10 to $12 dollars per bag of soil. You only can fill 3 buckets per bag so you got a deal. The big grow bags add leaves to the bottom,add dirt on top grow your potatoes in. Leave your brussel sprout in till fall keep well watered. Stay Blessed!!!!

  4. You don’t be playing 😂😅…everything looks so beautiful and delicious 🤤. Thankful I found you bc I’m in NC as well and it helps.

  5. The weed in the corner you said looks like arugula is dandelion. Take time to google it and see all the benefits of that WEED! LOL! Everything is looking so good.

  6. Hi Miss North Carolina! Where in NC do you live. Getting ready to start my "God Harvest" garden. Please save me some seeds, and let's start to share

  7. Hi this is my first time watching your video. From what I heard u say…, u got a heck of a deal!! That’s awesome. Everything is looking amazingly wonderful.❤

  8. New subscriber! So glad I found your channel. You're definitely an inspiration. ❤ Do you mind me asking where you purchased the green greenhouses? . They look great and sturdy. I'm trying to decide on one for my backyard. Thank you!

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